Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

SPECIFICATIONS Width: 36" / 0.91 m Capacity: 500 lbs / 227 kg Vantage Seat Capacity: 350 lbs / 159 kg Fitted Hull Weight: 98 lbs / 44.4 kg Fully Rigged Weight: 120 lbs / 54.4 kg Hull Construction: Rotomolded Polyethylene Crew: 1 Length: 12' / 3.66 m

Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 110

Kayak 11 years ago 500,746 views

SPECIFICATIONS Width: 36" / 0.91 m Capacity: 500 lbs / 227 kg Vantage Seat Capacity: 350 lbs / 159 kg Fitted Hull Weight: 98 lbs / 44.4 kg Fully Rigged Weight: 120 lbs / 54.4 kg Hull Construction: Rotomolded Polyethylene Crew: 1 Length: 12' / 3.66 m

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Most popular comments
for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

Ken Prescott
Ken Prescott - 7 years ago
Great demo of this Kayak. Best Iv'e seen. Thanks for taking the time to put together the video. I feel really good about my decision to buy this yak. Thanks again...Happy fishing.
gen16:12 - 7 years ago
This has a price of $7000 AUD! Cheaper options out there! No need to throw your money! Believe manufactures are gouging when it comes to price! You will buy this kayak only if you have money burning a hole in you pocket
Trent Mcintosh
Trent Mcintosh - 7 years ago
lol all you yanks crying.over 3k,come.on down to Australia,land of the rip off! about double what you lot are paying.
Eric Guerrero
Eric Guerrero - 7 years ago
You did a great review bro!
steven hernandez
steven hernandez - 7 years ago
On the lot please hit me back up i'll give you $170 please hit me back up
TheSilverSurfisher - 7 years ago
Yes, I'm four years late but... This is absolutely one of the best most informative videos/reviews I've seen in my YouTube life! Thank You so much for it!!
Adailton Azevedo
Adailton Azevedo - 7 years ago
Muito legal este novo motor elétrico e pedais show
jan mac
jan mac - 7 years ago
does it come with anti-shark turret?
Ground Pounders Place
Ground Pounders Place - 7 years ago
The rear storage is obviously flawed, and not very user friendly. you struggled standing up next to it, now if I need to get in that reaching behind me out on water. seat should swivel around. I have to agree, it may be nice, but it is over priced.

10. comment for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

Colin Hess
Colin Hess - 7 years ago
Paddle is upside down.....
MNY-Patentcatalog - 7 years ago
Interesting and Creativ
sfbluestar - 7 years ago
No compartment for fish?
gquintero1104 - 7 years ago
Are you selling it
Lynnwood WA
Lynnwood WA - 7 years ago
nice. but I have $3.
Thomas Perdue
Thomas Perdue - 7 years ago
When you purchased it...cost?
David Bourland
David Bourland - 7 years ago
Why not create an electric motor to turn the pedals?
thesteveus - 7 years ago
These things are $4500 new in Australia, are they worth it?
thesteveus - 7 years ago
That is a good price, will keep them in mind.
Chris Lynn
Chris Lynn - 7 years ago
thesteveus mate I just bought a used pro angler 12 from sunstate Hobie for 2500$ worth having a check and they are worth it
marcjtdc - 7 years ago
$3,449.00 + $259.00 shipping
marcjtdc - 7 years ago
its so cloudy. why do you need sunglasses lol?
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft - 7 years ago
Very heavy Kayak, forget using a paddle with any speed and efficiency. I'll give it it's stable.

20. comment for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

Jim Daugherty
Jim Daugherty - 7 years ago
Nice review!
susana LOPEZ MAKKOS - 7 years ago
muy pesado
windowclean100 - 8 years ago
Are you at Lehigh acres
Imachowderhead - 8 years ago
Holy crap that thing is fast!
Alex Wiggs
Alex Wiggs - 8 years ago
I don't want one of these..................... I NEED one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AM Sully
AM Sully - 8 years ago
Anybody no the major differences between revo ,outback & angler ?
Aztec Arts
Aztec Arts - 8 years ago
Water-tight storage ? (for photo lenses : $$$$)
Markus Haefner
Markus Haefner - 8 years ago
super great ... and also great for a motorized kayak ... bombastic
Markus Haefner
Markus Haefner - 7 years ago
I just would with it is inflatable ;o)
Alexandre Ribeiro
Alexandre Ribeiro - 8 years ago
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Alexandre Ribeiro top speed is on video
Ex13m1 - 8 years ago
cool . is this kajak good for sea ?

30. comment for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

Joseph Boehm
Joseph Boehm - 8 years ago
Great Job! Not a lot of people show how fast it goes!
Great job! From Canada Vote TRUMP bro
Prometheus1st - 8 years ago
It's kind of ridiculous to spend $3,250.00 - $3,600.00-USD for this fishing solution for me personally. I can buy a welded 14' Jon-boat with trailer/spare tire, 15 - 20hp gas motor, tank/s trolling motor, battery/s paddles, lights, anchors, etc. in very good shape (75-80+ % new) for that price.
Thomas Carpenter
Thomas Carpenter - 8 years ago
Go Noles!!!!!
Ty Larimer
Ty Larimer - 8 years ago
If anyone is still in these comments lol and knows and can tell me, I am thinking about buying a hobie cat and I was wondering he said u could use it as just a like hand paddle kayak and no marage drive what would u do with the huge hole in the floor? Does it come with a like plug in cause u don't want to use it?
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Ty Larimer yea, depending how shallow you're thinking of going. I had a push pole to push through the flats. Like I said paddling for me was always just to turn and stuff like that. Not to move much. I was able to peddle through some flats though, doing half peddles. But like I said it depends how shallow it was. You can take the mirage drive out or put them in position where the fins lay flat on the hull, so you wouldn't have to even take them out.
Ty Larimer
Ty Larimer - 8 years ago
Soflofishing thanks for replying I am really thinking about getting this exact kayak once I save enough money, I really like it I would use the mirage paddles always, but the only reason I was thinking about not using them is in like shallow water. Should I just like lay the mirage paddle between my legs and manually paddle till get in deeper water?
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Ty Larimer the hole won't do anything. All kayaks have holes in them anyways to let the water that comes in out. With this specific kayak, it's hard to paddle anyways. So unless you're planning on getting a smaller one, paddling in this kayak is very difficult.
Fred Fable
Fred Fable - 8 years ago
Honestly...the price is TEN times for a Kayak...too expensive.
Larry Stromberg
Larry Stromberg - 7 years ago
Fred Fable you get what you pay for...
Wyatt Kennedy
Wyatt Kennedy - 8 years ago
How do you go backwards
Paris Christodoulou
Paris Christodoulou - 8 years ago
the price for the kayak ?
Shane Haney
Shane Haney - 8 years ago
It's nice but I don't see $3k of kayak. I bought a seaghost 130 that has pretty much everything this one does and cost just under $1k. The biggest difference is the pedal drive and I'm not spending $2k for that.
Emil Utberg
Emil Utberg - 8 years ago
This is like a Rolls Royce of kayaks ofc its ganna be expensive
Shane Haney
Shane Haney - 8 years ago
It is much faster though.
Bill Tracy
Bill Tracy - 8 years ago
These things are WAAAY overpriced. For half money you can get a small bass boat with two seats and a motor.
Jack Levy
Jack Levy - 7 years ago
Bill Tracy how much is the kayak
mullz1 - 8 years ago
great review !
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves - 8 years ago
Do you have any issues with the Hobie kayak taking on water inside the body or hull of the kayak? Every kayak I have ever owned took on water and I had to dump it out through the drain hole.
baz - 8 years ago
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
I've never had that issue.
Vannara Meas
Vannara Meas - 8 years ago
Jeezus that thing is fast! Take off from the police! it takes 45 minutes to use a 4 person duck peddle boat thing to get in the middle of the lake!
Mike Miller
Mike Miller - 8 years ago
excellent review!
RS Marett
RS Marett - 8 years ago
Even though you already sold it I enjoyed the video. Excellent review. One of the best.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 8 years ago
Looks good, I just can't get over the fact he reminds me of dale from step brothers trying to sell us on his band.
Kit Laughlin
Kit Laughlin - 8 years ago
Hello there. Looks like a really practical boat. Quick question: when you go to the bow (before the Mirage drive is fitted) what stops the water coming in that large hole? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I could see that hole is almost at the lowest part of the hull. TIA, KL
Kit Laughlin
Kit Laughlin - 8 years ago
Got it; thanks!
sharkheadism - 8 years ago
It's a sit-on-top, so think of that hole as a really big scupper
Kevin Sheehan
Kevin Sheehan - 8 years ago
Does this boat load easily on a car top kayak carrier?
HaTrix - 8 years ago
price plz ???
Jesus Puente
Jesus Puente - 8 years ago
Brand new they go for $3,200
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
It's was sold
Dwight Etter
Dwight Etter - 8 years ago
Nice kayak, I'm 65, first time buying a kayak, how much you asking? How old is it?
Robearwgl - 8 years ago
that doesn't look 12 ft long
Robearwgl - 8 years ago
+Soflofishing i guess it's the camera angle?
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
It's 12ft long

50. comment for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

Samuel Clark
Samuel Clark - 8 years ago
even with the 4 rod holes, could i fit more than four rods in it? I want too see if i can 6 rods in it, i do have rod gloves that i would put on them if that would help.
Tommy Gz
Tommy Gz - 8 years ago
Did you buy another kayak? Whaja get?
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
I bought a Gheenoe classic. You can see my video when I tested it for the first time on my channel.
Nicks Customs
Nicks Customs - 8 years ago
I won't lie, this is definitely me when I'm showing a kayak
Wilburn Crane
Wilburn Crane - 8 years ago
excellent demonstration thank you
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Thank you
bariusza b
bariusza b - 8 years ago
Hi,how does it work on the sea?What s the price?
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Works fine as long as you're not trying to go against the tide or wind.
william l
william l - 9 years ago
6:20 did he just call a pro angler LIGHT? WTF
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Ha I guess I did. It's not too bad for me. I know it's a lot heavier than other kayaks, but I never had a problem moving this guy around. I can imagine it being more difficult to move for older folk. The wheels made everything a lot easier though.
jim k
jim k - 9 years ago
too much fuff......
Diplomat28 Eric
Diplomat28 Eric - 9 years ago
good job on the vid
Larry Duran
Larry Duran - 9 years ago
Great illustration! Hobie is too expensive though. Still a great kayak.
buddy West
buddy West - 9 years ago
Can u go backward using the pedals.
yauck1 - 8 years ago
you can with 2017 model
Jesus Puente
Jesus Puente - 8 years ago
Just turn them around backwards you go. Best kayak in the market.
Nathan Bodkin
Nathan Bodkin - 8 years ago
actually if you insert the miragedrive system in upside down you can go in reverse.
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
No you can't. Only forward
Bomara - 8 years ago
+buddy West Doubt it
Mike Joseph
Mike Joseph - 9 years ago
How much are you Asking for Your hobie
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
I'm hoping to get the loan from the bank then maybe I'll get one or maybe a BASS boat not sure Yet
Donald Keyes
Donald Keyes - 9 years ago
3000$ for 150 $ worth of plastic
mrfurball - 7 years ago
This is the hummer h1 of fishing kayaks, how many Hummers were sold? Alot of them , even through you could of bought several Jeep Wrangler's for the Hummer's $150000 price tag in 1995
Will Russell
Will Russell - 7 years ago
Bill Tracy I used to have a bass boat but sold it for a pro-angler. Does that mean I'm not a serious fisherman, no! I have currently collected what is approaching $100k in prize money from fishing tournaments! I primarily sold my bass boat because when my kids came along I didn't have time for the tournaments anymore and the boat was taking up too much space in my garage. I thought a kayak would get the job done effectively and would keep me fishing, and I couldn't be happier and I personally wish I had sold my boat way earlier! This kayak is so versatile I can take it anywhere, I take it down rivers (accidentally got into some pretty major rapids one time, but it handled it surprisingly well) large lakes, and even saltwater fishing, and it handles all of it like a dream, I've even learned how to surf it (a painful process in a 123 lb. boat). And I still enter and win many tournaments, and even though they're not as big I still enjoy them. And my kids love riding on it with me and we often float down narrow creeks and mangrove tunnels, places a boat wouldn't be able to get, in order to find a place to go camping. All in all I'm happy with my decision, I was taken aback by the price at first, but I think it was definitely worth the price. But, to each his own, go with whatever best suits your needs. Tight lines!
Edward Moy
Edward Moy - 7 years ago
James Spann
James Spann - 7 years ago
But by the time you get your boat license, gas permits and yada yada yada 3k is well worth it..plus it helps keep ya in shape...
billder999 - 7 years ago
Bill Tracy
Bill Tracy - 7 years ago
Even if I was a billionaire I would still feel like I'm being ripped off buying one of these. It's like paying $500 for a hammer. Just because I could afford it doesn't make it any smarter. Also, anyone really serious about fishing uses an actual boat.
billder999 - 7 years ago
Each to his own, right? To some people $3,000 is nothing (I'm not included in that group). PS: Go get in one of these things and "peddle" it for a good long ride, and tell me the functionality is not astounding. I've logged a good bit of time in a Hobie Mirage (a doctor friend has 2 of them), and there is no comparison to the experience. Don't knock what you know nothing about.
Bill Tracy
Bill Tracy - 7 years ago
Worth no where near $3000. That's insanity at it's best, lol It may as well cost $100,000 in my opinion. You can put a foot controlled trolling motor on a kayak for less than half the price.
billder999 - 7 years ago
Donald: Are you just kayaking, or do you want to fish? The Hobie kayaks are the best fishing kayaks on the planet, and for a number of reasons. The big thing is the Mirage drive... it's a Hobie patent, no one else is allowed to make them. Everything is high quality, but the fishing advantage is obviously that you can propel forward or back HANDS FREE, allowing you to focus on fishing and not on propulsion... your legs are the largest muscle group on your body and the recumbent position is super efficient... in other words, you can go FAST for very long distances. Expensive? Yes, but this is not just another kayak with a gimmick... this is pure engineering brilliance, and worth the investment if you are serious about fishing.
Bill Tracy
Bill Tracy - 8 years ago
You could get one of those small bass boats with two swivel seats and a motor for half of what they're asking for one of these.
Donald Keyes
Donald Keyes - 9 years ago
yeah i bought a 700$ pell already 
Mike A.
Mike A. - 9 years ago
I have to agree with you on that. Nice yak. But wayyyyyy over priced.
fiftyhunnug - 9 years ago
Man, I would love to have a hobie! We fish central florida in a tandem paddle yak
FenixGamer27 - 9 years ago
oie amigo q precio tiene ese kayak esta precioso vivo en méxico. gracias
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat - 9 years ago
I want one ...
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
to many strings attached. LOL
kyle lajaunie
kyle lajaunie - 9 years ago
But how much tho
1fervin1 - 9 years ago
That was the best Hobie review I've seen so far. Very well done. You really show what this model is capable of.
Soflofishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much.
EVARISTO CEDILLO - 9 years ago
Nice video, really useful if you are looking into getting a fishing kayak
frozenjulius - 9 years ago
how much this cayak goes for?
frozenjulius - 9 years ago
can i please win it?
Piotr Wojtkowski
Piotr Wojtkowski - 9 years ago
dobry kayak ..ciekawa prezentacja :))
Bryce sellers
Bryce sellers - 9 years ago
Slow the hell down bro
tiger tail
tiger tail - 9 years ago
How do you keep from damaging or dragging your transducer when porting/putting in/taking out?
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
There is a cover over the transducer that protects it. It doesn't interfere with the fish finder.
seanfishingtexas - 9 years ago
I want it ,just wish they would make more affordable.Thats why people are choosing the Native Propel over the Hobie.
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 9 years ago
hobies are nice if they weren't priced twice as much as they should be it might be worth buying one
tgwoolshire - 7 years ago
Soflofishing I'm not trying to be a smart-ass but Lexus is made by Toyota
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
It's just like a car, you get what you pay for. Difference between getting a Toyota vs a Lexus. They will get you to the same place, just one has more bells and whistles than the other.
Teejay Bosch
Teejay Bosch - 9 years ago
Can you use that kayak in salt water of shore! I don't know anything about kayaks I know about boats and fishing seems like you know a lot just looking for a little advice? I don't know how much yours was but I'm looking for something sturdy at a kind of cheap budget with Mirage Drive! Any idea I would really appreciate it also I love the video you made it tells a lot about the whole kayak! If you can help me thank you anyway and best of luck!
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
If you're on a budget I would find one of the less expensive hobie models. I would say most of their kayaks are very stable, but the pro angler is much stable than most of the other ones.
Jacqueline Hyde
Jacqueline Hyde - 9 years ago
I need this in my life!
Michael Brown
Michael Brown - 9 years ago
Mike L - I had my life jacket on, but when I fell in the water it inflated. So, I had to deflate it to get back in the boat. I would never go out without a life jacket.
quest 34470
quest 34470 - 9 years ago
R. Michael Brown
R. Michael Brown - 9 years ago
Ok - I am 63 and have used my 12' for or five times- I was out in a cove fishing and I put a rod in the back holder, then leaned over to get two more rods out and turned over. 1. I lost three rods- be very careful to keep rods not in your hand locked down. 2. I had opened the front hatch and did not latch it back down. So when I turned over, a lot of water got in the boat- be sure to lock down the hatch 3. My life jacket auto inflated, so I had to deflate it to get back in the boat. 4. Now I am across the lake, no real life jacket,with a lot of water in the boat ( making it unstable) . I had for the first time shortened my paddle to a half-paddle so my only real propulsion was the peddles. 5. As I started back across the lake, the wind came up so I was peddling with a strong side wind, the water in the boat made it unstable, and I turned over again. I was tired from recovering from the first turn over, so it was imposable for me to get back in the boat. I waved down a fellow fisherman and asked him to tow me in. It all worked out, but just be sure to be prepared to turn over at ANY time. This could have been a disaster, but I took my time and did not panic. Love the boat, but I have a healthy respect of what could happen. Maybe this will help some of you from making the same mistakes.
Jonathan Cantu
Jonathan Cantu - 7 years ago
R. Michael Brown do you still use it and if you don't would you sell it? I have been wanting to buy a kayak for fishing but don't have the best budget
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+Jo Ann Gabriele dude the r the cheapest and easiest thing to make yourself :) I have them on mine, and I made the,
John Malone
John Malone - 9 years ago
+Mike L I lost a friend I the 1980's who didn't use a lifejacket, so I totally agree. You should go out fully equipped as kitted or not at all.
Jo Ann Gabriele
Jo Ann Gabriele - 9 years ago
+R. Michael Brown Thank you for your review. I am now convinced to purchase the side stabilizers, They run around $175-$200 and well worth it! I wear a $6,000 insulin pump. I would place it in a water proof container, but need to access it about once per hour. I am too old and weak to deal with turning over. I don't care what it looks like. I want to get out on the lake on my own without having to wait for someone else to want to go. This will give me the independence I need and help me build strength and stamina. I'm currently in year two of my cancer survivorship. Happy boating!
Mike L
Mike L - 9 years ago
+R. Michael Brown Your life jacket does no good in a storage hatch. Had you been wearing it you wouldn't have had the inflation problems. I spent 4 years in Marine Law Enforcement and was certified in water rescue. I have heard all the excuses about life jackets being for sissies or that people are good swimmers, etc. Well I have pulled more drowning victims out of the water than I care to. Most people underestimate their abilities in the water especially when you factor in stress and water temperature. I don't mean to lecture but take it from me, do yourself and your family a favor and wear your life jackets. They do save lives. Drowning is very preventable.
Tatersalad19 Cars
Tatersalad19 Cars - 9 years ago
I'm amazed at how well the mirage drive works
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
Yeah! You can move at a pretty good pace.
Ricovali - 9 years ago
Are there gators in that canal?
Terminate Tor
Terminate Tor - 9 years ago
how much?
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
I sold it already. I think they are 2800+ new now.
Danfuerth Gillis
Danfuerth Gillis - 9 years ago
One of the most akward ways to paddle I have ever seen when I tested it at the sports store I asked the guy there why didnt they used a circular motion to pedal? And Shallow water will kill the flaps on the sand and rocks of you forget to put them up.
Your legs will hurt like hell after using this thing for a half hour and not even continuous. This system is great but they need to redesign the pedaling system as the non circulation way of peddaling is very akward to pedal and my idea for my inflatable kayak was my own home made system of a hand pedaller that has handles that sit on a circular track with bearings , these handles are attached to external paddles that go on each side of the kayak, thus allows me to turn while paddling with my arms nonstop and the rudder is foot controlled with a rod running on the kayak with a cable.  You have to think of this as simple as possible. My idea is a small setup that collapses into a small bag which you take unto the kayak an deploy on the water all you do is open it and set it on the kayak and then extend the hinged flaps that go on the sides of the kayak . I got this idea from Tom Sawyer and the Mississippi Paddle steamer, a little different though. The best way to paddle is like it has been for thousands of years TO THE SIDES, just like all fish and all sea animals swim. Like I said the paddle system for me is easier, it sits on top of the water so does not break or get damaged underneath. Total cost of my simple system was $50 for parts and some old bike parts.
sakimano - 9 years ago
+Danfuerth Gillis you must be slightly retarded if you couldn't figure out how to use Mirage drive effectively. It is WAY better than circular pedaling, because you're just constantly pushing with Mirage, which is where you're powerful. Rotation only exists on bicycles because it's aligned with a the gear driven wheels. If you want to compare, google propel vs. Mirage. Propel is from Native, and is their 'circular' drive system like you're advocating. It gets crushed by Mirage every time.
You also have to be slightly retarded if you go jamming into shore with your Mirage fins still down. That's like saying cars are no good because if you forget to brake when parking you will slam into stuff.
handsome scout
handsome scout - 9 years ago
+Danfuerth Gillis i have a small boat i would like to build one of your gizmos for; could you post a picture or diagram please?
Blanchard Bros
Blanchard Bros - 9 years ago
+Danfuerth Gillis make a video im now interested in what it looks like and how fast you use it? please
unhooked25 - 9 years ago
+Danfuerth Gillis Your legs may hurt like hell at first yes but not after you have been doing it while and you legs get into condition.
Chantelle Clark
Chantelle Clark - 9 years ago
awesome review! You should be a rep!
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
Haha thanks!
Adelmo Bayma
Adelmo Bayma - 9 years ago
Bela e pratica embarcação, beleza!
Ruben Garcia
Ruben Garcia - 9 years ago
Great review... I used to have a 14" hobie mirage adventure and I loved it! I've being on many of the fishing spots in your videos, one thing that I never did was taking mine Adventure was taking it to the everglades (too many gators), I am always want to ask about how dangerous an alligator may be for a kayak??? Thanks Ruben
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
As long as you keep your distance you'll be ok.
Steve Sherron
Steve Sherron - 10 years ago
A really good demo video. Thanks.
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
jdbcool101 - 10 years ago
holy crap that thing hauls ass. nice video
Yossi Bleier
Yossi Bleier - 10 years ago
macdud85 - 10 years ago
Thanks jerk, now I  want to buy one. Great review!!
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
Do it!
Emil Utberg
Emil Utberg - 10 years ago
damn i soo wish i had money to buy one of these...
Kelly Hicks
Kelly Hicks - 10 years ago
Great video very informative thanks a bunch
alex ubilla f
alex ubilla f - 10 years ago
me gustaría uno de esos. 
Lachie Mitchell
Lachie Mitchell - 10 years ago
How much are these
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Yea. That's retail price, but I'm sure you can get discounted ones at certain distributors just to get stocked kayaks moving.
Lachie Mitchell
Lachie Mitchell - 10 years ago
Ok coz I saw one for $1847 in a tackle shop near where I live
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Now they go for $3099.
Joel Calix
Joel Calix - 10 years ago
U should make demo for kayak companys i been watching videos and urs is the best. Thanks for the inf.
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Ha thank you
Peta Mareangareu
Peta Mareangareu - 10 years ago
5 grand in nz
bbcasting - 10 years ago
Why did you want something bigger though? Different kayak or an actual boat?

Pro Angler 14?
sakimano - 9 years ago
+bbcasting If by shallow you mean 1 F.O.W. or less, the mirage drive will be useless, but don't forget you can move them till they're almost flat tucked up to the bottom of the boat,. From there you can barely move the pedals to keep them fluttering but away from the bottom. Worst case, you always have a paddle on board as well so if it's that bad, you can pull it out.

But if it's 2 or 3 feet deep, you're good to go.
bbcasting - 9 years ago
+Soflofishing Damn. I just checked out that Gheenoe Classic...nice. You're set now.

I'm between a Pro Angler 12 and a KC K12. I need maximum storage space and will be fishing/crabbing in some shallow tidal saltwater bays. Would you avoid the Pro Angler b/c the mirage drive in the shallows? I also like the deck space in the K12 for crab traps, baskets, coolers, etc. It's almost like a mini boat that you have to paddle.

Then again, when you take off flying at 6:58 in the Pro Angler...and hands free fishing. Anyway, let me know what you think since you owned a Pro Angler.
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
I upgraded to a gheenoe classic with a 25hp motor.
zack salem
zack salem - 10 years ago
can get a used 20' Mako for that price. 
Why is this so expensive? 
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Everyone has their hobbies. People will pay for the best.

100. comment for Hobie Kayak Review - Mirage Pro Angler 12

feiz01 - 10 years ago
I don't fish,, but what a boat could be used for wildlife photography and snorkaling off :)
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Yes it can. I was using it at Everglades national park. There are many canoe trails that this can be used in.
djjohnnyt - 10 years ago
Love it
Roberto Chiuz
Roberto Chiuz - 10 years ago
great video! Been wanting to get one but don't have the space to store and have a sedan so can't really carry it. Was looking to get an inflatable hobie though. What kind of kayak or boat did you upgrade to?
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
I got a gheenoe with a 25hp Yamaha on it
flowmaster1521 - 10 years ago
What do one of these cost I want one so bad but on Craigslist people are asking 4,000 plus I haven't done research but I'm almost sure that's what they cost new
carter - 10 years ago
Well on the hobie website they're around that
carter - 10 years ago
I need one. My canoe is a nightmare to fish in
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 10 years ago
Never mind, looks like I did miss it at 9:35.
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 10 years ago
Nice review.  Looks like a wide flat platform, I may have missed it but is it possible to stand and fish in this?  I've got a bad back and can't sit for hours.  Need to stand.
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Yes you can stand and fish this. That's basically all I did unless I was moving from place to place.
Michael C
Michael C - 10 years ago
Great video! Thanks!
tony tran
tony tran - 10 years ago
that's so sick.. i was paddling against the current and wind today. one of the most physical demanding thing ive done in a while. how does this do against current and wind?
sakimano - 9 years ago
+Tracey Scherer Paddling is to Mirage drive as horse/buggy is to 600 hp twin turbo V8
artsy fartsy stuff
artsy fartsy stuff - 9 years ago
+Soflofishing paddling is actually alot easier on the body than the legs, research :)
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
it does well. the peddling get a little tougher but definitely better than paddling.
Thomas Gardner
Thomas Gardner - 10 years ago
Very nice demo.  I am looking at getting one now. 
Mark Brown
Mark Brown - 10 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to do this demo.
It was more informative than anything out there from Hobie or anybody else!
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
thank you!
O A - 10 years ago
Good job buddy
bush mat
bush mat - 10 years ago
How much u asking
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
It's sold
Starsky - 10 years ago
If you put the wheels through the front scupper holes and move it around from the back it's a hell of a lot easier, Try it dude. 
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
Too late, I sold it. I'm sure it would've been good though.
Grand Wonder
Grand Wonder - 10 years ago
Great demo buddy, thanks a bunch!
geozantrox666 - 11 years ago
can you pedal backward ?
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
No just forward
Grengis - 11 years ago
great demo
Soflofishing - 10 years ago
Bill Gibson
Bill Gibson - 11 years ago
Excellent demo!
Soflofishing - 9 years ago
RJ watson
RJ watson - 11 years ago
so you should get pro angler 14 
Anthony Alston
Anthony Alston - 11 years ago
how much?

Soflofishing - 11 years ago
Donald Keyes
Donald Keyes - 9 years ago
+JAmes Gumb 3000$ us
Keanu Pezhman
Keanu Pezhman - 9 years ago
+Soflofishing how much?
Logan Koons
Logan Koons - 11 years ago
How much do you want for it?  E-mail me details:  LCLKdesign@gmail.com
Yamil Ortega
Yamil Ortega - 11 years ago
Hey man I was wondering by where do you fish by. I live in miramar
Yamil Ortega
Yamil Ortega - 11 years ago
we should fish together one of these days 
Soflofishing - 11 years ago
pembroke pines. in the lakes by spring valley. i got to flamingo to fish saltwater.

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