Hobie Outfitter tandem kayak speed run

Went to the lake with a couple that just bought a 2013 Hobie Outfitter tandem kayak. Has a blast doing some speed runs side by side. The Outfitter has one turbo fin and one standard fin. My Revolution 13 has the turbo fin and was able to keep up no problem. Also did some re-entry practices, and let the kids goofing around a bit at the no wake zone

Hobie Outfitter tandem kayak speed run sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Kayak 9 years ago 52,418 views

Went to the lake with a couple that just bought a 2013 Hobie Outfitter tandem kayak. Has a blast doing some speed runs side by side. The Outfitter has one turbo fin and one standard fin. My Revolution 13 has the turbo fin and was able to keep up no problem. Also did some re-entry practices, and let the kids goofing around a bit at the no wake zone

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Most popular comments
for Hobie Outfitter tandem kayak speed run

SeeMooreVids - 8 years ago
My wife and I, both 65, took the Hobie Tandem Mirage Drive out the other day for our first long distance, to us, trip. About three miles. Neither of us experienced adverse aches or pains. We are blown away by our Kayak, and very thankful for the purchase. $200.00 2001 model, mint condition, garaged. Have added Scotty fishing rod equipment, flush mounts, cassettes, and leashes. Having a blast.
Yakf15h - 8 years ago
Wow, that's and great deal!
Gail Sutche
Gail Sutche - 8 years ago
LOL!! I already saw this!! Is ours the same model?
JOE K - 9 years ago
max speed in my outback 5.1 in perfect conditions, average easy speed 3.2 . can get going faster if I ride the wave just right , had it up to 6
Loy Chandler
Loy Chandler - 6 years ago
Gladys Isabel Jaime
Gladys Isabel Jaime - 7 years ago
michael nerger
michael nerger
michael nerger - 8 years ago
mr michael .c nerger
pensacolsa fla
hobbies kayaks 12 v ft 2014
knots 3.1 speeds
brian chirino
brian chirino - 9 years ago
Nice video. May i ask what was the max and avereage speed you say you got in the revo 13? Thank you for any info.
Roger Weisse
Roger Weisse - 6 years ago
brian chirino my redo 13 does between 2 and 5 mph
JOE K - 9 years ago
+brian chirino ^^
brian chirino
brian chirino - 9 years ago
No problem. Thank you for the reply!
Yakf15h - 9 years ago
+brian chirino sorry I don't really have a good way to gauge the speed, if I have a depthfinder with build in GPS tracker I might be able to tell you, but i would say it's pretty decent if the conditions are right.

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