Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
Kayak 9 years ago 113,680 views
How I built it, and what you'll need to know to design your own. Parts I used include; Tsunami 500 Recirq Livewell Aerator Kit 3/4 Reinforced Braided Vinyl Tubing Igloo 9-Qt Cooler Autocraft Lithium Power Sport Battery (not the best) Forespar Marelon Thru-hull fittings Various plumbing from Lowes L-Port valve from Ebay Sweat An old Spackle bucket 5200 Marine Adhesive 100% Silicone My left thumbnail An old lamp cord Shrink Tubing Waterproof Spst Toggle Switch Tupperware Box for the battery Old plexiglass A little paint... If you think I'm forgetting something or you have a question, leave a comment or look me up on Facebook at www.facebook.com/lovekayak.fishing You can see the rest of this kayak at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXn--tGc9vE
10. comment for Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
Thank you in advance
Nick,Triolo TheBarefootfisherman.
just wanted to know where did you go fishing for that red fish?
20. comment for Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
Well done Sir!!
30. comment for Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
work on the engineering of the plumping. You’re diagram of the plump lash up is
helpful too. I have a 14ft canoes right now but I'm planning on get a kayak
soon so this video will be useful. Also have you ever consider monetize your
channel by using Spreadshirt.com? I have supported a few other channels in this
way. It helps you out and I get a cool shirt to ware.
50. comment for Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
Unbelievable work with an equally exceptional demo.
Marty, your clips are the best.
Tanks for taking the time in making your video or videos.
Nick R. of Gonzales CA.
Hopefully it works out! wish me luck!
thanks for the awesome idea!
Best regards from Croatia... and yes we know obout you even here...keep up the good work and... ROGI RIBARU!
Thanks again...
Looks like I am getting some shirts and joining Team Zoffinger!
thanks to your video I was able to do mine. I made a short phone video just to show my set up. I kept real simple. Tight lines and thanks for the advise and tutorial.
Very well done.
100. comment for Homemade Kayak Livewell Tutorial
the way you work through problems shows true genius, or as I call it "redneck ingenuity"LOL keep up the good work .
You know the old saying "Those who can't do, teach" ... well, you my friend are one of the very few that can do both brilliantly.
Thank you, and please never stop!! Cheers!!!
Another thing about those pvc pipes and hoses….if you will pack them tight with sand and tape them on both ends you will be able to heat them with a torch and bend them without the old familiar 'collapsing' …try it out and see how the sand stops the inside diameter of the tube from doing that…If you ever noticed the tight tubing bend radius on a Harley Davidson 'V-Rod' motorcycle (I know your eye would notice this) well…thats how Harley was able to create this unique frame when they were in the experimental stages of that V-Rod build. If you learn this technique you will be able to use much less stock PVC type fittings and save an enormous amount of space…just be patient with your pipes and tubes and let them warm up gradually or as you know…they will look like burnt marshmallows! I like to preheat them in an old convection oven I no longer use for food preparation…when they become pliable, bend to desired angle and immerse them in a bucket of cool water…BINGO!!!…YOU HAVE A TIGHT RADIUS PIPE OR TUBE AND DIDN'T HAVE TO USE FITTINGS THAT USE UP SPACE.
BEST 'O' LUCK BUD…charlie…"catch me a big red and throw him on the BarBQ!"
As always, keep producing, and we'll keep watching....
Excellent design, great engineering, solid workmanship, and even an entertaining and well thought out video. Hats off, buddy.
Especially, that Look of your's, @ 26.32! :P
& I'm thinking, right after I get My LED Lights Done!
Just an idea, on yachts we tend to double clamp all hoses, especially with hoses that come from through hulls and especially if below the waterline. It may save you from that sinking feeling some time.
The man is doing what he's supposed to be doing. Well Done Mr. Zoffinger. Thanks for sharing.
A local celebrity as well.......I was putting in to go to "The Kitchen" this morning and some random guy stopped his car and came up to me while I was unloading on the side of the road. He says to me, "Man, I thought you were somebody else. I thought you were Marty. He's a guy on You Tube that makes fishing videos." I had my back to him, and he said this once I turned around (I have a long blonde ponytail as well). He was SO disappointed. Too funny. I apologized for not being Marty, and went about my way. Had a blast on the water today. A little rain, but still a good time.
Tight Lines All.
Pretty sure Pelican is happy with their investment.
One request. I am hearing impaired and can usually follow along quite well. But, sometimes you fade out and I don't get it. So please get a little closer to the mike. Tight Lines!!