Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る

Homemade Folding kayak "ORU KAYAK" using the plastic cardboard. Only cost $30 & Weight 2.5kg ! It is a folding kayak Extremely lightweight and compact. I will respect the "ORU KAYAK". Homemade ORU KAYAK Test https://youtu.be/CknJyvWEaHg Origami Kayak modify https://youtu.be/A0SvTfmcAvE More compact homemade folding kayak https://youtu.be/LqiQD5PDezs Making the blog (Japanese) http://ttripper.blogspot.jp/search/label/%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A4%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF

Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Kayak 11 years ago 97,054 views

Homemade Folding kayak "ORU KAYAK" using the plastic cardboard. Only cost $30 & Weight 2.5kg ! It is a folding kayak Extremely lightweight and compact. I will respect the "ORU KAYAK". Homemade ORU KAYAK Test https://youtu.be/CknJyvWEaHg Origami Kayak modify https://youtu.be/A0SvTfmcAvE More compact homemade folding kayak https://youtu.be/LqiQD5PDezs Making the blog (Japanese) http://ttripper.blogspot.jp/search/label/%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A4%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF

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Most popular comments
for Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る

Ирина Шувалова
Ирина Шувалова - 7 years ago
Its COOL! Could you send me the plans plase? I would really appreciate it. Email address: serheolamos@yandex.ru
torq21 - 7 years ago
Happy to see someone seam a boat together!! I have been considering this due to lack of large coroplast sheeting. How did you do with leaking?
Sayanth Sai
Sayanth Sai - 7 years ago
do you got any plans
Diego Avendaño
Diego Avendaño - 7 years ago
Not sure why the OP didn't directly linked to this in his blog
Facundo Ozan Carranza
Facundo Ozan Carranza - 8 years ago
please, would you like to share the instructions? I really apreciatte, can you send it my email ? Thnak you so much
Cool Nakagiri
Cool Nakagiri - 8 years ago
What does the material use?
Tanner 1126
Tanner 1126 - 8 years ago
I love the design please send me the plans : Tannergetz.04@icloud.com
saabdriver2008 - 8 years ago
Vito Gaudiuso
Vito Gaudiuso - 8 years ago
very nice... how much is the coroplast thick?

10. comment for Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る

NO bro's & REVOLTING women!
NO bro's & REVOLTING women! - 8 years ago
0:5 I took a Screen Photo & I'll take this to 'Copy Time' and get a life size template made up. I'm going to use 'large ACCO binder clips' on each ends of my Kayak build. Every member in my Family will get a Kayak if they want a FREE Kayak!... This is AWESOME thanks!
Paulo Fernando
Paulo Fernando - 8 years ago
Please, CAD plans, thank you aft2405@gmail.com
Paul TheSkeptic
Paul TheSkeptic - 8 years ago
I'd like to see this on the water.
Денис Минай
Денис Минай - 9 years ago
please share the drawing
Денис Минай
Денис Минай - 9 years ago
Please send me the CAD file. thx.
Christopher J.
Christopher J. - 9 years ago
Well done, good job for a do-it-yourself test project!
Raimond Leung
Raimond Leung - 9 years ago
Very nice work.. can you send me the drawing. Many thanks. raimond.leung@gmail.com
Adam Jankowski
Adam Jankowski - 10 years ago
Please send me the CAD file. thx.
Daniel Augusto Romeira
Daniel Augusto Romeira - 10 years ago
please, would you like to share with other users the instructions?? some people will appreciate your help :)
sheeplvl1 - 10 years ago
How long did it took you to build it? I'm trying to build with cardboard for a cardboard boat race I'm doing. 

20. comment for Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る

imokmom - 10 years ago
Please send me the CAD file im in the process of recreating this also
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 10 years ago
Very portable,cheap but not too structural needs extra bamboo supports....Also with light weight "V" bottom its going to be tippy... I would add inflatable out rigger and maybe a sail too... Nice engineering and could be made longer with added support... Thanks for your video
Tommy Muneio
Tommy Muneio - 10 years ago
Can u send me the plans and dimensions

Joe Doe
Joe Doe - 10 years ago
Can someone provide a download of the CAD file.
B Martin
B Martin - 10 years ago
for all those posting about plans, a simple good search could have done it for you. <http://www.google.nl/patents/US8316788 >
Rl Badger
Rl Badger - 9 years ago
+Nick Nortier 12feet long
Nick Nortier
Nick Nortier - 9 years ago
+B Martin I found this one earlier but there are no dimensions, do you know them by chance?
정재진 - 10 years ago
that is good!
is it possible to get a drawing in which you worked?
please!  : )

Jean-Pierre Aubertin
Jean-Pierre Aubertin - 10 years ago
Love your design, are the plan available? If so, could you please send them to tpatton102@aim.com. Thanks to anyone that can send the plan
antifront - 10 years ago
is it possible to get a drawing in which you worked????
Judit Brumbauer
Judit Brumbauer - 10 years ago
Congratulations, it's amazing! Could you pls send me the plans plase? I would really appreciate it. Email address: rodof13@freemail.hu
Thanks in advance!
Svetoslav Hristov
Svetoslav Hristov - 11 years ago
Very nice :) Can you send me plans with cut and fold dimensions, pls? s5ka@abv.bg

30. comment for Homemade ORU KAYAK  プラダンでカヤックを作る

koutaku003 - 11 years ago
B Miller
B Miller - 11 years ago
I also read that someone tested gluing Coroplast with a product called "Uglu" and it held very strongly.  That would seem to be something to test over using Duct tape for the centerline seams.  Not talking about edge gluing, but rather using an overlapping strip to extend out 2-3" onto each half panel which could be taped also for add'l strength and waterproofing.  The "bay of E" has rolls of the Uglu inexpensively.  I also noticed no cross sections in this design, so the addition of those along the length and a possible extra floor layer along with using 6mm Coroplast seems like it should make something sea worthy.
Michael Onines
Michael Onines - 11 years ago
Anton Willis did get a patent for his technique, so competing knock-offs will have to try to stay off the radar.  I'm not sure the markup on a poorly marketed copy would make up for the tooling and reverse-engineering design costs with such a significant risk of being shut down for infringement.  The fold diagram at the start of this video looks like it was recreated directly from Anton's patent application documents. 

I hadn't thought tape would bond well enough with coroplast to hold the centerline seams on this version, so my DIY efforts were limited to 8' and 10' kids' versions based on the largest sheets I could find.  For 4mm coroplast (standard campaign sign material) the 8' one was quite sturdy, but the 10' version was too flimsy.  It's maiden voyage ended after about 15 minutes with at least 6" of water inside the boat, and a huge kink just behind the cockpit.  The middle was barely above the waterline with the bow and stern sticking up in the air.  I'm surprised the 12' version shown in this video and the on-the-water test didn't fold in half when Time Tripper got in.  For my son's 10' I wound up using a plywood cross section to stiffen just behind the seat, and an 8' length of 1/2" EMT conduit under the seat along the keel line.  With these changes the 2nd outing was quite successful.  Time Tripper's boat was flexing a fair amount in the middle; I bet a similar piece of conduit would also help his boat.  You can cut the conduit into smaller sections and link them with 3/4" sch80 PVC like they use in sprinkler risers.  That way the EMT keel sections could fit in the folded shell.

As for the price, yeah the current price is too rich for me.  Hopefully if production and demand ramp up the price will come down.  Don't forget, part of the cost of this thing is that a young architect is forgoing what he could make in salary at a Bay-Area A/E firm in order to design and create this thing.  When you realize that at their current volume (say 500/year) that amounts to at least $150 per boat for just him, you start to realize why they are at the current price point.  They are placing themselves higher than the cheapest inflatables, but below competing folders and higher-end inflatable hybrids. 
MortimerEsq - 11 years ago
Wow... nice job. To think that Company in San Francisco is selling these for $1100. They are nice with the outfitting and all, but $1100 is pricey for what these are. Sales must be brisk since the price is so high (in May 2013 they were $850, and when first came to market they were going to be $500). Of course I doubt this is patented. If it is not, we can see knock-offs of this concept quite soon. And those will sell for $200. Those guys better make their money while they can.
Jackie - 11 years ago
It is great that you made it! How thick plastic did you use?
Peter Tapia
Peter Tapia - 11 years ago
hey can you plz call me 3059059899 or how may I reach you

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