Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25!

Subscribe to Channel (FREE): http://bit.ly/1RwCyme SUPPLY LIST BELOW (2) 10" Wheels with 5/8" bore: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000J6A4S8/?tag=ytk-20 (1) 5/8" Threaded Rod cut to 26" (1) 5/8" Nut & Washer kit (7) 1" Tee Fittings (1) 1" x 10ft PVC pipe (3) 1" PVC caps (1) Large Kids Pool Noodle (1) PVC Cement & Primer (optional) Bondo Rubberized Undercoating Spray Can http://amzn.to/1UYARm0 TOOLS USED * drill with 5/8" drill bit * racheting pvc cutter * hacksaw (fine teeth for metal) *********************************************************** ****************VIDEO DESCRIPTION**************** *********************************************************** Tutorial on how to build a pvc kayak cart. This cart disassembles into a compact size so it can be stored inside the hatch of your larger SOT kayak. We built this cart to be used with a Hobie outback and Hobie Pro Angler, but it will work for several different makes/models of kayaks! The space between the two bunks is 12". Enjoy the video and please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE to further the mission of KayakDIY!

Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Kayak 10 years ago 116,467 views

Subscribe to Channel (FREE): http://bit.ly/1RwCyme SUPPLY LIST BELOW (2) 10" Wheels with 5/8" bore: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000J6A4S8/?tag=ytk-20 (1) 5/8" Threaded Rod cut to 26" (1) 5/8" Nut & Washer kit (7) 1" Tee Fittings (1) 1" x 10ft PVC pipe (3) 1" PVC caps (1) Large Kids Pool Noodle (1) PVC Cement & Primer (optional) Bondo Rubberized Undercoating Spray Can http://amzn.to/1UYARm0 TOOLS USED * drill with 5/8" drill bit * racheting pvc cutter * hacksaw (fine teeth for metal) *********************************************************** ****************VIDEO DESCRIPTION**************** *********************************************************** Tutorial on how to build a pvc kayak cart. This cart disassembles into a compact size so it can be stored inside the hatch of your larger SOT kayak. We built this cart to be used with a Hobie outback and Hobie Pro Angler, but it will work for several different makes/models of kayaks! The space between the two bunks is 12". Enjoy the video and please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE to further the mission of KayakDIY!

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Most popular comments
for Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25!

Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
fabulous great video thanks for posting
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comment. Stop by again.
Mike Laine
Mike Laine - 7 years ago
Just finished mine with PVC parts and axle from Lowes and wheels from Harbor Freight. Spent $40 using same design but wheels were $3.99 each instead of the $5.99 Harbor Freight advertised.
Randy Crane
Randy Crane - 7 years ago
Hey just wondering where you got the ever built kit. I can't seem to find it
Randy Crane
Randy Crane - 7 years ago
The nut and washer kit. It doesn't show where you bought it. I am assuming Home Depot

Thanks though
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
Links to all the supplies are in video description below video. Not sure exactly what you are referring to “ever built kit”.
David Dawson
David Dawson - 7 years ago
I really like the idea, but how heavy is the finished product
Dan Roy
Dan Roy - 7 years ago
Isn't rubber bed liner overkill on PVC that can be painted, it's impervious to salt water but breaks down over time with exposer to sun UV rays, looks good but black paint would work here too
mikedld - 7 years ago
Worked great for me. Glad I didn't purchase the store made hard plastic wheels this makes it bounce less . Wanted to post a pic but I guess I can't on you tube
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+mikedld glad it worked well for you. I love mine. Still using one in video.
justmeinclt - 7 years ago
Thank you, very descriptive!
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+justmeinclt happy to help!
Brian Pimental
Brian Pimental - 7 years ago
Where did you get your wheels
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+Brian Pimental at times got online and other times at Harbor Freight. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000J6A4S8/?tag=fbkgrp-20
Rick Jalbert
Rick Jalbert - 7 years ago
Great video and plans. Where is the supply list? I couldn't find it. I am going to make this and try it on a 118 pound Rogue River 154 from Old town so I am thinking bigger pipe? Have you had anyone else build for a heavier bigger canoe or Kayak? Thanks
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+Rick Jalbert not sure I replied to you. Supplies list is in video description. Here are wheels used http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000J6A4S8/?tag=fbkgrp-20
Rick Jalbert
Rick Jalbert - 7 years ago
Thank you
KayakDIY - 7 years ago
+Rick Jalbert plans/supplies are in the video description section below video.

Here is a copy:
Subscribe to Channel (FREE): http://bit.ly/1RwCyme


(2) 10" Wheels with 5/8" bore

(1) 5/8" Threaded Rod cut to 26"

(1) 5/8" Nut & Washer kit

(7) 1" Tee Fittings

(1) 1" x 10ft PVC pipe

(3) 1" PVC caps

(1) Large Kids Pool Noodle

(1) PVC Cement & Primer

(optional) Bondo Rubberized Undercoating Spray Can

* drill with 5/8" drill bit
* racheting pvc cutter
* hacksaw (fine teeth for metal)

10. comment for Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25!

EthanKRETA - 8 years ago
I used 1/2 inch pvc for mine, connectors and the pipe for 1" is about 3x more $
holds up fine, weighs less, and takes up less room
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+EthanKRETA Hope it continues to work well for you. It all depends on weight of the kayak. Some folks reinforce the inside PVC with metal or wood. I didn't.
Wayne Fernandes
Wayne Fernandes - 8 years ago
hi there. this is an awesome video. i made one, could you post a video about how to get the kayak on it and keep it on. even if i use a strap it still wants to slide off. thank you.
Wayne Fernandes
Wayne Fernandes - 8 years ago
KayakDIY thank you.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Wayne Fernandes I wrap a cam buckle strap around vertical posts of cart and over kayak.
26realmc - 8 years ago
The same materials in Australia cost US $67. Hmmm must be all those illegal Mexicans Trump will kick out, working for below minimum keeping costs way down over there :-)
Dennis Neale
Dennis Neale - 7 years ago
omg Trump is president there too? The man is insane and all over.We must impeach ASAP!
Footy Fan
Footy Fan - 8 years ago
KayakDIY, thanks for uploading the cart video. I'm having trouble with the axle and tire rotation. The nut on one side wants to rotate as the tire rotates which then locks up the wheel. Are both lock washer AND flat washer required on both sides of the wheel? Any suggestions?
Footy Fan
Footy Fan - 8 years ago
great! made a change and it seems to work better. Keep the videos coming!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
You don't have to use both on each side of wheel. I just chose to. Try it and see if that works better for you. Certainly won't hurt anything.
Tae Lyn Allison
Tae Lyn Allison - 8 years ago
if there is no interior pressure then you can just use the all purpose cement the primer is no needed.....i sell the stuff for last 19 years
Nicky L
Nicky L - 8 years ago
If I  was making  this  cart  I  would  glue  the  upper  10"  lateral  piece  of  PVC  bc  that  would prevent  the  structure  from  coming  apart  in  rough  terrain  I  would  not  glue  the  longitudinal  T  pieces Since  Schedule  40   PVC  is basically  indestructible  I  think  that the  Bondo  product  is a waste  of  time and  money
Nicky L
Nicky L - 8 years ago
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Nicky L Bondo is not required, but just something I chose to do. You could likely build this cart in many different ways. This is just how I chose to build one. The one pictured continues to work for well for my needs.
Teachit Learnit
Teachit Learnit - 8 years ago
best channel ever!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Thanks for the kind words. We try really hard to provide our viewers with the best and get their questions answered.
Rendezvous - 8 years ago
Simple and very practicable, thanks for sharing!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+Rendezvous No problem. Thanks for visiting the KayakDIY channel! Viewer support helps us do what we love.
NuclearShot - 8 years ago
i ended up using 24" rod, and no need for pvc caps on axle
Joshua S
Joshua S - 7 years ago
KayakDIY if you make the Ts and end caps butt up against each other then a 24" rod will fit perfect with harbor freight tires. I don't have any washers and just used some blue loctite on the nuts. I'll let you know how it holds up this summer.
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
The caps just held the rod better so it was less sloppy. If I remember right we couldn't find 24" rod at the time. A 24" rod would likely work great too. This cart doesn't need to be replicated exactly...just suggestions to get folks creative juices flowing. :)
Ray M.
Ray M. - 8 years ago
Hi thanks for this video. I followed the design plus a few modifications and it's great!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it. Hope it suits your needs!

20. comment for Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25!

JohnVHRC - 8 years ago
Thats awesome, thanks!
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+JohnVH541 no problem. Thanks for stopping by!
Santiago Rivera
Santiago Rivera - 8 years ago
KayakDIY - 8 years ago
+TIG -Master this same cart still is working. It's sitting in the back of my truck as we speak.
John Dunworth
John Dunworth - 9 years ago
Thanks, just finished mine. It looks great, it was an easy project and I'm not the handiest guy in the world.
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+John Dunworth Glad to be of help. Ours (shown in video) is still working great as well.
Serdar Sanrı
Serdar Sanrı - 9 years ago
hey man, pretty good setup. good work. my question is, i have seen so many people complains about using pvc diy carts they made and kept sayying i regret it so much i would never do it again in forums and comments in other videos. did you have a chance to use it? how is it compared to ready-made ones. and one last thing how much it cost you in total to have it ready to go?
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+Serdar Sanrı Alot of folks have issues with PVC carts because they built them to incorrect proportions. I shortened some areas to optimize strength and reduce flexing. This cart sits lower to ground than many do. Also, some people made scupper carts out of PVC and those don't work as well as the bunk design because there is a lot of stress on the PVC at the scupper site. This PVC cart shown in above video works well for me and I have 6 different kayaks. I don't use it much for my large PA14 kayak because I have added so much gear including trolling motor to my PA14 and the weight would likely be on the max side of weight capacity for the cart.
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+Serdar Sanrı I still have the same one in the video. It is hanging out with me in the living room with 3 of my kayaks. So far it has held up well. The key to building one cheapest is finding the wheels cheap. The wheels I have found occasionally for $5 each, but average is around $10. However, you could look for appliance carts or other items on craigslist and repurpose the wheels for the project. I would say a person should be able to easily build this cart for $25 or less. I built mine for about $15.
John Margas
John Margas - 9 years ago
Great design just made today thank you
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
No problem. Happy to help! Thanks for stopping by.
Mike Branch
Mike Branch - 9 years ago
Just made this cart and uploaded the results to my channel. Showed the kayak on the cart at the end for those who wanted to see it in use. I recommend a cargo strap to keep it from sliding. Otherwise, fantastic cart. I gave you credit in my description.
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+SomebodyYouDontKnow got a solution for bike kayak trailer. Find a children's bike trailer for hauling kids. I found one used for $20. Extend tongue to the bike and make a cradle for kayak. Done.
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+SomebodyYouDontKnow : Here is the cart that Mike B made based on our instructional video above. He made a video reviewing it. Thanks for stopping by SombodyYouDontKnow. Watch Mike B's video here: DIY Kayak Cart/Trolley Not Using Scupper Holes
303bayardavenue - 9 years ago
I made this cart in about 40mins. My only mods were that I ended up using the 24in axle from HD rather than cut down a longer axle. I built the cart without the kayak nearby so it was not glued together. When I got to my kayak turned out that the scupper holes fit almost perfectly so I did not need the parallel to the ground section with the foam. This is a great design, easy to build, fun and cheap.
Mike Colburn
Mike Colburn - 9 years ago
I just got done building one. I bought the parts at Lowes and Harbor Freight (tires). I ended up spending just about $40 on it. I think you could probably find someone throwing away an old hand trick to get the wheels from (that saves about $13). Also, I did use the rubberized paint, but I don't think it really makes that big of a difference. You could save $3-4 and just use some cheap flat spray paint.

TIP: Make your axle 2 inches longer, if you're not precise on your cuts, you won't have enough room to get all your nuts and washers on.... Mine is too wide and I'm going to have to use Locktite to keep the nuts in place.

I had a hard time with drilling the holes for the axles. I didn't have a 5/8" bit.  I used a 1/2" bit and just sort of drilled it out by hand by moving the bit around in the hole. It worked, it's not pretty.

Tip: glue it all together, then paint it, then put the axle and tires on, that way you don't risk getting paint those items. 

If you have a heavier boat, I suggest using 1 1/2" PVC. But I think this will be great. Can't wait to try it out!

Oh and the Harbor Freight tires are kind of heavy, so if you want to lighten the load, go with the plastic tires. They might not hold up as well, but it won't weigh as much.

Sylvie Genest
Sylvie Genest - 9 years ago
I have tons of 1/2 inch pvc. Will that work?
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+Sylvie Genest If you want the same wheels we used then it won't work with 1/2" PVC because axel shaft required for most of these wheels is 5/8". However, most push lawn mower wheels are 1/2" axel requirements and could work. The build depends largely on your kayak's weight. I know some have used 1/2" pvc, but some reported breaks. You could put wooden dowels inside PVC to strengthen it some. Just a thought. Anyway, hope this answers your question. Best of luck in your build Sylvie Genest!
SGEEZY FSHEEZY - 9 years ago
Where in the heck do you find a 5/8" x 26" threaded rod? I can only find a 24" or a 3 footer
Mike Colburn
Mike Colburn - 9 years ago
+SGEEZY FSHEEZY I had to spend an extra $3 and get the 36" one. I decided to make mine 2 inches wider to accommodate my flat bottom boat (which is wider).
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+SGEEZY FSHEEZY Bought a 3' and cut down to 26". You can change dimensions to fit your particular kayak. I got the threaded rod at Home Depot. Other supplies are linked in video description below video.

30. comment for Homemade PVC Kayak Cart For Under $25!

Mark Abolofia
Mark Abolofia - 9 years ago
Best one yet! Good job! Be well and fish on, I'm heading to Home Depot! Thanks, Mark in Oregon
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
+Mark Abolofia Thanks Mark! Love Home Depot myself.
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
Rico: There are no videos showing this in use currently. Maybe can keep that in mind and try to include it in future video. In regards to your kayak the 10" pipe may work. You just need to measure the space between the curves of your hull to make sure 10" results in bunks that line up with the hull properly. Found that our cart works with a lot of kayaks. Haven't tested on your particular make or model.
Ty Wilson
Ty Wilson - 10 years ago
Love this design
KayakDIY - 10 years ago
The rubberized textured protective coating we applied is holding up incredibly well.  Once the coating has set it is very strong and saltwater resistant.  
KayakDIY - 10 years ago
Walt G
Walt G - 10 years ago
Ok, now I would like to see a video of you using it and it staying put under the yak while being pulled across rough ground( like it would be used). I'm now in the process of building one of these, but thinking that it will need to be held to the yak.. Also show from the start putting the yak on it through to putting it away.. This would be a great help... Thanks for your videos..
Mike Colburn
Mike Colburn - 9 years ago
+Walt G That's what bungee cords are for.
Yodaddi Jim
Yodaddi Jim - 9 years ago
+KayakDIY Wonderful video! Which videos do you show this cart in use? Also, My Jackson BIg Rig kayak is about 35" wide in the center, would the 10" pvc pipe you show in the video be long enough for my kayak or should I make it slightly longer? Thx you for sharing
KayakDIY - 10 years ago
Hey Walt,

After positioning the cart under the kayak you would want to strap it down or depending on the weight of the kayak you could get away with using bungee straps.  We have used this cart with the Pro Angler 14 shown in other videos and the poor man's kayak.  You could put eyelet screws on the sides for quick strap/bungee attachment.  We chose to go this route instead of a scupper mount route because the scupper mount carts cause wear to the inside scuppers and can make holes.

Thanks for your comment.  Good luck on your build.

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