How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

Want to see a cool trick on how to load your kayak on top of a van, SUV, or any other high vehicle? Then check out this simple way to load a kayak without any help. Here is all you need: 1) Kayak cart/kayak dolly/kayak trolley 2) Latching strap (like a normal kayak roof strap) 3) Short rope (about half the length of kayak) 4) Thick towel or foam pad 5) Two small hand towels Then strap the kayak cart upside down (wheels facing up) to the back bar of your roof rack and slide the kayak up on the roof. Note: if you don't have a kayak roof cradle, simply flip the kayak over once you have it up on the roof. What do you think? Pretty cook way to get your kayak up on the roof. Do you have any other tips for loading a kayak on a suv, van, or truck? Let us know in the comments. For more fishing tips, click here now:

How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Kayak 8 years ago 155,326 views

Want to see a cool trick on how to load your kayak on top of a van, SUV, or any other high vehicle? Then check out this simple way to load a kayak without any help. Here is all you need: 1) Kayak cart/kayak dolly/kayak trolley 2) Latching strap (like a normal kayak roof strap) 3) Short rope (about half the length of kayak) 4) Thick towel or foam pad 5) Two small hand towels Then strap the kayak cart upside down (wheels facing up) to the back bar of your roof rack and slide the kayak up on the roof. Note: if you don't have a kayak roof cradle, simply flip the kayak over once you have it up on the roof. What do you think? Pretty cook way to get your kayak up on the roof. Do you have any other tips for loading a kayak on a suv, van, or truck? Let us know in the comments. For more fishing tips, click here now:

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Most popular comments
for How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

shawn regan
shawn regan - 6 years ago
Plunge Wilde
Plunge Wilde - 6 years ago
My kayak is 86lbs.  This works great.  Thanks
Rob Armstrong
Rob Armstrong - 6 years ago
Just wanted to thank you for this (brilliant) tip! I bought a used 13' SoT and was wonder how the heck I was going to get it on top of my Jeep solo. This worked PERFECTLY! I was even able to find the exact yak cart that you have in the video at Academy Sports for about $35. Thanks again SaltStrong. Super handy
Thekla666 - 6 years ago
I always thought of buying a Kayak but never did because I didn't know how to handle it on my own. Now I can get one! Thanks so much for sharing this trick!
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 6 years ago
Our pleasure! Glad to see that you enjoyed this video about loading a kayak.
Mohamed Bouzalmad
Mohamed Bouzalmad - 6 years ago
thats how you Brock the rear window
Remington Mcneese
Remington Mcneese - 6 years ago
just go to woodprix if you'd like to make it yourself.
Chris Kunsak
Chris Kunsak - 6 years ago
Love this ... thank you very much!! One of my biggest concerns is now checked off my list!
Eveningkiss - 6 years ago
this will be handy for my Prius. I feel like i always batter my kayak trying to load it solo if i cant find help
Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 6 years ago

10. comment for How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

Solocanoe - 6 years ago
pretty well thought out - thumbs up!

I DETEST my cart like the one shown, however...even with 2, 3, and 4 boats slip off and tump over off the cart on rocky terrain or big uphill / downhill moves. If I have a long or rough/rocky path I have to use a cart for...I am always grabbing my Sea to Summit SOT kayak cart. NO movement of the boat in any terrain and only one easy strap.

That reason I can't throw the cart like you have here in my Jeep and use it for the loading/unloading.
Phil - 6 years ago
nice video right up to the overly loud country music. Oh well.
Clecy Conner
Clecy Conner - 6 years ago
You really go through all of this each time you take it out?
Nomad - 6 years ago
Thumbs up ! I like this because it's doing what I do but you are just using stuff you already have ,where I made a roller system for the purpose . Looked very easy to get it on the roof !
Arnel Torres
Arnel Torres - 6 years ago
hahaha. Thank you for posting this vib
Curtdogg11v - 6 years ago
Have you ever tried to launch/load from the water to the roof of the SUV. Would love to skip the step of loading on flat land and then carting down the boat landing.
mark gil
mark gil - 6 years ago
Great thinking
reginr - 6 years ago
Great Idea thanks!!!!!
Johnlin196 - 6 years ago
Thank you so much ! This video help me a lot.Thanks again !
Sergio Gonzalez
Sergio Gonzalez - 6 years ago
im sorry bro but this is the woman way to do it!!

20. comment for How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

titleatty1 - 6 years ago
The only thing missing here is the use of duct tape. Just get a Sherpak Roller, and avoid this silly routine. It will take you 20 minutes just to brace and set up the cart for use as a roller. Totally redneck.
J P - 6 years ago
Ummm, well, that's all really neat. But, I have the very same kayak...i just pick it up and put it on top of my Avalanche. It seems much simpler to me....I don't know....
rebecca cole
rebecca cole - 6 years ago
Nice abled body comment there. Tumours is a great video , especially for differently abled people. Cheers
Raoul Béhem
Raoul Béhem - 6 years ago
wait 'til you're 68 like me... and then see if you reply same again???
STOKED4FISHIN - 7 years ago
This is a great video! Can you list the make/model of the saddles you have installed on the roof racks?
Maxence Thibault
Maxence Thibault - 7 years ago
Thanks so much ! I done the same for my so heavy Malibu 2 xxl. So easy now!
jimbo rar
jimbo rar - 7 years ago
Smart, thanks
Steel City Bassin
Steel City Bassin - 7 years ago
Great tips! Thanks
The Donald
The Donald - 7 years ago
Tony u sycj
Mats Bjørnstad
Mats Bjørnstad - 7 years ago
Excellent tip. I'm about to buy an Old Town Predator PDL, and was wondering how to get that monster onto my Tahoe. This might be the solution! Thanx for the tip!
EvilSanta - 7 years ago
Mats Bjørnstad let me know if this works for you, I also bought an old town pdl and was trying to figure out how to get it on top my Santa Fe
Ancient_Mantis - 7 years ago
Thats Awesome...
Carlo Giovagnoli
Carlo Giovagnoli - 7 years ago
Another simpler way: sell SUV and buy a low station wagon!!!

30. comment for How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

LueLocc - 7 years ago
Hey Tony I'm new to kayaking. What's the best way to secure your kayak to your roof rack? Is there a particular kind of rope to use? Also what is the best knot to use to keep my kayak secure while being efficient for tying and untying? Thanks
anne lichon
anne lichon - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for this trick since I was trying to figure out how to load my twelve foot kayak on top of my SUV.
Bruce Bolster
Bruce Bolster - 7 years ago
Brilliant, now I don't have to buy a second roller loader, since I already have the same kayak cart. Thanks so much for posting this!!
John Bowman
John Bowman - 7 years ago
Gail Murton
Gail Murton - 7 years ago
Would this work on a pick up truck that does not have a topper, just an open bed?
Kyle Bacchus
Kyle Bacchus - 7 years ago
Gail Murton lol
WSparang4686 - 7 years ago
Megan Ekblad
Megan Ekblad - 7 years ago
That's amazing, thank you so much!
Sharmaine Lee
Sharmaine Lee - 7 years ago
thank you for the tips, i could use the one that holds the kayak to the suv with a rope ! blessings..
An Iowa Mom Videos
An Iowa Mom Videos - 7 years ago
I love the way you are using what we already have! Thank you!
Harold Clendenen
Harold Clendenen - 7 years ago
Bravo.....You are a genius.
NcScbeach1 - 7 years ago
Great video ! I have tried tying my cart to my car as shown, but can't seem to get it stable. Any chance you'll be making a short video on the basics of tying down a kayak cart ?
Nancy Adams
Nancy Adams - 6 years ago
I'd like to see this as well.
Mississippi Leg Hound
Mississippi Leg Hound - 7 years ago
Great video! What kind of cradles are those? How fast can u drive on the freeway with this setup?
Alan Lee
Alan Lee - 7 years ago
It is genius. I did not use the help of my trolley cart & rope before. Now I could get the loading job much easier. Thank you.
Jen B
Jen B - 7 years ago
I really appreciate this video - very helpful. Love the idea of using the cart. What brand/model of cart are you using in the video? Thanks!
Rich Dunn
Rich Dunn - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Just got a hobie outback and was trying to figure out the easiest way to load it if I'm solo. Definitely stealing this idea.
John Danby
John Danby - 7 years ago
get help
Dave Clarke
Dave Clarke - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this video. Loading a kayak by myself onto my Subaru is the only thing keeping me from making the purchase.
One question. I plan to haul the kayak bottom up and resting directly on the roof rails. Can you roll the kayak upside down onto the car? Or do you have to load the kayak, as you demonstrated, and then flip it while it's on the roof?
Thanks, again!
ZDress - 7 years ago
He mentioned in the video that you'll have to roll the kayak up as demonstrated and flip it while it's on the roof.
Andy Licursi
Andy Licursi - 7 years ago
Can I fasten the cart to the rear window and leave on while transporting the kayak
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 7 years ago
I wouldn't recommend leaving it attached to the vehicle while driving.
Fimbul Outdoors
Fimbul Outdoors - 7 years ago
Very cool trick! Thanks for sharing.
MrDinkelacker - 7 years ago
Clever use of the trolley, exactly the type of low cost but reliable solution I was looking for, really appreciate the video!
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!

50. comment for How To Load A Kayak By Yourself (Simple SUV Trick)

Marianne Leavitt
Marianne Leavitt - 7 years ago
You can do the same thing with a $5.00 mat with a rubber bottom via the back of the trunk.... Just YouTube it....
MR - 7 years ago
I have the scupper hole type of cart, will that still work? ?
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 7 years ago
Unfortunately that cart wouldn't work for this method. The cart has to have the fold out "cradle" for it to rest on the vehicle so that the wheels are free for the kayak to slide onto.
Kris - 7 years ago
Awesome idea! I gonna try this on my next trip. Thanks for sharing :)
Fernando Valbuena
Fernando Valbuena - 7 years ago
That is brilliant! I have all the same parts available. Now I can fine tune my loading. Thanks.
Curtis Muller
Curtis Muller - 7 years ago
The small piece or rope is brilliant! Thanks
Richard Wells
Richard Wells - 7 years ago
Pure genius :-)
B Hew
B Hew - 8 years ago
mind all the weight on the back window
Gary Robinson
Gary Robinson - 8 years ago
Fantastic thank you so much!
aadmonk - 8 years ago
Thats using your head.Great Idea!
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Thanks for making time to leave the nice comment. Tight Lines!
Richard E
Richard E - 8 years ago
Nice!  How simple and practical!  Thanks for sharing!
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Glad to see that you enjoyed this kayak loading video. Tight Lines!
McScott76 - 8 years ago
Interesting method. I used to have a Trailblazer that had no lip or antenna in the way, so I just used a rug and ran my kayak up and over. But now I have a Durango, and it has a "spoiler" that sticks out as well as a radio antenna right in the middle above the back hatch. I never thought of using my kayak cart to get the kayak up and over those obstructions. I'm going to give this a try.
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Glad to see that you enjoyed this kayak loading video. Tight Lines!
MOISES F IZURIETA - 8 years ago
too much work.
Martin Svenningsson
Martin Svenningsson - 8 years ago
RandomStuffJen71 - 8 years ago
Wow!!!! Great use of the cart!! I just bought that identical cart for my husband for Christmas. Should he leave it attached to the van while he's driving??
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 8 years ago
RandomStuffJen71 thanks for the great comment! You definitely don't want to leave it attached. Don't want to run the risk of it coming off somehow.
ronald martel
ronald martel - 8 years ago
nicely done,i will use for the next time ..nice song video choice too...
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Thanks for making time to leave the nice comment!
T Jackson
T Jackson - 8 years ago
Great video. I have J hooks on a high SUV, it's just about impossible to load and unload by myself. I've been looking for ways to make it easier. Wanted to make I'm clear you're recommending the kayak be loaded and carried on the top or the bottom if you do not have a cradle and you're using foam only?
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!

Its best to transport the kayak upside down if you don't have any type of cradle for it. The crossbars can dent the underside of the kayak since it is curved. The tops of most kayaks have a flat surface to rest onto the crossbars.
Jared Mills
Jared Mills - 8 years ago
have yall given any though in to posting and diy vid for kayak set up for newbies like me. i have a old town vapor sit in yak that im picking up friday. ive already seen yalls list of 11 things but wanna no more stuff cause i dont know hardly anything about salt water let alone fishing from a yak.
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 8 years ago
Garrett Vaughn we definitely have more tips and videos coming soon and are open to any suggestions! Thanks for the feedback!
Jim M
Jim M - 8 years ago
Good tip using the dolly to keep the kayak from rubbing the rear roof section on vehicles with more forward mounted roof rails.
gabe428 - 8 years ago
Awesome tip, simplicity at it's best. thank you for a great video will pass it around
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Thanks for making time to leave the nice comment on this kayak loading video. Tight Lines!
Key West Kayak Fishing
Key West Kayak Fishing - 8 years ago
I have $5000 in my kayak and a $1000 car. No padding or scuff guards required. Gets doused in salt water underneath from rough launches, drenched from the top when I load my kayak, and the inside is saturated after I throw my wet gear in there. 97 Honda Civic Hatchback. The ultimate kayak fishing accessory. The hassle factor will really cut into the amount you go fishing. Good tips though for the nice car people.
Tony Martinelli
Tony Martinelli - 8 years ago
way too much prep and work. Just lift it up there and be done with it.
McScott76 - 8 years ago
Xterra's have a step-up bumper, side steps on the rear fender and a roof rack that looks like it was made to withstand a nuclear attack. I could see how you could just toss a kayak up there. But most of use have vehicles that don't have those features and would get damaged if we tried that approach.
Tony Martinelli
Tony Martinelli - 8 years ago
I double stack 2 of mine on top of a Nissan Xterra
Tony Martinelli
Tony Martinelli - 8 years ago
I'm 5 ft 5
McScott76 - 8 years ago
That's not necessarily an option when you're short and trying to get a 12-foot 70 lb boat on top of an SUV with a roof that's taller than you. It's either bring along a step-stool or rig up something like this.
Jared Mills
Jared Mills - 8 years ago
kinda like this guy who is a disabled vet
Tony Acevedo
Tony Acevedo - 8 years ago
Tony Martinelli some individuals don't have the physical capabilities of just throwing it up there (such as my father who also owns a kayak and an SUV). This can tremendously help those who can use the assistance.
Texfshr928 - 8 years ago
Awesome tip brother
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 8 years ago
Thanks for making time to leave the nice comment on this kayak loading video. Tight Lines!

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