How to Catch Blue Crab From a Kayak

Short video I put together for some people asking about crabbing from a kayak. Kayak crabbing is real simple and doesn't require a lot of gear. Have had my best luck on the simple modified hand line I show in the video. I keep the basket in my tank well and just turn around and dump the crabs in the basket as I go. Make sure you cover them with something like a towel or burlap so they do not die and wet this regularly. Music from

How to Catch Blue Crab From a Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Kayak 12 years ago 32,444 views

Short video I put together for some people asking about crabbing from a kayak. Kayak crabbing is real simple and doesn't require a lot of gear. Have had my best luck on the simple modified hand line I show in the video. I keep the basket in my tank well and just turn around and dump the crabs in the basket as I go. Make sure you cover them with something like a towel or burlap so they do not die and wet this regularly. Music from

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Most popular comments
for How to Catch Blue Crab From a Kayak

Kevin Hardesty
Kevin Hardesty - 7 years ago
What kind of line are u using for ur hand line
GreenPeasProductions - 9 years ago
I did look around the inter webs hoping to find an example of making a metal net; but couldn't find one. I think though looking at yours, can probably do something similar. We have found out too many times the nylon nets can be a bother if you don't drop them out in a hurry!
alexilizaveta - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing.  I'm gonna try this soon. What's your wind limit? (it looks like almost zero in the video)  I was going to anchor and hand-line but I like the pool noodle idea.  Here's a link to my blog.
Die_hard_ninja 36
Die_hard_ninja 36 - 9 years ago
We're did you get the crab pots
Isaiah P.
Isaiah P. - 10 years ago
You should put some big mullet in there so they can feed in the water and gain more nutrients because everyone loves tasty shellfish, especially crabs. 
bayman50cal - 10 years ago
If you float the basket in the water with an inner tube around it and pulling it behind the kayak, you will not have to keep putting water over that towel. Just get a lid for it to keep them from crawling over the edge, which most of the time they will not do because they are in water and will not try to get out of the water. The lid would be mostly used for transport home.
Truong Nguyen
Truong Nguyen - 10 years ago
Im heading down there thia weekend with my kayak and will be putting in at schaitman's Im not familiar with where to catch them. Does anyone know some good places on the river?
Antipodean33 - 10 years ago
If the crabs can get through those holes before you wired it up, then you are taking very small crabs. Here in Australia we have some regulations concerning the taking of blue crabs, the first rule is not to take any females with eggs (i personally never take any female crabs, eggs or no eggs) and the second is size. You must allow crabs to get to maturity so they can reproduce and keep the cycle going. Don't take small crabs otherwise the day will come when there is none left
Robert Epperson
Robert Epperson - 11 years ago
Awesome video bro and thanks for sharing. Really clever idea using the hook to hold the bait on and look forward to using this technique when the Blues start running again up on the Bush in Maryland.

10. comment for How to Catch Blue Crab From a Kayak

npheatle - 11 years ago
Nice video, thanks for sharing! I used the cages out in Mobjack bay and did not have good luck either. I will try your hand line floats next time. Have you done any clam raking? I bought a rake but have not had luck with that either.
Rick Clayton
Rick Clayton - 12 years ago
I'm gearing up for this coming year. Thanks for the tips. Good luck crabbing.
cnn94001 - 12 years ago
do you find it awkward using the net while sitting in the kayak? I used the kayak for crabbing once and it was not as easy as using the canoe ...
SV Freedom
SV Freedom - 12 years ago
Nice work! Thanks for watching and subscribe for more videos!
SV Freedom
SV Freedom - 12 years ago
Nope no license in VA at least. The traps count as handlines also so you are not limited to a certain number like you are with pots. Subscribe to my channel for more crabbing and fishing videos!
Darth Belal
Darth Belal - 12 years ago
The handlining technique looks like fun, I think I'm going to try it just for the challenge. I use a similar technique, but I use store bought crab traps and I have an ultralight canoe I paddle about in. Took 2 DOZEN today and only stopped because of an approaching thunderstorm..
SV Freedom
SV Freedom - 12 years ago
The hooks are large so the eye was big enough.. I think either 7/0 or 9/0. I used legs this video but prefer chicken necks because they are cheaper
boisestatefan41 - 12 years ago
Nice video. Just curious, how did you get the hook to the line? Seems like the line is thicker than most of the eyes/holes I've seen on hooks. Do you use legs?

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