How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Subscribe for FREE FULL EPISODES online on CarbonTV: Rod holders can be easily added to any sit-on-top kayak, and so in this kayak fishing tales episode, pro kayak angler Jim Sammons explains how to quickly and simply install a rod holder on any sit on top kayak. For all your kayak fishing needs visit HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Book a kayak fishing trip with Jim Sammons: Produced by The Heliconia Press LEARN Check out some of our other YouTube channels: Kayak Fishing Tales Kayak Bassin TV Stand Up Paddling Whitewater Kayaking Canoeing Recreational Paddling Sea Kayaking SHOP If you're a kayak angler, or looking at getting into kayak fishing, you'll find everything you need at HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear at These guys know kayak fishing, offer great prices and provide exceptional customer service. They also ship worldwide. Call them Toll Free: (866) 486-8412, or email COMMUNICATION Whether you're in a kayak, or a full sized fishing boat, reliable communication is key for staying safe on the water. We've trusted Standard Horizon VHF radios for over a decade, and their HX851 radio is absolutely ideal for kayak anglers. It's waterproof, it floats, and it even has a built-in GPS. See Standard Horizon's radios at LINE Simply put, you won't find anything but Seaguar fishing line on our reels. Seaguar is not just the leader in fluorocarbon - Seaguar invented the stuff 40 years ago! And now with the release of Seaguar's new premium Kanzen braid and Senshi monofilament lines, Seaguar has you covered for any type of fishing. Check out all of Seaguar's line options at PADDLES Handcrafted paddles in Sultan, Washington since 1965, Werner makes some of the lightest and strongest paddles available. These paddles are actually designed to increase power while reducing fatigue. See all the Werner blades at PRODUCED BY Heliconia: MUSIC These are the great artists we use in our videos, please check them out! BEN MULLIN BROCK ZEMAN, HAYFLICK LIMIT BROTHERS THROUGH THE HILL ROBERT LARISEY

How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

Kayak 15 years ago 313,520 views

Subscribe for FREE FULL EPISODES online on CarbonTV: Rod holders can be easily added to any sit-on-top kayak, and so in this kayak fishing tales episode, pro kayak angler Jim Sammons explains how to quickly and simply install a rod holder on any sit on top kayak. For all your kayak fishing needs visit HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Book a kayak fishing trip with Jim Sammons: Produced by The Heliconia Press LEARN Check out some of our other YouTube channels: Kayak Fishing Tales Kayak Bassin TV Stand Up Paddling Whitewater Kayaking Canoeing Recreational Paddling Sea Kayaking SHOP If you're a kayak angler, or looking at getting into kayak fishing, you'll find everything you need at HOOK1 Kayak Fishing Gear at These guys know kayak fishing, offer great prices and provide exceptional customer service. They also ship worldwide. Call them Toll Free: (866) 486-8412, or email COMMUNICATION Whether you're in a kayak, or a full sized fishing boat, reliable communication is key for staying safe on the water. We've trusted Standard Horizon VHF radios for over a decade, and their HX851 radio is absolutely ideal for kayak anglers. It's waterproof, it floats, and it even has a built-in GPS. See Standard Horizon's radios at LINE Simply put, you won't find anything but Seaguar fishing line on our reels. Seaguar is not just the leader in fluorocarbon - Seaguar invented the stuff 40 years ago! And now with the release of Seaguar's new premium Kanzen braid and Senshi monofilament lines, Seaguar has you covered for any type of fishing. Check out all of Seaguar's line options at PADDLES Handcrafted paddles in Sultan, Washington since 1965, Werner makes some of the lightest and strongest paddles available. These paddles are actually designed to increase power while reducing fatigue. See all the Werner blades at PRODUCED BY Heliconia: MUSIC These are the great artists we use in our videos, please check them out! BEN MULLIN BROCK ZEMAN, HAYFLICK LIMIT BROTHERS THROUGH THE HILL ROBERT LARISEY

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Most popular comments
for How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Riaan Visser
Riaan Visser - 7 years ago
what type of kayak is the blue one
KayakFishingTales - 7 years ago
Blue Kayak ?? I dont see one in this video
phartattack - 8 years ago
SERIOUSLY? "1...2...3...4..."?
Sounds like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder... Just yanking your chain!
BUT SERIOUSLY... If anyone uses the undersized hole trick, use a heat gun to heat the hole and slowly press it in to avoid future stress cracks.
Mario Moreno
Mario Moreno - 8 years ago
Can that rod holder securely hold a spinning reel? My wife doesn't do well with bait casters :) Thanks!
Steven Brown
Steven Brown - 8 years ago
the rivet is more secure if you use a washer inside to spread the grip of the rivet
travis dunn
travis dunn - 8 years ago
under-sizing holes is terrible advice >.< sealant exists for a reason. undersized holes result in stress and cracks.
Jim T
Jim T - 8 years ago
Bro you should have siliconed it.
Glenn Hanson
Glenn Hanson - 7 years ago
6koko3 - 9 years ago
Where did you get this rod holder? Where can I buy it?
RIYakFishing - 9 years ago
You GOOP police are crazy! The amount of water that will get into those holes is so small. Do you think he's gonna paddle his kayak upside down? A few drops of water is not going to sink your kayak!
hogsna - 8 years ago
True, but it also helps with the bond. Also let's face it, if your going to do something, do it right the first time. I never had time to do it right the second time. lol

10. comment for How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Anthony Henderson
Anthony Henderson - 10 years ago
i have bought a fishing kayak all the fittings leak when left out in the rain because manufacture didnt seal them i now have to redo them all  tony
damon wright
damon wright - 10 years ago
nice rivet job,lol
MANUEL ZAMORA - 10 years ago
Nice video ..... But with any marine install, marine silicone should have been used to ensure water tight seal ... But I am only looking for ideas on the best way to install a rod holder, I'll be sure to avoid the lack of sealing process
Ronnie Ayala
Ronnie Ayala - 10 years ago
Rivet really very on professional
Larry Herbert
Larry Herbert - 11 years ago
well done!! thanks!
Des Beaty
Des Beaty - 11 years ago
no silicone? lol what an amateur
Joshua Distefano
Joshua Distefano - 11 years ago
I disliked the video, bcz he ddnt complte the crcle
jk lauderdale
jk lauderdale - 11 years ago
Most pop rivets you'll find at the local DIY shops are aluminum and they can easily become corroded/pitted over time due to salt/sun exposure. As with any other fishing gear, a thorough hosing will help minimize the effect. To really help mitigate the issue, buy longer rivets and some collared plastic/nylon sleeves to separate the washer from the rod holder. This eliminates any galvanic corrosion due to 2 different metals touching. Then cover the rivets/sleeves w/ a UV proof marine sealant
jack rapala
jack rapala - 11 years ago
Are pop rivets waterproof with marine goop
erjeremy - 11 years ago
technically yes, however there are different style of kayaks for different types of waters. Sit on tops are usually anglers choice of kayak but sit in inside kayaks are used also by a lot of anglers.

20. comment for How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Maleke Ebanks
Maleke Ebanks - 11 years ago
hey,can any kayak be used for fishing?
358jjfish - 12 years ago
Thank you I ordered a Accent rod tender for my wifes Kayak since mine came with all the bells & whistles & i never used a pop rivet gun before & there wasn`t No instructions .After watching your vidio i felt assured I would`nt make NO mistakes good JOB .
Leiberg - 12 years ago
Get a Hobie Mirage Outback
Steve W
Steve W - 12 years ago
soooo a dab of silicone on each screw head, and a thin smear around the back fo the fange is unnecessary? Then you choose a smaller hole saw and spend time gouging out the hole to make it bigger? :-/ Better tip: 1) use the right hole saw. 2) to get a snug fit afterwards... wrap a little tape around the mount until snug. 3) silicone to seal it. No project if worth doing half-assed. ;)
ReelFunkedUp - 12 years ago
trapspeed - 12 years ago
What kind of tool does he use instead of nuts/bolts? I can't understand him. Is he saying Popper Its?
Jon Focker
Jon Focker - 12 years ago
getting a cheap kayak soon from a big department store that starts with a D. the price got me in the game, i can't wait! i'll have to mod it just to get it up to par though. rod holder is a perfect first step. wouldn't a pvc pipe be a good enough holder. not sure what the fuss is about.
petcatznz - 12 years ago
I'd silicone seal it as a precaution. Once water enters the 'sealed' hull cavity of a sit on kayak it's going to be there for a very long time! It never ceases to amaze me how much water can find its way into the smallest cavity or fissure over time.
bajabilly2004 - 12 years ago
i still would have put silicone sealant underneath the flush mount especially since he didnt wipe off the plastic pieces left over from drilling the hole lol
BadLuqq - 12 years ago

30. comment for How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Jeremy Zayas
Jeremy Zayas - 12 years ago
fr3wby - 12 years ago
@ 0:55 onwards
federicowt - 13 years ago
you forgot to add sealant glue, so water don't fill into your kayak
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson - 13 years ago
Are rod holders normally installed behind the seat? I have a tandem sit on top kayak. I am outfitting the rear seat (my seat) for fishing. I was thinking of putting the rod holder ahead of me, but out of range of my paddles. I have not decided if I will put it on the right side or the left side. Advice? I have the Scotty flush mount and the Scotty powerlock rod holder.
Benedict Clarke
Benedict Clarke - 13 years ago
@2041022 Know*
milldabeast519 - 13 years ago
@2041022 yeeee HUaaaa
Vince Molnar
Vince Molnar - 13 years ago
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
Bob Phelps
Bob Phelps - 13 years ago
Can someone explain why almost all the kayak rod holders are mounted BEHIND the angler? I would think you'd want it mounted in front of you, not angling away from your back? The only thing I could think of is that it would allow you to sort of troll your bait. Any clarification? Thanks. Nice vid.
Miketain biking
Miketain biking - 13 years ago
I would silicone seal that thing in there and prevent that drop or 2 of water entering the hull.... Its a no brainer really !!
yakpirate - 14 years ago
@danishconsumer sure u can. its all about finding a spot then getting the right angle and depth
yakpirate - 14 years ago
@danishconsumer sure u can. its all about finding a spot then gettin the right age and depth
KayakFishingTales - 14 years ago
@hondaryder1994 Check out our episode named 'How To Choose the Best Fishing Kayak'. That should narrow things down for you.
KayakFishingTales - 14 years ago
@nickwklassen Sure... if you seal it with silicone it will be ultra water tight. There's nothing wrong with doing that at all. I don't because it's one more (messy) step, which I believe is totally unnecessary. All you're preventing is a drop or two of water from entering your kayak (if that).
KayakFishingTales - 14 years ago
@superCam25 Kayak Fishing Supplies has a great selection of gear, and staff that can help you find the right piece.
JimmyFromTheBronx - 14 years ago
do you know where i could find the exact same one you are using.
milldabeast519 - 14 years ago
whata boat a beer holdir
Jim Sammons
Jim Sammons - 15 years ago
A small bead of silcon or goop will give you a better seal, but if you do it the way I said there is very little if any leakage anyway.
kennarly - 15 years ago
Why would you use marine goop if you didn't have to? It's GOOP! With that logic, you could argue that plastic welding is the only reasonable solution. But... if you would rather put oversize holes in your kayak, which you then have to seal with GOOP... that's your biz.
jermlac - 15 years ago
why would you not use marine goop? it's like $3 for a tube that will cover any holes you ever want to put on your kayak? 3 stars for poor advice.
Dennis Barnes
Dennis Barnes - 15 years ago
That was simple enough, thanks for the video. Tight Lines and Screaming Reels in 2010

50. comment for How to Install a Kayak Fishing Rod Holder

Randy Lasister
Randy Lasister - 15 years ago
Right on Jim, Jim I have a question about using and not using some sort of glue with the rivots and or screws. Now I know it's my choice but i've seen alot of vid's and there using glue glue glue. I'd rather save the money. Could share your thoughts on my question? Nice yak I have a trident 15 angler being shipped right now to via Bass pro shops. Can't wait. First one. Good video Jim. Thank You Randy
letmypeoplegosurfing - 15 years ago
Good tip on the 1 1/4 inch hole!

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