How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

Important skill to develop, sooner or later you will be in deep water too far to swim back to shore and will need to know you can do this. Video credit to The Outside World Outfitters. Note: for heavier kayaks loaded with gear it may be easier to reach over the kayak and pull the other side over than throwing the kayak over. Kayak used is a Native Watercraft Redfish 12.

How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak sentiment_very_dissatisfied 183

Kayak 10 years ago 550,198 views

Important skill to develop, sooner or later you will be in deep water too far to swim back to shore and will need to know you can do this. Video credit to The Outside World Outfitters. Note: for heavier kayaks loaded with gear it may be easier to reach over the kayak and pull the other side over than throwing the kayak over. Kayak used is a Native Watercraft Redfish 12.

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Most popular comments
for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

wavygr - 7 years ago
I would buy or make outriggers.
wavygr - 7 years ago
Now do it in 40 degree water.
Willie G
Willie G - 7 years ago
great video, I thought that was a tsunami coming at the end, at least you were wearing your pfd if it was one
Lawliet Ryuzaki
Lawliet Ryuzaki - 7 years ago
I'm watching not because I own a kayak, but because I'm depressed right now and I watch random interesting videos on YouTube. I just wanted to say thanks for being apart of my healing process. God bless.
Dan Reid
Dan Reid - 7 years ago
Luv the paddle-leash too!
Eli Mata
Eli Mata - 7 years ago
Great video!
Michael Green
Michael Green - 7 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to make this video. Great explanations and the multiple camera angles were very helpful.
HP11208 - 7 years ago
The Gun nut
The Gun nut - 7 years ago
Good info thanks.

10. comment for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

Lone cruZader
Lone cruZader - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks.
Tanner Miklos
Tanner Miklos - 7 years ago
This was extremely helpful
marolyn gant
marolyn gant - 7 years ago
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 7 years ago
For the beginner ocean kayak fisherman its a very good idea to practice this skill before going out with all your gear
Yilei Zhang
Yilei Zhang - 7 years ago
Really helpful. Thanks for the vid!
Monk - 7 years ago
Nicely done, Sir.
Edison Bustos
Edison Bustos - 7 years ago
You are right...I have to practice this
Thomas Ross
Thomas Ross - 7 years ago
I watching this because I'm getting a kayak. Safety is your number one priorty.
RedTheRabbit - 7 years ago
Best vid I've seen so far on this! Hope I never need it, but I'll practice it!
MEGA HOUSE FISHING - 7 years ago
Great vid

20. comment for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

Surya Krish
Surya Krish - 7 years ago
Can someone help me with some suggestions on good inflatable kayaks?
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Surya Krish hi, I have no experience with inflatables, however I am sure there lots of resources online. Maybe someone else with experience on inflatables will pipe in on this.
Des Rad
Des Rad - 7 years ago
Very important thank you, first time I rolled out of my kayak thank GOD it was in my pool I couldn't get back in it was a real eye opener, if you don't know the technique your don in deep water !!!! So hopefully new people to kayaking watch you video its a life saver trust me, scary if you don't know the technique and your in deep water !!!!!!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Des Rad thank you Sir, wise words from experience, the best teacher.
Akin Jakin
Akin Jakin - 7 years ago
The first minute can be skipped entirely
Frank O'Bryant
Frank O'Bryant - 7 years ago
your video saved my life today.....Great instructional video......glad i watched it earlier this year...My wife thanks you!!!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Frank O'Bryant you are very welcome Sir.! I am overjoyed that this helped someone in a real world situation.
DISTRESS - 7 years ago
Can't u do the same thing on the end of the kayak by lifting yourself up like in a canoe
Bagelstorm - 7 years ago
Why.. Whyy did i not watch this BEFORE i flipped a kayak over in the middle of the lake after not swimming for years AND finding out then that my life jacket does not keep me afloat. LUCKILY the lake was small as fuck, i'd be dead if it wasn't LOL
Daniel Flores
Daniel Flores - 7 years ago
feelforyoujohnny ___
feelforyoujohnny ___ - 7 years ago
Aw sucks you're in GA. You need to expand!
Clint Schildhauer
Clint Schildhauer - 7 years ago
This has happened to me. Thanks for the video.
Nomad - 7 years ago
Good vid'. One point , if you are fishing and fall out ,have a quick look round to make sure no fishing hooks and line are on or near you ,or anything else that might snag you when you make your move ! Like that pool !

30. comment for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

That dude Niko256
That dude Niko256 - 7 years ago
Ok I asked my mom for a bow and arrow and got it chased I begged and waited for like a year and now I'm gonna save up for a kayake
Luis Miguel Luna Pais
Luis Miguel Luna Pais - 7 years ago
Man, go out off the pool, you are drinking water!!
KaveN Liong
KaveN Liong - 7 years ago
Can i do it with big beer belly? LOL
Alex Bunn
Alex Bunn - 7 years ago
Get knee straps and learn to roll
Job done
Alex Bunn
Alex Bunn - 7 years ago
Or a regular kayak and do the same
Richard Mortensen
Richard Mortensen - 7 years ago
Just bought one and this is the second video for self recuse.
Thank you I will be practicing this long before fishing,which I already know how to do.
Thanks again.
Geoff Kuhn
Geoff Kuhn - 7 years ago
I have been kayaking for less than a month so I do need to practice that maneuver. I'm also curious about one other thing, how the hell did your hat stay on through all that?
MrMetz2112 - 7 years ago
Walt, is this the same technique you would use with a sit inside kayak?
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+MrMetz2112 , the short answer would be no. I have seen a few techniques however am not experienced enough with the sit inside yak to recommend a technique for the sit inside kayak. Thanks for watching
dance girl Haver
dance girl Haver - 7 years ago
Thank you!
BEEFAMET - 7 years ago
Thank you
Sean Reed
Sean Reed - 7 years ago
"And here we go".... was never seen again.
Arthur Borrego
Arthur Borrego - 7 years ago
i paddled bait out last week... 4..5 foot waves... on the way back those waves felt bigger and one picked me up and took me for a nice ride... eneded up flipping on ...12 foot of water all i could think of was ... a big tiger shark is gonna grab hold of my leg any second now... i got on that kayak real quick lol
George Smith
George Smith - 7 years ago
Very helpful. Thanks!
Gregory King
Gregory King - 7 years ago
Solid roll lmao
Mehitabel - 7 years ago
You'd think this would be either instinctive, or common sense. But perhaps not, in an emergency. So, thanks for this.
Sally Hammer
Sally Hammer - 7 years ago
Tagträumer - 7 years ago
Never kayaked, dont plan on doing it in the near future but it was recommended and I was like this shit could save my life one day so I better watch it
transporter78213 - 7 years ago
Tagträumer ditto.
makaielite - 7 years ago
Anyone else here not even own or use kayaks but thought itd be good to know anyway?
transporter78213 - 7 years ago
makaielite yeppers.
Jordan S
Jordan S - 7 years ago
fuck ya bro. good vid. informative
Byron andrews
Byron andrews - 7 years ago
then get your legs in ASAP to escape them sharks
Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez - 7 years ago
Good tip but we're looking at an empty kayak and not one full of all your gear that will change the weight of the time show us a real life situation when you're out in the real world water!!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Cesar Chavez hi Cesar, thank you for the input. This video was designed to demonstrate the fundamentals to a novice. That being said I guess I could have added footage to show the difficulties of re-entering a fully loaded yak. However I may make an additional vid with a fully loaded yak. Once again thanks for the input.

50. comment for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

Storm - 7 years ago
so you pull it more towards you? thanks!
chip bryant
chip bryant - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
MoBench25 - 7 years ago
Awesome !
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+MoBench25 thank you
Mark Atkins
Mark Atkins - 7 years ago
I need you to do a demonstration of what to do when a cotton mouth tries to swim up in your lap
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Mark Atkins lol
Kirk Lazarus
Kirk Lazarus - 7 years ago
Should have watched this before I went to Lake Huron because every time I flipped from a kayak I had to clue how to get back in so I would just walk back to shallow water and get back in... Though it was my first time ever kayaking.
TheBishop12 - 7 years ago
120 people are gonna drown
SteamControlValve - 7 years ago
Great video. thanks
Tommy Conlon
Tommy Conlon - 7 years ago
EyeQueOneFourSix - 7 years ago
easy enough.. so easy he choked.. ;)
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
Without watching this I can tell you a way thats worked for me since the beginning of my involvement with flyfishing from ksyaks in the Florida Keys 22 years ago. First is to right the yak and secure your expensive flyrod under tight bungees across the front and back of the forward hatch facing forward with the bungee looped around the rods butt just behind the reel. The bungees must be at least a foot apart.Then push down on the stern with both hands until enough of the boat is under water to allow you to lift yourself enough to force the yak back between your legs. Then bend forward using arms to take enough of your weight off the yak to hunch your body forward. Repeat that till your ass is back in the buttwell. I dont sit there. I sit just behind the well with my feet in it and my legs crossed and knees spread. Much better balance than sitting like this kook. Ive flipped a yak a few times. Usually getting in or out to wade on muddy bottom. Always check bottom with your paddle to see if it will support you.
Deeper mud aint the bottom. Even if its a mere 18 inches below the surface. Ok now I'll watch this guy with his extra wide yak.
Andrew Leer
Andrew Leer - 7 years ago
Thanks you so much

BUT what about a kayak that you sit down in?
Andrew Leer
Andrew Leer - 7 years ago
Walt Lariscy understood :).
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Andrew Leer hi, I only use sit on tops as this is what works best for me. I have paddled sit in kayaks, however I do not try to teach things I have not perfected.
mikester9er - 7 years ago
"it could hit you in the face and that's not the way to get in" LOVE IT.
trut hurts
trut hurts - 7 years ago
pretty good instruction. Watchable, no BS, just a good video.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+trut hurts thank you Sir
Calvin Sanders
Calvin Sanders - 7 years ago
You will fall out of your kayak, it is a challenge to get back in. Especially if the water is cold or moving fast.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+CalsVidsKids Wise words Sir.
JD904 - 7 years ago
Hell yea
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Griffin Benchmark hello, great question! You will want to look into a kayak at least 30 inches or Wider and at least 12 foot or longer. Keep in mind that not all Hull designs are created equal. Being new err on the side of stability and weight capacity over speed and performance. I would see if I could find an outfitter that has kayak rentals so you could paddle before you buy, because buying a kayak that doesn't work for you will only discourage you in your quest. Research and you will be happy.
Rudy Sison
Rudy Sison - 7 years ago
Why you do try that on the ocean, not a Pool of water....
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Rudy Sison I have sir, many times,for instructional purposes the controlled environment of the pool was best.
Donjulios opinion
Donjulios opinion - 7 years ago
thank you sir
G.O.D No G.O.D
G.O.D No G.O.D - 7 years ago
I drowned!
diegoin3 - 7 years ago
Very good video Thanks.
Informavelli The 7 Day Theory
Informavelli The 7 Day Theory - 7 years ago
I bet in 30 years, we'll have flying cars

David Barnes
David Barnes - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video very helpful! What is the make and model of that sit top?
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+David Barnes , thank you. It was a Redfish 12 made by Native Watercraft, I think they sold the molds and now falls under the Heritage brand name. I believe it was a 2014 model
TwoBuck Chuck
TwoBuck Chuck - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks
rehab101 - 7 years ago
I got water fill in when trying to flip kayak over
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+rehab101 hello, did you have your scupper plugs installed? When they are installed your kayak is no longer self-bailing.
Stanley Willis
Stanley Willis - 7 years ago
ushoys - 7 years ago
Too much jibber jabber. 10 seconds of video was all this instruction needed.
ShawDAMAN - 7 years ago
Great demo thanks
Jonny E
Jonny E - 7 years ago
Excellent video mate thanks!
BearCatmaximus g
BearCatmaximus g - 7 years ago
I don't own or ever plan on owning a kayak, but I found this video to be well done and at a good pace. Thanks
gilbert ramirez
gilbert ramirez - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Geoff Beepingmad
Geoff Beepingmad - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing...
D c
D c - 7 years ago
wish there was a store with a look like this to test near me
syed ehtesham
syed ehtesham - 7 years ago
1:16 cracked me up
Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson - 7 years ago
Walt! Great video brother. I'm the gentleman that purchased you original green Sea Ghost mother used it a couple times and has decided to sell it and get into a 110. So now my co-worker has purchased the green machine and has been putting it back to work on Lanier in search of a big Striper.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Thanks Brandon
jimmy xiong
jimmy xiong - 7 years ago
Hello Walt! Amazing video! Very informative. You pro as fuck haha!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Thanks Jimmy
Arash Naseri
Arash Naseri - 7 years ago
i cant even swim idk why i got this :D
Phil - 7 years ago
The voice of experience! ✌️
Vince Quimat
Vince Quimat - 7 years ago
why am i here? i don't even own a kayak
sameer kujur
sameer kujur - 7 years ago
Wow. I just learnt how to climb back on a kayak. I live in an countryside with heavy forest. Why am I even watching it ?.
Jeff Metler
Jeff Metler - 7 years ago
very good video.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Jeff Metler thank you
david john Huxtable
david john Huxtable - 7 years ago
the other way which applies more to sea kayaking less sit on top type varities of kayak but if you have the aqua fitness and nerve is to position yself in water to one side of cockpit take air dip under kayak to centre of cockpit breathe air from air pocket under neath the kayak grab opposite coaming or gunnel and facing opposite way to way you usually sit lean back and do a backwards roll into kayak seat placing feet buttocks as accurately as possible maintaining stoppages of your air breath momentarily clip onto your waist belt ensure it is clipped on correctly and reach out to one side whichever side you choose for your paddle which is placed in its paddle park or lanyard and set your blades hands roll up into your above surface correct paddling position! this technique is best practised 1st in pool before practising in choppy water
this is called a solo reentry method or whilst submerged self rescue method that can be done if you have good water confidence and breathing can be held sufficiently long enough relaxed way under water
if you fail it is just a case of popping out to side again and you never lose touches with yer kayak you rest up go again when breathing has recovered
david john Huxtable
david john Huxtable - 7 years ago
there is another technique which involves going to the stern ends and levelling yself off in water and then straddling one leg over rear then you mount kayak from its rear narrower ends you keep one leg either sides for kayak equilibrium to remain same then lift up on arms hands move yself forwards using deck and gunnels
when you arrive at kayak seat stop switch hands to rear lift one leg then other forwards push off slide into kayak seat in position from its rear!!
Fat Free Cyberspace
Fat Free Cyberspace - 7 years ago
The water is very cold in Washington state. I'd sure hate to fall out of one.
Jonathan Casares
Jonathan Casares - 7 years ago
1:56 thank me later
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+RMund Mambo thank you
Evan Herrera
Evan Herrera - 7 years ago
I want one
Freeport Lokote
Freeport Lokote - 7 years ago
thet will only works if u are in calm water
Harry Ballzac
Harry Ballzac - 7 years ago
this ain't gonna work for the fat guys though, lol
brandon gregory
brandon gregory - 7 years ago
Very informative. Never been kayaking but this video makes a lot of sense
Gabriel Cundari
Gabriel Cundari - 7 years ago
Its the same as getting back on the ice after falling through when ice fishing

100. comment for How to Re Enter a Sit On Top Kayak

George rosado
George rosado - 7 years ago
excellent point sir..thanks somuch for i can head out kayaking w my buddies with a little more understanding
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+George rosado your most welcome. Enjoy your time on the water and be safe.
Chuck English
Chuck English - 7 years ago
This kayak video has a kayak test drive area in the kayak store??
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Ray Fox , yes it does Sir.
charlie - 7 years ago
useful information, thanks!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+charlie a your welcome, thanks for commenting
SW(is)M - 7 years ago
Can we take a second to acknowledge the fact that this kayak store has a full size pool inside, thats amazing
T.K Adventures
T.K Adventures - 7 years ago
I loved this store when I was living on Dawsonville and fishing Lake Lainer.
marolyn gant
marolyn gant - 7 years ago
SW(is)M Hayden
TheDhauser - 7 years ago
Walt Lariscy z
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+SW(is)M also has a white water generator ;)
20107PM - 7 years ago
awesome job on the instructions! thank you for sharing.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+20107PM thank you for commenting
Tu Ho
Tu Ho - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Tu Ho thank you Sir
Patricia Bird
Patricia Bird - 7 years ago
what is a good kayak to get to take my 60 lb dog with me
Patricia Bird
Patricia Bird - 7 years ago
I got a 2 seater fishing one and he loves it...really fun today on the water...but thanks
whysosyria1 - 7 years ago
Patricia Bird none
redman chew fuck you
redman chew fuck you - 7 years ago
haha i usally just grab the other side and pull my self up
handicapitation - 7 years ago
I fell off my Kayak trying to pee standing on it. haha Didn't have any problem getting back in though.
corné van klei
corné van klei - 7 years ago
handicapitation haha did you fell in your pee.
Scott Seifert
Scott Seifert - 7 years ago
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Scott Seifert thank you
Nuclear 888
Nuclear 888 - 7 years ago
I've practiced this many times as I am the youngest of 4 brothers
EyeQueOneFourSix - 7 years ago
no one got it jonny... your career as a comedian is over.
Johnathan Wilson
Johnathan Wilson - 7 years ago
Harry Ballzac you really didn't get that lol
Nuclear 888
Nuclear 888 - 7 years ago
Harry Ballzac how many times I was purposely tipped by them
Harry Ballzac
Harry Ballzac - 7 years ago
Nuclear 888 why does how many brothers you have matter?
abby kite
abby kite - 7 years ago
I'm late to the party, but thanks for posting this. I fell out last month and had to tow my kayak to shore because I couldn't get back in. Can't wait to try your technique!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+abby kite your welcome, hope this helps you much
Jess - 7 years ago
watching for education purposes but I could help but laugh when you said "here we go" and tipped it over.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Dowell Dowell , lol. Glad you enjoyed it. Have fun be safe!
Brian C
Brian C - 7 years ago
Yeah, much better than my technique, which requires a lot more energy. Thanks for the video.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Brian C thank you. Have fun and remember life is an adventure!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Mike Arthur , thank you Sir.
Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen - 7 years ago
Thank you so much it is very helpful
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Hung Nguyen thank you, I am glad this was a help for you. Enjoy your time on the water and be safe !
Patrick Murphy
Patrick Murphy - 7 years ago
Well executed
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Patrick Murphy thank you!
RCMods - 7 years ago
Great lesson, thank you. I am in the process of getting a kayak. Do the sit on kayak tip over easily? I am planning on getting the Emotion Spitfire 12' Tandem Sit-On-Kayak for me and my wife.
RCMods - 7 years ago
Walt Lariscy thanks, I will give that a try
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Ron Smith , the Outside World in Dawsonville, GA has this pool so you can demo their kayaks.
Ron Smith
Ron Smith - 7 years ago
kinda late, will they let you try before purchase?
audition it somewhere both of you and please, please always wear your life jackets on the water every time.
have fun this vid is so great
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Hi RCMods, it really depends on the model, some are more stable than others. The width and hull shape plays a lot into the stability and overall performance.
Sergio Rene
Sergio Rene - 7 years ago
Thanks! Very useful.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
+Sergio Rene , thank you!
Lauri Klein
Lauri Klein - 7 years ago
How to get a dog out of water into kayak
iTheGeek - 7 years ago
Lauri Klein 1. Grab dog. 2. Put him on the kayak. Are you that dumb?
Temujin vang
Temujin vang - 7 years ago
thanks for the tips..
Mik P
Mik P - 7 years ago
Excellent video very well explained. Anyone new to paddling a kayak should watch this for their safety. And what a great facility you have there.

I've spent the last year paddling on a calm lake but looking at moving on to an estuary soon and I will need to be careful. Watching this video will be a huge help. Thank You.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Thank you MiK P, Stay safe and enjoy your time on the water.
Colten Meyer
Colten Meyer - 7 years ago
Lol its easy to say remain calm you dont live in florida! Ahah gators will make ya walk on water ahaha great video buddy.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Colten Meyer ,lol. We have plenty of huge gators in south Ga. but I feel ya. Thanks for the kudos.
Sherry Trujillo Boyer
Sherry Trujillo Boyer - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for this safety video! A week before we purchased our tandem kayak, a kayaker was lost overnight. I'm interested in learning and practicing safe techniques like this one. This will be my task tomorrow!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Thank you Sherry, you will enjoy your time on the water. Have fun and stay safe!
Yeti Invasion-Grace
Yeti Invasion-Grace - 8 years ago
What was that hat glued onto his dang head?? I can't even keep a hat on in general lol
Andrew M Meyer
Andrew M Meyer - 8 years ago
Great video!! Thank you for sharing. Share other self rescue tutorials.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thank you,, Have some neat stuff coming out in the future. Subscribe and keep your eyes open!
Coastal Kayak Fishing Adventures
Coastal Kayak Fishing Adventures - 8 years ago
Good job Walt
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot!
xx xx
xx xx - 8 years ago
Do you think people who are in ther 50th should do kayaks
shawhi1 - 7 years ago
The 10.4 Equinox kayak is currently on sale at Costco for $299.99. That's a really great price for a beginner kayak. It is a sit inside recreational style boat, though, so this video wouldn't work in same situation. I take mine on rivers or stay near shoreline on lakes.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Absolutely!!! The great thing about kayaks is that you go at your own pace and comfort. Great exercise that can be low impact or high impact depending on the user. Lots of fun and very satisfying.BTW I am 48 :)
Kenneth Levitt
Kenneth Levitt - 8 years ago
Sure, I started kayaking at 51 ---- I had never done it before, but was something I always wanted to do. It was a ton of fun. You should google to see if there is a kayak club near you.
Jarrad Stewart
Jarrad Stewart - 8 years ago
Thank you for this video, I'll make a point to practice this next time out
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thank you, keep an eye out for some neat stuff coming in the future. The best way to know when they are uploaded is to subscribe.
James Slatter
James Slatter - 8 years ago
My name is Forest Gump.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Glad to meet you Forest Gump... lol
D.Nasty Fishing
D.Nasty Fishing - 8 years ago
Sweet skillz.. imma have to remember that one if I ever dismount. lol . come support the sport subscribe and holler at me
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Subscribed, please do the same.
Philip F R
Philip F R - 8 years ago
What kayak is he using? I can see that it is a Native Watercrafts kayak, but what model?
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
This kayak is no longer made by Native. It was a 12' Redfish.
Maritza Ramos
Maritza Ramos - 8 years ago
great video....about to purchase my own kayak and this is sooo helpful. I will def. be practicing before heading out.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thank you very much. You will not regret getting into paddling.
starshipfantastica - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thank you
Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 8 years ago
awesome demonstration. thank you
Martin Pêcheur
Martin Pêcheur - 8 years ago
I Will. Cant wait
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Thank you Martin, Look for some neat stuff coming in the future!
Bill Karle
Bill Karle - 8 years ago
Nice instructional video. Never even lost the hat!
NoPain NoGain
NoPain NoGain - 7 years ago
Walt Lariscy
with a great white shark in the water , you will manage to get back on the kayak quick smart.

I go kayak fishing and I'm always comfortable on the water.
Great video anyway, Now I know the proper procedure.
Thanks, you might be saving lives with this vid. Glad it came up as recommended.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
LOL, thank you Bill
Hidalgo Family
Hidalgo Family - 8 years ago
thx for the headsup I will keep this in mind
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Excellent and informative piece.

Thank you,
Pat Gallagher
Pat Gallagher - 8 years ago
Great instructional video
Saxon - 8 years ago
I had a friend tell me I needed to practice this in my new kayak and I said what the hell for you silly bastard when I got Walt!
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
songofyesterday - 8 years ago
Does this technique get much harder with an inflatable kayak? Because I would think an inflatable would provide less leverage I try to get half my body up on there.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Not sure about the inflatable kayak, however I have seen the Hobie inflatable and if the kayak you have are as rigid as the Hobie then it should not be an issue.
jensen tran
jensen tran - 8 years ago
Thanks for the safety video! I just started to shop for kayaks so i think that this might save my life!
popesloth gaming
popesloth gaming - 8 years ago
I think sit on tops are for bad paddlers to be honest who can't roll or bale probably
Primalxbeast - 7 years ago
popesloth gaming They're comfy with lots of storage space.
Cooper Nugent
Cooper Nugent - 8 years ago
unfortunately when i last flipped it was in an enclosed kayak and it was my first time out, very thankful for having a tour guide out with us that day... made it back to shore with the gunwale barely above the water. thankful for the experience though, now i appreciate these vids in new ways... thank you :)
gamer General92
gamer General92 - 8 years ago
I'm going kayak fishing tomorrow for the first time
Gent 5514
Gent 5514 - 8 years ago
We are researching kayaks to purchase now. We are older but in fairly good shape. We will practice this before we take extended excursions ! Great advise!
Rosa Cruz
Rosa Cruz - 8 years ago
great!! I'm new to kayak. I like your teachings
Richard Foord
Richard Foord - 8 years ago
Never thought about getting back in the kayak once in the water, I do now. Great Video thanks.
guthy - 8 years ago
thats a really nice yak
18Pumpguy - 8 years ago
Thanks very much.  Being old and not well coordinated I have fallen off my kayak three times so far this summer.  I only flipped it once though.  I was close to shore in all cases so I towed the kayak to shallow water and got back on.  You are correct.  I need to practice getting back on in the water to keep myself safe
Reilly Riggs
Reilly Riggs - 8 years ago
where is that store
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 7 years ago
Dawsonville, GA
Jessy Lee
Jessy Lee - 8 years ago
just got my first kyak. this was exactly what I was looking for. great video!
Sig Outdoors
Sig Outdoors - 8 years ago
Thank you for this video. The first kayak I paddled was in the ocean dropping a shark bait and it flipped on me. I ended up half surfing half swimming it back in the last 50 yards to shore. I'm going to the pond tomorrow with my yak I bought tonight to practice this and standing up in it.
clive - 8 years ago
i paddle most days in the open sea where the current and tide vary often, practise your weaknesses on a regular basis. Depending on your body type (ie) tall and strong) or a bit on the heavy side, there is always a way to get back in, never panic and remember to dress for the water temperature
21st Century Caveman
21st Century Caveman - 8 years ago
Great advice and really good demo.
Skully - 8 years ago
Well said, Great advice...Be Safe!
danhold1 Holdcroftski
danhold1 Holdcroftski - 8 years ago
Thank you for this helpful video
weekender38 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the how to, might just save a life.
Sam Leaddrop
Sam Leaddrop - 8 years ago
very helpful thanks for the video
Zack Not Zach
Zack Not Zach - 8 years ago
nice vid! just bought myself one and could have used this knowledge yesterday
The Gooch
The Gooch - 8 years ago
Now what 4 retards gave this a thumbs down?
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
Island Mike you should go kill your self calling people retards they were born that way you inbred hick.
Island Mike
Island Mike - 7 years ago
Hxdxax To all those retards it may concern..Your mothers should have sucked and spat you out..
rockymountainway - 7 years ago
Val Kilmore Aww does someone have a little retard in their family? Aww cute, fucking genetic screw up.
Val Kilmore
Val Kilmore - 7 years ago
The Gooch only assholes say retard. asshole
Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 7 years ago
The Gooch this video was good to watch. I would be the one whom bust my lip getting the first way.
Matt Thomas
Matt Thomas - 7 years ago
+Christopher Sanchez Those dead retards had friends/family. They gave the thumbs down
Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 7 years ago
The Gooch 4? it's 35 now.
Falcon Jr
Falcon Jr - 8 years ago
4 Dead retards! lol!
Jim Cyr
Jim Cyr - 8 years ago
great refresher!
Marcin St
Marcin St - 8 years ago
if only some would show me that 2 weeks ago xD i still would have my kayak xDD but all good . realy good demonstration now time for practice .
TheGravitywerks - 8 years ago
Thank you! The highest number of boating fatalities involve people out by themselves....great lesson!
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 8 years ago
Christopher Ortega
Christopher Ortega - 8 years ago
thank you so much ! well explained
Michelle Huitt
Michelle Huitt - 8 years ago
do you have to have a kayak license
Cap't Catamaran
Cap't Catamaran - 8 years ago
No but on some waterways you do need to purchase a permit. Here in Indiana the Dept of Natural Resourses (DNR) issues permits for their controlled waterways.
LeoZ - 8 years ago
Great tutorial. But I gotta admit I lol'ed at 3:11 when he smacked his junk against the kayak. You can hear him say ow but he played it off nicely.
randy nelson
randy nelson - 8 years ago
very good video i just bought my first kayak and this helped me immensely good job
discolemonade66 - 8 years ago
I just bought my first sit on Kayak. I've been out a few times and have wondered what I would do if it ever tipped. Now I know. Thanks for the practical advice! Since it is nice and warm, I'll practice this technique in a calm and shallow part of the river. Thanks again!
world b free
world b free - 8 years ago
What if you fall into shark infested waters?
Butch32002 - 8 years ago
Make sure your will has been made out before using one these pos. Most Plastic kayaks are just not stable in water and they will crack easy.
Toki Wartooth
Toki Wartooth - 8 years ago
get the fuck in quicker lol
world b free
world b free - 8 years ago
+Walt Lariscy thanks! Great Tutorial,
Chuck May
Chuck May - 8 years ago
In the real world the kayak is full of gear and that want happen sorry
Count Von D
Count Von D - 8 years ago
Only five things on an outing: you, your kayak, any gear in a drybag, life vest and paddle. Anything else be willing to lose it at the bottom of the lake. I see freakin' barges all the time. Seven rods, fish finders. Buy a Skiff!

My goal is always one trip from car to launch site and then not to lose anything when I return back to the launch site.
Stephen Strunk
Stephen Strunk - 8 years ago
Very helpful! Thanks.
Damian Torres
Damian Torres - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video very helpful to me since I'm new to Kayaking... What kind of life jacket is that? How do I figure out the size of my life jacket, so that it will work properly?
MR-FLIP - 8 years ago
very helpful I kyack fish the Colorado river and recently was knocked out of my kyack due to a jet skier coming at me getting back in was the biggest issue due to the current of the river I ended up just towing it back to shore as I swam and that ended my day next time I will try this out
TheRaulr151 - 8 years ago
perfect! Thanks for the vid.
David Yocum
David Yocum - 8 years ago
Thank you!!!
elijah zwiefel
elijah zwiefel - 8 years ago
What about getting into a sit inside kayak when it rolls? I had a bad experience.
elijah zwiefel
elijah zwiefel - 8 years ago
Thanks! I'll have to practice this somewhere
Library Nerd
Library Nerd - 8 years ago
I've always found it easiest to re-enter a sit inside kayak from the rear of the yak. I grab the handle with one hand and push the tip of the stern down down with the other hand while I seal launch myself up onto the boat. Once my torso is on the yak, I use the deck rigging to pull myself further up and then scoot into the cockpit. Easier than it sounds but definitely something to practice!
elijah zwiefel
elijah zwiefel - 8 years ago
Thanks anyway mate:)
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
+elijah zwiefel a little bit more difficult, I do not use a sit inside anymore so I will defer to others with more experience in that type of kayak.
jchee1978 - 8 years ago
Awesome instructional video. I am looking to get my first kayak this summer this was great video.
abdimahd hussein
abdimahd hussein - 7 years ago
jchee1978 has always had
anthony capestany
anthony capestany - 8 years ago
Evolved Austin good instruction ,never thought about self rescuer ,will practice next time on my kayak ,thanks
Evolved Austin
Evolved Austin - 8 years ago
+Walt Lariscy Need to do one with a sit inside kayak. They're a little trickier.
Walt Lariscy
Walt Lariscy - 8 years ago
Your welcome, be safe and have fun

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