How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre

Step-by-step video tutorial showing how to repair light damage to a broken or damaged composite kayak, canoe or boat: Using Kevlar flat braid, carbon/kevlar reinforcement fabric and epoxy resin we patch-up impact damage on a water polo kayak. All equipment and supplies available from Easy Composites Ltd.

How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Kayak 12 years ago 138,186 views

Step-by-step video tutorial showing how to repair light damage to a broken or damaged composite kayak, canoe or boat: Using Kevlar flat braid, carbon/kevlar reinforcement fabric and epoxy resin we patch-up impact damage on a water polo kayak. All equipment and supplies available from Easy Composites Ltd.

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Most popular comments
for How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre

MrSM1957 - 7 years ago
Used this process to repair a 1/3 scale glider fuselage that had snapped in two places after a heavy landing. The EasyComposites scales are invaluable for correct mix of the EL2 and release film makes life so much easier when applying the wet carbon. Great vids and a great range of products! Thanks!
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 7 years ago
Thanks very much. Glad to hear the video helped, the products worked and the repair went well. Thanks for the feedback.
John Baugh
John Baugh - 7 years ago
If you just have damaged resin could you just apply the resin over the damaged areas to recreate a smooth finish? Easy composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 7 years ago
Yes, as you will see in the later part of the video we do just that and use the release film to make a smooth finish.
Atheist Avenger
Atheist Avenger - 7 years ago
That's the cool thing about fibers, just patch/glue them and they're good to go and as strong as ever. Can't do that with aluminum.
GRPLiningServices - 7 years ago
Excellent video and workmanship but the top of the boat is called the deck. You kept referring to it as the hull which is the bottom of the boat lower than the seam. I hate to be so picky!
Wade Patton
Wade Patton - 7 years ago
it is what IT is, and calling it something else won't change that. I get your beef. Fair paddling all!
Alejandro Herrero Palacio
Alejandro Herrero Palacio - 7 years ago
Yo guys, we have a similar boat in our shed that is sort of bent on the line of the joint between the hulls..., we were wondering if you have any experience on recovering the shape? Can we possibly heat it up and soften it and try to remold it?

We would really appreciate thoughts.

Kind regards,

Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 7 years ago
The resins used are generally thermoset resins if it is a composite boat, so heating it up is not generally going to work. You could jig the boat into the right shape then add bracing and more reinforcement to hold it in shape.
John A
John A - 7 years ago
Cool! Thanks!
Chris B
Chris B - 8 years ago
Relating to the kayak used in the video, what would be it's typical construction? i.e. what weight fabric would have been used and how many layers?
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 8 years ago
There are so many different possible layup combinations that it would be impossible to give an exact layup.
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
ive made many surfboards over the years in other countrys but never in UK and the cost of materials is very high. ive never used cling film in the proceedure but seen it used in working with carbon fibre can anyone tell me if they've seen it used in the case of ordinary fibre glass and polyester resins and on what products, thanks? I am now making my very first combat knife sheath by using a blowgun on polyethelene plastic sheet 3mm thick. the finish is amazing.I would love to make a guitar case out of this material and also out of this carbon fibre course weave material used on your canoe, but then it all depends on the price of materials in relation economically to the product. I made a rifle case once by joining two plastic kids school cases and cutting joining and reinforcing them and finished them off with angle aluminium metal beading on edge using rivets screws and fibre glass ribbon tape. glass fibre is a beautiful thing. have any of you ever read captain cooks amazingly descriptive paragraphs in the chapter of his first sighting of surfing in the Polynesian islands or probably Tahiti?. Well read it , it will blow your minds. And so that's where they got the name polyester resin. it was name after Poly the Parrot that belonged to Captain Silver in the Polynesians. He kept talkin 'n'singin........ "did u remember to put the harder in stupid"'!!!
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 8 years ago
The film we use in the video is not cling film but a special release film which does not stick to resins. We would not recommend using cling film as only some clingfilms are non-stick. You could make cases and even a guitar from carbon fibre if you wished. It is as you say, about budget to an extent.
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
well catalyst comes from the island of catalina
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
don't be silly, no parrot is gonna know what "catalyst" means stupid!!!
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
er sorry still learning ta speak English meant "hardner" stupid!!!!
MrYendor1968 - 8 years ago
i remember using this 2 part epoxy paste that smelled like corn chips  and it took 32 hours to cure, and was hand workable. I had a friend come to me with his ct90 Honda, that had the chain bunch up and break the casing away leaving a open gap letting all the oil pore out, and I fixed that with the 32 hour resin and fiber glass and Kevlar sandwiched the Kevlar was the main structure the glass was for fill,   as I removed any lose aluminium,  lucky the bolt holes where on both side of the break so I did not need to drill bolt holes,  it  hardened like clay,  slowly getting stiffer, I was able to sand it for the aluminium cover to fit and not lose oil, and that bike worked for years, I sold it and never heard if it still works but it was treated like a dirt bike so you never know wish I took picture.

10. comment for How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre

TheMaze400 - 8 years ago
So I bought an Impex Currituck Carbon/kevlar and I noticed (webbing cracks) and a chip in the hull (outside) and a break in the fiber pattern inside. In the skeg box area the finish is breaking away as well. Should this be done by pro, how much would it cost?
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 8 years ago
I'm afraid I can't comment on how much it would cost to have this sort of repair work done, we just sell the materials and provide the advice. Hopefully you can track somewhere down that can give you a quote though.
Andreas Lund
Andreas Lund - 8 years ago
where did you get the kayak from? is there a canoe polo player from easy comp?
Andreas Lund
Andreas Lund - 8 years ago
Canoe polo!!!
Jack Rabbit
Jack Rabbit - 8 years ago
Is the epoxy finish uv-resistant (i.e., will it withstand outdoor storage)? I know most epoxies are very susceptible to uv damage, and was wondering if this product incorporates inhibitors?
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 8 years ago
Hi Jack, the resin we use in this video is our Rapid Repair Resin; this resin specifically focuses on mechanical performance and so is not specifically designed to offer enhanced UV stability however it is part of a newer generation of epoxies which do hold up to UV rays much better than older systems and so for repair use, as used in this video, it would be perfectly fine and still look good and work well for years to come. We do have epoxies which are specifically intended for cosmetic applications where any slight yellowing or discolouration would be a problem, such as our XCR (Xtreme Coating Resin) which could be used as an alternative to the Rapid Repair Resin (used in this video) if you're looking for the very best in UV stability.
Matthew Cassin
Matthew Cassin - 8 years ago
Is the release film necessary or could something like saran wrap or clingfilm suffice?
Matthew Cassin
Matthew Cassin - 8 years ago
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 8 years ago
The release film we use is ETFE which is an excellent combination of release properties (practically nothing sticks to it) with strength and stretch meaning it works really well for this type of repair. The problem with clingfilm is that they're not all made from the same material - some will release from epoxy resin and others will stick to it so it would be important to do a test run first. The second issue is that they're much more stretchy and less strong making it harder to get quick as good a finish, however, certainly experiment and you might find you can get results you're happy with.
David Hays
David Hays - 8 years ago
Your hair is brilliant, almost as brilliant as Milo Yiannopoulos' hair.
flyslideride - 9 years ago
Clear informative and relevant. Thank you.
kalix86 - 10 years ago
For the life of me, I can't get this smooth, bubble free, finish with the release film.

There are always way too many tiny air bubbles, and some are just impossible to move to the edge without accidently & permanently wrinkling the release film (which leaves a line in the finish). I've tried 4 repairs using these steps and have not been able to get the perfect finish yet.

Can you guys give any more detailed steps or tips for this part of the process?
kalix86 - 10 years ago
+Easy Composites Ltd
 Thanks :)
Will give it a go!
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 10 years ago
If you are still struggling with bubbles, very gentle waft a heat gun over the top of the bubble. The resin should thin slightly then the bubble will come to the surface and pop.  Once most the big bubbles are gone, then apply the release film working from one side carefully to avoid air inclusion underneath. Even if you do get the odd wrinkle, you can sand it back flat, if necessary recoat, then polish back up to a gloss.
laveda adams
laveda adams - 11 years ago
will it fix my broken, straight leg ,chairs?
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 10 years ago
You could use a similar technique.  I assume we are talking about a custom bit of carbon furniture here?? If they are round legs then it would be perfect to use our Fishing Pole Repair Kit, the technique for which can be found in this video: How to Repair a Broken Carbon Fibre (Fiber) Fishing Pole or Rod
ChrisBell - 11 years ago
need to repair my slalom kayak but first time doing it its carbon kevlar but dont know what things to get to repare it could u reply with a list 
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
If you watch the video through our EasyComposites website in the Learning Centre, then there is a "shopping list" of items used next to the video. The quantity will depend on the specific repairs you need to make.

20. comment for How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre

pappasmurf1977 - 11 years ago
ive done a couple of repairs to my kayak now and the patches look pretty good, but im left with small pits from where there were tiny air bubbles left over,will this have a bad effect or is it merely cosmetic. I wouldnt have had the confidence to do it without seeing this video...
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
If they are deep you can fill them with a light overcoat of resin - sometimes a cocktail stick can be used to dab resin into the hole. But if shallow and they sand out without exposing the fibres then all is good.
pappasmurf1977 - 11 years ago
i ordered some carbon kevlar and resin from you guys the other day, guess what im doing this weekend.hehe
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
Dry the kyak fully to see if the parts are firm again. If they are still soft, then there has been some structural damage and you would be best patching the repair to replace the strength lost.
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
Would it be cost effective to make an electric guitar case out of Kevlar, (top and bottom halves joined with that Kevlar tape) showing that beautiful weave? Probably not, as a new guitar case, pop out plastic shell case sells for around £50 to £100? Thanks great video!
Simon Wyndham
Simon Wyndham - 11 years ago
I have no idea what feathering is. However I have found this video useful. My slalom kayak is made from the same material as the hull in this video. The epoxy layer on some parts of the hull have worn away making it slightly (only very slightly) soft in parts. Could I just apply another epoxy layer or two, or would I need to patch it?
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
We do have plans for further videos in the future.
Juliano Vitiello
Juliano Vitiello - 11 years ago
will you guys be making any new video's any time soon?
Jurij Fedorov
Jurij Fedorov - 11 years ago
This is gold. Thank you.
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
Hi Leonard, thanks for your feedback. The repair covered the extent of the damage. That canoe's now been back in the water playing water polo once or twice a week for over a year with no sign of weakness from the repair. The purpose of the video was to demonstrate a simple repair that anyone could easily do, not a masterclass. The repair has proved more than adequate and hopefuly encouraged people to have a go themselves.
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 11 years ago
To cut out a section of the hull and replace it to completely remove the damage is rediculously over the top for that kind of damage. The repair done is perfectly strong enough, and more importantly and the whole point of the video, is within the means of your average guy. To make a near invisible factory style repair would be both expensive, and likely impractical for people to do at home.
Leonard Clark
Leonard Clark - 11 years ago
Sorry guys that's a half ass repair. You needed to remove the damage. And feather the repair .

30. comment for How to Repair a Damaged Composite Canoe or Kayak - Carbon/Kevlar Fibre

Imran Danielz
Imran Danielz - 11 years ago
yap randy
yap randy - 11 years ago
IN no time he is going to get cancer . no respirator or any PPE used.
Sylvie Fenyx
Sylvie Fenyx - 11 years ago
thanks for the tips great video
lao cao
lao cao - 11 years ago
John Aldred
John Aldred - 12 years ago
You guys need a new back banner. "Competative" pricing? ;) Great video though!
Easy Composites Ltd
Easy Composites Ltd - 12 years ago
Casting is a topic we will certainly cover in the future.
geniuscrash66 - 12 years ago
Hey easy comp guys, any chance of a tut on your mould making and resign casting starter kits please?
David Williams
David Williams - 12 years ago
keep these videos coming guys!

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