How to Weld a Kayak with a Wire Mesh | Plastic Welding.

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How to Weld a Kayak with a Wire Mesh | Plastic Welding. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

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Most popular comments
for How to Weld a Kayak with a Wire Mesh | Plastic Welding.

6koko3 - 6 years ago
It looks ugly but safe .
SC EM - 7 years ago
Now cut a piece off the bottom of the kayak to fix the piece you just cut off the coating. lol
Who's? Who?
Who's? Who? - 7 years ago
mine ant regular plastic a yellow kayak turns orange when heated and rubbery I've been trying 5o weld it in a similar manner I was thinking about the metal mesh ,I'd never heard of anyone welding plastic before, I just tried it i used to build fiberglass boats for kinner, and Gulf master, I've considered trying fiberglass but I don't think it would stick right any ideas
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 7 years ago
There is a type of plastic called crosslink I think, Jackson Kayaks used it for a while. It can't be welded, it just burns a hole in it. I made repairs to multiple cracks in a small area once by Epoxying a pre-impregnated 1mm carbon sheet to the inside of the boat using an epoxy called G-Flex by West Systems, I made sure that the epoxy ran through into all the cracks and then just sanded the excess off. There is a video of them chainsawing a kayak in half and gluing it back together and it's amazingly strong, you probably don't need the carbon, I only added it because it added an amazing amount of stiffness to the boat.
Mocking69 - 8 years ago
Robert M
Robert M - 8 years ago
Probably would be easier to use shears or tin snips to get that plastic bit off the cockpit.
Robert M
Robert M - 8 years ago
+Alex Smith I realized afterwards they make a welder to do this job and then you don't even need to cut anything up. They are only like $80.
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
I think you would struggle without heat, but shear and heat would probably be better!
Robert M
Robert M - 8 years ago
You can use #2 HDPE(plastic old containers is made of) code may be different outside the US. That way you don't need to make new holes and weak spots on your repaired kayak.
You could also try doing repairs with this too and it will add plastic to the crack:
Cabarete Sostenible
Cabarete Sostenible - 8 years ago
Please explain again why the consistent rolling of the rod? Thanks
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
Exactly like a metal weld +Dylan Zrim​. All I did was sand/grind the inside down smooth.
Dylan Zrim
Dylan Zrim - 8 years ago
Alex Smith I understand it's been a few years, but did you eventually weld the inside portion aswell? Mostly for aesthetic reasons, but still
Dylan Zrim
Dylan Zrim - 8 years ago
Alex Smith like zig-zagging a metal weld.
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
It ties the two sides of the weld together.
JPS JPS - 8 years ago
EXCELLENT!! Just fook a good bit of your boat up to fix a bad bit :/
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
You don't need to take much off, it makes no difference to the rigidity of the cockpit. It's a lot easier if you keep some welding sticks, but if you're halfway through a multiday and you ditched the plastic to make space for tinnies and your favourite snuggy bear then this is probably worth remembering
Paul TheSkeptic
Paul TheSkeptic - 8 years ago
You can just use number 2 plastic from what I understand. It might not be possible to obtain donor plastic like with a sit on kayak for example.

10. comment for How to Weld a Kayak with a Wire Mesh | Plastic Welding.

Charming Prints
Charming Prints - 9 years ago
what about the super sharp cut plastic edge at the front of the cockpit that you left behind by cutting out a welding strip?
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
just sand them down or scrape them with a knife.
Vivian Vazquez
Vivian Vazquez - 9 years ago
Yo lo hago mejor .
Blury Bury
Blury Bury - 9 years ago
technique for adding wire mesh was something new to learn. watching someone cut up their boat for welding rods that most boat manufactures will give you FREE and in the COLOR of your model boat... priceless! wow! and if you didnt want to wait or have trouble with a manufacture sending you the welding rods then like another poster or two mentioned buckets are a good source and if one thought a bit on it probably come up with a few other sources as well.
Blury Bury
Blury Bury - 8 years ago
+Alex Smith well I am adding a sail kit to include Outriggers / stabilizers to my sit on top tandem kayak so the probability of something breaking will be much higher so I definitely want to be prepared so it's zip ties Gorilla Tape and fiberfix in a dry bag :-)
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
+Blury Bury cheers for that, looks like really good stuff. would definitely be an easier option than welding! I'll try it out when I next break a boat :)
Blury Bury
Blury Bury - 8 years ago
+Alex Smith hi Alex what about the idea of caring some role of fiberfix? I recently learned about this product and I found that it has a wide variety of applications as it hardens like Steel we don't need extra tools like heat guns so it could actually be applied and cured within 20 minutes anywhere Downstream just keep it in a dry bag ... Think of it as a first aid kit for the kayak :-) I just did a quick Google 2 key words fiberfix kayak and I found others are already using it
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
Cutting your cockpit is the best way to get plastic if you don't have welding rods, say while your half way through a multi day trip. Buckets is a good idea though. I've heard that mixing different plastics can result in a bad weld but never had any experience with it, only ever welded with matching plastic.
Lightning MacQueen
Lightning MacQueen - 10 years ago
He sounds just like Jude Law.
Manc - 10 years ago
I work in the motor trade well I now work repairing and painting caravans and I would defiantly go about this a different way I would have drilled holes at each end of the crack to stop it spreading, then I would use fibreglass resin and matting on the inside then flip it over and use a grinding tool to make a V shape then fill it with fibreglass filler flat it down and prime and paint it. Will be stronger than it was when it was made and will not fail on you. I repair plastic panels day in day out.

But saying that i would only use a two pack plastic repair bonder but that's trade stuff so advise people to do the other
Nick Ussher
Nick Ussher - 9 years ago
+Mark Lochala fibre glass is no good Im a boat painter by trade, like Mark says
Mark Lochala
Mark Lochala - 9 years ago
+mtuey Fiberglass will not bond to HDPE. It will initially stick to the plastic, but then will peel off in a very short time. I know this from quite a bit of personal experience.
balzonurchin - 10 years ago
Why cut plastic off your boat to use for a welding rod?
HDPE is not hard to come by. Plastic buckets, for instance.
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
if you can get welding rods or plastic by other means then that's good. but I was really just highlighting the point that if you're stuck with no plastic then that's the best place to take it from.
balzonurchin - 10 years ago
+Joshua Bradshaw
It's not automotive paint, man. Yellow HDPE is not hard to come by. Any yellow HDPE will be the same yellow this kayak is.
Joshua Bradshaw
Joshua Bradshaw - 10 years ago
color matching man. 
HappyJackSlade - 10 years ago
I do allot of plastic repairs on pretty much anything. I really enjoyed your vid. keep them coming

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