Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

This is the orignal video! Copyright Samantha Burmeister. Ok Everyone, Check out this video I filmed while Kayaking in Port San Luis today! The real action starts at 20 secs, the video is 31 sec long. If your speakers are on TURN them DOWN. I scream in the end twice.. My name is Samantha, My mother and I went to Avila Beach,Ca (Port San Luis) to go Kayaking on August 18th 2012. As we were taking a break we watched a whole bunch of Pelicans diving into the water, Next thing I know this Humpback whale comes out of the water to feed right behind my mom and in front of me. My mother is the women in the blue Kayak that you see sitting there so quite. I am the one filming the whole thing, I quit filming it because the whale was still moving forward and it ran into me. So there for I had to stop filming and paddle backwards before I got tipped over. Thank you all 4 watching Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Kayak 12 years ago 1,601,339 views

This is the orignal video! Copyright Samantha Burmeister. Ok Everyone, Check out this video I filmed while Kayaking in Port San Luis today! The real action starts at 20 secs, the video is 31 sec long. If your speakers are on TURN them DOWN. I scream in the end twice.. My name is Samantha, My mother and I went to Avila Beach,Ca (Port San Luis) to go Kayaking on August 18th 2012. As we were taking a break we watched a whole bunch of Pelicans diving into the water, Next thing I know this Humpback whale comes out of the water to feed right behind my mom and in front of me. My mother is the women in the blue Kayak that you see sitting there so quite. I am the one filming the whole thing, I quit filming it because the whale was still moving forward and it ran into me. So there for I had to stop filming and paddle backwards before I got tipped over. Thank you all 4 watching Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

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Most popular comments
for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

Sonia Fajardo
Sonia Fajardo - 7 years ago
Jwolfe137 - 11 years ago
id fucking shit myself if i was her. 
Chris Law
Chris Law - 11 years ago
This makes me want to go to FatCats and get a beer and some fried clams. You can almost see it in the video. Damn I miss central California coast, especially SLO.
jt8908 - 10 years ago
Ok cool.
Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose - 11 years ago
your very ignorant! That was not fake you idiot I live in this same area and yes this happens here during the whale migration.
Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose - 11 years ago
what is that supposed to mean?
Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose - 11 years ago
how is it fake? I live in this same area and am friends with Sam and can tell you this is not fake. wow!
Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose - 11 years ago
Um they were just out enjoying the day out on the ocean and the whale came to them you stupid woman! LOL OMG the ocean is a big place and they move a bit faster than use humans. WOW! So ignorant!
Jennifer Rose
Jennifer Rose - 11 years ago
kind of hard to do that when they come to you! Have you even been in the ocean before? lol
hiroyuki miyagawa
hiroyuki miyagawa - 11 years ago
危な! もう少しずれてたらクジラの口の中だったじゃん

10. comment for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

David Mage
David Mage - 11 years ago
1338 japanese fisherman like this video.
WhenTheBombsFall - 12 years ago
She must be if she thinks she can copyright a video with a standard youtube license, this is owned by google and basically the whole internet now.
Mike Stone
Mike Stone - 12 years ago
It almost looked like the whale wanted to catch a bird for dinner. I think it's hard to remember, that they are not hunters in the usual sense when you get that close. Anyway... Awesome afternoon, wasn't it? ;-D
ladymarz - 12 years ago
Well, that would be the day that I would die from a heart attack. If it wasn't from the video description, I would wonder wtf type of monster just came out of the water.
Schiavoni85 - 12 years ago
Hmm. Not Sushi! Read below
avery harrington
avery harrington - 12 years ago
clistere2 - 12 years ago
and suddently, a whale
F - 12 years ago
that looks positivly terrifying! but what an incredible experience!!! :D
ethnic albania
ethnic albania - 12 years ago
50Scarlet - 12 years ago
Amazing and funny!

20. comment for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

HIGGS SAGA - 12 years ago
The attack of the humpback whale :D
Paula Durkin
Paula Durkin - 12 years ago
That's the best one yet!!! Awesome. I hope he/she gave her a big old kiss too for not harming him.
666MikeRochip - 12 years ago
Samantha Burmeister
Samantha Burmeister - 12 years ago
Yes we are...
Nik Nak
Nik Nak - 12 years ago
You're both Americans then?
nutellaontoast - 12 years ago
Your dash is improperly used. I assume you're also an American?
BelNemo - 12 years ago
seangg2114 - 12 years ago
First scream - intrigued, fun, playful Second scream - terrified, exclamatory
ReptilianxX - 12 years ago
Well if that wasnt the most realisic scream Ive ever heard
Gaby - 12 years ago

30. comment for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

Thomas Cory
Thomas Cory - 12 years ago
Kayaker 1 - Hey, there are a lot of pelicans here! Kayaker 2 - Yeah, they are eating the huge schools of small fish in the water! Kayaker 1 - You know what else eats large schools of small fish? Kayaker 2 - Oh Sh-!!!
Protectereli - 12 years ago
damn you were on a kayak nvm! thats awesome!!
Protectereli - 12 years ago
How big was the boat you are on, thats freakin scary!
Samuel - 12 years ago
Very common, it's the shear size of them, I have that fear as well.
Samuel - 12 years ago
Would people shut the fuck up about women and kitchens. We all came from our mothers you pre pubescent little shits. All of you will be lucky to ever have a women, I bet all the guys saying all this crap would give their left nut just to have one of these women fart in their general direction.
Carlos Hafner
Carlos Hafner - 12 years ago
how cooooollll awesome Samantha,great vid and experience :) take care
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 12 years ago
Stop screaming bitch
LoSJK - 12 years ago
Dome Jo
Dome Jo - 12 years ago
Jajajajajaja you thougth you gonna die!
Milton Logothetis
Milton Logothetis - 12 years ago
Not eve close .... wonder why girls are so sensitive ... BETTER COOK MA DINNNER
x murasama
x murasama - 12 years ago
that was so close!
Vaalferatus - 12 years ago
Did the whale actually ate some birds?
TheGfg90 - 12 years ago
Fuck...Why the hell do whales scare me more than sharks? This is wrong.....
TapTap - 12 years ago
"I quit filming it because the whale was still moving forward and it ran into me." Not a good enough reason, haven't you ever heard the famous phrase "the show must go on" That was a one in a million shot. It was bigger then you and me combined and you know it. Should have kept filming x(
UCFreddy - 12 years ago
And theeeeennn?
Szymon Walak
Szymon Walak - 12 years ago
aaaaaaaa.................eeeeeeeeee !!!!!
Gee s
Gee s - 12 years ago
Those FX phone Apps are very good nowadays ;-)
emii Oats
emii Oats - 12 years ago
Kerenor Ben Haim
Kerenor Ben Haim - 12 years ago
חחחחחחחחחחחחח איזה מעפןןן זה בכלל לא אמיתי
gyutask - 12 years ago

50. comment for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

八橋八葉 - 12 years ago
takayayaya18 - 12 years ago
very great!!
msmbff - 12 years ago
Crazy cool
FartsMcGee - 12 years ago
Sannhetensprofet - 12 years ago
Why all the noise? Did you have an orgasm or two?
ropkes - 12 years ago
Well this sounds really possible :)
CHARG3R - 12 years ago
why did the video stop so fast?
maauwieprrprr - 12 years ago
Kerenor Ben Haim
Kerenor Ben Haim - 12 years ago
מזה הצרחה הזאת ??! ב 00:21
toshiami - 12 years ago
the birds are your first sign that something is going on under the water :D usually when you see birds feeding like that it's a sure sign that there is a school of fish that are being pushed towards the surface by large predators such as sharks, dolphins, seals and whales :3
Cem Topal
Cem Topal - 12 years ago
That is beautiful in my opinion, lucky to see it soo close.
SamLoves MAC
SamLoves MAC - 12 years ago
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struziu - 12 years ago
każdy Polak na ich miejscu skomentowałby to prosto: 'o kurwa!'
Wazza - 12 years ago
Polska przejmuje film , jak i humbaka !
schemea - 12 years ago
The whole video seems way too steady for handheld. I think the video has been stabilized by software after it's been filmed. When you stabilize a shaky video, there are frames where you just can't stabilize without stretching the image to the extreme. That's what you are seeing. It's not camera's fault.
Nicole De Husson
Nicole De Husson - 12 years ago
It's not fake.
D0doubleD - 12 years ago
read the description....
jelmaliach - 12 years ago
Ethan Moreau
Ethan Moreau - 12 years ago
Lol her scream..
Trebolf - 12 years ago
nicole art
nicole art - 12 years ago
hhhhhhhhhh omg XD
traceycfcgazza - 12 years ago
The woman screaming really made me laugh! Thanks.
RebelRadius - 12 years ago
OH WOW! What a thing to happen? Was it unexpected? Did you see the whale earlier on?
たなかたろう - 12 years ago
DisneyPrincess39 - 12 years ago
ropkes - 12 years ago
I wonder what kind of shitty camera stretches the view when filming when its being turned, just like in this video?
Melinda Tully
Melinda Tully - 12 years ago
Well Harbor Partrol was there. I saw them on their "loudspeaker" and they were telling people to be careful. I don't know anything about seismic testing nor do I think I can do anything to stop them. I love whales and I hope the whales can get the hell out of Avila bay and down to Mexico before the testing starts.
greety - 12 years ago
isn't that how those animal feed?? they round the fish up in group and then surface, seen it in docu recently, quite fenomenon
Amir Yom Tov
Amir Yom Tov - 12 years ago
0:30 nice feet
danwahn - 12 years ago
how did you get out of the whale's stomach? :)
Crankeess - 12 years ago
dirkdiggler404 - 12 years ago
I saw this video at icanhazcheezburger and there was no description of what the vid was. I thought it was really cool seeing all those birds dive in for feeding. But when I saw that whale come up right by the kayak...
Ricardo Noruega
Ricardo Noruega - 12 years ago
Qué pin-che-te-rror! :'(
PiixelOriginal - 12 years ago
I USED TO LIVE THERE!! i used to see wahales all the time
goliathprime - 12 years ago
What did the whale do when you hit it? Did it even notice you?
Addict - 12 years ago
Put some copyright on this vid, its getting posted everywhere
Claudia ALLEN
Claudia ALLEN - 12 years ago
Beerus God of Destruction
Beerus God of Destruction - 12 years ago
Damn!!! i would shit my pants if this hapened to me lol!
only1mne - 12 years ago
teentitans0789 - 12 years ago
0:15 I love how you caught he birds starting to dive for the fish on film! that means the whale has blown a ring of bubbles to trap the fish in one spot - then BOOM they attack from below and eat them!
CanadianGamer420 - 12 years ago
SummerWine19 - 12 years ago
MafionzoR - 12 years ago
essteje - 12 years ago
Seems like Chuck Norris was fishing
JabbaCG - 12 years ago
This is not sharing info, this is trikcing people.
meng0is0great - 12 years ago
I would've passed out. That thing is humongous and beautiful. I don't think I would've been able to take in that moment without going into shock.
KikiandJiji20 - 12 years ago
Michele D.
Michele D. - 12 years ago
I think I would have screamed A LOT louder lol
Melissa Peterson
Melissa Peterson - 12 years ago
you re so lucky to have that happen right there and then. just wow.
NickDibuv - 12 years ago
Holy fuck, I'd shit my pants O__O

100. comment for Humpback Whale VS 2 Women in kayak's

Diego Guillermo Schmidt
Diego Guillermo Schmidt - 12 years ago
Share info is part of human behaviour, if you don't need this info you just ignore it.
JabbaCG - 12 years ago
What's the point of these kind of fake videos? Self promotion? Getting Youtube views? Stupid.
KlMlS - 12 years ago
ö big fish
Pablo Girón
Pablo Girón - 12 years ago
Why did she stop the recording?
WildTotarda - 12 years ago
0:22 was that another seagull ?
space cowboy
space cowboy - 12 years ago
thats what she said..
Phoam - 12 years ago
Haaaaaa ! Hoooooo !
kemita - 12 years ago
she almost got swallowed and acted like 0 given fucks
Rebǿrŋ Bǿrŋ II
Rebǿrŋ Bǿrŋ II - 12 years ago
shits her panties
umb1337rella - 12 years ago
this comment made my day :D
swamigal - 12 years ago
wow amazing !
psychltu - 12 years ago
like whiles can understand that womans aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Lillian Pottol
Lillian Pottol - 12 years ago
rencrow - 12 years ago
edduhduh - 12 years ago
edduhduh - 12 years ago
ownagexx1 - 12 years ago
why are you screaming bitch ?
Batman power
Batman power - 12 years ago
You should have been eaten! :p
vinny vinson
vinny vinson - 12 years ago
well, little miss smarty pants.... actually neither one of those are the harbor patrol boats... i was in one, and the other one is just another private vessel.... also, the harbor patrol did come out and clear everyone away from the whales, and warn them of the federal 100 yard buffer area law not too long after this was shot (about 5 minutes later). the seismic testing this fall will kill and/or deafen the whales as stated below. make a difference and protect these amazing creatures!!!
Emhyr - 12 years ago
Cool :)
scrubjay93 - 12 years ago
Sounds like you respect what the rules were, even if it was after the fact :) An experience of a lifetime, never to forget! We have Nixon to thank for signing the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, which regulates dumping in the ocean, both in 1972. There are no more Republican politicians that are pro-environment and conservation. Why? Corporations are people, my friend.
Bosnian International
Bosnian International - 12 years ago
So he came up again? Such an awesome moment.. :)
Melinda Tully
Melinda Tully - 12 years ago
Shut up. You weren't there. Nobody knew they where going to be in the middle of whale bait that day. They're all tourists and were just appreciating the wild life and there happened to be a whale in the bay that day. Nobody pursued it and it was totally safe. And B.T.W., Harbor patrol was there, patrolling the whole time, making sure everyone was being safe. Watch the video again, you'll see the harbor patrol boat right there. Dummy.
Melinda Tully
Melinda Tully - 12 years ago
WE WERE THERE THAT DAY!!! My dad was two feet away from that whale. It was so cool. It was beautiful!
Joey Racano
Joey Racano - 12 years ago
Dear whale lovers- The whales in this video will be killed or deafened by seismic tests about to be carried out in Central California starting November 1st. The seismic tests involve 260 decibel sound blasts by Pacific Gas & Electric who own the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant nearby. The blasts will come every 13 seconds 24 hours a day seven days a week for about 1 month. The blasts are expected to kill all whales in the area! the facebook page: Stop the Diablo Canyon Seismic Testing
buioso - 12 years ago
Where is Port San Luis?
TheKaffeeKlatsch - 12 years ago
Why'd you stop rolling?
Rocko - 12 years ago
keep pressing 7..
Monica Cacho
Monica Cacho - 12 years ago
This video ids soooooo awesome!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it..... I hope ue don't mind I also shared ur video with my family on the east coast.......... Amazing!
LydiaFraserElliott - 12 years ago
Wow, what an experience! Glad everyone was okay. From personal experience kayaking around the central coast, it's not common, or expected to see a whale like that.
CheckMate657879 - 12 years ago
I was glad to hear someone scream. When I saw the still pics on a news page, this one lady was wearing a black party dress standing on what looked to be a "board" taking her pic directly in front of the whale-- people on kayaks, people in little boats, tiny boats, whale all up out of the water, large pelicans swooping in-- I thought to myself: "I'd be terrified; I would not be that calm; but look at them - they are not even phased."
Tamara Payne
Tamara Payne - 12 years ago
I was there and heard her scream! Lame...
wickedout2010 - 12 years ago
Hey stupid ladies paddle you're ass away from the.whales food. What dumb shits. Lmao!!
Scott Bermingham
Scott Bermingham - 12 years ago
Holy Cow.... Yike!
Marcus3049 - 12 years ago
This video has just been on the news!!
Jennifer Colman
Jennifer Colman - 12 years ago
how exciting! may have to head out there!
Alice Cheung
Alice Cheung - 12 years ago
That is so awesome!!
Rochelle Reed
Rochelle Reed - 12 years ago
How exciting! Are they still there? Thanks for posting :-)
Patti Gillespie
Patti Gillespie - 12 years ago
Jollyewe - 12 years ago
It's been disgusting watching all the idiots pursue & harass the whales over the past week in Avila. I really wish Harbor Patrol would start enforcing the Marine Protection laws & start writing some tickets......... Morons!
Sandy Martinez
Sandy Martinez - 12 years ago
Awesome! We were driving along the road trying to get a glimpse of the whale and only saw him just slightly. Your video is great!

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