Humpback Whale Breaches on Top of Kayakers
Kayak 9 years ago 6,310,537 views
On our 08:00 am Sanctuary Cruises whale tour, just outside the harbor in Moss Landing, two kayakers on a tandam kayak were almost crushed to death by a massive, near full-size humpback whale. We stopped to see a large aggregation of humpbacks feeding and carrying on with random acts of hijinks. There were also a lot of kayakers right in the middle of it all. Humpbacks were coming up next to and in the middle of many kayakers. It was amusing. It's all fun and games until someone gets jumped on. The next thing we knew, this thing launched right on top of these two kayakers. That was heavy. The video was shot by Sanctuary Cruises passenger Larry Plants. To use this this video in a commercial player or in a broadcast, please email
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50. comment for Humpback Whale Breaches on Top of Kayakers
....for some reason I then imagine the guy taking a bite of a donut after that.
100. comment for Humpback Whale Breaches on Top of Kayakers
Wish came and crushed every one of those kayakers, including the one with the camera.
El de video : Lo tengo en video.
(someone should make a reaction gif out of that)
and you're the one's that cry after ur friend was eating by a shark.
ur sooooo dumb. u need help. common sense. go kayaking at safe places.
Seems like a great guy.
-Да так, попрыгаю на гребцов и вернуть обратно...
fuck off dude, first thing a normal person should think would be " oh my god, are they okay?"
he doesnt't know that they are okay..
ok? only after sometime.
"where's the kayak?"
"Who the fuck cares I got him on video rolf lel"
sex with my ex girlfriend
-You got what?
-Deez nuts! HA!
-jk got em on video
Human cattle is supposed to work not to waste time travelling to whale watching locations.
Note the additional illuminati joke of having a Monterey whale watching company present the hoaxed video:
Fake shark attacks series: surf pro Mick Fanning, South Africa and waters previously uncharted by sharks (from North Carolina to Tasmania)
surf pro Mick Fanning attacled by shark:
Same as the "two Malaysia Arilines Boeings", Staged numerologically embedded in 777's "order out of chaos", this time hidden in plain sight.
Same as 9/11, another supposedly "live on TV" hoax.
end-of-show.blogspot. /2015/07/
The reason the one guy said "I got that on video" was because he was filming and focusing on the whales, he probably didn't even register the kayak until after he processed what happened.
Humpback whale kills cute.
its obvious a whale is going to surface if you see a white circle in the water and its spinning it means something is going to surface. duh! anyone growing up on water or who paid attention during marine animal study in school would know this
girl says wow at their passing
rly ?
thats the one they love and try to protect from the race who hunts whales.
If u rewind this, he/it says "So long and thanks for all the fish!" :-O
Be safe(r) out there.
May their memory always be blessed
What a sad loss
So funny for a whale...
A lot of people don't know this but bluetooth and wifi are run by a little tiny piece of a whale's brain. Studying the brains led to those inventions. Grab your microscope and a hammer, smash your device and start searching. I promise, you will find it. But anyways, now that we have all kinds of boats and subs that are all sending out signals, the whales have been amassing a devious plot.
There will also be many dolphins joining this battle. This is when humans will lose. The dolphins have huge stockpiles of super-advanced weaponry, including "The Mackerel", a 500MT nuclear fish bomb.
We are all screwed people!
-whale thoughts