Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
Kayak 6 years ago 59,810 views
This is all the flooding I have witnessed thus far in Fayetteville from the 15th to the 17th. The Cape Fear and Little River are still on the rise causing major issues. The Little River has crested way above what was predicted and shutdown many roads. Today, the 18th, people are turning 15 minute drives to work into hour drives to avoid shutdown roads.
10. comment for Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
A curse has fallen upon the USA~ & GOD is saying no more! Repent or else! her name is Florence Leonardo, a filippino jezebel adulteress who has come to the USA from the Philippines and has been after families and men adultery after adultery wrecking homes, and recently has adulterated the man of God & my husband in Christ, David Matthew who was supposed to go with me sharing the Gospel around the world, was lured in by Reverent Traci in Fl of Transformation Intnl Fellowship into pursuing adultery - lives where -Virginia. PRIDE IN EVIL. God is not Blind YAH will judge.. The tornadoes were searching for Traci. The floods want to flush her - representing evil out! Where are you going to hide from GOD! This is just a warning ! Lava is next.
20. comment for Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
Apple iOS
Google Android
Been trying to find out what is going on.
The news just shows us the same old shit over and over
30. comment for Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
50. comment for Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
Trump reiterated it's fake
No rain no storm
fake news!!!
1. Having the same thing happen 2 years later
2. Finding another video by kayak guy 2 years later
100. comment for Hurricane Florence Flooding in Fayetteville, NC 17SEP2018 Kayaking Over Roads
How to use a paramotor to power a kayak ?