I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
Kayak 6 years ago 88,392 views
Can you kayak New York City's East River to get to work? Christian is about to find out. Special Thanks: Oru Kayak Zach Schwitzky Co-Founder & CEO, Limbik Inc. Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/68140 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/asis https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedmultiplayer https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike https://www.youtube.com/ladylike BuzzFeedVideo BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m
10. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
20. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
30. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
I like the idea
I wanna see more
I don’t like how abruptly the video ..
The end.
50. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
His kayak and paddle aren’t going to last too long if he does that every time he heads out...
New Title: I attempted to get full body cancer in under 24 hours.
No wonder you didn't make it in time.
1) Despite the name, the East River isn't a river, it's a tidal estuary. This means that the current changes four times a day and he picked a time where he was paddling against the current.
2) Although his launch was smooth, he would have hit rougher waters once he got past the south end of Roosevelt Island because of ferry traffic. The NJ guys had it right by going at hours when the ferries weren't running. He ran a risk of capsizing if he ever made it that far and crossed over into the Manhattan side of the East River.
3) Not only is the water notoriously polluted in NYC, that specific cove is located near public housing that has been known to have sewage issues.
This video would have been more interesting if they took it seriously.
Another problem I totally missed the first time is the Ravenswood Generating Station. There's an unknown outlet pipe that randomly spews out water at high pressure under the station. This could also contribute to the strong northward current he was dealing with in the video.
Also, it turns out that the part of the Hudson River that runs through NYC is considered a tidal estuary as well, so maybe the Jersey guy got lucky with crossing perpendicular to the current. I'm just upset because I know it can be done.
He did ask the Jersey guy, who basically told him to just do it. Nothing about tides and such.
Either way, anyone with a concept of basic physics, as Vusstar tf said, can see he's an idiot when it comes to kayaking
Paddle right you go left.
If you need to be an expert to understand that then I'm the next Einstein.
100. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City
Do you even know what you are doing? You seem to be oblivous as how to steer on the water.
I just wanted to write something mean don’t take thus seriously. I LOVE BUZZ FEED
In my car
I nvr got out my bed
Like if u agree?
Killed a person by stabbing him 37 times in the chest
Cut off his hands, cooked them and ate them
Sunk an entire cruise ship
Fired a harpoon into the captain’s face
Headbutted children off the side of the ship
Made out with ice sculptures
Killed the elderly couple from 2B
Bit lots of holes in the lifeboats
Toppled the south American government
Pushed the resistance leader and other people into a giant fan
Swallowed a person
Caused a nuclear explosion
Turned faces into birthfay decorations
Made a crack in space time to collect millions of baby hands