Wow I am an idiot... GET YOUR SHIRT HERE - http://bit.ly/shirtVSshirt ► Subscribe Here - http://bit.ly/SubtoLUNKERS Follow Matt - http://bit.ly/Offtheranch ►Googan Monthly Shirt - http://bit.ly/Monthlysubscription ► My Favorite Hat - http://bit.ly/googanhat ► Goon Squad Apparel - http://bit.ly/2piUzNg ► Spinning Rod - http://bit.ly/SpinningLunkerstv ► Bait Casting Rods - http://bit.ly/LunkersTvRods ►Send Mail Here- Googan Squad 1001 East Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Suite 118 ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/2piUzNg - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► Advanced Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2rArkb7 ► Beginner Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2q5sXf2 ► Starter Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Starter Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/2qAobtm ► Starter Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Advanced Vlogging Camera → http://amzn.to/2q2pXkp ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Lens → http://amzn.to/2rmGfIQ ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Mic → http://amzn.to/2q2fe9t ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Bendy Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers - - - - Make sure to Subscribe and Hit that THUMBS UP!! - - - ► Bass Fishing → http://bit.ly/1LCfHsv ► VLOGS → http://bit.ly/VideoLogs ► Underwater Action → http://bit.ly/UnderwaterVideos ► Fishing Tips and Techniques → http://bit.ly/FishingTipss Outro Music - http://bit.ly/2ljN8F7 *above are associate links*

I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 140

Kayak 7 years ago 280,401 views

Wow I am an idiot... GET YOUR SHIRT HERE - http://bit.ly/shirtVSshirt ► Subscribe Here - http://bit.ly/SubtoLUNKERS Follow Matt - http://bit.ly/Offtheranch ►Googan Monthly Shirt - http://bit.ly/Monthlysubscription ► My Favorite Hat - http://bit.ly/googanhat ► Goon Squad Apparel - http://bit.ly/2piUzNg ► Spinning Rod - http://bit.ly/SpinningLunkerstv ► Bait Casting Rods - http://bit.ly/LunkersTvRods ►Send Mail Here- Googan Squad 1001 East Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Suite 118 ► Buy LunkersTV Gear Here → http://bit.ly/2piUzNg - - - - My Go To Senko Colors- - - - ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/266QJqY ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/23frlh0 ► Click Here To See → http://amzn.to/24V8Ai1 ► Wacky Rig Tool For Senkos → http://amzn.to/266RWOU - - - - My Camera Gear - - - - ► Advanced Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2rArkb7 ► Beginner Editing Software → http://amzn.to/2q5sXf2 ► Starter Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/24KtxMD ► Starter Lens For Vlog Camera → http://amzn.to/2qAobtm ► Starter Mic For Vlogging → http://amzn.to/25SgJty ► Wind Screen For Mic → http://amzn.to/1sBfg92 ► Advanced Vlogging Camera → http://amzn.to/2q2pXkp ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Lens → http://amzn.to/2rmGfIQ ► Advanced Vlogging Camera Mic → http://amzn.to/2q2fe9t ► Memory Card For Camera → http://amzn.to/1UjHTRn ► Bendy Tripod For Vlogging Camera→ http://amzn.to/1sBfq0e ► The GoPro I Use For Filming On Boat → http://amzn.to/21hax7O ► Micro SD For GoPro → http://amzn.to/1UjI7I8 ► The GoPro Batteries I Use → http://amzn.to/1tlj6TU ► Mic Adapter For Go Pro → http://amzn.to/21hcMb9 ► GoPro Mic Setup For Chest Cam → http://amzn.to/1WKRaW0 ►The Tripod I Use On The Boat → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► Bank Fishing Tripod → http://amzn.to/2q2mYZ4 ► The Case I Use To Store My GoPro → http://amzn.to/21hb2i5 - - - - FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA BELOW!! - - - - ► INSTAGRAM → http://bit.ly/InstagramLunkers ► TWITTER → http://bit.ly/LunkersTVtwitter ► FACEBOOK → http://bit.ly/FacebookLunkers - - - - Make sure to Subscribe and Hit that THUMBS UP!! - - - ► Bass Fishing → http://bit.ly/1LCfHsv ► VLOGS → http://bit.ly/VideoLogs ► Underwater Action → http://bit.ly/UnderwaterVideos ► Fishing Tips and Techniques → http://bit.ly/FishingTipss Outro Music - http://bit.ly/2ljN8F7 *above are associate links*

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Most popular comments

Derek Farley
Derek Farley - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I
elias breit
elias breit - 7 years ago
Blur your or Matt's license plate
tarheelniner011 - 7 years ago
I bought one of each
FadedHorizon - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I
OFP BLUE FALCON - 7 years ago
I bought yours and Matt's
Adrenaline EMTI
Adrenaline EMTI - 7 years ago
Justin Lambert outdoors EH, there's kids who don't know who either of those are. Minor mistake.
Justin Lambert outdoors
Justin Lambert outdoors - 7 years ago
a man that risked his life to save us just called uncle sam... Abe Lincoln
braden allison
braden allison - 7 years ago
Where can we get the hat
Aidan Kane
Aidan Kane - 7 years ago
LunkersTV where can I get the hat you wore though? It's not on the shirt page?

10. comment for I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!!

Zimmyman 101
Zimmyman 101 - 7 years ago
Hey lunkers. I am planning on purchasing a shirt so I will keep you updated
Flynn - 7 years ago
ordered both shirts...
FireFighterSwag - 7 years ago
Am I blind, I don't see a link for the hat? Would love to snag one!
Caden Bricker
Caden Bricker - 7 years ago
LunkersTV i dare the whole googan sqaud to come up to Pennsylvania and fish at a place called calidonia resivior... i bet you cant catch more than 3 fish the whole day please do this challange
Brandon White
Brandon White - 7 years ago
LunkersTV 2 of yours ordered
Brandon White
Brandon White - 7 years ago
Ordered 2 of yours
justin smith
justin smith - 7 years ago
LunkersTV are those hats you had going to be available
Jairus Morford
Jairus Morford - 7 years ago
LunkersTV bought 2!
USN_Ret 84-05
USN_Ret 84-05 - 7 years ago
I bought both shirts.
InGage 77
InGage 77 - 7 years ago
LunkersTV did you just call Uncle Sam Abe Lincoln lol good shit

20. comment for I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!!

Jack Desantis
Jack Desantis - 7 years ago
LunkersTV that's so funny but sorry about that
pondBOSSfishing - 7 years ago
Dylan And ace if you hate lunkerstv get out of here
Dylan and ace/ fortnite/scooters
Dylan and ace/ fortnite/scooters - 7 years ago
LunkersTV fuck you
DJ Rodriguez
DJ Rodriguez - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I'm disappointed Abe Lincoln made it but no Trump shirt. Trump's the modern Abe Lincoln.
Michael Buley
Michael Buley - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I would! But the Sizing is VERY CONFUSING! Could you explain?
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 7 years ago
Float fishing is fun and can be very productive but it pays big dividends when you make a plan based on rate of flow, distance over water and time available. Anyway, you learned some stuff about that body of water, where the fords are and where your best takeouts and putins are located. A few nice little smallies caught too. All in all, looks like a nice day.
ifish4fish - 7 years ago
LunkersTV watch my videos and subscribe
Mike Ravet
Mike Ravet - 7 years ago
LunkersTV would love to buy one. got to start selling them in talls though.
roberts dancauskis
roberts dancauskis - 7 years ago
Hi! Take Matt on some hog hunt, ask him if he is interested.
Haiden Landry
Haiden Landry - 7 years ago
LunkersTV this was a peric episode

30. comment for I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!!

chase gordan
chase gordan - 7 years ago
Its a comfortable shirt and looks sick af!
Natural State Fishing
Natural State Fishing - 7 years ago
LunkersTV you should go paintballing with outlaw
Jacob Whitfield
Jacob Whitfield - 7 years ago
as a forest management major in college, lemme say that those trees are purdy
Colton Gibson Productions
Colton Gibson Productions - 7 years ago
LunkersTV what river is this is it the frio
Daniel Espey
Daniel Espey - 7 years ago
was that the guadalupe river??
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I bought one, I would have bought both but I'm low on cash
Justin Coker
Justin Coker - 7 years ago
LunkersTV dumb ass that's Uncle Sam on the shirt
Shaun Perry
Shaun Perry - 7 years ago
LunkersTV home t-shirt X3
Caleb Lorenzo
Caleb Lorenzo - 7 years ago
im pretty sure that was uncle sam not abe lincoln
Tryna_Sleep - 7 years ago
I ordered your shirt for myself and Matts shirt for my brother. I know it cancels out on the shirt vs. shirt thing, but its for a good cause... and those shirts are legit lol
Brent Sleight
Brent Sleight - 7 years ago
LunkersTV what kind of kayaks were y'all using
Bro Doe
Bro Doe - 7 years ago
LunkersTV i got demos... thats only cuz there a bit expensive and i could only afford one
Jkriz63 - 7 years ago
BC Bike life excuse my French Lunkers but @bcbikelife shut the fuck fuckety fuck fuck up and get the fuck fuckety fuck fuck outta here
Rakes - 7 years ago
Eric Barnes did you see his beer slowly float away?
Eric Barnes
Eric Barnes - 7 years ago
Does the word Dumbass come to mind here at 9:43?
BC Bike life
BC Bike life - 7 years ago
LunkersTV do anther fishing video there but go on foot
Tony Moore
Tony Moore - 7 years ago
LunkersTV rob I'm 16 and paddled 21.5 miles in a 15 canoe by myself in like 5-7 hours
Connor Purdie
Connor Purdie - 7 years ago
Dry bag dude..
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 7 years ago
LunkersTV a hell of a good cause
Colin - 7 years ago
Got one, but I had to go with Matt's design. Nothing more awesome than Uncle Sam and a buffalo with missiles!

50. comment for I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!!

Tony Moore
Tony Moore - 7 years ago
LunkersTV you said abe lincoln lol its uncle sam.
General Killshot
General Killshot - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I bought Matts :) I want yours but don't have the money I'm gonna get your monthly one though
Charlie Whitlock
Charlie Whitlock - 7 years ago
FinesseWes exactly
LineZu - 7 years ago
FinesseWes - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I got my Orange googan squad shirt. Y'all need to come to Georgia soon.
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Reed Peacock thanks reed
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Sarah May thanks sarah
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+pwkeely damn that's awesome
Boyd Casselman
Boyd Casselman - 7 years ago
LunkersTV you should combine them
Sean Riley
Sean Riley - 7 years ago
I got a Shirt!!
Aron McKeown
Aron McKeown - 7 years ago
LunkersTV=The new Peric
Ben louer Fishing
Ben louer Fishing - 7 years ago
Shawn Maness what
Shawn Maness
Shawn Maness - 7 years ago
LunkersTV will next Fri both yours and matts
Ben louer Fishing
Ben louer Fishing - 7 years ago
Lunkerstv I'm coming to Fort Worth in September and wAnt to go fishing with u DM me on insta my account is benlouer and take a look at my YouTube benlouerfishing
pwkeely - 7 years ago
ordered 3... one of yours and 2 of Matt's
FortNite Ninjas
FortNite Ninjas - 7 years ago
LunkersTV you should arm wrestle Matt I bet you would win I love you and your channel you are the best
Avaxnium - 7 years ago
LunkersTV arm wrestle Matt
Clintleonard - 7 years ago
LunkersTV can you come to Florida and fish with me if you do can I get your email
SoFLO Fishing
SoFLO Fishing - 7 years ago
check me out
Clintleonard - 7 years ago
LunkersTV can we meet up and fish big subscriber in Florida
MH Outdoors
MH Outdoors - 6 years ago
those were guads not largemouths
Mitty Spaulding
Mitty Spaulding - 6 years ago
Where in texas is this? Gaudalupe, San marcos?
Aiden Longan
Aiden Longan - 6 years ago
That's uncle sam
matthew mackey
matthew mackey - 6 years ago
that was uncle sam not lincoln
hogbelly fishing
hogbelly fishing - 6 years ago
I just got a ocean kayak prowler angler ll.that looks like the cheapest kayak I have seen lol!
John Riccobono
John Riccobono - 6 years ago
didnt see much evasive paddling
KAYAK BOB - 6 years ago
Kayaking 101..everything in dry bags..or leashed to yak..weight distribution
Paul Chase
Paul Chase - 6 years ago
"Oh no Oh no Oh no STOP NOooooOOooO I'm going right into a tree NOOOO wehahdh IM SINKIN...HELP!" ahahhah lmao
Andrew Vo
Andrew Vo - 6 years ago
it's 1Rod when he catches a fish, except when lunker sinks his kayak
nicolo cammack
nicolo cammack - 6 years ago
I bought three of ‘em
Dave Anderson
Dave Anderson - 6 years ago
It's uncle sam pup.
Reeled You Inn
Reeled You Inn - 6 years ago
Your kayak went down quicker than a Kardashian at a BLM rally.
Fist Smith
Fist Smith - 6 years ago
Oh rob...
Chad Drumm
Chad Drumm - 7 years ago
Sit in yaks are absolute junk!
YakDaddy - 7 years ago
LOL love this video

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Ian Armstrong
Ian Armstrong - 7 years ago
are you sure you were sf, didn't they teach you to tie your shit down?
FPSAmerica - 7 years ago
I like your design better...I would actually wear yours lol but Matts is cool too
dihappy - 7 years ago
So that's how trash gets into our rivers. smh
Cal Mills
Cal Mills - 7 years ago
Sorry but that guy on the back of Matt’s shirt is Uncle Sam
Upshift Z71
Upshift Z71 - 7 years ago
connie bennett
connie bennett - 7 years ago
Who takes their cell in a kayak without putting it into a waterproof floating container?? Lucky.
Sid Large
Sid Large - 7 years ago
I bought 4
Zachary Lankford
Zachary Lankford - 7 years ago
Who else came here from OfftheRanch
Josh Williams
Josh Williams - 7 years ago
Gosh can I just be friends with y'all?
Joseph Meyer
Joseph Meyer - 7 years ago
I bet you were so sore the day after or for couple days????
Suad I
Suad I - 7 years ago
Lol that's why you get open kayaks
Matt Young
Matt Young - 7 years ago
9:10 - that was a Guadalupe bass! Stripes on the belly and spots down the lateral line
Bassmaster Hero 04
Bassmaster Hero 04 - 7 years ago
I thought those were Guadalupe bass
Terry Haney
Terry Haney - 7 years ago
Not Abe Lincoln on shirt. Uncle Sam
myYTwashackedbyanoob - 7 years ago
Where is this? I live in Kerrville. That's under I-10 yeah?

100. comment for I SUNK MY KAYAK - MY WORST FAIL EVER!!

ESGAR MONTALVO - 7 years ago
Who is playing that music at minute 14:00 ?
delilah022809 - 7 years ago
holy krap that's Dr Matt!!
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller - 7 years ago
So do you miss the boat yet?
Un_Reel_Adventures - 7 years ago
atleast your kayak has a drain plug mine has a serious design flaw by not having one and i have swamped it a few times.. had to bilge the bastard out by hand!
Carter Moore
Carter Moore - 7 years ago
That's Uncle Sam on mats shirt
FishNHunt 2
FishNHunt 2 - 7 years ago
how come u chased after ur phone and not ur pole..?¿? I thought ur a Fishman... I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that would rather loose the canoe and walk back knowing u will at least be able to fish on the way. I mean for God's sake it took u how long before u noticed ur rod was gone.?
Legend ClashOfAgar
Legend ClashOfAgar - 7 years ago
Ok I have a kayak but I have a sit on top and I'm glad now cause mine doesn't have skipper plugs in the seat so if mine flips it will float
Patrick Connors
Patrick Connors - 7 years ago
Bought one of each, not concerned about the date as much as the charity, it's a good one, thanks lads. You two are funny together, watched the Off the Ranch version of this, lol.
McKenzie Tittle
McKenzie Tittle - 7 years ago
I haven't laughed this hard all week. Your reaction to sinking the kayak had my eyes watering. I've been there before. Life comes at you fast. Also, getting a heavy duty fishing magnet if you lose stuff. They help a lot
Dan Singletary
Dan Singletary - 7 years ago
Peric would be proud of you. He trained, or un-trained you well.
clay warren
clay warren - 7 years ago
What river is this linker
David Thormodsgard
David Thormodsgard - 7 years ago
you have to kiss the contact. lean into the tree, or you're in the water
Evan Dickson
Evan Dickson - 7 years ago
9:45 why I bought a sit on top kayak
FTW Fishing
FTW Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey lunkers You should fish in the susquehanna river. Big Muskies, walleyes, small mouths, and just a good big river in Pennsylvania
COWBOY CARPENTER - 7 years ago
Stomach cramps, you drank river water. I'll stick to my canoe.
peteyprovolone - 7 years ago
Watching your line get tangled made me feel a little better about my lack of skill
signelengis - 7 years ago
A dry bag would have been a good idea. cup holder too.
NickMurray Vlogs
NickMurray Vlogs - 7 years ago
Aaaaaaaanndd that's why you use a waterproof case
Shayan Nabavizadeh
Shayan Nabavizadeh - 7 years ago
LOOOOOL haven't stopped creasing watching this the whole way through
Jack McFadden
Jack McFadden - 7 years ago
Didn't know Abe Lincoln was uncle sam
Calvin Darling
Calvin Darling - 7 years ago
whoever finds that rod is one lucky mother fucker
Kestrel Ki
Kestrel Ki - 7 years ago
The home shirt is fucking awesome. MERICA!
rob frost
rob frost - 7 years ago
Where is this at?
Lit Angler
Lit Angler - 7 years ago
What are the chances of lunkers replying
Adrian Lopez
Adrian Lopez - 7 years ago
Is this the frio river in texas
Luis Ibanez
Luis Ibanez - 7 years ago
bison not a buffalo
Shelby S
Shelby S - 7 years ago
Where were those watermelons going? They seemed to be in a hurry
David Orr
David Orr - 7 years ago
Glad you made it back from Afghanistan to your beloved creeks and lakes in Texas.
Jackbass - 7 years ago
whos hotter: lunkers wife or demos wife?
Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 7 years ago
Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter - 7 years ago
james wiedenhoft
james wiedenhoft - 7 years ago
state fish of Texas
james wiedenhoft
james wiedenhoft - 7 years ago
the second fish was a Guadalupe bass
Parker adams
Parker adams - 7 years ago
Um... that wasn't Abraham Lincoln. It was Uncle Sam but I see what your saying.
Taylor Stewart
Taylor Stewart - 7 years ago
Is that the neches river?
Rick Hoeflinger
Rick Hoeflinger - 7 years ago
Just ordered the Home shirt. Cool stuff. Keep Fishing. Never Stop.
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Rick Hoeflinger appreciate it rick
Michael Garner
Michael Garner - 7 years ago
What is the name of that kayak that y'all used today to let me know text me on Instagram @michael_g708
tim hawkins
tim hawkins - 7 years ago
What river was that?
MODES - Fortnite
MODES - Fortnite - 7 years ago
Hey what road is this?
Andrew B
Andrew B - 7 years ago
I can't believe your a bass fisherman and live here in the hill country.......and suck in a kayak!!! LOL......bustin chops man! I'm in Austin. You should try the Colorado river below here. Absolute bad ass paddle (don't think it's too complicated for you), and shit loads of big bass!!! Lot's of downed trees for em to hide in.
Jeremy Hyland
Jeremy Hyland - 7 years ago
Demolition ranches shirt is so good!
David Ger
David Ger - 7 years ago
rob's whispering to the camera is cringy af
Ryan Roach
Ryan Roach - 7 years ago
where are you kayaking at?
Reid Walker
Reid Walker - 7 years ago
Hate to break it but that ain't Ab Lincoln on the shirt
darryl ross
darryl ross - 7 years ago
Crap complicated I think pretty weird jqb lobby
maxim schulte
maxim schulte - 7 years ago
grand concerning excuse dwmvwzf substance welcome wild.
Indiana Hoosier
Indiana Hoosier - 7 years ago
Sank a 15ft Grumman aluminum canoe with my wife last fall. You are in a lot better shape than I and are on the water a lot more. Lets just say the vinyl dry bags I strapped to the bow and stern save my ass. Boy Scout motto... Be prepared. Got the tiny keel stuck on an old tree stump that was below the water surface. While trying to rock it free we dumped over sideways. Was able to get my wife back into the submerged canoe and she kayak paddle to the shore about 75 yards away. Only the tips of the bow and stern were showing as she was paddling. I had to swim back on my own... In all the years that canoe has been in the family... that was a first dumping it over. They get really heavy when they are full of water. My wife was cool about it thank goodness. Thankful I didn't lose anything either. Canoe will sit for awhile ;-)
forrest stump
forrest stump - 7 years ago
never seen anyone lose it in such a tiny ripple. turn yur paddle around, and keep paddling..
jer bo
jer bo - 7 years ago
you aren't floating if you dont sink your vessel at least once!
Daniel Gamez
Daniel Gamez - 7 years ago
That looks like the Guadalupe River.
Jace Purdy
Jace Purdy - 7 years ago
Y'all need the og otterbox for your camera equipment
Robert Sherman
Robert Sherman - 7 years ago
Abe Lincoln!!! lol
Val Malinin
Val Malinin - 7 years ago
What's the rod? Great places!
Andrew Baker
Andrew Baker - 7 years ago
I have the same kayak. It's nice, but made in Canada which is borderline unacceptable.
FLYINGFOOZIE - 7 years ago
can i still get a t shirt?
Ray Hale
Ray Hale - 7 years ago
Awesome charity!
Jeremiah Winter
Jeremiah Winter - 7 years ago
I was literally at that spot at 8:08 yesterday, this is crazy!! love the vids lunkers!
J 2 The R
J 2 The R - 7 years ago
wyatt shippey
wyatt shippey - 7 years ago
Medina river?
brandon mayes
brandon mayes - 7 years ago
while your shirt is awesome and i enjoy your videos, demo ranch killed it with his shirt. glad to support either of you tho!
Jacob Nelson
Jacob Nelson - 7 years ago
I subscribed!great video
WaveLength - 7 years ago
that was uncle sam not ablincon
Nathan Richards
Nathan Richards - 7 years ago
How come on the website the shirt looks green?
John Andre
John Andre - 7 years ago
that's uncle Sam not Abraham Lincoln
Ryan Pendleton
Ryan Pendleton - 7 years ago
That made my night haha
Bill Green
Bill Green - 7 years ago
I'm sure someone else pointed it out, but, your oar looks way short.
Blaise Chagnard Outdoors
Blaise Chagnard Outdoors - 7 years ago
Are the Home. shirts grey or dark green?
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson - 7 years ago
first. off thank u for ur service I am. a veteran to and love ur videos. I need your help on a small lake that produces huge fish next time. u come. to Missouri u should come to Springfield home of the Bass pro and teach me to fish this lake the right way
Zack  Retzler
Zack Retzler - 7 years ago
I did something like this once the first two hours were awesome the next four were miserable lmao
Cooper Sawyer
Cooper Sawyer - 7 years ago
Um but that's Uncle Sam.
Adventures with Ty
Adventures with Ty - 7 years ago
where did ur rod go
Eric Espenshade
Eric Espenshade - 7 years ago
9:43 sinks kayak i know that feeling 2 of my brother sunk a kano (with me on it)
Braden Nielsen
Braden Nielsen - 7 years ago
Now I know why I shouldn't bring my kayak onto an even mightier river.. the mississippi.
Kaleb Kimball
Kaleb Kimball - 7 years ago
Blur out the license plate dude
Zac New
Zac New - 7 years ago
what does your tattoo say on your right arm lunkerstv
Tracy Rackers
Tracy Rackers - 7 years ago
is that one guy off of vet ranch???
Soviet Sponge
Soviet Sponge - 7 years ago
Dude increase that frickin FPS bro
Derek James
Derek James - 7 years ago
Just wanted to say I have those same shoes rob good stuff
Nick Shovald
Nick Shovald - 7 years ago
What Kayaks are you guys floating in?
TRiddle 55
TRiddle 55 - 7 years ago
Get a sit on top Kayak next time you won t sink it is you flip and they are more stable
boss waffles
boss waffles - 7 years ago
2.23 ITS UNCLE SAM NOT ABE LINCOLN btw love the vids
John Billings
John Billings - 7 years ago
Steve Butter
Steve Butter - 7 years ago
Where do you mean when you say "hill country in Texas?"
Tracy Lowery
Tracy Lowery - 7 years ago
go demo ranch
Ya boy Vader
Ya boy Vader - 7 years ago
Bruh we have the same kayak
Bob Campbell
Bob Campbell - 7 years ago
Haha you just made me wake up my 2 year old when those watermelons fell out of the truck I laughed so hard
True Smoker
True Smoker - 7 years ago
9:43 that moment when you know you fucked up
WHO_TEE_WHO - 7 years ago
love the vids, I watch every day.. My new favorite Channel
Cooper Bagley
Cooper Bagley - 7 years ago
I bought your shirt
Rob Flow
Rob Flow - 7 years ago
Buffalo with Grenade ear rings. nice.
GrReaIm - 7 years ago
i have that exact same kayak
RC_Ridgecrest - 7 years ago
Was your phone a 7??
kayakeros - 7 years ago
Man at least you saved your phone, :)
Jaxon. Laz
Jaxon. Laz - 7 years ago
Yall should have got sit on top kayaks
cape codder
cape codder - 7 years ago
ROB what knife is thattt???
James Landis
James Landis - 7 years ago
How do I get one of those home hat you were wearing in this video and the new demolition ranch video
William Johnson
William Johnson - 7 years ago
Ryan Cooper
Ryan Cooper - 7 years ago
t0x0cduff1vids - 7 years ago
Ryan Cooper it's a rental
JORDAN KONS - 7 years ago
drive a monster truck on video
JORDAN KONS - 7 years ago
demo ranch fishing????????????????????
AUBREYG213 - 7 years ago
I purchased 2 of both shirts
RPG GAMEPLAY - 7 years ago
@LunkersTV your license plate showed
Garrett Oleen
Garrett Oleen - 7 years ago
Who needs Peric??!! Glad to see you rescued the phone. Hope the batteries survived.
Jack Tully
Jack Tully - 7 years ago
Where can we get the hat?
Luke Pickering
Luke Pickering - 7 years ago
Hi demaalaction range
ehaqeuak123 - 7 years ago
agreed, the best adventure or what ever is the unplanned xD
ehaqeuak123 - 7 years ago
poor rob xD
Colt45colt - 7 years ago
Thats uncle sam you dumb fuck
Chris Reardon
Chris Reardon - 7 years ago
I wouldnt wear those pants because 1: you wore them, and 2: im aussie and we dont celebrate 4th july.
LightRealms - 7 years ago
this shit is hilarious
UrBoiChaz - 7 years ago
what an idiot he showed his license plate
Gotdurt - 7 years ago
The water won't hurt batteries, just let them dry.
Timbo Rouse
Timbo Rouse - 7 years ago
full name? Abraham "uncle Sam" Lincoln.
Faded Astros Gaming
Faded Astros Gaming - 7 years ago
it's uncle Sam not Abe lincoln
Konner Ricks
Konner Ricks - 7 years ago
its uncle sam btw
Brian NoneYoBusiness
Brian NoneYoBusiness - 7 years ago
Bought your shirt... but I also bought Matt's... couldn't pick a side!
eac903 - 7 years ago
What river is that would love to go float and drink beer there
Pete Buri
Pete Buri - 7 years ago
Gilbert V
Gilbert V - 7 years ago
The Guadalupe River definitely has some toads. If you ever want to do some amazing bass fishing and do a badass float contact us. @isnagtv
ABn Wolfzz
ABn Wolfzz - 7 years ago
Came here to see Matt without a shirt, wasn't disappointed
SamC158 - 7 years ago
smooth, real smooth
Nate Mchugh
Nate Mchugh - 7 years ago
I Have the same kayak, Future Beach trophy 126, Love it!!
sus kunt
sus kunt - 7 years ago
Lovely video keep up the beautiful work and stay gorgeous XD
Zack Fugitt
Zack Fugitt - 7 years ago
Where do I go for the hat
Seamus Joyce
Seamus Joyce - 7 years ago
Looks like the quadalupe river.
ItsZach - 7 years ago
Aiden Mchugh
Aiden Mchugh - 7 years ago
You should make a vid showing all of your tats. Like if you guys agree
Brandon White
Brandon White - 7 years ago
Got 2 just ordered
Luis Mendoza
Luis Mendoza - 7 years ago
hot milfs..
Jeremiah Medrano
Jeremiah Medrano - 7 years ago
8:57 that is a spot not largie
SpookySpice - 7 years ago
"hey at least the views are really nice" lol
DTsteve45 - 7 years ago
Where can I get one of those hats?
William Jackson
William Jackson - 7 years ago
My popper frog has lost air let's say, it's now at the sinking stage. Is she a goner?! Or anyway to make her float again?
Ben Kittrell
Ben Kittrell - 7 years ago
Hey Rob, check out Project Healing Waters, it's an awesome organization that uses fly fishing as therapy for wounded vets!
Andrew Mullins
Andrew Mullins - 7 years ago
Rooster tails kill those little smallies i love em
Payton McDougall
Payton McDougall - 7 years ago
What sunglasses do you wear
Matt _
Matt _ - 7 years ago
Grow your hair a bit so you look like the guy from Marley and me
Alvin Conejo
Alvin Conejo - 7 years ago
Where can we buy one of the hats?
Casey Munns
Casey Munns - 7 years ago
Uncle sam* not Abe Lincoln.
Brad J
Brad J - 7 years ago
Did you lose your rod?
AV Angling
AV Angling - 7 years ago
Yeah.... Abe Lincoln
Fire DRAGON690
Fire DRAGON690 - 7 years ago
Where did y'all kayak at
Ross Bedgood75
Ross Bedgood75 - 7 years ago
You should have got a sit on top kayak vs the sit in like yall got. The sit on tops are way better and hole more weight and stuff plus if u flip the kayak doesnt sink or fill with water
Nathaniel Jones
Nathaniel Jones - 7 years ago
you guys on the frio? looks oddly familiar
Albertdog101 - 7 years ago
As one vet to another I'm sorry to say I have no interest in fishing, but you are one cool funny and very entertaining dude. I love the show and how so chilled you are at everything when it goes wrong. Fab work with both of your shirts I think they are both = cool big thumbs up Sir
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Albertdog101 appreciate it man
Dylan Watson
Dylan Watson - 7 years ago
Lunkers occasionally goes super cringe
connor allen
connor allen - 7 years ago
Chiggers and ticks everywhere where I live
Smuckers - 7 years ago
how many times can u cri?
Chase Blakeley
Chase Blakeley - 7 years ago
hey. I liked the video and what you do
John Stapleton
John Stapleton - 7 years ago
Are you going to texoma I saw the hello kitty boat
Easy E
Easy E - 7 years ago
Don't ever compare our beautiful clean Central Texas rivers to your Dirty Needle infested North Texas trash rivers hahaah
John D
John D - 7 years ago
uncle sam, lol not Lincoln...
Austin Seidel
Austin Seidel - 7 years ago
Try connecting a 3/4 sunken kayak to the back of ur kayak and paddling though a really zigzaged part through the river with fast current
Cody Odom
Cody Odom - 7 years ago
How many beers deep?
J and J Outdoors and more
J and J Outdoors and more - 7 years ago
Use the gooey Louie boogers form senkos there perfect
19airman91 - 7 years ago
Love the Rob and Matt vids!
Tackle Them Fish
Tackle Them Fish - 7 years ago
lmfao when Rob sunk his kayak, that was better than Jon b getting a crankbait to the face
Noah Dickneite
Noah Dickneite - 7 years ago
Its uncle sam, not abe lincoln! lmao
Eddie Gonzalez
Eddie Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Freedom shirt is dope
Noah Stinson
Noah Stinson - 7 years ago
sell the shirt forever
Bruins Boy6
Bruins Boy6 - 7 years ago
That's Uncle Sam not Abraham
Fritz Schoch
Fritz Schoch - 7 years ago
Oh god this game me flashbacks from my first ever kayaking trip a month or so ago. I lost a Lews BB1 Pro, 13 fishing Omen, and like 50 bucks worth of terminal tackle that fell out of the side pouch on my tackle bag when I flipped mine. You were a much better sport about it than I was...
Harley Rev
Harley Rev - 7 years ago
lmao sank a kayak in 6 inches of water
Nick Biller
Nick Biller - 7 years ago
I have the same kayak
Sam W.
Sam W. - 7 years ago
Dang it sucks that you lost your rod and reel. That looked like some awesome fishing spots. Plus its hard to beat creek smallies on lite spinning tackle.
Noe Barrera
Noe Barrera - 7 years ago
Only 3.5 miles?!
DCD 1972
DCD 1972 - 7 years ago
I did the same thing in the same kind of kayak . you can't use that guy kayak for that River. well I guess you can but when it fills up with water and hauls ass away from you it's not fun.
DCD 1972
DCD 1972 - 7 years ago
you lost your Pole! lol. nothing to do now but paddle and drink beer
Isaac Pelletier
Isaac Pelletier - 7 years ago
Peric's gonna make a video: "top 10 Rob moments"
james wiedenhoft
james wiedenhoft - 7 years ago
Isaac Pelletier that's to funny
Nas A
Nas A - 7 years ago
Next time you see a chigger, film it. I want to see what one looks like!
Tuggers - 7 years ago
ha ha quality video
Mike N.
Mike N. - 7 years ago
I actually baught a shirt better than yours yesterday and i have the same shorts lol.
Frank Wang
Frank Wang - 7 years ago
Where do you go fishing in Texas??
Bob Bobbington
Bob Bobbington - 7 years ago
"Super stable dihedral hull" Yeah... not so much.
DarkShad0wN1nja - 7 years ago
Bro u forgot ur rod
nico - 7 years ago
Where is that?
RaedwulfGamer - 7 years ago
10:48 takn a leak
Not Sure
Not Sure - 7 years ago
I think of buffalo more as tribal than american. Since you know we killed most of them when we got here.
chronic depression
chronic depression - 7 years ago
One like = one prayer
JK Outdoors
JK Outdoors - 7 years ago
What about the hats???????
Jeff R
Jeff R - 7 years ago
Been their done that and let me tell you it sucks

But funny
Samuel Farish
Samuel Farish - 7 years ago
You may have sunk your kayak and lost your rod but it sure looks like you guy's had a great time ...We use to float down the Broad river in Boiling Springs ,NC and we would have a blast. I'm think of buying a kayak myself, You should come up with your own version of Lunker'sTV version of a fishing kayak ...
Heath Phillips
Heath Phillips - 7 years ago
Where do I buy the home hat? Can't find it on the shirt site.
Joshua McGaffigan
Joshua McGaffigan - 7 years ago
great video, as always
The Yankee Fisherman MC
The Yankee Fisherman MC - 7 years ago
Never been to Texas but God made it beautiful
jenny cunefare
jenny cunefare - 7 years ago
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
Thank you Jenny. It was the guadeluepe....I am 100% sure i butchered that name but that is it haha
DJ Rodriguez
DJ Rodriguez - 7 years ago
What a great team you guys make. Love the content of both channels.
Bruce Nguyen
Bruce Nguyen - 7 years ago
hey @LunkersTV what kayak are u using and where did u buy it?
Foothills Crafted
Foothills Crafted - 7 years ago
Glad it was only a minor fail! Thanks for posting.
Delta S1x
Delta S1x - 7 years ago
you guys should have definitely gotten sit-on-top kayaks LOL
Civil Irodicy
Civil Irodicy - 7 years ago
Xan Anthony
Xan Anthony - 7 years ago
I never even knew Drewski was related to Demo ranch
Jake The Goat
Jake The Goat - 7 years ago
Hey Rob my mom and my brother got that same kayak
Justin Kutter
Justin Kutter - 7 years ago
Got my shirt! I went with the "Home" version. Love the simplicity. Love the videos
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
thanks justin
you are a fisherman why would you buy sit in kayak to fish..especially rivers..sit on top have scupper holes so you cant sink them !
Shred! - 7 years ago
rob your watermelons wanted to follow in your footsteps and begin going for runs
Lenny W.
Lenny W. - 7 years ago
where did you get those shorts rob????
STEVE - 7 years ago
Yeah, I lost a GoPro (knockoff) doing the same thing...now I use dry bags, tethers, and those ziplock phone bags...cheap insurance!
John Choi
John Choi - 7 years ago
nice video Rob! love It! "omg my phone still works!" lol
Austin Bell
Austin Bell - 7 years ago
What river were yall on?
KiLla CoS
KiLla CoS - 7 years ago
OperatorDrewski and DomilitionRange are brothers? Had no idea.
Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones - 7 years ago
Good thing you went to the army and not the navy....
Sk Mari
Sk Mari - 7 years ago
Rob: Nothing like going under the tree
Matt: Aaah please don't fall
Diab Nahed
Diab Nahed - 7 years ago
You should have a water proof bag
WashingTone - 7 years ago
You look so skinny. Looking pretty fly for a white guy
Mike Ravet
Mike Ravet - 7 years ago
would love to buy a shirt. got to start selling them in talls though
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 7 years ago
what suv is that with two sun roofs?? what does his wife drive?
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 7 years ago
you should do like LFG and make more videos with your wife...
Daisy competition
Daisy competition - 7 years ago
Hahahah this video....I could not stop laughing the watermelons just rolling keep them coming rob!
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 7 years ago
how did you and matt become friends?
Psynide - 7 years ago
Something about knowing how the day ultimately goes, but when you said should be a nice relaxing day I laughed. Especially with the morning you had Rob
Erik22 - 7 years ago
Those watermelons ran for their lives!! They know the 50 cal is coming for them.
kade oliver
kade oliver - 7 years ago
How are you gonna be a fisherman you tuber and not have a waterproof phone case ur on the water all the time
Price Ward
Price Ward - 7 years ago
Why you shouldn't buy a closed-in kayak
IvoryMoonlight - Intros And More!
IvoryMoonlight - Intros And More! - 7 years ago
Welcome back to another episode of SunkersTV
Brian Oldham
Brian Oldham - 7 years ago
yeah he got you Abraham Lincoln shooting missiles that's badass
Kyle Sirokman
Kyle Sirokman - 7 years ago
Those two fish looked like Hybrid Guadalupe Bass.
Matt G
Matt G - 7 years ago
There's all these "great charities" that "help veterans and their families." Yet I, need help , 36 months between IZ and AFG as an 11 series, and found zero support. From our Gov'nt or from theses charities that everyone talks about. I lost everything. I was unexpectedly med retired after 10 years, I'm so disenchanted you have no idea. However, I still love to fish and you and the squad give me an hour or so where I can escape this place. Fu*k the charity I trust you more then them.
spankthatBASSTV - 7 years ago
I love how you guys take Casey niestat's style lol be original
TheZamboon - 7 years ago
this is karma for making that joke on the googan podcast. I won't mention which one but I expected better of such a well travelled man. we don't smell funny dude.
d4walkaline - 7 years ago
The rivers of freedom has sunken your vessel with righteous American fury for confusing Uncle Sam and Abe Lincoln. Eagles weep and refuse to shave their heads, Lady liberty no longer stands as a symbol of freedom upon her pedestal, but teaches a spin class each Tuesday and Thursday, Apple Pie has turned to kale salad and the White House has become the none racially colored freedom hut...All because of a simple error... for shame, how will you sleep?
Brandon Ramirez
Brandon Ramirez - 7 years ago
!!!conspiracy theory!!! By "Fisher House charity to help veterans and their family" he means him and his family so they can buy a cabin in Northern Minneota for fishing videos?!
Josh Harmon
Josh Harmon - 7 years ago
I wish y'all would do a lot more videos together!! You both make great content!
darklard - 7 years ago
Not exactly your worst fail, stuck in the middle of nowhere and having to get a farmer to help you out was much worse.
ATSW FX4 - 7 years ago
I love that you're both Ford guys!!!!
d4walkaline - 7 years ago
Looks like Uncle Sam to me man. Uncle Sam has teamed up with Bob Marley and has become a Buffalo soldier....except no dreadlock rasta, deffinately not taken from Africa.
Aaron Woller
Aaron Woller - 7 years ago
Where was this at? The river
2012ftw - 7 years ago
Aaron Woller South from comfort, TX
Corkey - 7 years ago
who cares about the kayak you let the beer get away!
Cameron Barnes
Cameron Barnes - 7 years ago
Corkey watch off the ranch matt caught it down stream
Dane  Geeding
Dane Geeding - 7 years ago
ya im buying that Abe Lincoln shirt for sure
Dan Allmayer
Dan Allmayer - 7 years ago
Just ordered my shirt! You the man Rob
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+cheboyganboy120 you're awesome
Hellbilly Gates 019
Hellbilly Gates 019 - 7 years ago
the kayak is still savable. sort of..
Lumpylufkin - 7 years ago
Rob, I'd love to buy a "Home" hat but can't find them anywhere! Where can I order one?
Black Valley Outdoors
Black Valley Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome videos, man. I was born and raised in the Texas hill country. Bow fishing here is awesome. Especially in my small town. Love your videos. Keep it up!
Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones - 7 years ago
Love the "home" shirt. Wish it had the charging flag in the sleeve. I will be buying one soon.
WT fishing
WT fishing - 7 years ago
At least you didn't sink your boat like i did today
WT fishing
WT fishing - 7 years ago
yeah at least we had insurance on it
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+WT fishing that sucks
Logan Belew
Logan Belew - 7 years ago
When you first started making videos what kind of camera did you use and how much was it?
Logan Belew
Logan Belew - 7 years ago
LunkersTV thanks
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Logan Belew go pro 3
Zak Keith
Zak Keith - 7 years ago
Did you call Uncle Sam Abe Lincoln?
TEALS&REELS - 7 years ago
You need to call D to the ALL to the MY to the D and get yo rod back
Jack Dykes
Jack Dykes - 7 years ago
I was just wondering what town of the hill country does lunkerstv live in
Christopher Clayton
Christopher Clayton - 7 years ago
LunkersTV, your worst mistake was thinking that was Lincoln, instead of Uncle Sam, lol. Another great video.
Wayne Heath
Wayne Heath - 7 years ago
as i said on matts channel. Funest epic fail day ever.
Parker Dry
Parker Dry - 7 years ago
Idk if I'm just stupid or something but can anyone else find the hats
Adam Shiek
Adam Shiek - 7 years ago
someday you should go back and tube fish that river. I think you'd have some pretty interesting prospects to anchor up around.
anythingoutdoors 4x4
anythingoutdoors 4x4 - 7 years ago
how do I get the home hat? I can't find it on the website
Giftied - 7 years ago
between matt's vid and yours, it looked like you had a rough day bud. hahahaha
Curtis Smith
Curtis Smith - 7 years ago
Hay lunkers how good did that cooler hold up
Slay Thots Catch Bass
Slay Thots Catch Bass - 7 years ago
Lol you didn't show the part where you spilled coffee in your lap, a bird pooped in your coffee and you smashed your hand in the door
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Ricky Bobby lmao
Elliott O
Elliott O - 7 years ago
near a O Reily's
Elliott O
Elliott O - 7 years ago
my grandpa saw your hello kitty boat!!!
OffBeat - 7 years ago
Those were spotted bass not largemouth
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 7 years ago
Lol trying to be like that kayak fisherman youtuber Robert field lol
James Plays
James Plays - 7 years ago
Are you drinking Austin EastCider? Love that stuff.
James Richards
James Richards - 7 years ago
You've got lovely rivers in America that's coming from New Zealand
NoVa TrICKy - 7 years ago
I went to New Zealand when I was like 16 and it's awsome up there need to go back some time
Brandon Bedwell
Brandon Bedwell - 7 years ago
Should've known what kinda day it was after the watermelons.
James Riley
James Riley - 7 years ago
The shoes????
Mason McPeak
Mason McPeak - 7 years ago
That's Uncle Sam not Abe Lincoln
asher439 - 7 years ago
what happened to the fishing rod and reel?
Anthony Sigman
Anthony Sigman - 7 years ago
I have the same Future Beach kayak from Dick's and had the same thing happen when I went over a small fall sideways. Good times.
Ricardo Quezada
Ricardo Quezada - 7 years ago
This is why you use a sit on top
James Riley
James Riley - 7 years ago
Sunkers TV
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones - 7 years ago
You and Matt are probably my most favorite YouTubers. I'd love to see Matt go fishing with the Googan Squad get some Jon B and his amazing b roll up in a video too
RWC Fishing
RWC Fishing - 7 years ago
What creek is this that has smallmouth in it. I've only caught smallmouth in Canada and I've been dying to find them in Texas. If anyone knows of any other places to catch smallies in north Texas it would be very much appreciated
Marcus Vogt
Marcus Vogt - 7 years ago
Thrill2Reel - 7 years ago
If you're looking for some smallness in the guad you need to fish beneath the rapids around new braunfels
triston evans
triston evans - 7 years ago
I have the exact same kayak same color and everything
Wyatt Berlener
Wyatt Berlener - 7 years ago
Get 2 more kayaks!
Zach Fisher
Zach Fisher - 7 years ago
Your starting to get more like ap bassing every day
Zach Fisher
Zach Fisher - 7 years ago
Donavin Albright lol
Donavin Albright
Donavin Albright - 7 years ago
Fishers fishing he is infecting them all
IA. BassFishing
IA. BassFishing - 7 years ago
Welcome to another episode of Peric Moments 101
Tanner Wilson
Tanner Wilson - 7 years ago
I love that you are hanging with Matt you both seem like good family men
Brandon Hanna
Brandon Hanna - 7 years ago
you would think a guy goes fishing a lot would have water proof cases
Baseballbro25 - 7 years ago
Rob, you should go to Georgia and go fishing with flukemaster ,like if you agree.
Vciambotti 58
Vciambotti 58 - 7 years ago
I just bought those same shorts
pistol wip
pistol wip - 7 years ago
bye bye watermelons, haha
north indiana bassin
north indiana bassin - 7 years ago
I sunk my kayak to but it was in the ocean and I was alone over a mile off shore and had to swim the entire way back and of course my life jacket was in the kayak that sunk so I didn't have that either on the swim back because it went down with the kayak.
Hinerflyer - 7 years ago
maximum outdoors how did you not die like dang a mile is a long ways to swim
Fish Hawk
Fish Hawk - 7 years ago
Been there many times. I've lost all kinds of rods and tackle. It's a bad bad feeling...
Mark Hernandez
Mark Hernandez - 7 years ago
come fish in dallas
Matthew Rose
Matthew Rose - 7 years ago
all u ever hear is bass bass bass nothing else change it up bro also love the bow fishing
Evocati25 - 7 years ago
I just purchased a shirt. I don't know if Rob actually went into it in the Video, but Fisher House is an awesome organization. They provide no-cost housing to family members of active and retired personnel when they're in the hospital so they can be with them without destroying their savings. Support them if you can.
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Evocati25 appreciate the awesome comment and the purchase
Sam Casson
Sam Casson - 7 years ago
No disrespect but that was Uncle Sam
Syclz - 7 years ago
Same river as lake fork just fished huh
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+BC-Gaming pretty big river
Drew B.
Drew B. - 7 years ago
lmao Uncle Sam
Random Videos
Random Videos - 7 years ago
Love the videos but I was wondering could you bring back the military Monday vids
Riley Todd
Riley Todd - 7 years ago
Random Tv h
Random Videos
Random Videos - 7 years ago
Martin Rubin oh cool dude thanks for letting me know
Martin Rubin
Martin Rubin - 7 years ago
Random Tv he's said on Fridays live stream he's going to bring them back but doesn't know when
Noah - 7 years ago
LunkersTv what do you do for a living?
Sean Sedwick
Sean Sedwick - 7 years ago
That was such a peric moment lol
Kylef7735 - 7 years ago
This is why Sit On kayaks are better than Sit In.
Grayson Rutledge
Grayson Rutledge - 7 years ago
Get a little float to keep ur coolers on its a lot easier
The Bass Master
The Bass Master - 7 years ago
awesome video
John Donovan
John Donovan - 7 years ago
Matt's shirt is dope
Alex Hall
Alex Hall - 7 years ago
You suck. like at everything! DumpTV. Delete your channel you scrub.
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
We're those spotted or Guadalupe bass? Omg this vid was painful/hilarious to watch. So many juicy spots and no cast, WTF's up with that? There are few things finer on this earth then floating a "fast moving, clear, Rocky river, and booking up with some river conditioned bass! I did enjoy your comment about the best trips are not planned (Flair-you reading this?) Broski, do this again (without the baggage) you will Love op-ed I do!
Bray Houston
Bray Houston - 7 years ago
Hey man where at in the Hill Country are you? I live here as well!
Mentally Bizarre
Mentally Bizarre - 7 years ago
Shaun Perry
Shaun Perry - 7 years ago
home t-shirt X3. Semper Fi America 1st!!
TheLilgoob5043 - 7 years ago
We have a chigger problem when we are in the country. Found out if you spray deep woods off where they usually bite they will be repelled.
Buck Edwards
Buck Edwards - 7 years ago
When are you going hog hunting again.
Tonto 22
Tonto 22 - 7 years ago
Get a sit on kayak
Austin Gaming
Austin Gaming - 7 years ago
rob we all have these days that's part of fishing haha
Cullen Blair
Cullen Blair - 7 years ago
Haha this video was awesome lunkers. This is generally how my trips go.
Patrick B
Patrick B - 7 years ago
9:10 that's a Guadalupe bass
SofaKing's StupidFishing
SofaKing's StupidFishing - 7 years ago
Those aren't stomach cramps, it's heartache from losing your rod.
Booger Boy
Booger Boy - 7 years ago
I bought matts
iSnagTV - 7 years ago
We float this stretch often!
Alec Blount
Alec Blount - 7 years ago
The "Home" shirt is so amazing!!!! Couldn't help but pick one up!
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Alec Blount thanks alec
iSnagTV - 7 years ago
Contact me if you wanna get on this river and catch river monsters! We bass fish the Guadalupe river weekly and put ya on fish
Cyanide - 7 years ago
I got both yours and matts shirt!!
Everything Outdoors MN
Everything Outdoors MN - 7 years ago
Hope you know the iphone 7 is water proof
bruce f
bruce f - 7 years ago
went to a kayak demo today tried out hobie pro aangler 12 14
cole raymer
cole raymer - 7 years ago
Uncle Sam
vilintjay - 7 years ago
Shoot old car batteries
dale p
dale p - 7 years ago
Now Rob you know this had nothing on the time when you took your truck and boat down that podunk trail in the middle of nowhere trying to get to that lake. Love seeing the antics bro!! be safe out there
daniel mchugh
daniel mchugh - 7 years ago
I did that today too... but I was in my pool
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+daniel mchugh lmao
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Isaac Echeverria don't remind me of that mistske
pondBOSSfishing - 7 years ago
+lunkerstv would you recommend the defender by favorite rods?
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+pondBOSSfishing hell yes
bill redmon
bill redmon - 7 years ago
Dude sit on top kayak not sit in lol
bill redmon
bill redmon - 7 years ago
Ive had both... to each their own
teamflanneloutdoors - 7 years ago
No offense but sit on top kayaks are kinda like recumbent bicycles - gay
Jack Ellison
Jack Ellison - 7 years ago
Why did you not look for your fishing pool
Jairus Morford
Jairus Morford - 7 years ago
Lunkers, what shirts qualify for the offer?
Jairus Morford
Jairus Morford - 7 years ago
Awesome! On my way! :)
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Jairus Morford the shirtvsshirt.com ones
Cy williams
Cy williams - 7 years ago
I feel like you should've blurred your license plate number
Jeff Gunstone
Jeff Gunstone - 7 years ago
Shirt is ordered.
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Jeff Gunstone thanks jeff
jisterKIS - 7 years ago
anything for views? lets see
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
good shit rob. loved the vid
OrangePixl - 7 years ago
Not trying to hate, but the hats and shirts that say "Home" should also have Hawaii and Alaska. Its an awesome idea, just not geographically correct. :P
Daniel Whisler
Daniel Whisler - 7 years ago
OrangePixl it doesn't matter
MattHD - 7 years ago
OrangePixl stfu
last pass waterfowl
last pass waterfowl - 7 years ago
just gonna sent it
taylor bandy
taylor bandy - 7 years ago
Uncle Sam Maybe???
Goattie McGoat
Goattie McGoat - 7 years ago
you can actually watch your rod go in the water
Andrew Farquhar
Andrew Farquhar - 7 years ago
NOOOOOO...... not the beer!!!!
TX.Customs - 7 years ago
are you at garner state park? if u r , i go there all the time
Michael Robbins
Michael Robbins - 7 years ago
lol why would you use a sit in kayak
Michelle Satterly
Michelle Satterly - 7 years ago
sit on top kayak with scupper holes
Arin West
Arin West - 7 years ago
It's so humid here in Oklahoma!!! You should do a meet and greet!!!!
Ryan Joens
Ryan Joens - 7 years ago
LunkersTV you have my respect brother. From one veteran to another you rock dude.
Kyle Burt
Kyle Burt - 7 years ago
You're lucky it wasn't that deep would've been much tougher to get it back
soverjas - 7 years ago
Lol that happened so quick
Salty Diarrhea
Salty Diarrhea - 7 years ago
Awwwww man, that sucks pretty bad.

At least you were in shallow water and didn't have to go far.

Where's your PFD on that moving water? Bump your head and it gets serious.
Surreel Fishing
Surreel Fishing - 7 years ago
+lunkerstv damn man you had a "PERIC" day lmao
Collin Domozych
Collin Domozych - 7 years ago
Robs peric moment of the year
1255 Fishing
1255 Fishing - 7 years ago
sukram493 - 7 years ago
Bro you said Abe Lincoln was on demo ranches shirt and it's not its Uncle Sam
Viral - 7 years ago
Hey LunkersTV
Nick Jackson
Nick Jackson - 7 years ago
Robs balance tho.. he falls (or sinks) like every video XD
Jman - 7 years ago
Purchased 2. The second is for my dad "home"
1dudeomg - 7 years ago
11:30 dude weres your rod
1dudeomg - 7 years ago
6 sec later lmao
Bank2Bank Bass fishing
Bank2Bank Bass fishing - 7 years ago
They have midol for the stomach pain lmao
WILOloYT - 7 years ago
Today is my birthday! Rob I love your videos and you are my favorite youtuber
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+WILOloYT happy birthday
FJC3 - 7 years ago
Total peric move bro
Griffin Shewbart
Griffin Shewbart - 7 years ago
Hey man if that's your worst fail ever your doing good
Trent W.
Trent W. - 7 years ago
bring back military monday
PCM24 97
PCM24 97 - 7 years ago
I wonder how far down the river that rod is..
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
Way to go peric
Bryan Hicks
Bryan Hicks - 7 years ago
Wasn't that second fish a guad
Jorne Lindberg
Jorne Lindberg - 7 years ago
why he never have wife or g friend in videos?
Jorne Lindberg
Jorne Lindberg - 7 years ago
Gavin Harter
Gavin Harter - 7 years ago
Jorne Lindberg she's in some videos. I don't think she really like to be in them tho
Kirk Clugston
Kirk Clugston - 7 years ago
You were holding the paddle backwards the whole time lol
Cody Tomblin
Cody Tomblin - 7 years ago
lol i didnt know shorts were pants
Jonzee - 7 years ago
lunkers where is this??
Chance Johnson
Chance Johnson - 7 years ago
that my home town. I run the trip all the time. lots of fish.
badboybootz8 - 7 years ago
JJ - 7 years ago
That's not Abe Licoln that's uncle SAM!!??
ricfly52 - 7 years ago
Hahahahahaaaa! You Texas guys crack me up. Come to central Idaho, we will teach you how to navigate class 5 rapids in a Kayak. Great video though.
UnrealWarriorYT - 7 years ago
thank you so much for all the entertainment you and Matt shoutout to you both
Jorne Lindberg
Jorne Lindberg - 7 years ago
is this the river lfg just fished?
Jacob Crawford
Jacob Crawford - 7 years ago
What kind of angler has a cellphone that doesn't have a waterproof case?? I thought Peric was the only one!
Charlie Whitlock
Charlie Whitlock - 7 years ago
Good video rob as always keep up the good work.......reply back maybe not pushing my limits
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Charlie Whitlock thanks for watching charlie
dean counts
dean counts - 7 years ago
dude that was like class 0 rapids, how did you manage that?
Grayson cantu
Grayson cantu - 7 years ago
Not being able to find the hat
Cody Wolff
Cody Wolff - 7 years ago
Did this guy just say ABE LINCOLN
ItchN2Fish - 7 years ago
I have a kayak like that, stable if you don't overpack overall great video! :)
Hunters Tv
Hunters Tv - 7 years ago
I bought one of both shirts
Brian Richardson
Brian Richardson - 7 years ago
need a sit on top kayak
KrospBrothers Fishing
KrospBrothers Fishing - 7 years ago
AWESOME vidjas and keep collabing with matt from demo ranch
Jacob Crawford
Jacob Crawford - 7 years ago
At least I can wear Rob's shirt to school!
Nick Bullard
Nick Bullard - 7 years ago
This is why you get a sit on top rather than a sit inside!!
Alan Antonson
Alan Antonson - 7 years ago
I laughed much harder than I should have lol. Major Peric moment.
rudy carreon
rudy carreon - 7 years ago
Come on! Do a little bit of recording tomorrow. I'm real excited to watch it and it'd be awesome to have two different views. That's one if things that was awesome about today.
Denim Howell
Denim Howell - 7 years ago
i am 11 andi love your videos and i was really suprised to see demolitionranch in this video i watch him too and i used to live in texas until i was six and then i moved back to the town in utah where i was born and want to move back to texas when im old enough so in about 7 or 8 or 9 years you can possibly expect to see me
B Zink
B Zink - 7 years ago
Where's the link for that Home hat? Thanks!
B Zink
B Zink - 7 years ago
LunkersTV I'll look again but I only seen the shirt vs shirt link, which is also sick. You had a link for your favorite hat but I didn't see the home. Thanks for the reply.
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+B Zink it's in he description
Evan Akers
Evan Akers - 7 years ago
Can we buy the new hats?
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+Evan Akers yes they are on there
Evan Jelo
Evan Jelo - 7 years ago
please do more of these types of videos!
Reid Holland
Reid Holland - 7 years ago
Hey I have those same shoes
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 7 years ago
Exactly why you don't take a sit in kayak down a river..
Happy Little Accidents
Happy Little Accidents - 7 years ago
Honest abe inkin
Woodsman101 - 7 years ago
I just ran a race today (2 miles) got a 12 minute and placed 1st
Menacing Moto
Menacing Moto - 7 years ago
How much were those kayaks? I want to get one now
KrMa Fades
KrMa Fades - 7 years ago
Happy Little Accidents pause at 11:42
334 Outdoors
334 Outdoors - 7 years ago
Why the ever living fuck would you buy a sit in kayak for fishing
skippinclass catchinbass
skippinclass catchinbass - 7 years ago
where did ur. pole go did u leave it?
Top  Gunners
Top Gunners - 7 years ago
How many poles do u have
Jimmy Celtic
Jimmy Celtic - 7 years ago
Always enjoy your vids
Keaton Littrell
Keaton Littrell - 7 years ago
Where's the bio
Mike K
Mike K - 7 years ago
It's nice to see that Rob and Peric are prone to mishaps like I am. Not as many but close. Man I feel good about myself now. Great videos. Keep up the good work!
Andrew cha
Andrew cha - 7 years ago
Do you live that close to Demolition Ranch?? I watch his videos just as much as I watch yours!!
Paul Mosley
Paul Mosley - 7 years ago
Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance, as a former military person you should know this.
Brandon Beasley
Brandon Beasley - 7 years ago
Looks like the Trophy 126.. and that's why you need a SOT bud! We got those at Dick's Sporting Goods... looks like that's where you got your kayak and paddle combo.
Fishing South Jersey
Fishing South Jersey - 7 years ago
OMG!!!! I was actually looking into getting that exact kayak....., so glad I watched this video first lol!!!
Grizzley channel
Grizzley channel - 7 years ago
hi i would love a chance to go fishing with you it would be a pleasure
John Newman
John Newman - 7 years ago
kist caught a 3 pound largemouthbass
Grant Stringfellow
Grant Stringfellow - 7 years ago
What's your pb bass
House 22
House 22 - 7 years ago
If FDR aka the best president ever was on the shirt instead of abe it would've been so much better
Mason Ayres
Mason Ayres - 7 years ago
Welcome to another episode of Lunkers eats shit
Corbin Matasovsky
Corbin Matasovsky - 7 years ago
that was uncle Sam not honest Abe... early in the video about the T-shirt
Ryan Taylor
Ryan Taylor - 7 years ago
lmao that really sucks brother!!!
JakeOfficial20 - 7 years ago
i just purchased 3 shirts for me and my buddies they look sick!
JakeOfficial20 - 7 years ago
LunkersTV - 7 years ago
+JakeOfficial20 appreciate it jake
Xbridgeman1975x - 7 years ago
I bet someone goes back and tries to grab that fishing pole. I would if i lived somewhere in that area. I bet it's hung up on the bottom right under the tree where the kayak swamped. Might have been a fail but was still an epic adventure.
Corbin Matasovsky
Corbin Matasovsky - 7 years ago
avery's YouTube channel could get more followers then your channel lunkers. think about it lol
Kassidy Pinkal
Kassidy Pinkal - 7 years ago
What kind of phone do u have

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