I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

Can you kayak New York City's East River to get to work? Christian is about to find out. Special Thanks: Oru Kayak Zach Schwitzky Co-Founder & CEO, Limbik Inc. Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/68140 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/asis https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedmultiplayer https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike https://www.youtube.com/ladylike BuzzFeedVideo BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m

I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City sentiment_very_dissatisfied 536

Kayak 6 years ago 88,355 views

Can you kayak New York City's East River to get to work? Christian is about to find out. Special Thanks: Oru Kayak Zach Schwitzky Co-Founder & CEO, Limbik Inc. Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/68140 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/asis https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedmultiplayer https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike https://www.youtube.com/ladylike BuzzFeedVideo BuzzFeed’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! To see behind-the-scenes & more, follow us on Instagram @buzzfeedvideo http://bit.ly/2JRRkKU Love BuzzFeed? Get the merch! BUY NOW: https://goo.gl/gQKF8m

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Most popular comments
for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

Ley Jam
Ley Jam - 6 years ago
He should be fired for such shoddy work.
Alswo Ward
Alswo Ward - 6 years ago
lol you just didn’t want to do it
Eric Mason
Eric Mason - 6 years ago
Yeah bad idea to try to go right where that current is ripping past the rocks. maybe 20 feet to the right would've been better, surprised you didnt' try that - or maybe you did but just didn't show it. There was clearly a lot of time edited out when you went from on the water at 8:45 and then the last time stamp showed 9:5something.
Eric Mason
Eric Mason - 6 years ago
but glad to see a kayak video, regardless of the outcome :)
Smart Life In Morocco
Smart Life In Morocco - 6 years ago
You're welcome to my new channel to have a good world with peace and love please subscribe to be one hand in all over the world https://youtu.be/Jdfv2je-KpA
bob rushing
bob rushing - 6 years ago
portions of the hudson river are dependent on ocean tides. i live in new york's orange county which borders on the hudson river. you can watch the direction of the hudson river in newburgh change. depending on tidal conditions, the river will flow up stream then later on in the day change to down stream which is the direction of the atlantic ocean.
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike - 6 years ago
Regardless of his "outdoorsy" ness. This man is not a waterman and is woefully unprepared for boating.
TheKamsterninja - 6 years ago
Lol you were putting in ur paddle on the wrong side making you circle. If you would have placed the paddle on the side you were being pushed it would have countered it
Claire Behr
Claire Behr - 6 years ago
What the hell was that? He literally turned himself around. By a bunch of rocks. Instead of being in the middle of the river. SMH. That was pathetic
Jessica Mason
Jessica Mason - 6 years ago
You can’t be so close to shore, you’ll get caught in eddies (currents going up river)

10. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

HeyJay - 6 years ago
"the water is pretty clear" it's like he's never seen nyc water before
DarcyAdelaide - 6 years ago
.......that water is connected to the OCEAN which means it has CURRENTS that change SEVERAL times a day. Do you guys not fact check things. I mean the Ferry traffic alone could smack you off that kayak.
Uate Tamanikaiyaroi
Uate Tamanikaiyaroi - 6 years ago
What time does buzzfeed starts work?
Daftshrimp - 6 years ago
Bro wtf
K M - 6 years ago
How did there kayak not melt in the Hudson?
Robin Masters
Robin Masters - 6 years ago
You have with New York, the hottest city in the world. Yours, from so many nations yet open to strangers, residents, is exactly what America stands for and we tourists come again and again. Stay Safe, Nice Sport.
MooflesThaCat - 6 years ago
Still faster (and more reliable) than NJ Transit!
ohnoestheydidnt - 6 years ago
All this tells me is don't try kayaking to work from Queens. Sucks to be you, Christian!
robd761 - 6 years ago
As soon as you say "I am an outdoorsy person", all capable outdoors people roll their eyes.
Alexander Kaznowsky
Alexander Kaznowsky - 6 years ago
Try learning to row first

20. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

Pierre Roy
Pierre Roy - 6 years ago
Cross the Eddy line at 90 degrees
Łukasz Zieliński
Łukasz Zieliński - 6 years ago
Go home, hipster
okashi10 - 6 years ago
Maybe if you knew how to kayak... or paddle...
Sylphie - 6 years ago
I can tell he's never kayaked before.
Sophie Bailey
Sophie Bailey - 6 years ago
The way you paddled is what flipped you around
Junior Sanchez
Junior Sanchez - 6 years ago
Pretty much sums up millennials in one video...
HyPe_Dovaa - 6 years ago
Try paddling on the right side of the kayak next time. Maybe you’ll get further
GnomeSprinkles - 6 years ago
He was paddling on his left... the same way the current was pushing come on man
ecofriendlyhippie - 6 years ago
That is one state I have no interest in living in ever
Papi The Dog
Papi The Dog - 6 years ago
Next video: I tried not going to work

30. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

Faye McCarson
Faye McCarson - 6 years ago
I'm an amateur, but controlling your direction with the paddle isn't that hard.
Iman Fadlalla
Iman Fadlalla - 6 years ago
why doesnt he just...not kayak as close to the current?
Vanessa Valentina
Vanessa Valentina - 6 years ago
I like Christian
I like the idea
I wanna see more
I don’t like how abruptly the video ..
The end.
Rman Nayr
Rman Nayr - 6 years ago
wii guy
wii guy - 6 years ago
he tried and failed
Jaime Lyerly
Jaime Lyerly - 6 years ago
I think it is pretty genius you even tried this. I wonder what other creative ways you could get to work?
campkira - 6 years ago
#fail may just well go back to bed.
Simon Buckley
Simon Buckley - 6 years ago
Why did they use someone who clearly can’t kayak to do this?
Eric Geraghty
Eric Geraghty - 6 years ago
Stopping when you hit the current
Kat Mann
Kat Mann - 6 years ago
You either have no idea how to kayak or are straight trying to fail. Stopped watching.
privatetutor1 - 6 years ago
Is this fitness or survivalist?
Ziqian Li
Ziqian Li - 6 years ago
might as well catch few fishes for lunch
Katie Fair
Katie Fair - 6 years ago
Okay....so....when you were ‘turning around’ it wasn’t just due to the current. It was due to you only paddling on one side...further turning you haha
Niki Pea
Niki Pea - 6 years ago
Sounds cold
GamersHunch - 6 years ago
Go around the current you ape
Rachel Frumkin
Rachel Frumkin - 6 years ago
My favorite part of these videos: the comments. Love reading all the clearly more qualified people just own this guy. In a totally constructive way but none the less own him.
kim mcdonald
kim mcdonald - 6 years ago
Definitely. not a Try Guy replacement. Even Zach wouldn't have gave up in after 3 attempts. lol
Quafflez - 6 years ago
this guy should be fired
Melissa Gomez
Melissa Gomez - 6 years ago
Wasn't there a joke like this on Comedy Central's YouTube channel?
okashi10 - 6 years ago
I saw a recent video about swimming to work to avoid traffic.
lola lane
lola lane - 6 years ago
my guy just take the 7 across lmao

50. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

Cash Conway
Cash Conway - 6 years ago
I started watching Buzzfeed's content again because you guys actually made some good stuff. This is not part of that stuff. Actually try to do the thing your trying to do. Please.
Wally - 6 years ago
The moment you find your kayak turning counter with a stroke in the opposite direction. Easy.
akadanielle - 6 years ago
he’s not even steering himself and he gave it 3 shots why was this even uploaded
The Dancing Chef Abby
The Dancing Chef Abby - 6 years ago
I would be interested to see if he succeeded.
Rohan Patel
Rohan Patel - 6 years ago
U should have gone on a Angle
25jazz25 - 6 years ago
So this guy’s obviously not an experienced kayaker but the way he launched almost caused physical pain.
His kayak and paddle aren’t going to last too long if he does that every time he heads out...
Halapecia shaniqua
Halapecia shaniqua - 6 years ago
You didn't even try with this video, my god.
Aileen S
Aileen S - 6 years ago
Most important thing is to know the traffic pattern!!
bubobubo - 6 years ago
Did you forget about tides? You know, the ocean thing?
unadultr8dgeniuses - 6 years ago
bRUH why do people insist on getting in the water around NYC

New Title: I attempted to get full body cancer in under 24 hours.
what about elle
what about elle - 6 years ago
He really should have had a helmet
Jenna Sorenson
Jenna Sorenson - 6 years ago
I want him to do this more realistically next time. Go around the current? Go to the middle of the river? I mean come one its not that hard. Or just paddle constantly instead of giving up right when you hit the current and the kayak turns. Really dissapointed with this vid.
okashi10 - 6 years ago
I don't think he knew how to paddle at all... just watching him paddling on the same side that would turn him WITH the current... guy doesn't understand basic physics.
TBcinema - 6 years ago
Next video: I try riding a bike to work... Has no idea how to ride a bike.

No wonder you didn't make it in time.
Joshua Moolman
Joshua Moolman - 6 years ago
Theres a guy from South Africa who literally went with his wife with a small fishing boat from Cape Town to New York for a honeymoon get away. That's insane
Savannah Rosary
Savannah Rosary - 6 years ago
Thought he'd knpw how to kayak before attempting it on a time schedule? The idiot is going straight for currents and rips, he also doesn't understand how physics work because he's trying to use the paddle to stop moving but should have been using it to change direction by putting on the other side of him.
Jason - 6 years ago
That was such a feeble attempt.
gang gang
gang gang - 6 years ago
You take you car to work, ill take my board...
puking emoji
puking emoji - 6 years ago
I'm annoyed by the arrow while he is talking to him
Josie Kelpsas
Josie Kelpsas - 6 years ago
CraftyCreator - 6 years ago
He couldn’t do it because he wasn’t paddling the right way smh
KuroiandNoukon - 6 years ago
This was poorly planned on so many levels.

1) Despite the name, the East River isn't a river, it's a tidal estuary. This means that the current changes four times a day and he picked a time where he was paddling against the current.

2) Although his launch was smooth, he would have hit rougher waters once he got past the south end of Roosevelt Island because of ferry traffic. The NJ guys had it right by going at hours when the ferries weren't running. He ran a risk of capsizing if he ever made it that far and crossed over into the Manhattan side of the East River.

3) Not only is the water notoriously polluted in NYC, that specific cove is located near public housing that has been known to have sewage issues.

This video would have been more interesting if they took it seriously.
nick normal
nick normal - 6 years ago
+airplainchild and I <3 you.
airplainchild - 6 years ago
I think I love you.
KuroiandNoukon - 6 years ago
​+recoil53 It's true but I have a feeling that he didn't really read into what the current flows actually mean. If he had read that high tide (the water in the East River goes northward) wasn't until after he calculated when he would be out of the water, he might have disregarded it. However, the tide schedule tells when high tide is at it's peak, not when it starts, which can start between 30-45 minutes before it's peak.

Another problem I totally missed the first time is the Ravenswood Generating Station. There's an unknown outlet pipe that randomly spews out water at high pressure under the station. This could also contribute to the strong northward current he was dealing with in the video.

Also, it turns out that the part of the Hudson River that runs through NYC is considered a tidal estuary as well, so maybe the Jersey guy got lucky with crossing perpendicular to the current. I'm just upset because I know it can be done.
recoil53 - 6 years ago
He said that he read that the current would be going the other way. That meant he looked when the current flows in which direction.
He did ask the Jersey guy, who basically told him to just do it. Nothing about tides and such.
Jamie Lynn
Jamie Lynn - 6 years ago
I'm just surprised the pollution in the river didn't eat his kayak
matt heimlicher
matt heimlicher - 6 years ago
That’s an Eddie on the side of the river it goes against the current
Anthony Nguyen
Anthony Nguyen - 6 years ago
I would have started maybe 3 hours before going to work
Faisal .Shalash
Faisal .Shalash - 6 years ago
Straight outta content...Get a real man/woman to do it not a snowflake!
Julia Rose18
Julia Rose18 - 6 years ago
Everyone in the comments are suddenly kayaking experts lol.
Jenn Cardona
Jenn Cardona - 6 years ago
+Vusstar tf My dad's a pro kayaker so I spent a lot of my summers out kayaking with him and my mom

Either way, anyone with a concept of basic physics, as Vusstar tf said, can see he's an idiot when it comes to kayaking
Vusstar tf
Vusstar tf - 6 years ago
Paddle left you go right
Paddle right you go left.

If you need to be an expert to understand that then I'm the next Einstein.
Hannah Jones
Hannah Jones - 6 years ago
Not "kayaking experts", just people with half a brain.
Must Be
Must Be - 6 years ago
Julia Rose18 Right lmao
GingerNotANinja - 6 years ago
you need more weight in the front of the boat to counteract the current pushing you
Mean - 6 years ago
They're not sending their best...
Moxie Fervor
Moxie Fervor - 6 years ago
$1200 for the Kayak? I'll use the ferry instead.
Jenn Cardona
Jenn Cardona - 6 years ago
Whenever you hit the current, you paddled in the same direction as the current, pushing you more in the wrong direction.
TheDenisedrake - 6 years ago
insanity: noun; "The act of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
David Poon
David Poon - 6 years ago
If he makes another attempt, the East River can be better thought as a channel between two islands adjacent to the ocean... He'll want to consider how the tide changes at any given time as it will impact how the water will flow, if he tries to go south again.
Kenneth John Galeon
Kenneth John Galeon - 6 years ago
Secret Zexyula Teloiv
Secret Zexyula Teloiv - 6 years ago
In the future you fly to your Job ! Plus you can also fly to your blowjob
Matt - 6 years ago
I tried to time travel back to my last paycheck
Lottie - 6 years ago
if anyone has a free few minutes, please can you check out my recent video and give me some feedback or tips on how to improve or what was good id be really appreciative, Trying to expand my audience and make my videos better, thank you if you have chance, have a great day if not!
I Look Like a Toe
I Look Like a Toe - 6 years ago
Ok so the folding kayak is theoretically a good idea - but what do you do with it once it gets wet? You gonna carry a dripping wet kayak on your back around NY?
djackio - 6 years ago
Too much arm paddling, you get more power when you use your core. I think this would be worth another attempt as long as you practice your technique.
flafaloon - 6 years ago
gross human waste water from a polluted place
Ryann F
Ryann F - 6 years ago
So did he make it? Did he end up with tetanus or Hep C from that water??? I have so many questions.
Kyle Dennehy
Kyle Dennehy - 6 years ago
...I mean, as someone who has kayaked upstream on the Colorado River to Hoover Dam, this seems like you either 1) don’t have a lot of experience with kayaking since you don’t use the paddles to change your direction at all (which is fine since a lot of people don’t get that when they start kayaking) or 2) you just don’t want to do this
Neckromancer Machete
Neckromancer Machete - 6 years ago
Um... What?! Just keep paddling
lindalately - 6 years ago
That’s a lot of work
Andrew Esquivel
Andrew Esquivel - 6 years ago
Evelyn Exuma
Evelyn Exuma - 6 years ago
How to basic: how to kayak
Chinese Electric Batman
Chinese Electric Batman - 6 years ago
1:40 I heard hour and a half, something tells he his time table is wrong.
Tracy Low
Tracy Low - 6 years ago
You must as well use a Boosted board
sammy Lavasniper
sammy Lavasniper - 6 years ago
Marja Kuikka I’m 12 and I could kayaker better then him
Naomi Williams
Naomi Williams - 6 years ago
This was so lazy
jerron w
jerron w - 6 years ago

100. comment for I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

V BEST FOOD - 6 years ago
Nice video
talliyah - 6 years ago
goes in the current
Erin McKenzie
Erin McKenzie - 6 years ago
Just saying, if you tried paddling as if you were trying to turn against the direction the current is taking you rather than with the direction the current is taking you, you may actually go in a straight line. The attempts at going against the current were pretty weak and made him look like a bit of a defeatist.
talliyah - 6 years ago
Y-you know sometimes I sit back, and ask....why?
John Toodles
John Toodles - 6 years ago
What brand of life jacket is that its pretty nice
Mini Me
Mini Me - 6 years ago
In other news, water is wet.
Hcdgvc T
Hcdgvc T - 6 years ago
Try paddling where the currents weaker and push against it more not away from it
Damien - 6 years ago
Who leaves the mouse cursor in the middle of the screen?! Like seriously?!
RadicalEd57 - 6 years ago
was looking to see if that annoyed anyone else lmao
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 6 years ago
White people tingz
Bill Woo
Bill Woo - 6 years ago
Yay! A fascinating, relatable, adventure filled buzzfeed video that isn't focused on gay people or gayness! Finally! Yayyyy!
Bill Woo
Bill Woo - 6 years ago
+Must Be Tell me that would not be a cool thing to do. Tell me that would not be awesome. I can relate.
Must Be
Must Be - 6 years ago
Bill Woo kayaking to work is relatable?
Ethan Wilson
Ethan Wilson - 6 years ago
You should do this daily
Codename Keith
Codename Keith - 6 years ago
67th comment
ExoticEnd - 6 years ago
i take a helicopter to school. I live right next to school.
ExoticEnd - 6 years ago
+Anthony DeSantis Well there is a lot of show and tells where i go to preschool
Anthony DeSantis
Anthony DeSantis - 6 years ago
ExoticEnd sounds like you’re taking a toy helicopter to school in your backpack hahaha
Ishan Ali
Ishan Ali - 6 years ago
Or you know. Just use a train like normal people
Ultra Graal
Ultra Graal - 6 years ago
When you dont have bus fare
wii guy
wii guy - 6 years ago
When you dont have bus fare but can still buy a kayak ?
Deepika Rai Yábar Waqas
Deepika Rai Yábar Waqas - 6 years ago
Why doesn't he go outside of the current??
A OH - 6 years ago
Because it's too much for his brain.
GamersHunch - 6 years ago
Thats Americans for you
Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson - 6 years ago
He’s trying to make interesting content, that’s why.
DARKNIGHT987 - 6 years ago
It’s because he works at buzzfeed
Anon Anon
Anon Anon - 6 years ago
He's afraid to go into "open" water. He's been egding the whole time, he would've has an easier time crossing to the other side and then cruising down but he didn't think all that ahead. Even with an hour and a half he wouldn't have made it on his first try anyway. He planned this poorly.
curlyboy 22
curlyboy 22 - 6 years ago
When u run out of ideas
2764 Subscribers With Few Videos?
2764 Subscribers With Few Videos? - 6 years ago
johnathan stith
johnathan stith - 6 years ago
The river here in NYC has a very strong current
Seb Pliego
Seb Pliego - 6 years ago
3:44 goes right into the spot where the current is strongest instead of into the middle of the river...
Slayden Ader
Slayden Ader - 6 years ago
Vusstar tf my thought exactly if he would’ve just paddled to the other side he would’ve went for it but my guess is he was committed enough to do this and was terrified of even crossing the river...
Vusstar tf
Vusstar tf - 6 years ago
+haxate here what this guy says ^ litterly paddeling on the wrong side of the boat
Vusstar tf
Vusstar tf - 6 years ago
3:50 you are litterly steering the boat to the right making the effects of the current even stronger.

Do you even know what you are doing? You seem to be oblivous as how to steer on the water.
Bagus HR
Bagus HR - 6 years ago
I knowwwww
anhchanglangmang - 6 years ago
GamersHunch - 6 years ago
Thats americans for you
Ryan Harnett
Ryan Harnett - 6 years ago
where is this dudes brain
Andra Julinar
Andra Julinar - 6 years ago
I wonder too...
JAY DESAI - 6 years ago
+Cara Mico he is an idiot
Cara Mico
Cara Mico - 6 years ago
+haxate thank you, it's almost like he's never been on a boat...
haxate - 6 years ago
and paddles on the side that will turn him in the wrong direction as he spins.
Kate - 6 years ago
I had the same thought was he scared to go to the center?
MATIWINGH - 6 years ago
ExoticEnd - 6 years ago
43 comment peoplesss
johnathan stith
johnathan stith - 6 years ago
No way would I kyack in the filthy water here in nyc
ebony berry
ebony berry - 6 years ago
I said the same thing!
LilacLover29 - 6 years ago
johnathan stith my brother pushed me in at a paddle boarding event there. Ick!
alex_ xo_ovo_ 15
alex_ xo_ovo_ 15 - 6 years ago
Chipie - 6 years ago
I want to see you attempt this more realistically again,thanks
1,000 subs with no videos? ?
1,000 subs with no videos? ? - 6 years ago
Emma ?
Emma ? - 6 years ago
I love how this is his idea of a challenge but my idea of a challenge is getting off the couch to get a bowl of chips...
Blaming Days.1
Blaming Days.1 - 6 years ago
Alix Moore
Alix Moore - 6 years ago
Collapsing kayaks? Sounds like something I would never do
Beck Beck
Beck Beck - 6 years ago
+Alix Moore so why would it being collapsing make a difference then bruh
Alix Moore
Alix Moore - 6 years ago
+Kate im just scared of kayaking in general
Kate - 6 years ago
They ORU Kayaks and pretty cool for people who travel.
Nick Tokar
Nick Tokar - 6 years ago
I tried to slingshot myself to work.
Hannah Mathew
Hannah Mathew - 6 years ago
I've been doing that too!
TheBigVeganGiant - 6 years ago
Riyann Dosso
Riyann Dosso - 6 years ago
I hate buzz feed so much there so annoying

I just wanted to write something mean don’t take thus seriously. I LOVE BUZZ FEED
be fokkinhappy
be fokkinhappy - 6 years ago
I'll just stick to a bike
Llapacas - 6 years ago
I went to mcdonalds

In my car
eric asu
eric asu - 6 years ago
Buzz feed copying other people.and failing.
danz beard
danz beard - 6 years ago
I'd do it!
Josie Sakurada
Josie Sakurada - 6 years ago
I wanna do this
Smith •_•
Smith •_• - 6 years ago
Chicken block
Chicken block - 6 years ago
I can never do that because im homeless wih wifi
Malak ElSadek
Malak ElSadek - 6 years ago
Chicken block wait what
_Bob McCoy
_Bob McCoy - 6 years ago
Next Video: I Tried Jetpacking to Work in New York City
Reigh - 6 years ago
tbh the current would probably stop them
john wayne
john wayne - 6 years ago
Seems reasonable
Sara Wayne
Sara Wayne - 6 years ago
A water jet pack?
Blackshadow Baruah
Blackshadow Baruah - 6 years ago
He tried Kayaking to work in New York city
I nvr got out my bed
Daniel Berry
Daniel Berry - 6 years ago
IcePro10 // Minecraft
IcePro10 // Minecraft - 6 years ago
Avery Lopez-Baines
Avery Lopez-Baines - 6 years ago
Didn't Casey do this once?
Kate - 6 years ago
Yeah, but he wasn't trying to go anywhere particular he's also surfed and swam in that river, then probably got a few shots to fend off whatever he got in that river.
awkward couch potato
awkward couch potato - 6 years ago
Well I'm gonna try kayaking now......
Selling Rice
Selling Rice - 6 years ago
I tried to finesse the bus driver to work.....too that
christina Deng
christina Deng - 6 years ago
My arms are sore just watching this
10,000 subscribers withe no videos challenge Yay
10,000 subscribers withe no videos challenge Yay - 6 years ago
I like llamas

Like if u agree?
john wayne
john wayne - 6 years ago
And the other llama that kept him sane
Sara Wayne
Sara Wayne - 6 years ago
You talkin’ bout’ the llama who:
Killed a person by stabbing him 37 times in the chest
Cut off his hands, cooked them and ate them
Sunk an entire cruise ship
Fired a harpoon into the captain’s face
Headbutted children off the side of the ship
Made out with ice sculptures
Killed the elderly couple from 2B
Bit lots of holes in the lifeboats
Toppled the south American government
Pushed the resistance leader and other people into a giant fan
Swallowed a person
Caused a nuclear explosion
Turned faces into birthfay decorations
Made a crack in space time to collect millions of baby hands
DeepSarkNite - 6 years ago
SuicideSquadZLit AF
SuicideSquadZLit AF - 6 years ago
Jimins lost Jams
Jimins lost Jams - 6 years ago
I am now gonna kayak to Korea bye bitches
AlyssaDancer16 16
AlyssaDancer16 16 - 6 years ago
Gosh, ur playlists!!!!!
Spider Clans Film Production
Spider Clans Film Production - 6 years ago
1000 subscribers without posting anything, no I don’t like that stuff you creep
Spider Clans Film Production
Spider Clans Film Production - 6 years ago
1000 subscribers without posting anything, no thanks what do you whatch??????
Smith •_•
Smith •_• - 6 years ago
1000 subscribers without posting anything I subbed and liked please cba u sub to KaiZ GameZ
1,000 subs with no videos? ?
1,000 subs with no videos? ? - 6 years ago
Or your playlists are
1,000 subs with no videos? ?
1,000 subs with no videos? ? - 6 years ago
First I subbed but then unsubbed becuase your channel is basically porn and I will get in trouble becuase im 11.
Andrew Bartley
Andrew Bartley - 6 years ago
49 view
Iva B
Iva B - 6 years ago
Peanut Putter Curls
Peanut Putter Curls - 6 years ago
Kayaking to work is great exercise :)
Jenn Cardona
Jenn Cardona - 6 years ago
if you know how to kayak
Eme Y
Eme Y - 6 years ago
Craig Anderson
Craig Anderson - 6 years ago
Jaidyn Tran
Jaidyn Tran - 6 years ago
TriGuy - 6 years ago

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About I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City

The "I Tried Kayaking To Work In New York City" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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