I go over talking about my purchase from Amazon of this kayak.
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Most popular comments

ps429 - 6 years ago
No life jackets on the water? Sorry, but that is stupid.
Tim - 6 years ago
Can I fish off it
Phrancis5 - 7 years ago
LOL, I ordered this from Amazon ($95) on a Sunday and it arrived today (Tues). It's in my garage, inflated and testing for leaks before using it this weekend. My paddles and skeg are slightly different in design. Being an avid sea-kayaker, I see pros and cons to both versions. As far as paddling with a double bladed paddle, you'll have to coordinate with the other person, so you don't hit each other. That's why tandem kayaks are also called "divorce boats"!
Dee Tee
Dee Tee - 7 years ago
Is it ok for one person also
Rakan El-Haj Daoud
Rakan El-Haj Daoud - 7 years ago
Dee Tee just a bit slower
Rakan El-Haj Daoud
Rakan El-Haj Daoud - 7 years ago
Dee Tee ya it works too
Leon Hodge
Leon Hodge - 7 years ago
what if i want to back back down the river with it, trying backpack in redwoods and what our backpacks with as we go down stream
Zoritsa Nepenthe
Zoritsa Nepenthe - 7 years ago
Thanks for making a video on this. I'm looking at getting this one and have been trying to watch and read up on it before purchasing one.
Lorenzo Bosio
Lorenzo Bosio - 7 years ago
Thanks man this was really helpful!
StarrTile - 7 years ago
Joel Hoffman
Joel Hoffman - 7 years ago
how are the seats? I need some back support and lean back a little. are the high enough? I'm 6 ft. thank u

10. comment for INTEX K2 EXPLORER INFLATABLE KAYAK (my review)

crosshair - 7 years ago
is challanger k2 a better buy? i heard its material is tougher than explorer's? any thoughts?
Benny DeJesus
Benny DeJesus - 7 years ago
look closely . it has a plug . plug it up good .
Gianluigi Savastano
Gianluigi Savastano - 7 years ago
I've just bought one my self. I noticed a hole at the back of the kayak. Is that normal? It seems positioned pretty low and I fear the water to come inside
Paul Ski
Paul Ski - 7 years ago
I thought the same thing, but they are outside of the air bladders. No water will come in.
Cydny Blakley
Cydny Blakley - 7 years ago
there should be a plug for that hole. its for draining
outsideworld76 - 7 years ago
Don't forget your pfd! Much saver.
Go Yourownway
Go Yourownway - 7 years ago
perfect review! God bless you
La Padure
La Padure - 7 years ago
I'm still digesting the part when you say is lighter when inside the box with no air... before minute 4
StarrTile - 7 years ago
IKR ! It is easier to carry blown up
Danfuerth Gillis
Danfuerth Gillis - 8 years ago
Awesome kayak I bought 2 of them and we use them both all the time in the summer. Here is a video of me in Lake Erie Ontario with it out on the water ( with good waves)
easetube - 8 years ago
At last is seemingly not a shill review, thanks.
easetube - 8 years ago
whats the dif between challenger and explorer?
easetube - 8 years ago
im still going to buy one i think.... so cheap and I can get a holiday boat out of it.

20. comment for INTEX K2 EXPLORER INFLATABLE KAYAK (my review)

easetube - 8 years ago
The seats look like they are made of far shit-er material than the rest.
easetube - 8 years ago
the delivery time is not relevant to the quality of the product.
sock saka
sock saka - 8 years ago
Experiencia personal con este kayak: en menos de 3 meses de uso se despego por la costura del piso generandose una bola que dificultaba la navegacion
a pesar de reiterados llamados al agente de Intex nunca me reconocieron la garantia que era por un año.
muy mala calidad no lo recomiendo
Brandon McMullen
Brandon McMullen - 8 years ago
Thank you for this great review I will be buying one now after watching this.
Richard Carroll
Richard Carroll - 8 years ago
is it safe for one person to use this kayak?
Dirk Van Echelpoel
Dirk Van Echelpoel - 8 years ago
Clean up your audio man, this is worthless.
Dirk Van Echelpoel
Dirk Van Echelpoel - 8 years ago
+Brandon McMullen man you've a short fuse, I'm not lying am I? Neither did I say the whole of the video was worthless, just the audio. Fuck sake, what's your issue dude?
Brandon McMullen
Brandon McMullen - 8 years ago
man you are stupid af. He did use a favor this isn't for pleasure. go listen to music or something audio freak. cant believe you took your time to say this is worthless when its clearly not.Dick Van Echelpoel
Dirk Van Echelpoel
Dirk Van Echelpoel - 8 years ago
Good for you, I don't have superhuman hearing, so I cannot when he's on the water shooting straight into the wind.
Richard Carroll
Richard Carroll - 8 years ago
i can hear/understand him just fine.
Diego Mendi
Diego Mendi - 8 years ago
Just got one of these. Only hoping tomorrow is not windy. Thanks for sharing.
kyler kyler
kyler kyler - 8 years ago
I have one
kyler kyler
kyler kyler - 8 years ago
10 foot 3 inch
Mo Repo
Mo Repo - 8 years ago
is this a USCG approved inflatable kayak
Mo Repo
Mo Repo - 8 years ago
Whos Dovahkiin
Whos Dovahkiin - 8 years ago
It is

30. comment for INTEX K2 EXPLORER INFLATABLE KAYAK (my review)

Matthew Sutton
Matthew Sutton - 8 years ago
I am thinking of ordering one of these... How do you think it would be with a dog in it with me? Does the material look solid enough for dog paws/claws?
Yoshi0 - 8 years ago
As an ex-dog owner and having just received this boat... I can say that as long as your dog's paws aren't as sharp as a cat's claws, you're good to go. The material is pretty darn sturdy rubber.
Mindrover - 8 years ago
just lay a towel down where the dog is going to be and you'll be fine. I take two Jack Russells out with me and no problems so far.
StarrTile - 8 years ago
I doubt it...I wouldn't risk it.
Tim Hourihan
Tim Hourihan - 8 years ago
Have you tried going solo in this tandem? How did it go?
fUjiMaNia - 8 years ago
+Richard Herzog Ahahahah
fUjiMaNia - 8 years ago
are there Kayak's that you can hook up a trolling motor to it?
Richard Herzog
Richard Herzog - 8 years ago
+StarrTile Did you replace the paddles? I heard they were not that good.
StarrTile - 8 years ago
+Tim Hourihan No I haven't...only place I would go is in Jamaica and I treat boating like diving, NEVER go alone ;-)
Nelly Avi
Nelly Avi - 8 years ago
I am not trying to be a jerk or a wise a** but how can you give a review of a kayak that you havent even had in the water yet? Thanks for the vid but I would consider this more of an open box review tban a true review.
Nelly Avi
Nelly Avi - 8 years ago
+Tamra Thein you are right I stopped after he said he had not had it in water. I did end up getting it. did not like it too much. Does not track very well, the seem on the top of the sides scrapes your fingers almost cutting them. I ended up selling it to my nephew and got the Challenger K2. In my opinion the challenger K2 is way better. Tracks better and is more roomy.
Nelly Avi
Nelly Avi - 8 years ago
+StarrTile I stopped once he said he had not had it in water yet. I watched it later on and yes he did have it in water. so my mistake.
Tamra Thein
Tamra Thein - 8 years ago
So you clearly DIDN'T watch the video beginning to end. Check it out!
StarrTile - 8 years ago
+Nelly Avi Hmmmmmmmmm...not sure you watched the WHOLE video, it's in the water....
dabest133 - 8 years ago
hello, Im doing the exact same thing... I just got this Kayak from Amazon. Im taking it to Jamaica as well. can you give me advise on how you packed it or if you just broung it on as a carry on? please get back to me. thank you.
StarrTile - 8 years ago
+dabest133 Sorry it took so long to respond, Bought an Army duffle bag, it all fits inside with a little room to spare...easy to carry too !!
fryda garcia
fryda garcia - 9 years ago
can i use my kayak in de see?
StarrTile - 9 years ago
+fryda garcia yep
R SchlossR
R SchlossR - 9 years ago
Thanks for the review and great images! Did you consider buying the Intex Challenger K2 before getting the Explorer?
StarrTile - 9 years ago
+R SchlossR I looked it it, but seems smaller & sits lower in the water.

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