ITIWIT 2 Men Inflatable Kayak - Unboxing and Review - DECATHLON
Kayak 7 years ago 108,138 views
Hello and welcome to Alive Road. In this video we will be unboxing and reviewing a Itiwit Inflatable Kayak for 1/2 people. We will do full unboxing, asembly, inflating and some paddling on the sea, also we will disassemble it for drying. Hope you enjoy!
Im thinking of buying a Decathlon kayak for 2 person however i can not decide if to buy the one you are presenting here which is suitable fo 1-2 person or the bigger one that suitable for 2-3 people. im asking this regarding enough space for 2 person in your kayak and on the other hand, is the bigger on will be well easy to operate like the one you have because its longer wider and havyier..
10. comment for ITIWIT 2 Men Inflatable Kayak - Unboxing and Review - DECATHLON
I've been going for some time to buy one but the doubt is always the same. How
is the behavior along the sands and rocks, in your opinion do you think
this rips easily or the bottom "plastic screen" is quite sturdy? In
the areas where I walk there are some rocks, I know that I have to be
careful but I did not want to tear this up at first carelessness.
I have a Seylor Rio, leaked air since I had the misfortune to buy the bloody thing....could never find where it was leaking, tried everything.
I base this on not just one boat but rather a number, owned either by myself or other people (See the forum Song of the Paddle). Often the weak point was the dreaded Boston valve, hopefully now replaced by something more reliable, or seams going after a short time. Re. warranty, I did send my first one back but replacement developed fault too. Still got it as I love the boat itself and may try and get better air chambers.
Anyway, I'm glad you got a good boat and wish you many years of happy paddling!
20. comment for ITIWIT 2 Men Inflatable Kayak - Unboxing and Review - DECATHLON
Now reach out with your paddle in both hands so your paddle shaft is above your ankles or shins.
Next dip one blade into the water & push the opposite arm & shoulder forward & twist with you torso too, as you power forward..( lightly pull with the lower hand. as well.)
Get a rhythm going & you will move along efficiently, for hours.....enjoy..
30. comment for ITIWIT 2 Men Inflatable Kayak - Unboxing and Review - DECATHLON
P.S. the river is Mrežnica in Croatia.
Yes it is, you can even put just one seat in the middle.
I use mine exclusively in the sea on sand, gravel and sharp volcanic rock in Turkey.
Still working well.
Can two people fit in comfortably?
Great. One more question:
The description says that it can take maximum 150kg. I find this number quite small. It doesn't seem like that it would be able to withstand me (78kg) and my friend(85kg). Is that "maximum 150kg" a valid number or can I go over that safely?
Yes, two people can definitely fit in comfortably. I'm around 185cm high, my girlfriend is around 170cm and it was more than ok for a few hours straight.
Also don't forget that there is a drain plug at the front bottom of kayak to let out most of the water , which no one has mentioned,