Incredible moment seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus

Incredible moment seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Kayak 6 years ago 149,750 views

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Most popular comments
for Incredible moment seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus

Base Blazer Pro Covebase Dolly
Base Blazer Pro Covebase Dolly - 6 years ago
No one would believe it if it wasn't on film.
ПичвајзПикчерс - 6 years ago
Hentai slap.
Fei Li
Fei Li - 6 years ago
His fate has been sealed
Davor Milutinovic
Davor Milutinovic - 6 years ago
"Slam bad octopus on a yellow floating rock. Why the yellow rock is making noise?"
Glitter - 6 years ago
0:10 The octopus bit the seal on the nose that's why the seal threw it. You can see the seals look of pain on it's face.
Dominik Looser
Dominik Looser - 6 years ago
If I would have to choose a weapon to insult someone and not hurt him I would choose octopus.
kiebow - 6 years ago
to be fair this was not a USNavy SEAL
Dominik Looser
Dominik Looser - 6 years ago
This is THUG LIFE classic. Bit** slapped with octopus.
illumi'Natey - 6 years ago
“What the 8 arms say to the face!!!!!!! “

ddario28 - 6 years ago
Bitch slap

10. comment for Incredible moment seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus

Anna K
Anna K - 6 years ago
The sea doggo fetched..... The human didnt catch! :D
Petr Suchý
Petr Suchý - 6 years ago
Octoslap - when someone gets slapped by an octopus... :D
Sealoctoslap - when someone gets slapped by a seal holding an octopus
EJ Ioane
EJ Ioane - 6 years ago
the seal said ..."BITCH COOK MA DINNER!"
František Kadlec
František Kadlec - 6 years ago
Stop badgering  animals at their home! (You´re too many.... stupid people).
rick slickk
rick slickk - 6 years ago
Frantisek Kadlac I eat animals.
Jakub Hostinský
Jakub Hostinský - 6 years ago
This deserves some meme to be created :-D
Oghren Zvraceny
Oghren Zvraceny - 6 years ago
Digimons attack! :D
ziggilypiggily - 6 years ago
Octopus and seal were in on that one together..... a conspiracy against the human species.....
ziggilypiggily - 6 years ago
rick slickk  playing
rick slickk
rick slickk - 6 years ago
Don Urban
Don Urban - 6 years ago
The best thing I have seen in ages. Take that kayaker!
kratos - 6 years ago
the seal is like get out of our ocean

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