Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

After months of use what is my verdict on the Intex K1? This model on amazon: Help me out! Subscribe, Like the Facebook Page and find all of my NARROWBOAT BOOKS here: Narrowboat Book 1: Narrowboat Book 2: Narrowboat Book 3: Please note that due to a change in amazon's policy, book prices rose to £1.99 on January 1st 2015. Facebook Page: My Profile: twitter: The Website: The new cafe press t-shirt shop: For the super generous this is the donate link (amazingly people requested it to be posted here!) US Book Links Below! Boat Book 1: Boat Book 2: Boat Book 3:

Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Kayak 10 years ago 67,859 views

After months of use what is my verdict on the Intex K1? This model on amazon: Help me out! Subscribe, Like the Facebook Page and find all of my NARROWBOAT BOOKS here: Narrowboat Book 1: Narrowboat Book 2: Narrowboat Book 3: Please note that due to a change in amazon's policy, book prices rose to £1.99 on January 1st 2015. Facebook Page: My Profile: twitter: The Website: The new cafe press t-shirt shop: For the super generous this is the donate link (amazingly people requested it to be posted here!) US Book Links Below! Boat Book 1: Boat Book 2: Boat Book 3:

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Most popular comments
for Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

rhodrijj - 6 years ago
Legend!! Thanks so much!!
Jc Adventure HD
Jc Adventure HD - 6 years ago
nice video . i was wondering how tall are you i been looking at this inflatable kayak but i dont know if i will be to tall for it im just over 6 ft
Rosie Knight
Rosie Knight - 7 years ago
Is it any good for small children? Six year old.
Insouciance Incarnate
Insouciance Incarnate - 7 years ago
Great review, considering getting one of these to explore my local canal from a different perspective, and occasionally the sea when it's calm too. Refreshing to watch a review by somebody without a try-hard persona.
Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson - 7 years ago
I just purchased a pair of these and can't wait to use them. Had to inflate one in my living room, but mine lacked instructions. Your video was immensely more informative than the drivel I found on the Intex website. It will be fun to get them on the water as I live in the State of Minnesota (Land of 10,000 lakes!) Thank you.
Two Traveling Texans
Two Traveling Texans - 7 years ago
What do you think about this kayak for fishing?
Beshemoth - 7 years ago
You've convinced me; I'm getting one!! ;)
K D - 7 years ago
Great review, no rougher water (rivers) I'm taking from this?
Georgia S
Georgia S - 8 years ago
Any tips in getting in an inflatable kayak in the canal?

10. comment for Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

jon lee
jon lee - 8 years ago
thanks from Canada, good info
Creepi2 Vinniboy
Creepi2 Vinniboy - 8 years ago
I will this boot
Creepi2 Vinniboy
Creepi2 Vinniboy - 8 years ago
I will this boot
Sandra Chacon
Sandra Chacon - 8 years ago
Hello, Have you tried on a river yet? I'm looking for a single person Kayak to go in the river.
Thomas Francis
Thomas Francis - 8 years ago
just what I need to see cheers.
Al Cousins
Al Cousins - 8 years ago
Top Job, Been toying with a Mambo for my son and myself after using one at Rutland Water but due to the cost being prohibitive, I looked for some clue about a cheaper type kayak. Excellent review, thanks very much. Seems like a relative bargain.
John Cunningham
John Cunningham - 8 years ago
I have to go back to school to learn English again!
Samara Messer
Samara Messer - 8 years ago
I just purchased this kayak and look forward to trying it out. Thanks for the great review! :-)
Jayne Narayan
Jayne Narayan - 8 years ago
Convinced me! Looking for a bit of fun on a holiday to Wales and then to use on the broads throughout the summer :)
Kirk Johnson
Kirk Johnson - 8 years ago
I'm looking for things to use on the broads too - but I think it's not politically correct to use that term anymore.
Still, I hope we all have some fun.
newmanbriant - 8 years ago
It looks like there is a lot of swaying in the front when paddling compared to a rigid kayak, do you think so?

20. comment for Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

mitchell adams
mitchell adams - 8 years ago
how did you mount the camera you were using on the front record fishing videos for my channal and need help?
Jeff Porcaro Groove
Jeff Porcaro Groove - 8 years ago
no music...thanks! here in Calif. great try not to be a celebrity...hard to find people comfortable in their own skin. what did you patch with if it held so long? also, did you think of spraying or sealing the seams to reinforce (waterproof) before hitting the water? I saw someone do this with a $20 tent and it withstood harsh rains.
bcd689 - 8 years ago
Great video, to the point, I will buy one!
Wye Explorer
Wye Explorer - 8 years ago
A cool performing product...I'm supposed to say looking and it is does indeed look good but it's performance sounded good enough to purchase and get out on the Wye. Thanks for the review. ATB Mark.
Orca Trip
Orca Trip - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video! Think I will go ahead and purchase one!
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 8 years ago
love your videos! you have a positive atitude towards life. its quite inspirational actualy. keep up the good work. Thinking of buying tge Intex Explorer K2 next month.
UWCB - 8 years ago
I normally want to punch the people who host channels in the first thirty seconds, but you do a great job! Kind of amazing how hard it is for people to be normal on camera. thanks
Sort Of Interesting
Sort Of Interesting - 8 years ago
+uwcb1 Thank you! This may be the greatest compliment I ever receive!
Ed Alvut
Ed Alvut - 8 years ago
Finally a decent review of necessary details to make an informed decision. Thank you sir :)
Mi nk
Mi nk - 8 years ago
Great review kid!Straight to the point, no wasted time and w/o the usual pointless yackin'!
Shanebagel - 8 years ago
thanks for the review, amazing!

30. comment for Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

Ben Silas
Ben Silas - 8 years ago
outstanding review!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Sort Of Interesting
Sort Of Interesting - 8 years ago
+Bennie Sanders Thanks, glad you liked it!
Mighty Brown Mouse
Mighty Brown Mouse - 9 years ago
thank you for your clear, concise and honest review!
Santiago Castañeda
Santiago Castañeda - 9 years ago
Very good review mate!!!! It helped me alot
NotAlexTurner - 9 years ago
sold. Great review!
justmejonboy - 9 years ago
Really useful review thank you.
Tariq Baseer
Tariq Baseer - 9 years ago
Great review and great attitude!
Rachel Riggs
Rachel Riggs - 9 years ago
I've heard a lot of people saying that the fin is very easy to lose in the water. Do you have any good tip on how to secure the fin?
mparsapo - 8 years ago
+TheSoulKeeper7 I can't thank you enough!
TheSoulKeeper7 - 8 years ago
Here's a link to Us Amazon guy put pictures up to show how he attached his Skeg, it just stops you loseing it.
TheSoulKeeper7 - 8 years ago
+mparsapo yes very easy put small hole drill near corner edge then attach fishing line to grab ropes, that way can't lose it in water.
mparsapo - 8 years ago
+TheSoulKeeper7. Fantastic! I just ordered one--will it,be obvious once it arrives where to drill the hole & attach line? Does this keep it in tight place or merely keep it from being lost once detached?
TheSoulKeeper7 - 8 years ago
I found drilling a small hole then attaching some fishing line stops it being lost.
Ronny op de Beeck
Ronny op de Beeck - 9 years ago
thanks for the info.
leonardo1480 - 9 years ago
would the depth of the leg space be enough for some one at about 6ft (with or without the seat) what kind of leg space would you have for your hight (with or without the seat) (how tall are you?)

what glue did you use for the repair and the patch?
Robert Machin
Robert Machin - 7 years ago
leonardo1480 I'm 5 10 and I struggle with the legroom - very tight around the feet too, even without the footrest and taking the seat out.
voltaire - 9 years ago
Just purchased one. Watching your Videos helped making the decision. Thanks for this. I had a Challenger K2 previously (old model) and liked it a lot.
Sort Of Interesting
Sort Of Interesting - 9 years ago
+voltaire Glad you found my video useful! Hope you have plenty more paddling fun!
Ash Flashs HUDL
Ash Flashs HUDL - 9 years ago
Us the bag branded?
Lucas Jacquet
Lucas Jacquet - 9 years ago
Nice review !!!!!!!! Amazing and interesting channel !!!
Sort Of Interesting
Sort Of Interesting - 9 years ago
+Lucas Jacquet Thanks glad you liked the video and my channel!
visionincision - 9 years ago
I'm considering buying one of these and you video has just sold it!  Love your positivity and excellent outlook on life and the outdoors :)
Keep it up man :)
AstroFazersPlaylist - 9 years ago
Thanks for review. Great channel. I like grand union canal, walking is not enough so I'm thinking to try travel on water in something like this kayak :)
Maff-U - 8 years ago
+AstroFazersPlaylist Do you know what the rules are for kayaking on the grand union? I can't seem to find concise information.. :|
Sort Of Interesting
Sort Of Interesting - 9 years ago
+AstroFazersPlaylist Fantastic! Glad you liked my video too! I do love my kayak!
Jennifer DeLoach
Jennifer DeLoach - 9 years ago
Just got this one today and loved the video - very helpful. And your accent is absolutely CHARMING to these American ears!
jake kim
jake kim - 9 years ago
are you in england? which places is it legal to sail around in a kayak?
Scott E
Scott E - 9 years ago
Great video's about this kayak dan really helpful, just bought one off amazon so heres to hoping i have a little more luck inflating than you did. :D
Jon Dennison
Jon Dennison - 9 years ago
couldn't agree more.. except to say really easy to lug about on buses and trains and hopping overland from river to river.. infinite possibilities..
Ryan - 9 years ago
Can you make a video on how to put this kayak back in the Intex bag???
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor - 8 years ago
+Ryan W I have just got back from a holiday in Wales, used the kayak lots! Glad you are enjoying yours. Going to the Lakes for another holiday in 2 weeks, will be taking one of my rigid models this time.
Ryan - 8 years ago
I had to buy a giant duffel bag and it works great.. used the kayak so much the intex bag was ripping on me lol
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor - 8 years ago
+Ryan W I use a bigger, more robust, "IKEA" bag. 40P from any "IKEA" shop.
w3llplayed - 9 years ago
Great video! And honestly i cant tell if you're british or just an american with an odd accent lol
Anthony Taylor
Anthony Taylor - 8 years ago
+w3llplayed That is a British "West Country" accent.

50. comment for Intex Challenger K1 Kayak Review

UTubeGlennAR - 10 years ago
As the son of a career US Navy man, when my dad retired when I was 8 or 9, it was not long before my dad purchased his own personal mini ship, a 17 foot I believe Old Town canoe. It was fun.... However when he added a one man fiberglass kayak to his personal fleet, I remember thinking the kayak was a sports car n the canoe just a station wagon....
DjVirusPL - 10 years ago
If kayak come to you broken, why y didn't use you guarantee?
Sylvia McCarthy
Sylvia McCarthy - 10 years ago
My sons would love one , thanks Dan
Michael Neville
Michael Neville - 10 years ago
hi dan, we used an INTEX queen airbed with built in base for our raft in our local scout raftrace fundraiser,
The crazy man from Ireland.
The crazy man from Ireland. - 10 years ago
Great video
Mrs.Comeca Fields
Mrs.Comeca Fields - 10 years ago
Great review Dan!
RhomanysRealm - 10 years ago
Very cool
Ken Lynch
Ken Lynch - 10 years ago
An excellent Dan Brown Product Review.   I am amazed at how steady the camera was filming, as it obviously was mounted on the Kayak.  I too think the Kayak needs a name, and like the one EZ proposed. 
Robb's Homemade Life
Robb's Homemade Life - 10 years ago
Hello Dan, good review of the intex. it is a shame you have a bad back, I think it would be easy to add a floorboard to your kayak and modify it for sailing.
I have been impressed with the intex. I recently bought their cheapest model I could actually fit into, which is the intex 200 I bought for only $13 USD.!!!
 I added a floorboard and trolling motor and battery to it and used it like a floating reclining chair, it actually works pretty good. here is a video of it if you like.

I have also posted videos of making the inflatable sailboat. I am thinking if you add a floorboard maybe you can lay down in it and not hurt your back as much and still make it sail.
 Thanks for making and sharing.
Eezee Listen
Eezee Listen - 10 years ago
Very impressed that "it" - "she" will still carry you with the bottom part deflated.
If you are going to be long term partners, surely a name for the craft would be appropriate?
May I start off with the glaringly obvious - "Kaya"?

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