Intro to Kayak Fishing with Captain Chris Dollar

Captain Chris Dollar and Joe Cap discuss the basics of setting up a kayak for some light tackle fishing

Intro to Kayak Fishing with Captain Chris Dollar sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

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Captain Chris Dollar and Joe Cap discuss the basics of setting up a kayak for some light tackle fishing

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Most popular comments
for Intro to Kayak Fishing with Captain Chris Dollar

Eddie Crawford
Eddie Crawford - 8 years ago
Pretty sure that mustache gives him the Lisp.
John Sanchez
John Sanchez - 9 years ago
OK, so I have no experience Kayaking, or kayak fishing. So, i need to know is, where does the camel pack go, is there a way to attach it to the seat, or do they make life jackets with water bladders? It just seems if your going to be the water away from the shade, with the reflectiveness of water that you would need to have a higher intake of H2O.
Devin Vega
Devin Vega - 9 years ago
What is the name of this kayak?
zack salem
zack salem - 10 years ago
In NY there is alot of boaters. Not sure if a kayak will hold up to the waves the boats create when they are speeding by you. . They see a small kayak they dont care they wont slow down. Likely flip over. 
Lost Cloud
Lost Cloud - 10 years ago
i have a 30-40 $ paddle../... i am are correct  
seelochnie moonessar
seelochnie moonessar - 10 years ago
kevin neel
kevin neel - 10 years ago
Broke Yakin what do you have?
kevin neel
kevin neel - 10 years ago
For someone who has never been in a kayak what do you recommend? I want to fish small rivers and calm lakes.
Billy Perkins
Billy Perkins - 8 years ago
I got a pelican icon 100x angler it's perfect for me
30milesOut - 10 years ago
all great tips.. great vid to get guys started...

10. comment for Intro to Kayak Fishing with Captain Chris Dollar

Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 10 years ago
So what is it with all you guys who want to be called "captain"?  Who confers your rank?
Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 10 years ago
Thanks for the honest answer, I've always wondered if its a real conferral or a personal thing.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 11 years ago
Nice gear, but this is an advertisement not an intro to kayak fishing.  You don't need to spend $2,000 to start in a yak.
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
+Broke Yakin  I have the same kayak as you, & when I take that out I find myself with limited space, very poor stability, & it does not stay straight when fishing in a current. But when I take out the pro angler It's uncomparable when it comes to every aspect of the vessel & I'm 22 age doesn't matter! :)
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 10 years ago
+Oh Ok
Maybe for the older folks.
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
You're right you don't, but it sure does make it a hell of a lot more enjoyable!
alex ua
alex ua - 10 years ago
+restrictedcalls Hey, if you could please let me know what you have set up for $230 I'd really appreciate it. I am my self trying to get into kayak fishing, however, everything is so expensive.
Jon Focker
Jon Focker - 10 years ago
just got a used F&Stream kayak for 260 and will build up from there.  i will make all my own personal DIY rigs.  sit on top is the only way to go
Landon - 10 years ago
Excellent point I have a fishing yak set up for 230 dollars
silver birch outdoors
silver birch outdoors - 11 years ago
I think it's great that people like you are spreading the word about yak angling. i got into the sport a few years back and was the first in my area but now it is getting more popular because i am very out and visible and do my best to spread the gospel of yak

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