Introducing Skin on Frame Kayaks

Kiliii Yuyan of Seawolf Kayak & Native Lifeways Center introduces Skin-On-Frame Kayaks, traditional paddles and demonstrates the durability of one kayak by jumping on it. Shot in Manzanita, OR on the Oregon Coast. More information at

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Kiliii Yuyan of Seawolf Kayak & Native Lifeways Center introduces Skin-On-Frame Kayaks, traditional paddles and demonstrates the durability of one kayak by jumping on it. Shot in Manzanita, OR on the Oregon Coast. More information at

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Most popular comments
for Introducing Skin on Frame Kayaks

Makhoe van der Vlugt
Makhoe van der Vlugt - 8 years ago
Recently, an ultra performance 100ft racing yacht, called Comanche, adopted the same style of splines and ribs covered with a skin, although all in carbon fiber. They did so in order to avoid the delamination associated with the grp foam sandwich construction current race boats are using. Your video drove that point home to me. :)
Antipodean33 - 10 years ago
When you jumped on it that made an awful crunching sound
Kayak Malta
Kayak Malta - 10 years ago
Cool Place Cool Kayak 
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien - 10 years ago
Once the nylon is stitched on the frame what do you use to coat it or water proof it???
jmdragon63 - 11 years ago
How much are your classes and how many days or do you have blueprints on how to make
Julia Mayer
Julia Mayer - 11 years ago
What kind of Nylon is it? 
Julia Mayer
Julia Mayer - 11 years ago
+Killiii Fish :) thanks! 
Killiii Yuyan
Killiii Yuyan - 11 years ago
Julia, it's a type of ballistic nylon (8 oz) that is sold by the Skinboat School in Anacortes. They have the best.
ppereira007 - 11 years ago
ok. you totally freaked me out when you jumped on that kayak, lol. very surprised how tough they are.
steven lang
steven lang - 11 years ago
Killiii - I ask you about how tough the kayak is - here a video that demos check it out. I appriciate you showing your kayak toughness test - the video above is about how tough the skin is. Hope this help you out if asked again. My question: what is the difference between the skin type vs stip wood type kayak from your view point, durability, ease of use and preference - even though you do skin type kayaks! Let me know your thoughts.
steven lang
steven lang - 11 years ago
Kiliii - with the previous question answered - and since I have never kayak on open water - are you ever worried about a tear or leak - and if so what would you do? Also what kayak do you use on rivers then? I have been watching your video on skinning kayaks, a work of art all by itself! Great talking with you thanks. Steven

10. comment for Introducing Skin on Frame Kayaks

seawolfkayak - 11 years ago
Hi Steven, the boats here are dedicated sea kayaks so they wouldn't work well on rivers except wide ones. Skin-on-frame river kayaks can be made, however.
steven lang
steven lang - 11 years ago
Kiliii - good video, good discussion on the subject. Would you use this kind of Kayak on low water rivers / stream runs, or would you move to a strip style kayak - just wondering? Steven
jason bright
jason bright - 11 years ago
nice vid
Christopher Ellis
Christopher Ellis - 11 years ago
It's great to see young people have interest, and enjoy, the ancient ways. Even if using modern materials, the skills are universal.
Devine Rights
Devine Rights - 11 years ago
you went to vancover island? and didn't get ate by a 30' 20,000# eating machine called an orca? you were lucky! because a kayak looks like a baby wale to them ,mmm yummy
tblbaby - 11 years ago
So this special nylon, is it Kevlar? or something they made vests out of before Kevlar (spelling could be an issue on Kevlar :) Super high quality build on those, excellent engineering.
John Crypto
John Crypto - 11 years ago
nice videos subbed :D
Christian Hache
Christian Hache - 11 years ago
Dude I'm sold on these bad boy kyaks!
Emerson White
Emerson White - 11 years ago
Are you being serious? The only sense that they reached Europe 25,000 years ago is the sense in which they hadn't left Eurasia. These kayaks certainly hadn't been invented 25,000 years ago.
skjoldfetter - 12 years ago
Well... eskimos did kill off the scandinavian population in greenland around 1200 i think (off the top of my head, could be 100 years off either way), but I haven't heard anything about them going to the european mainland.

20. comment for Introducing Skin on Frame Kayaks

thomasnbishop - 13 years ago
how much do they cost
aronchai - 13 years ago
@philami1 What's your evidence?

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