JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

WOW!!! Can we take a break after this weekend? Jackson runs a PR with a surprise ending!! Jayden, Jordan, & Tyson play football in the rain. Abe & Jackson go to Utah. Juliana & Jayden audition for SeaWorld's Spooktacular! The kids go kayaking in the swamp behind our house... and JORDAN ENDS UP IN THE ER! Thanks for watching! Become a member of Sunshine Nation by subscribing to our channel! Please like our videos and leave a comment! Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: #SunshineMafia #SunshineNation #SpreadSunshine ALSO CHECK OUT THE CHANNELS BELOW FOR CONTENT FROM TYSON, MARIAH, AND JULIANA. TYSON’S WILDERNESS: GYMNASTICS SISTERS: Special HUGE THANK YOU to David Clark for the fabulous new headshots!! Sunshine Mafia PO Box 352781 Palm Coast, FL 32135-2781

JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 32

Kayak 7 years ago 156,283 views

WOW!!! Can we take a break after this weekend? Jackson runs a PR with a surprise ending!! Jayden, Jordan, & Tyson play football in the rain. Abe & Jackson go to Utah. Juliana & Jayden audition for SeaWorld's Spooktacular! The kids go kayaking in the swamp behind our house... and JORDAN ENDS UP IN THE ER! Thanks for watching! Become a member of Sunshine Nation by subscribing to our channel! Please like our videos and leave a comment! Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: #SunshineMafia #SunshineNation #SpreadSunshine ALSO CHECK OUT THE CHANNELS BELOW FOR CONTENT FROM TYSON, MARIAH, AND JULIANA. TYSON’S WILDERNESS: GYMNASTICS SISTERS: Special HUGE THANK YOU to David Clark for the fabulous new headshots!! Sunshine Mafia PO Box 352781 Palm Coast, FL 32135-2781

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Most popular comments
for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

Duck Shark
Duck Shark - 7 years ago
Why do you have to play against the Oregon Ducks that's ok I will cheer for you guys all the time
Nylaysia Hill
Nylaysia Hill - 7 years ago
good job jackson love you sooooooo much
mymy yogurl mymy
mymy yogurl mymy - 7 years ago
I'm always in the hospital to so don't worry Jordan be confident in your self
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Thank you for your sweet positivity!!☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️We are sorry you’re in the hospital!!
Madison Hoppe
Madison Hoppe - 7 years ago
Are all your kids adopted they are all cute and sweet
Kiersten Bollin
Kiersten Bollin - 7 years ago
Ive been in the hospital about 17-20 times
Stuperstar - 7 years ago
That’s scary because when it runs up the arm it usually means it’s going to the heart
Kennedi R Ferguson
Kennedi R Ferguson - 7 years ago
Do you guys live in Columbus Ohio when you were driving home I saw the Tangor outlet in the back
Addicted Monkey
Addicted Monkey - 7 years ago
Keep up the great running
# you guys are so awesome and u inspire me ever day
Addicted Monkey
Addicted Monkey - 7 years ago
Good job Jackson

10. comment for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

GGandGiselle 78
GGandGiselle 78 - 7 years ago
Where was luke
Amaurieona Dawson
Amaurieona Dawson - 7 years ago
Tracy Larry
Tracy Larry - 7 years ago
Why do you alost get heart
SA Vlogs
SA Vlogs - 7 years ago
Wow the kids r so beutiful
Electric Earnest
Electric Earnest - 7 years ago
Go Jackson you rock
Cort Cannon
Cort Cannon - 7 years ago
At 7:19 #12 tripped lol
Lilreece 2fye
Lilreece 2fye - 7 years ago
You went against us
LegalGalaxy11 - 7 years ago
That would be my mom
Rylee Silva
Rylee Silva - 7 years ago
13:42 R.I.P. headphone users
AleshaPlayz - 7 years ago
Yes I got ice cream at a er it was a magmum

20. comment for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

Amyri P
Amyri P - 7 years ago
Hi Jordan you are so cute and ever time I look at you you make me ........ smile. and think the You are here that said crazy right. And I love all the people in your house. I have to go now by. To the sunshine by
AsiaThigpen - 7 years ago
your family is perfect.
Quianna Walker
Quianna Walker - 7 years ago
I love jorden
Gabby Ramirez-bishop
Gabby Ramirez-bishop - 7 years ago
there should be a series of Jordan going to the ER
Johnny Macall
Johnny Macall - 7 years ago
Some athletes. Good job
Radu Anghel
Radu Anghel - 7 years ago
But Jackson is a little bit to old for me I'm 9 and he is 16!!!
Radu Anghel
Radu Anghel - 7 years ago
Jacksons smile is super cute
Radu Anghel
Radu Anghel - 7 years ago
I love the look of braces on peoples teeth
Radu Anghel
Radu Anghel - 7 years ago
Jackson is actually kinda cute
Radu Anghel
Radu Anghel - 7 years ago
Does it hurt to get braces?cause today my dentist told me that I might need braces in a few years but I'm curious now and I'm asking Jackson

30. comment for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

baby allen
baby allen - 7 years ago
Pause at 15:16 soo adorable
w t squad
w t squad - 7 years ago
New subbie
Sophia The Space Girl
Sophia The Space Girl - 7 years ago
There mom is bothering jacksen
Trickshot Kids
Trickshot Kids - 7 years ago
I’m new to this channel and I love this channel
princess trinity
princess trinity - 7 years ago
Sunshine mafia you guys are the best and your kids are the best too remember to sperad sunshine. ps. Jordan is so cute i think i have a crush on him Mariah and Juliana are so pretty and cute
John B.
John B. - 7 years ago
Great job Jackson
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your awesome
Kamila Estrada
Kamila Estrada - 7 years ago
Why does Jordin always has to get igerd
Marla Stagliano
Marla Stagliano - 7 years ago
MADELIN MADELIN - 7 years ago
Hi Tyson your so amazing your so cute and handsome and strong ! ❤
Vickie Hughes
Vickie Hughes - 7 years ago
Always Jordan
Azriel Cagle
Azriel Cagle - 7 years ago
Hope it will get well Jackson is sweet,and puts everyone before him
Awesome YouTube
Awesome YouTube - 7 years ago
Finally YouTubers are christians and they don't cuss
Patrick Pearson
Patrick Pearson - 7 years ago
He embarrassed
Dana Hatch
Dana Hatch - 7 years ago
l love sunshine mafia.
Indira Martinez
Indira Martinez - 7 years ago
Wow you guys are active
Ashley Oneal
Ashley Oneal - 7 years ago
Ruthann Lampston
Ruthann Lampston - 7 years ago
I am your biggest fan in the hole entire world
Vae Style
Vae Style - 7 years ago
I ran a mile in 18 minutes YAY thanks
Kimmy Shady
Kimmy Shady - 7 years ago
I know someone name Tyson in my family!

50. comment for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

Lakyn May
Lakyn May - 7 years ago
Number 12 got tripped
Heather  Knight
Heather Knight - 7 years ago
Lakyn May gccagvfi
ItzJust Safa
ItzJust Safa - 7 years ago
You guys are amazing I can't go a dot worth out watching your guys
Jaelen McClain
Jaelen McClain - 7 years ago
Good Job Jason
Cassandra Howell
Cassandra Howell - 7 years ago
You should straight jojo
Laney ray
Laney ray - 7 years ago
Good job Jacksonnn
Briana Lemon
Briana Lemon - 7 years ago
tyson is my he is my futer husband and kid will be named broklyn and timmy love you tyson you and all you sunshine fans so spread sunshine
Sharon Bates
Sharon Bates - 7 years ago
I mean ps
Sharon Bates
Sharon Bates - 7 years ago
Lil Rondal Jackson
Lil Rondal Jackson - 7 years ago
Spread Sunshine ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
JAY PRODUCTIONS - 7 years ago
I love you guys especially jordan
JONATHAN SOHS - 7 years ago
TYSON i am a girl and i have a crush on you and i am on my brother's account I REALLY LIKE YOU ARE SO CUTE:}
LBJ Gaming
LBJ Gaming - 7 years ago
This family is so fun wish I was in the family
Verity Nehwah
Verity Nehwah - 7 years ago
Anybody else have a crush on Jordan!
Savannah Bankston
Savannah Bankston - 7 years ago
Jojo who have been to the hospital more than anyone
Nick Garner
Nick Garner - 7 years ago
They are so inspirational
Gabrielle Lopez
Gabrielle Lopez - 7 years ago
Tyson is so freakin cute does he have a girlfriend if he doesn't can i be his gf
JohnJohnson Films
JohnJohnson Films - 7 years ago
Dymond Brown
Dymond Brown - 7 years ago
We're do you live
Dymond Brown
Dymond Brown - 7 years ago
I like your videos
Awilli Gilo
Awilli Gilo - 7 years ago
i love you
Fîjî WátêrTV
Fîjî WátêrTV - 7 years ago
It’s always jordan
Alesha Tariq
Alesha Tariq - 7 years ago
My mile time is 6:07 and I'm 13 years old
SAMS VLOGS - 7 years ago
Jordan's always in the ER he might as well live there no but most problems he always has red lines
Joel Nicholson
Joel Nicholson - 7 years ago
and maria hit me up im 9 too ;)
Joel Nicholson
Joel Nicholson - 7 years ago
All i heard was jackson this jackson that
Jena Southard
Jena Southard - 7 years ago
how old is jordan lol he has taken a lot of beating lolololol
Amira Mirjah
Amira Mirjah - 7 years ago
I am praying for you
Dewuan Brinson
Dewuan Brinson - 7 years ago
wait yall stay in Florida i do to and i asked because see tht Jackson goes to MHS
Taylor Kelly
Taylor Kelly - 7 years ago
Great job Jackson
WhatsMyBoxout - 7 years ago
I have ararphiobia too I am very scared of spiders
Baller Mjay
Baller Mjay - 7 years ago
love you jordan am your biggest crush.Love you bye
Jessiah Stuckey
Jessiah Stuckey - 7 years ago
I'm so glad his alright and Jordan I is so cute I wish he went to my school one day his going to be my future husband he just don't know it yet and we r the same age
Kharee Anderson
Kharee Anderson - 7 years ago
Why is Jordan always getting hurt
Emily Sciscente
Emily Sciscente - 7 years ago
Jackson is so cute!!!
Jackie Burns
Jackie Burns - 7 years ago
U are soooooooooo cute that girl that said that she luv u bony worry bae your here for me right luv you no bodyeles s oooooo what u won't to do to night I have a feeling that your going out worth some one that ugly do me a favor show me some luv by remember I am Dvonah I have a YouTube channel it Dvonah and amour love all my fans that think I can sing I think I no how to sing some people Dont i had and I dont now what to do sooooooo luv u guys
Jackie Burns
Jackie Burns - 7 years ago
he I sooooooooo cute that girl that said I luv u Is sooooo ugly your cute show me some love bea
Aliyah Powell
Aliyah Powell - 7 years ago
Why is jordan always getting hurt
Infinite and beyond
Infinite and beyond - 7 years ago
Does tyson have a girlfriend
Alizae Jones
Alizae Jones - 7 years ago
Weight as well call him hospitalboy
Clifton Jongaman
Clifton Jongaman - 7 years ago
Clifton Jongaman
Clifton Jongaman - 7 years ago
Clifton Jongaman
Clifton Jongaman - 7 years ago
No way
Clifton Jongaman
Clifton Jongaman - 7 years ago
Annaliesa Star Elor
Annaliesa Star Elor - 7 years ago
Sunshine Mafia I love you guys and Jordan mostly
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching, Queen Londen! Jordan wants you to know that he is doing great now and says hello!! God bless! ❤️☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
QUEEN LONDEN - 7 years ago
I hope Jordan gets better my family is literally praying for him
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for your concern! He is doing very well now. ❤️☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
Samir Jacobs
Samir Jacobs - 7 years ago
How many times is Jordan going to go to the er
Tyreion Henderson
Tyreion Henderson - 7 years ago
A rlly live u guys and I think Tyson is the cutest does he have any socail media and I'm 13
gary mcinnis
gary mcinnis - 7 years ago
Reed Fam
Reed Fam - 7 years ago
Ive got offerd ice cream and sandwiches and drinks

100. comment for JORDAN'S in the ER after KAYAKING in the SWAMP!!

valley girl
valley girl - 7 years ago
so...who had the good genes?
Naamy1989 - 7 years ago
Question: What is a priesthood blessing?
John B.
John B. - 7 years ago
Jordan must be friends with the people who work at the er
Alberta Reid
Alberta Reid - 7 years ago
Jackson going to be a foot ball player ( a Pro)
Alberta Reid
Alberta Reid - 7 years ago
You guys are getting people together, I am impressed, you guys are fantastic
Alberta Reid
Alberta Reid - 7 years ago
You guys really have a wonderful life
April Schuler
April Schuler - 7 years ago
I think Tyson is really cute
Nancy Anderson
Nancy Anderson - 7 years ago
i thought i had seen this one... didnt but loved sseeing it. but was in pain with jordan. hate to see kids suffer. i suffer with them like football or running or pain of the scalpul. brave jordan.
Julie Bateman
Julie Bateman - 7 years ago
So Mariah, I wouldn't like it either if someone were trying to tip me in the water with "alligators and sharks and stuff like that." Haha, made me laugh the way you said that! Great job Jackson with the run! I see Tyson, you were probably loving the adventure in the swamp, and Jordan, the spider was probably more scared of you than you were of it, and also sorry about your infection and praying for full healing! Juliana and Jayden, cute costumes! Love you all!
Emebet Beyene
Emebet Beyene - 7 years ago
dose he have a girlfriend
Dale Robertson
Dale Robertson - 7 years ago
Remember Jordan you don't always pull out a plum, and Jackson you can tell us what her name is Rachel u r the best ever such a carring and loving mom I love you all best wishes you friend Dale
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Dale Robertson, thank you so much for your humor, love, support, and kindness. You are so special to us. We love you! ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
Dale Robertson
Dale Robertson - 7 years ago
Your friend
1959rasnee - 7 years ago
Loved to watch all the sports again. Well done Jackson. A PR. Congratulations. All the running and cheering from your mother and sisters must have helped. Playing football in the rain. Could be in the Netherlands. Haha. Too bad the movies are so short. I could watch the whole games. Love it. Of course Jackson went on his bike to homecoming. Nobody could bring him and he didn't want to miss the girls there. Thanks for showing those cookies. Now you made me hungry Abe. The knight and the princess. They look so cute. Tyson without a shirt in the rain in the swamp. Forget about the rain, watch the snakes!!! Oh no Jordan! Not again! I feel so sorry for you and you were so brave in that hospital.I pray for you to be better soon. You did make me laugh with your funny faces. Love you all. Jah bless.
Grace Jones
Grace Jones - 7 years ago
Janice the fam Oldham
Janice the fam Oldham - 7 years ago
Get better soon God bless you all x
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Janice Oldham, thank you so very much!! God bless YOU! We are truly thankful for all the encouragement you always send us. ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Brayden Sanders, thank you so much for your prayers!! We are so glad you boys are friends. We love you!! You're AWESOME! ☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
Bray Vlogz
Bray Vlogz - 7 years ago
We kayaked in our backyard after the storm to
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Brayden Sanders, LOL! That's awesome! We would love to see your pics!! The rain was CRAZY!!! ☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
Telisha Bongeba Gaming
Telisha Bongeba Gaming - 7 years ago
hi love u so much keep doing good on you tube
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Telisha Bongeba Gaming, thank you for encouraging us always! Have a beautifully, blessed day!! ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
EVRYDY PRNCSS - 7 years ago
I love listening to the adventures of your awesome family ... :-) I've been trying to get the courage to post some videos of my own but haven't quite made it yet ... :-)
Joanne Mercader
Joanne Mercader - 7 years ago
Rachel is not ever bored. Wonderful children adventures. You all are WAY TOO FUNNY
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Joanne Mercader, we are so glad you're enjoying our adventures!! Thanks for joining us! You are sooo right... "bored" is never in our vocabulary. Lol! We love you! ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
FuelMeOnce - 7 years ago
Great job Jackson. You are awesome. From the fantastic run to the biking to Homecoming to the flight to Utah--you're becoming more of a man with achievements. Jordan--praying for your healing. Love your adventurous spirit. And to Mariah & Tyson & Jaydon--you too have adventurous spirits. Love you too Juliana. Honor your parents who are giving you these amazing experiences. Hope the auditions are successful
Kimberly Dorr
Kimberly Dorr - 7 years ago
No but I've been offered a popsicle
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
FuelMeOnce, your perspective is so kind and wise. Thank you for lifting and building these young souls. We are deeply strengthened by you. We are so grateful we were able to meet you last summer.❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️We love who you are.
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Larry Calloway, good morning!! We are glad you're here with us! We are grateful to be able to support each other through this beautiful life. ☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
OWOF MUSICGROUP - 7 years ago
Jax looking good with that haircut, wondering why hes doing a show without his family band and all the trips to the ER Lil' Jo Jo might become a doctor himself, IN JESUS NAME JORDAN IS HEAL 100% Amen, wondering what was wrong with his thumb
congrats to Jax. best run yet
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
OWOF MUSICGROUP, our family was hired to perform for a big private school in Utah, but their budget couldn't pay to fly all of us out there... only 2 people could go. We chose Abe and Jackson. Tyson, Jordan, and Mariah all have modeling jobs this week. Jordan got some bacteria into his wound while he was at in the swamp water. Then the bacteria got into his bloodstream and was headed towards his heart. It was very important that we stopped the infection before it spread farther. It was already spreading quickly. We thank you with all our hearts for your prayers of faith. God bless you. ☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️
Christina W
Christina W - 7 years ago
Wasn't Conference fantastic! I love it!

And Jordan is a man after my own heart. I cannot handle spiders! or snakes...but EWWWWW spiders!

WTG Jackson! I ran crosscountry in middle school. Not an easy thing to do.
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Christina W, yes!! Conference was awesome!! We missed a lot of it because of sports, so we will be watching more of it all week.

Yeah... spiders are CREEPY!! They seem like at any moment they're going to have a super power just to attack me. Lol!

I saw a shirt about cross country that said, "My sport is your sport's punishment." Lol! I don't enjoy running until I get in good shape... otherwise it is just very punishing. I do like how I feel afterwards though. Did you do any other sports through high school?

We always love your comments. We love you!!❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
D. Lemmon
D. Lemmon - 7 years ago
Also meant to tell Jackson what a fabulous runner he is!!! I always enjoy seeing him race, & his amazing times!! Jackson you are SO AWESOME!!
Toni Watkins
Toni Watkins - 7 years ago
I love this family great nob Jackson I love you guys you are making it happen blessing's
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Toni Watkins, thank you so much for encouraging us! We are definitely working hard and praying hard. We are strengthened by your support and love!! ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️We send you our love.
Sherry Van Brink
Sherry Van Brink - 7 years ago
So happy for Jackson, so sad for Jordan, take care and hope to see you all really soon.
Sherry Van Brink
Sherry Van Brink - 7 years ago
I am back in N.Y. to finish packing and Dale flys in on Thurs and then we leave to come back home on Monday. So no work is being done at this time. Still waiting to hear from insurance company. It will just take time. I spent my 2 weeks down there cleaning. Looking pretty good. Take care , hugs and kisses to all the children.
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
Sherry Van Brink, thank you so much for caring about us. We would LOVE to see you! How is the work going in your home? ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
jeff micheal
jeff micheal - 7 years ago
please can you guys make a challenge maybe a food challenge will be awesome.
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
jeff micheal, sure! We LOVE food challenges!! We have done 3 different types of food challenges. Do you have a specific one in mind? ❤️❤️☀️☀️☀️
Grandma Liz's Kisses
Grandma Liz's Kisses - 7 years ago
Leanne Kahlen
Leanne Kahlen - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kisse
Leanne Kahlen
Leanne Kahlen - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kiss
German Assassin
German Assassin - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kishey
Edith Chavez
Edith Chavez - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kisses hhggvccc
Conner Chamberlain
Conner Chamberlain - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kisses the
Flying Flapjack
Flying Flapjack - 7 years ago
Grandma Liz's Kisses probiotics are very important!
Grandma Liz's Kisses
Grandma Liz's Kisses - 7 years ago
D. Lemmon
D. Lemmon - 7 years ago
It's SO GOOD to hear they took good care of Jordan in the ER! Those red lines look serious! But now after the ER doctor lanced it, & antibiotics & much prayer & faith, & hugs & kisses he got earlier in the day for it (haha) looks like Jordan is well on his way to recovering this scary incident!! He's on the mend! Yay!! Jo Jo, for goodness sake, no more ER trips for a while, huh, kiddo?? I'm sure GLAD none of those giant spiders got you either. How scary!! No telling what the heck is lurking out there!! Yikes!! Congrats on the photo shoots, etc that you all have been doing!! NEVER, EVER A dull moment at the Mills house!! Thank you for spreading sunshine to all of us!!! Love you SO MUCH!!
D. Lemmon
D. Lemmon - 7 years ago
Awww, thank you SO much!! I'm just now seeing your Bday wishes, as I've been rather occupied today. And there is still more to come later. But the messages have added up so far today, so I've got to go see who all they are from. Yep, double nickel! Love you all SO much!!!
Sunshine Mafia
Sunshine Mafia - 7 years ago
D. Lemmon, thank you so much for being such an angel to reach out to us right when we were discovering Jordan's spreading infection. You are a special soul!! We love you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY- you're a beautiful, double nickel angel.❤️❤️ ☀️☀️☀️

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