Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

Watch a Jackson kayak build from scratch while some of their employees talk about the hard work and dedication that is put into every boat.

Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Kayak 12 years ago 83,054 views

Watch a Jackson kayak build from scratch while some of their employees talk about the hard work and dedication that is put into every boat.

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Most popular comments
for Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

Xing Kong kuoy
Xing Kong kuoy - 6 years ago
Susan Tomi
Susan Tomi - 6 years ago
Just makes me even prouder to own one ❤️
tekener59 - 6 years ago
I bought one today. But PLEASE : Don t name a boat TRIPPER !!!! when selling it in Germany. ✋
dismaldog-William - 6 years ago
Great job-lots of pride.
Cuivre - 7 years ago
Getting ready to order a Coosa FD!
The1kafir - 7 years ago
I'm the happy owner of a Big Tuna JKQ15212B717. I started kayaking in 1965 with a home built Folbot. I've cruised the Bay of Monterrey in an eclipse and now I have the Big Tuna. Fore Bay, the Gulf of Maine and the Kennebek River are now my paddle ground. This is the best Kayak I have ever owned! Keep up the great work! Made in the heart of the USA! PS, watch for my vids : )
Kevin Claypool
Kevin Claypool - 7 years ago
My Cude 14 is such a fine vessel. Literally everyone that i kayak with complains about how they can't keep up with me, and the storage options for long trips are just great. I don't know that I would ever buy another make of kayak, it's been better than every other kayak I put it up against.
alapunta elcerro
alapunta elcerro - 7 years ago
Quiero mi Jackson Kayak ahoraaaaa!!!!
Joe Loftus
Joe Loftus - 8 years ago
There's no doubt my next boat will be a Jackson!

10. comment for Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

J M - 8 years ago
I am getting one!
Justin M
Justin M - 8 years ago
Super excited for my order to come in... Cook it up baby!!!
Jose Pujols
Jose Pujols - 8 years ago
very happy w my big tuna in puerto rico.
Aurélien Dogbeh
Aurélien Dogbeh - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
danny li
danny li - 8 years ago
What can be said Made In the U.S.A
sharkheadism - 8 years ago
Amen dude
Tim Ward
Tim Ward - 8 years ago
So no one notices (or at least mentions) that Eric Jackson (as in founder of Jackson Kayaks) commented here! Big thanks to EJ for founding and running a company that continues to innovate and elevate all forms of kayaking.
Kimberly Lair
Kimberly Lair - 8 years ago
Shout out to builder J.Parker. 6:10-8:50. love you baby thank you for continuing on.
Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson - 8 years ago
This video just sold me on buying a Jackson Kayak for my first boat purchase. Coming from a 13 year active duty vet that is now disabled, thank you for a great product and employing the American working class.
Robert Mikolon
Robert Mikolon - 8 years ago
One last thing and I must ask I didn't see an overrun area on your mold not sure how you pull that off but very cool.
Robert Mikolon
Robert Mikolon - 8 years ago
I must say what a clean, organized, safe looking environment. Good work and I simply love my Big Rig. All the best to you guys/gals.

20. comment for Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

Irene Reedy
Irene Reedy - 8 years ago
My Cruise 10 is in route to the dealer! I am so excited! My first kayak and I know I have made the right choice in Jackson! Great video, BTW!
Gnana Jiva
Gnana Jiva - 9 years ago
Good kayaks but I'd say ditch the music
Cuivre - 7 years ago
Blame the marketing folks. Decided to go with the 'hippy-dippy' music genre....LOL! ;-)
YAKMAN ONT - 9 years ago
I got the CUDA LT 2015 And I love it
Thanks for making a kick ass YAK
Vonnie McClung
Vonnie McClung - 9 years ago
Absolutely in love with my Cuda12. Great boat. It's everything that's advertised and more. Awesome company.
W2VQY - 9 years ago
Jon Hattaway
Jon Hattaway - 9 years ago
Great boats and even greater build quality.
FULLHOUSEBBQ - 9 years ago
Nice job guys, from Canada
willf650 - 9 years ago
You got me with this video. Just took delivery of a 2015 Coosa HD.  A lot of little things that were well thought out make it a awesome total package in that model. Keep up the good work.
ProCaster Kayakfishing
ProCaster Kayakfishing - 10 years ago
Great, great video. Shows that Jackson Kayak is aiming to be one of the great historic global manufacturers kayaks. Congratulations.
BulletsBacon Beer
BulletsBacon Beer - 10 years ago
I love the fact these are made in the USA by a company who takes pride in their product. It is actually one of the reasons I consider Jackson Kayaks first. I love my Jackson Cuda 12 and used it more than any other kayak this year. I sold two non Jackson Kayaks and will be looking to replace them by Spring 2015. Keep up the great work Jackson. #JacksonKayak +Eric Jackson 

30. comment for Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

Andrea Caocci
Andrea Caocci - 10 years ago
Are you still making the Illuminati model?
Andrea Caocci
Andrea Caocci - 10 years ago
thanks, EU dealer said they don't make it more.
tambs575 - 10 years ago
+Andrea Caocci I recently ordered a 2015 Cuda 14 in Illuminati.  Dealer is arranging shipping, and it should ship tomorrow.  Jackson told me they have a very limited quantity of the Illuminati plastic on hand, and they won't be getting anymore.  So when the last of it is used, they are done with that color option.  Give them a call and ask if they have any left.  
Jeff Jenkins
Jeff Jenkins - 10 years ago
Ordered a 2015 Rivierra in TyeDie today and can't wait!
DJustfish! - 10 years ago
thank you guys, i own a cuda 12
Ariel Rosales
Ariel Rosales - 10 years ago
mi proximo kayak si tengo suerte sera un jackson kayak cuda 14 aca de argentina
Richard Ponton
Richard Ponton - 10 years ago
I have a Cruise 12. Just added a Coosa.
EBarcley84 - 10 years ago
Great video! It's great to see the level of craftsmanship that goes into each individual boat. I've been building carbon fiber airplanes for almost 10 years now and was hoping to see a little of your composite boat manufacturing in the video (I think you make a carbon fiber playboat, but could be wrong). Anyway, awesome product and awesome team!
Michael Bauer
Michael Bauer - 10 years ago
I am from Austria and i buy a Jackson super hero,iam very happy with that Kajak.
the first Kajak where i can sit perfekt in.
Andrea Caocci
Andrea Caocci - 10 years ago
thank you guys!  ;-)
chris - 10 years ago
buying a pyranha was a mistake....
Missy Henny
Missy Henny - 6 years ago
I'm with you on that, got a jed
Green Saturated
Green Saturated - 9 years ago
+chris Yup
Sam Preston
Sam Preston - 11 years ago
Amazing place, love my jackson star :)
Brandon Skinner
Brandon Skinner - 11 years ago
My Jackson Rogue is my first boat. I Recently got a GoPro camera to film my adventures and growth in the sport. Love Jackson! Great image and product
Jose David Rojas Céspedes
Jose David Rojas Céspedes - 11 years ago
Hay que traducir al castellano
Mário Niser
Mário Niser - 11 years ago
My Jackson Kayak Cuda 14 already sailing in Brazilian waters. City of Curitiba, State of Parana, Brazil. Very good.
LorDaMafia - 11 years ago
dgtowner - 11 years ago
EXACTLY why I wanted one of your boats! I already wanted the Kilroy, but the more I learned about Jackson, the more I knew I was getting the right boat from the right company. It will be here next week!
Eric Jackson
Eric Jackson - 11 years ago
molding the kayaks is a very skilled job- getting the heat, timing, oven action, etc. etc. all exact to make the plastic flow right isn't easy... Master boat builders not only "screw things together" but they trim, cut, drill, rivet, glue, use a router, vacuum form, and hand adjust everything in the boat. Think it is easy? Try building one and getting it through Quality Control!
Steven Wort
Steven Wort - 11 years ago
Impressive that they do so much by hand, employee American workers,and use American parts :) A little sad that being a "Master boat builder" involves little more than screwing plastic fittings together :(
Ben Howard
Ben Howard - 11 years ago
got any job openings?
Matt - 11 years ago
the more i watch your videos the happier I am that I ordered a cuda 14.
NUGGETstProductions - 11 years ago
I work at Jackson it's a great job. I enjoy it and the people i work with.

50. comment for Jackson Kayak Employee Craftsmanship

ocsd1mark - 12 years ago
Waiting for open water to try my new Cuda 12. Great song goes good with the video. Be nice to know how long it takes to make a Cuda and how many they put out a day.
REDDOG830 - 12 years ago
What is the song and artist in this video? Nice video
richard matthews
richard matthews - 12 years ago
great video. Gotta Jackson Coosa. It is my favorite river fishing boat. stable, comfortable and a real pleasure to paddle and fish from. thanks for a great boat
cowboyup1251 - 12 years ago
I want one I can t wate to see the coosa 2013 video !!! Soon please !!! I love the cuda 12 still trying to decide ???
MrNotebookguy - 12 years ago
This is a very old technique that automotive companies used to employ. Such as Mercedes AMG motors alll assembled by one individual. I think the person who build the boat should have his signiture on it.
barticusbarthelemy - 12 years ago
Very Cool Video Nick, fun to see how they make these beauties.
bryan kestle
bryan kestle - 12 years ago
I'm proud to paddle my super hero even more now.....thanks guys,and girls at Jackson!
Adam Rice
Adam Rice - 12 years ago
at 7:02 shout out to cody. Thanks for helping out at the Dealer Summit!
Danny Stock
Danny Stock - 12 years ago
2 Notables: JK facility team, from builders to service, is rocking it. Also, Nick, this video is exceptional quality.
jason belyea
jason belyea - 12 years ago
Dom Correa
Dom Correa - 12 years ago
As always, great job guys. Neat to see the process.
Nikolai Jeppesen
Nikolai Jeppesen - 12 years ago
Great video nick!

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