KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required

Just to give you an idea what can be made from scrap tent poles - they cost me £10 from a camping shop for a quantity of tent poles that I could use for this project. Use this as a basis to make your own loader with your own ideas built in as I am sure the idea can be improved upon Good luck to you and I hope the video will help you. Regards Peter

KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required sentiment_very_dissatisfied 51

Kayak 10 years ago 112,594 views

Just to give you an idea what can be made from scrap tent poles - they cost me £10 from a camping shop for a quantity of tent poles that I could use for this project. Use this as a basis to make your own loader with your own ideas built in as I am sure the idea can be improved upon Good luck to you and I hope the video will help you. Regards Peter

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Most popular comments
for KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required

frank leaney
frank leaney - 6 years ago
I don’t know why he just didn’t lift it the rest of the way without the rack. Shoulder press dude
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 6 years ago
Hi Frank. Thanks for your comment but I’m getting old dude.
PS (So is the wife but don’t tell her I said so she’ll kill me)
Regards Peter
RimfireRat - 6 years ago
one change should have drilled the hole in the bottom so to keep water out
Yi - 6 years ago
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 6 years ago
Your comment has no meaning?
James Young
James Young - 6 years ago
very clever , nice job
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 6 years ago
Hi James. Many thanks for your kind comment and the idea was posted to save everybody’s back and as my wife could help me lift the kayak on before I went the return was an issue with the wife left at home - hence the title.
Now I saved the wife’s back and mine I felt it was time to help others so at least I have one good mark for me if I ever make it to them Pearly Gates...
Regards to you sir - Peter
rikjohnson39 - 6 years ago
brilliant idea.
Arnel Torres
Arnel Torres - 6 years ago
what a title
ralph gull
ralph gull - 6 years ago
The title of this video is the very best part ;-)
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 6 years ago
Hi Ralph - My wife was not too keen on it - Hi Hi
Jonathan Dance
Jonathan Dance - 7 years ago
genius guy!
Phil Lowman
Phil Lowman - 7 years ago
I just picked up my first kayak. It weighs 50 pounds and I figured it would be a snap to load. Its an open sit on model and hard to grab and toss up on the Chevy Blazer. This is a great idea. Thanks.
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Hi Phil. You have experienced what I did when I got my kayak and it was clearly a choice of my back or a better way... From all the replies I have had which includes yours it seems the simple loader has helped loads of people keep their backs intact so I am always pleased to read any comments.
Best regards to you Peter

10. comment for KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required

B G - 7 years ago
Peter, great idea.  - a fan of simplicity and low costs!  Thanks
64maxpower - 7 years ago
Good work
To get my 16' kayaks up on the roof of my RV I place a blanket on the rear of the roof and slide it up off the edge
Benton Frasier
Benton Frasier - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip! Cool ideas. Happy paddling and God bless from Idaho!
David Massey
David Massey - 7 years ago
Very ingenious! Yes, take care of your back. By the way, beautiful country side in the back ground. Where is that?
David Massey
David Massey - 7 years ago
Wow. It looks absolutely beautiful. We have never traveled yet. Still on our bucket list. We would love to travel there as well as France, Italy, Germany. etc. We are going out kayaking this afternoon. Take care, sir.
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Hi there Dave. Thanks for the reply and I hope the video gave you an idea how to save your back! Regarding my location we are on the cliffs at the isle of Sheppey in the county of Kent in the UK.
Birthplace of aviation in the U.K. With the very first aircraft factory and even the Wrights came here to see the Shorts Brothers aircraft factory. Our little castle looks out over the River Thames and the River Medway estuaries where they join the North Sea. Lovely in summer but cold in the winter.
Thanks again for taking the time to make a comment. Regards Peter
PowerOf One
PowerOf One - 7 years ago
I spent 6 weekends digging a pit in my yard to drive my car into and then I could slide the kayak on.......
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
OUCH - Digging the pit is enough to take your back out quicker than the struggle with a kayak!
I hope my idea will help you - you could then fill in the pit wit water and make a pond... make the pond bigger and you could even go for a paddle.
Good luck to you and thanks for the chuckle.
Regards Peter
VX PHAN - 7 years ago
That is a good idea. Thank you for sharing
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Hi there. Thanks for taking the time to post a comment. The loader is still going strong with no further modifications. And my back is still fine.
Regards Peter
Richard Wells
Richard Wells - 7 years ago
Nice one. I like your pond as well :-)
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Your right! But I think I would get fed up with the same scenery... Regards Peter
Richard Wells
Richard Wells - 7 years ago
I can see your wife's point but maybe you missed an opportunity. Had you spent a little more time and dug a decent moat then you could have paddled round in a circle whenever you wished to keep in trim for more serious kayaking when time and weather permitted. Just a thought. :-D
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Hi Richard. Thanks for the comment. - Story of the pond!
As you can see we live in a castle with three turrets. This is all the wife's fault as that pond started off as being moat but the wife changed her mind and said rather than a drawbridge lowering down over the moat to get in she would prefer just a simple path entry and a pond... I have to say I was so pleased - my back was killing me after digging the hole. Best regards Peter.
Ken Tee
Ken Tee - 8 years ago
I will be making one of these beautifully simple but effective loaders within the nest few days!

I do not have back trouble and usually get help loading and unloading my kayak. Today, however, I unexpectedly had to load my kayak alone after a cold paddle. I will blame cold hands and the fact my step slipped slightly but everything suddenly went pear shaped and the kayak got dropped. It bounced but only because its fall was broken by my door mirror which is now well and truly wrecked. At the moment I do not know the repair bill but it is sure to be an order of magnitude higher than this loader! My only consolation is that I can make one of these loaders to ensure I do not wreck another door mirror!

Thanks for the video and for protecting my next door mirror!
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi Ken. Like you I do not have a back problem - but for - how long. Loading the kayak in the normal way will eventually do your back!
Like you I often found no help around after finishing a paddle and as your a bit worn out your grip is perhaps not all it should be and then things get broken - I'm sure glad in this instance it was only your car mirror and NOT your back which is not repairable.
I put the video up to help others - mod the basic idea how you like and pass on the video to your friends as one back saved makes the whole video worth while. Thanks for your comment. Paddle safe. Regards Peter
BluesTracker - 8 years ago
Clever idea. I'm going to give it a try. Thanks!
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Thanks for the comment - lots have tried it now so you should find it will help you.
Regards Peter
fordx4n - 8 years ago
good idea! I like Your castle too!
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi there. Glad you liked the loader idea as. It will save your back. Regards Peter

20. comment for KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required

Randell Schimdt
Randell Schimdt - 8 years ago
That's too easy, I got rid of my 17 foot canoe that weighs 55 kilograms. Now I have a 15 kilogram kayak to buzz around the lake. I may use PVC pipes and copy your ideas
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi Johnny. Thanks for the reply. Sounds like you had my problem - having to do something about it before your back goes... I have to say this has been great for me and cost next to nothing - truth is what price is your back worth!
Don't know if PVC pipe would work - bit too much flex but worth a try.
Good luck in your venture to save your back. Regards Peter
Ellen Thomas
Ellen Thomas - 8 years ago
Hi, Like your idea. Thanks for sharing. Question - would you be able to share the plans for your kayak storage box?? My husband would like to build one that opens similar to yours instead of opening at the top. Thanking you in advance.
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 7 years ago
Hi there. Sorry for the exceptional delay in my reply to your question. I have to say I never had any plans and the box was constructed using 8x4 sheets and 2x1 timber and loads of screws and that was about it. I made it so the whole front came off in one section. I always follow one simple rule - simple is best. Sorry I can't be of more help with plans and also sorry I took so long to respond - please forgive me as it's not something I usually do. Regards Peter
John Bailey
John Bailey - 8 years ago
The rack on my Jeep Liberty is hollow also. Yakima brand I think. I found a length of rebar that fits in it and I do the same thing to load my Nucanoe Frontier 12. I like how you can store the rod inside your rack. Nice setup!
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi John.
Thanks for the kind comment - I always try to make anything KISS = Keep It Simple & Stupid = always works. People will also polish up on what I did and I will end up thinking "why didn't I think of that"... Regards Petert
Fly Oz
Fly Oz - 8 years ago
B...y genius, what a great idea :D
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Thanks- hope it helps you. Regards Peter
RedRoofRetriever - 8 years ago
Very clever, and easy to duplicate. I'm in the process of adding a roof rack, and accessories to my unique rig. Check it out in the next few weeks I'll have video posted. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi there. Thanks for making a comment. It is easy to duplicate and people can add mods to help with their situation / vehicle. Regards Peter
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi there. I am glad the video has helped you as its all too easy to put out your back and once you do that it's never the same afterwards. When you use your horizontal pole make sure it's a good old fashioned steel one NOT aluminium - and that's it.
Works well and my back is still fine. Regards Peter.
YoonNyeanLiew - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing, I will try this way now. Btw, you are very strong too, you could lift the kayak up till your shoulder and walk, from there you could easily jerk it up to the rack lol.... problem is, I can't lift up like you do.
Just to side track a bit here, what if my wife has been helping me all this while to load my kayak and suddenly I tell her " no wife required now " She might be offended I think lol .....
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
+YoonNyeanLiew Hi there. True I can pick up my kayak but I can position my legs and back well enough to have a reasonable posture for this but its not ideal.
I also have a wife - but I worry about her back as she does suffer with back pain so I didn't want to ask her - although its a lot easier with two people as the kayak can be pushed up onto the car roof once the front of the kayak is lifted up BUT...
It at that exact point - where you give that final lift from the shoulder point, where the kayak is manoeuvred away from your center of gravity - that's where you can feel all your muscles in your back starting to strain and that's the big danger point where your back could go.
When I designed the loader it was done to take away the problem ar that point as you can position yourself in such a way that you just slide the kayak onto the bar and the go to the end on the floor and do a straight lift with you back straight with no strain. Remember getting the kayak off the car is also not back friendly however this simple system works both ways, on and off.
Bottom line - why risk your back for the cost of a few old tent poles!
I posted the video in the hope it helps other people who would be worried about buying a kayak because of the loading onto a car. I get a lot of enjoyment from the kayak now and I am no spring chicken anymore.
Just give this a try and see and I hope it helps you and others like its helped me.
claris drouet
claris drouet - 8 years ago
We have a tandem, also we have a VW Caddy.  I feel this could work for us as well. I have to wear a back support, it is a very light one but it helps so much for working and for loading.
claris drouet
claris drouet - 8 years ago
+Peter Bruce I thank you for responding. I also now have a bad back and I had to go to wearing a light back brace. It helps loads and it allows me to stay on the water longer, about 6 to 7 hour without trouble.
As for your loader, I still feel I can use your idea and fabricate based off your design. I thank you for your time and your posts. 
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 8 years ago
Hi Claris. I have to say the strain on my back just at the last part of the lift was noticeable and I could feel my muscles going very tense indeed.
I do not suffer with a bad back but realised I soon would do it I didn't sort some kind if loader for the kayak. Looking around there are some out there but just too expensive which is why I came up with this. Simple and low cost and I know I won't put my back out now.
I hope it helps you as I am sure it will.
Thanks for your comment. Regards Peter.
Crazybear Kaiser
Crazybear Kaiser - 9 years ago
Excellent idea. Best one I have seen and believe me I have looked at dozens. A1.
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 9 years ago
Thanks for your kind comment. It has worked well so far and most importantly it's saved my back.
Good luck with yours and if you add to the idea make a video and post it so it can help others.
Best regards to you. Peter
Bassett Hound123
Bassett Hound123 - 9 years ago
Great idea..Thanx for sharing
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 9 years ago
Glad you liked the idea and you can change it to suit your vehicle. Thanks for making a comment. Regards Peter

30. comment for KAYAK CAR LOADER - No Wife Required

tp2fly - 10 years ago
holonalu - 10 years ago
You could always spend 600 bucks US and get one of these.
If you like wasting money.. Great idea. What does your kayak weigh, without a pint of Guiness and a couple of purloined trout in it.

Aloha from Maui
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 10 years ago
+holonalu Hi Thomas. Thanks for the reply. I have been looking at the sails and some of the sea kayak types are very complicated and  so expensive - I feel that if you want that sort of complexity get a sailing boat. I have looked at loads of sails and decided I need a helping hand sometimes at my age (and a bit more techno fun) so I'm going for the Advanced Elements Rapidup Sail which will do the job for me without breaking the bank. I think the option to use it could be an advantage and as this sail has a very low aspect ratio it will be a safer sale than the sails with all the driven element "up top". No doubt I wont use it much but I will have a choice. Also to see the seals in the Swale here to paddle against the 6 knot tide from the only launch site at high tide would not be fun but the sail would be a great help all other factors being right... Watch this space when I try it out - I am just looking for a "helping hand" not a fully wind driven kayak. Should be able to do a test soon.  
holonalu - 10 years ago
+Peter Bruce They still have the Windbag race, although I think the course varies. I read that guys account, the fellow who had the lead got in way too close to shore at Wailupe, inside the reef, therefore in the smaller break, think that's why he huli'd (rolled). Must be a pain in the okole to get a fat boat like that righted again, especially if you're in a race, with a mast and sail attached. Their website is http://www.huiwaa.org/. Funny thing, I know some of the guys mentioned. Lived on Oahu, had a condo/office over there for 6 years. Oahu is nice, but you can't beat Maui.

Aloha from Maui
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 10 years ago
Hi Thomas - This was interesting Do they still have the race...Peter http://www.topkayaker.net/AhoyThere/News/Captiva.html
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 10 years ago
I have had a look at the link Thomas -  Shock & horror.... 
I could buy 2 kayaks like mine (mine was second hand) or a brand new one for the price they want for that loader - $600 US "OUCH".
I think I will stick to my £10 system....
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 10 years ago
Hi Thomas. I recon the weight is around 22 Kgs but its not the weight that's the problem it's when you have to lift it up and out of you centre of gravity that the back muscles start to grown on my old back. Not had any problems with my back to date so for £10 I did think this was a good investment - and could help others.
To be fair if I had a car which was lover the loading would not have been an issue however the height of my vehicle meant I really had to look for a better approach to loading else face the chance I could have put my back out - once you have done that its never the same after it.... Will look at your video now... Regards Peter 
HelenaMikas - 10 years ago
full marks for being a genius ... simple but oh so clever ...
Peter Bruce
Peter Bruce - 10 years ago
Hi Helena. As I said to Thomas in the above reply at a tenner (£10) what did I have to lose. Regards Peter

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