KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

www.patreon.com/30milesout (HELP FUND THE ADVENTURE) 10% OFF KAYAK FISHING GEAR. use code 30MILESOUT at http://mariner-sails.com 30milesOut KAYAK FISHING CHARTERS Booking at: tyonthefly@yahoo.com http://www.30milesout.com DOWNLOAD "30milesOut" THEME SONG NOW on iTunes, iHEART RADIO kayak fishing is fun. there are a few things that may arise that can turn a fun day into a dangerous one! check out this video. i never would have expected this from a casino gambling boat... i hope it helps you in knowing what to look for . staying safe while kayak fishing is a must... we are a small plastic boat in the big ocean , lake or what ever.. whether in a pelican 12' or a hobie outback or pro angler, this will apply... check it out... WHAT!

KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Kayak 9 years ago 34,188 views

www.patreon.com/30milesout (HELP FUND THE ADVENTURE) 10% OFF KAYAK FISHING GEAR. use code 30MILESOUT at http://mariner-sails.com 30milesOut KAYAK FISHING CHARTERS Booking at: tyonthefly@yahoo.com http://www.30milesout.com DOWNLOAD "30milesOut" THEME SONG NOW on iTunes, iHEART RADIO kayak fishing is fun. there are a few things that may arise that can turn a fun day into a dangerous one! check out this video. i never would have expected this from a casino gambling boat... i hope it helps you in knowing what to look for . staying safe while kayak fishing is a must... we are a small plastic boat in the big ocean , lake or what ever.. whether in a pelican 12' or a hobie outback or pro angler, this will apply... check it out... WHAT!

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Most popular comments
for KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

TridentDriver1987 - 6 years ago
Can a wake REALLY suck you into the back of a boat?
30milesOut - 6 years ago
a wake is a wave coming at you. this was water being sucked into the props of the boat.
greg kahler
greg kahler - 7 years ago
Go to deeper water, not shallower, waves break on the beach.....
Sig Outdoors
Sig Outdoors - 7 years ago
That's nuts, never seen that before. I was in my skiff and a big military boat ran by and threw out 4' wake and that was scary in a 17' skiff, I can only imagine what it would have been like in the yak!
Rather B Fishing
Rather B Fishing - 7 years ago
I had a similar thing happen in the channel. I got to shore as the waves were coming.
BlackAnvil47 - 7 years ago
I must remember this thanks
Ted Kyzenski
Ted Kyzenski - 7 years ago
30milesOut - 7 years ago
not really nature here. its a big ole man made boat causing the problem this time!
James Michaelis
James Michaelis - 7 years ago
Wow unbelievable!
Reel Trouble
Reel Trouble - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video, I had no idea.
el penguino252
el penguino252 - 7 years ago
Wow a six inch wave,you must have been terrified.
30milesOut - 7 years ago
not the wave bud. the water draw. watch, u may learn.

10. comment for KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

Slippschitts Hey
Slippschitts Hey - 7 years ago
That boat is a casino? Its tiny.
daniel jordan
daniel jordan - 7 years ago
I can't take someone seriously who talks about boating safety but doesn't even wear a personal flotation device. Good tip though thanks lol
onebaddj - 7 years ago
look at the bottom center if the screen at 1:39. sting ray stuck to the bottom with its back out of the water. lol

when we would fish the intercoastal there in pcola you could always tell when the barges were coming way before you could see them. it would suck the water through with some serious power. good video.
phil beihai
phil beihai - 7 years ago
Lucky he had he's handbag at the ready !!
Phillip Iacobacci
Phillip Iacobacci - 7 years ago
Good move, something most would have missed. Thanks
Raykenn1 - 7 years ago
Excellent points to be aware of.
Lookin 2kayak
Lookin 2kayak - 7 years ago
It's interesting how it pulls or draws the water toward it. Good info Ty, as always.
4_sons_fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip!
Parallel Burrito
Parallel Burrito - 7 years ago
The boat is displacing that water and it can be very dangerous to be in the shallow. As the water is pushed toward shore it has nowhere to go except up as it gets shallow. I fish off a major container shipping channel that produces 6-8 foot rogue waves when the ships go by. If you are in the shallow side you are getting flipped because the waves continue to grow because they have nowhere to go. On the deep side the waves die because the water can be displaced over a larger area.
David Prada
David Prada - 7 years ago
What in the world. I regularly go sea kayaking in 20ft of water and you think this is scary??? Tell me did you have your arm floaties on in those 6 inches of water.
Nameless User
Nameless User - 7 years ago
David Prada lol
I hate group txt !!!!!!!!
I hate group txt !!!!!!!! - 7 years ago
Michael Patterson Lolololololololol ,
Michael Patterson
Michael Patterson - 7 years ago
David Prada what a pussy. I also regularly go offshore in my kayak fishing the oil rigs. He needs to pull his skirt up
30milesOut - 7 years ago
i think u way missed that point bud... this canal is only 6' deep. bardges and big boats like this one, draw all the water.... i you were anywhere near that big boat you would be sucked into the props...

20. comment for KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

Annette Trevino
Annette Trevino - 7 years ago
thanks for that info
30milesOut - 7 years ago
u got it bud
YAKMAN ONT - 8 years ago
OMG all ways keep watching ,,
stay safe
Ty for posting
30milesOut - 8 years ago
thank u !
cornbread1970 - 8 years ago
Probably the most important video you've posted yet. Thank you!!!
30milesOut - 8 years ago
u got it!
LouB - 8 years ago
Should have told them to turn into wake.
Chris Trevino
Chris Trevino - 8 years ago
ty, we used to kayak fish East Bay by rollover pass east of Galveston. those barges pull a LOT of water going through the the channel. you're right, you've got to be careful
Chris Trevino
Chris Trevino - 8 years ago
ty, we used to kayak fish East Bay by rollover pass east of Galveston. those barges pull a LOT of water going through the the channel. you're right, you've got to be careful
Michael Mott
Michael Mott - 9 years ago
Ty is the man. Listen to every word.
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Michael Mott lol... thanks for the vote of confidence michael!
Stubbs Kayak Fishing
Stubbs Kayak Fishing - 9 years ago
Good point. Thanks for the info.
VTV SD - 9 years ago
I learned about giant wakes when I first started fishing the jetties in Port A.  Those tankers draw tons of water.  It was bizarre to see my rods bend forward when the tankers went by and then the wake would come crashing against the rocks and soaking all the tourists and first timers.  You learn to back away after the first time.

30. comment for KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 9 years ago
Awesome video Ty Blessings to you and yours.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 9 years ago
Pretty cool video Ty!
Savage Joe
Savage Joe - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷ Heeeeyyy Frienddsss I Have Foundd W0rikinggggg Online Hacck Visit : - https://t.co/LqaIpqcC41
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Yak Motley thx bro
Inshore Addicts
Inshore Addicts - 9 years ago
Great videos man! Subscribed!
Kody Fahrenthold
Kody Fahrenthold - 9 years ago
The first time I took my girlfriend out on a kayak we were in the exact same spot and had to explain this to her. Pretty scary stuff if you don't have a clue on what's going on.
Stvn Prz
Stvn Prz - 9 years ago
Awesome short public service announcement, that's great advice for all us novice kayaker out there who wouldn't think of things like this until after an incident .
William White
William White - 9 years ago
Ty what kinda fish bag you got there. I can only find olive or grey bags
William White
William White - 9 years ago
They look good
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+William White new company called FISH BAG... trying to help them get going... pretty awesome... super thick insolation...
TrueLouie Ban
TrueLouie Ban - 9 years ago
nice video. now i know been thinking bout getting a kayak if i do get one now i know to watch out for this.
kevin wills
kevin wills - 9 years ago
I fish that area out at Lighthouse Lakes often. I've seen that casino ship docked before and will definitely keep an eye out after watching this. Thanks!
Abunai One
Abunai One - 9 years ago
I'm always aware of other boat traffic around when I'm out in my kayak, canoe or even my 16 foot boat. Some smaller boats generate some mean swells when speeding by.
Carl Banks
Carl Banks - 9 years ago
Thats why I stay faaaaaaaar away from boats!
East_Tex_Will - 9 years ago
that was crazy, and cool at the same time. thanks for the heads up.
Jeff Huebner
Jeff Huebner - 9 years ago
Is it safer to be in deeper water or next to the bank for big boat wakes? It seems as if the waves get bigger the closer they get to the bank. I'm never quite sure what to do.
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Jeff Huber a boat wake is a different situation than this... just put your nose into the wake at a slight angle.. go over it... this was no wake.. this was water being drawn into the ship...
Ryan Moran
Ryan Moran - 9 years ago
Ty, thank you for sharing this Brother. This is no joke. I was in my new kayak about 3 weeks ago and had only been out in any kayak about 5 times before that. I was fishing under a bridge in a deep channel and a boat about that size came through. I knew it would send a wake at me but I had no idea how bad it would be. It passed about 15 to 20 feet from where I was and I grabbed onto wood pile ons. I, my yak, and all my gear were slammed into the pile ons, thrown from the boat. Like an idiot it was very calm before that so I wasn't wearing my life vest. I made it out with only a bruised up arm, broken Penn rod, and a banged up ego fortunately. I was happy to be alive. I learned some humbling lessons that day. Take kayak safety very seriously 30 Miles Out fans! Tight lines!
Ryan Moran
Ryan Moran - 9 years ago
+tyonthefly yes sir very humbling. Long time viewer by the way. Love the show!
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Ryan Moran great story ryan... glad your ok.. great lesson tho...
Kickabruin - 9 years ago
Get safety tip Ty! It's about time your show goes big time cable TV!
Kickabruin - 9 years ago
Well, keep an eye on the ratings for Pacific Warriors. If that show is successful, other networks will be looking for similar content. It's a copycat business. I can't think of anybody better to answer that call. Keep doing it big bro.
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Bobby T thx bro.. waiting for the call !!! lol
mark m
mark m - 9 years ago
I paddled out of a busy inlet that is about 150ft wide in NJ. 100ft boats pass through here and go deep sea fishing. Decided to go out into the ocean next thing you know a 100 footer caught me my surprise and I flipped. It was about 15ft away from me.
mark m
mark m - 9 years ago
+tyonthefly It was my only option, they don't allow kayaks at the shore so I couldn't launch from the surf
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Mark M dang! gota watch those passes... i never go near a pass in a yak...
Levon de Carlo
Levon de Carlo - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info my friend. Glad to actually get to see what you've been talking about...
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Levon de Carlo yeah man.. im glad to catch that and have a visual for y'all...
ismael ochoa
ismael ochoa - 9 years ago
Thanx for that ty, I always wondered what to do if I come across a barge while I was on a kayak trying to get to the bay
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+ismael ochoa u got it bro
posey4565 - 9 years ago
Wow.  Thanks for the video.  I never imagined that could happen.    The water behaves similar to tsunami.  Very educational.
DestinationFishing - 9 years ago
thats crazy, thx for showing that I def will pay more attention to bigger boats now
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+George Miranda (Fishing) u got it george!
Armando Castellanos
Armando Castellanos - 9 years ago
dued do u live in corpus ...im from corpus

50. comment for KAYAK FISHING "DANGEROUS SITUATION" kayak fishing safety tip!

Rj Albano
Rj Albano - 9 years ago
I think you're probably safer in the deeper water, there wasn't that much water movement out there. Kind of like being safer in deeper water than near shore when there's a tsunami.
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Rj Albano those powerful props are sucking water into them... that canal is like 8-10 foot deep... you don't want to be anywhere near that , i promise you...
zeos386sx - 9 years ago
I've seen that happen before, but never put 2 and 2 together. thanks for the info.
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+zeos386sx u got it
Scrumptrelecent - 9 years ago
I've heard about this but never seen it. Thanks for sharing!
30milesOut - 9 years ago
+Dustin yes sir!
Issac Perez
Issac Perez - 9 years ago
thats insane!! great tip!

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