Kayak - Self Rescue Techniques - Egenredninger

Cowgirl-entry, Balancepoint Method, High Brace, Re-entry and Roll, Sweep Roll

Kayak - Self Rescue Techniques - Egenredninger sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Kayak 12 years ago 101,695 views

Cowgirl-entry, Balancepoint Method, High Brace, Re-entry and Roll, Sweep Roll

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Most popular comments
for Kayak - Self Rescue Techniques - Egenredninger

Klaus Jensen
Klaus Jensen - 6 years ago
never thought of doing it this way , it should work much better when a high back rest is present than the cowboy rescue as the high back rest gets in the way as one straddles for position , ( high back rest collapses ) to get the back rest, back upright, once sitting on it is next to impossible
guitta Dabe
guitta Dabe - 7 years ago
You make the rolls look so easy. I hate you! LOL! I wish I could do it. Some day soon I hope.
blewzguitar - 7 years ago
I don't understand some of the critics. This is a good example of basics for a rescue roll. If your life depended on getting in the kayak, you would be glad you had some concept of what to do. Yea, it will be harder in rough seas. Critics - if you are so good why are you looking at this video.
Excellent instructional video.
PaddleDogC5 - 7 years ago
because he doesn't have a chance even in 2' waves or even 1' It gives false confidence to people.
ATHIN - 8 years ago
I'm so jealous. Been at this for weeks.
PaddleDogC5 - 8 years ago
see how it all goes in waves without your nose plug!
feiz01 - 9 years ago
MrZ4X5C6V7 - 9 years ago
This video demonstration is worth a thousand words...........
Thank You Very Big
Einar Eckholdt
Einar Eckholdt - 9 years ago
Hyggelig at så mange har tittet på denne improviserte videosnutten!

Redningsteknikkene er mest for innøving og automatisering i den kalde årstiden når klubben har bassentrening.

Jeg øver også på redningsteknikker i vind og kaldt vann vinterstid, men da blir det som regel få repetisjoner - spesielt hvis glidelåsen i tørrdrakta ikke er helt lukket!

Erfaringen er at de alle teknikkene i videosnutten faktisk funker, også i endel vind og bølger, men suksessraten er avhengig av bl.a kajakkens cockpitutforming og størrelse.  Lårstøttene på f.eks Seabird Scott vanskeliggjorde Cowgirlmetoden, så de ble fjernet.

Ellers så er det stor forskjell på bassengtrening med badetøy og entring i kaldt vann iført tørrdrakt med vams ellers ullklær under.

En annen erfaring er at taueline rundt livet kan skape probleme etter en velt. Noen taueliner kan forårsake problemer ved entring av tømt kajakk, andre når du skal gli ned på setet, eller rotere 90 grader etter en cowgirl-entring.

Rulla er min foretrukne metode, dernest kommer comboyentring og reentry and roll - i den rekkefølgen. Spesielt i grov sjø og tidevannsstrømmer.

Bassengtrening kan aldri erstatte trening i de forholdene du padler i! 

Jeg velter svært sjelden, men det skjer. Og da får jeg betalt for bassengtrening og automatisering av redningsteknikkene.  Derfor fortsetter jeg å øve!
Tor Ovesen
Tor Ovesen - 9 years ago
Bra video Einar.
P'nut- Asleep in my heart
P'nut- Asleep in my heart - 10 years ago
It is ok to attempt this in a swimming pool where it is calm, try it with a strong currents, wind and big waves. It will be a different ball game
Klaus Jensen
Klaus Jensen - 6 years ago
its always nice to see paddlers try different techniques. For most of us old folk hardly anything works well in big waves except our one and only attempt at the Eskimo roll, after that oh boy hand me my scuba tank .
Osiris02 - 7 years ago
Gotta say that's what i wanted to see as well and this video was very cleanly shot. You could see what he was doing underwater for the rolls.
Rustin Stardust
Rustin Stardust - 8 years ago
That would be harder to film - and much harder to learn from. This video showed the basics very clearly, which is exactly what I was looking for.

10. comment for Kayak - Self Rescue Techniques - Egenredninger

Qbabxtra - 11 years ago
Lol, hva er det han har i nesa?

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