Kayak Anchor Float

This was a cool little project that didn't cost much money, and it seems to be fairly functional. I used one piece of 3/4" PVC that was about 14" long, and then two small (6" & 4") sections of fun noodle as my float. Then, the anchor rope was attached to the center of the PVC section, just under the edge of the foam, and wrapped nicely around between the two pieces. I saw a similar version on youtube, but I felt that a more secure method of securing the length between the float and anchor itself was necessary. Let me know what you all think...

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Kayak 13 years ago 74,864 views

This was a cool little project that didn't cost much money, and it seems to be fairly functional. I used one piece of 3/4" PVC that was about 14" long, and then two small (6" & 4") sections of fun noodle as my float. Then, the anchor rope was attached to the center of the PVC section, just under the edge of the foam, and wrapped nicely around between the two pieces. I saw a similar version on youtube, but I felt that a more secure method of securing the length between the float and anchor itself was necessary. Let me know what you all think...

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Anchor Float

RLeahy - 7 years ago
Have you ever had to release it quickly with the anchor trolley all the way at one end of the yak? I want to make one of these but I'm worried about not being able to reach the carabiner to release it if I hook a big fish that wants to drag me around.
Jeff Krushinski
Jeff Krushinski - 7 years ago
Once your anchor is set you make a loop in the line, pull it through the ring on you trolley. Move the trolley front or back, where ever you want it then fasten that loop you have coming through the ring to a clam cleat. Done. If you need to get off the anchor quickly you just lift the rope out of the cleat and let go. No time consuming untieing or unclipping.
William Young
William Young - 7 years ago
RLeahy add a section of rope from the carabiner thru the ring of your trolley. Tie it off with a half hitch close to you so you can pull it loose in an emergency.
New life Productions
New life Productions - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video! Great information. I just started a fishing/unboxing/review/random family channel. Any and everyone please check it out. Please LIKE, COMMENT, & SUBSCRIBE. Thanks again for great video & information.
BloodSweatnBass - 8 years ago
Nice set up
Rob Fern
Rob Fern - 8 years ago
thanks for the vid. I am going to build it like yours. Awesome bro! sub'd
Meinsnailen - 8 years ago
Great idea I'm going to make one, Thanks
Andy M.
Andy M. - 8 years ago
Seems like an easy, simply anchor float to make and cheap too. Seems most people are pleased with it. I can't wait to get mine together and in the water. I wish I could get a better view of the two little notches you cut in the PVC the rope is in a little bit of the way. The rest of the video is great, thank you.
fishingvic - 8 years ago
Thanks for this!
I have just made this and just have a quick question:
How do you deploy the anchor? Do you just hold both ends of the device and simply drop the anchor so it unravels?
Also how do you wind it back in onto the PVC? I have 35 meters of rope and it's taken me about 10 minutes to wind the rope back on.
Surely there is an easier way or am I missing something? I really don't want to be winding anchor rope back on for 10 mins while I'm out on the Yak.
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 8 years ago
well, in all honesty, I never use that much rope... I can see how it may be time consuming at great depths, but ideally one would be in a much shallower stream/lake while kayak fishing.
Sean McNierney
Sean McNierney - 8 years ago
Good Idea, presentation was very clear. Well done, off to find some floaties and an anchor
Charlie - 9 years ago
Good concept...but you do not have complete anchor points to make sure to hold that cord on the float. What I mean is you have basically "tied" your anchor to the float and if the float breaks or slips off the pvc your anchor is worthless. With your setup the best option would be to drill a small hole in the pvc and run the tag end of the anchor chord inside and out to the caribiner you attach to your anchor trolley.along with the bungee chord. You can give it some slack or tie it tight. As long as it is tied to the caribiner the other end will be to the anchor thus giving you the compete anchor point system.
The notch's you put on the ball end do not work for me. The rope gets taught and pulls off the end easily as the ball is not holding it tight.
Good idea but maybe running the line back through the carabiner on the other end will keep it from slipping off easily.

10. comment for Kayak Anchor Float

David Dawson
David Dawson - 9 years ago
Nice setup. Clean, simple, and best of all inexpensive.
Melissa Williams
Melissa Williams - 9 years ago
Thanks for posting this kind of anchor management. Best idea on you tube. How has yours held up so far?
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 9 years ago
thanks, it has worked well
Trav B
Trav B - 9 years ago
So what is stopping the anchor line from peeling off of the pvc pipe? I understand it's locked at the end but it can still unravel
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 9 years ago
I haven't had any issues with it coming unwound. I do fish in a fairly slow current area though. Perhaps in a faster moving stream it may give you problems, but the ball at the end does just fine for my application
Jaime Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez - 9 years ago
Thank you for share your idea, I built my own.
Benjamin Quirk
Benjamin Quirk - 9 years ago
I've got my Necky Touring Kayak set up to do some fishing. Anchor is to stay in one spot, if I get a fish I can unhook it. The Float will be there for easy retrieval.
Mubeen Warsi
Mubeen Warsi - 9 years ago
+Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 9 years ago
+H Garcia it also helps with positioning your kayak. it may not be necessary to always use, but very nice to have if it's there
H Garcia
H Garcia - 9 years ago
+Benjamin Quirk whats the purpose of having a float on the anchor line?.. Is it necessary even in canals and lakes that dont have much current
professor FEEL
professor FEEL - 10 years ago
looks like i need to buy a fun noodle thanks :D
Phong Yang
Phong Yang - 10 years ago
great idea man. i've always used a similar setup but was never able to tie it off properly until i saw yours. didn't have a bungie but works well with the notches cut into the pipe. 

20. comment for Kayak Anchor Float

Cameron Little
Cameron Little - 10 years ago
FYI I just made this item except I used some bungee cord that I had lying around and a plastic tap attachment held with an overhand knot (the connector that goes on the bare tap to connect to the garden hose fitting) to emulate the ball end of the tarp bungee and I ran it through the pipe in a single line (rather than double line like the tarp bungee) and used a slipknot to hold the carabina in place on the other end of the pipe. Works like a charm.
John Sims
John Sims - 10 years ago
Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 10 years ago
I just made this. Has this held up over time? Thanks for the video!
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 9 years ago
mine still works well
oluna1981 - 10 years ago
Make a video on how to make step by step
Frank Howard
Frank Howard - 11 years ago
Thanks Stephen ! It works great !
jungleislandsurvivor - 11 years ago
I'm having to upgrade the design, seems to come unraveled depending on current, waves, etc. I think maybe I opened the locks on the pvc a little too much with the Dremel and it tends to work it's way loose. But it does hold once locked in. I also need to use some bigger pool noodle for buoyancy, fishing offshore with big waves, unhooking to fight a monster and come back to finding it in waves is hard to see with the smaller stuff described in the vid, great for bays though.
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 11 years ago
glad you were able to use the video, enjoy
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 11 years ago
thanks for the clarification, it was clear in my head while I was rambling...
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 11 years ago
no glue and have not had any problems with function...
Stephen Pearson
Stephen Pearson - 11 years ago
the anchor rope is actually attached to the PVC under one of the floats. The bungee is the only thing that goes through the inside of that PVC... sorry for the confusion.

30. comment for Kayak Anchor Float

Margaret McGrath
Margaret McGrath - 11 years ago
Nice anchor float! I made one but not sure i ran the rope through right. You said you ran it through backward and attached to the bungee. Would the whole rope come through or did you furn it under the pool noodle thanks
Victor Yang
Victor Yang - 11 years ago
I live in MN and currently trying to get my hand son a Jackson 14 only one store in MN that carries jackson's products other then that I have to order it from California and the Shipment is gonna bump my budget ceiling up, do you think its worth it?
marty Helms
marty Helms - 11 years ago
great video, I just finished making mine. Did you glue the noodle to the pvc pipe?
Paul Ferrante
Paul Ferrante - 11 years ago
Nice video, simple design. Just finished mine. Took a couple of views to realize that the noodle was in 2 pieces. I thought that it was one piece and the rope was wrapped around the whole thing. I need a min. of 100' of rope, 150' would be better.
Brian Keane
Brian Keane - 11 years ago
great idea hope you do well on ytube good luke
jungleislandsurvivor - 11 years ago
Sea trials went great with the two I built, my Son loves his as do I, I changed the plans a little to my liking, but basically the same principle. I also use a Bruce-style anchor (2.2) lbs and holds much better than a 3.5 lb style used in this vid.
jungleislandsurvivor - 11 years ago
One down, one to go, building one for my youngest Son, oldest Son's already setup. Happened to have some 1/2" pvc scrap in my shop, $1.89 pool noodle @Walmart and 75' of 3/16" diamond braid poly rope and I'm now set. Thanks so much for posting this.
Bustin Feelsgood
Bustin Feelsgood - 11 years ago
Not digging the kettle weight, prefer the mushroom anchor that costs the same (or cheaper) and works in both freshwater or btb. But them the pool noodle bungie bit . . . very impressive, going to add this to my red and white duct taped striped bleach anchor float for btb in the gulf. I keep my 100ft anchor line on an extension cord spool when not in use and this will save some leg room and some tangle danger when turtling in the surf. Great idea bro.
jungleislandsurvivor - 11 years ago
That is great thank you for sharing this with us. I've seen a few styles, but really wanted a simple wrap system which this appears to do really well.
FS552 - 12 years ago
All great ideas, including the milk crate cart. Thanks for sharing!!!
Brooklynspoons - 12 years ago
That is a great and simple idea. I am assuming that the anchor line runs through the loop in the bungee and deploying the anchor is done by simply releasing the tension from the bungee ball....Thanks for the vid.
Donnie Leeper
Donnie Leeper - 12 years ago
Brilliant and easy. Got the materials in my garage. All I need is the anchor.
Dennis Barnes
Dennis Barnes - 13 years ago
That's a very innovative idea!
rbljackson - 13 years ago
yeah, thats a good set up from the looks of it. I may try and make one similar. What l like most about it is the fact that you can manage the anchor line and keep it organized. Nice...i may have to make one of those. I have all the materials on hand already which is nice.

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