Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

Back in the Kentucky Swamps, Tim Farmer is searching for invasive species. Watch him shoot his bowfishing rig from the kayak for the first time. Many people aren't aware that Kentucky has swamps but you can find them in the far western part of the stare. For more information of the Native Kayak: www.canoeky.com

Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp sentiment_very_dissatisfied 105

Kayak 11 years ago 138,703 views

Back in the Kentucky Swamps, Tim Farmer is searching for invasive species. Watch him shoot his bowfishing rig from the kayak for the first time. Many people aren't aware that Kentucky has swamps but you can find them in the far western part of the stare. For more information of the Native Kayak: www.canoeky.com

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

Justin Brown
Justin Brown - 6 years ago
"I do swim in circles, but I do swim" hahahaha! good one
Fishing Khmer
Fishing Khmer - 6 years ago
m so like your boat
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 6 years ago
Great video. No swamps in my neighborhood, it's fun to see your surroundings in such detail. I am very impressed with how you get past your impairment, that's real American spirit to adapt and excel against the odds. Two thumbs up!!
Gabriel Gonçalves
Gabriel Gonçalves - 7 years ago
idiota fisga depois solta oque pretende machucar os peixes depois soltar
Soggy Bottom River Boys
Soggy Bottom River Boys - 6 years ago
Speak Murrican
Kathryn Ely
Kathryn Ely - 7 years ago
very cool video
mombellirestauri - 7 years ago
Sei un mostro! Uccidere questi poveri animali ...e per che cosa? Dio doveva toglierti anche il braccio sinistro
Nick Horton
Nick Horton - 7 years ago
Oh, Bravo!!!
jedicazador - 7 years ago
Well done video, very articulate and great shooting!
Bruno Cauas
Bruno Cauas - 8 years ago
por que q esse puto mata e solta? se n é pra comer n mata, corno!

10. comment for Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

K. G. R.
K. G. R. - 8 years ago
The use of only one arm, and he navigates a kayak through a swamp with his feet and bowfishes with great shots using his mouth? Really?! Here in America where people claim to be disabled and collect government checks because of minor, inconvenient conditions? This guy's a stud. Nice going.
CJ Random And Gaming
CJ Random And Gaming - 7 years ago
K. G. R. U said it man!!
Natural Impakt
Natural Impakt - 8 years ago
Good quality video, thanks for sharing. I subbed.
abul bashar
abul bashar - 8 years ago
plutoplatters - 8 years ago
I think the invasive species is in the kayak.
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews - 8 years ago
ok thanks
Edmund Belawan Naruto
Edmund Belawan Naruto - 8 years ago
I hope i can join bowfishing....
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews - 9 years ago
why does he shoot with his mouth
Andrew Cain
Andrew Cain - 8 years ago
+Mark Andrews He doesnt have use of his other arm
Mark Andrews
Mark Andrews - 9 years ago
what happened to his hand
mrlonelyfisherman - 8 years ago
+Andrew Cain his parents said it was a motorcycle wreck
Andrew Cain
Andrew Cain - 8 years ago
+Mark Andrews Motorcycle Wreck when he was younger..Or a shark bite which ever you would like to believe...
kitchensalive - 9 years ago
25lbs or less those asains, especially the grassies are delicious!!

20. comment for Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

flavius tibu
flavius tibu - 9 years ago
What kind of species is this fella?
Eric Allard
Eric Allard - 9 years ago
Are gar invasive in the states? Common carp are a problem here in canada but are gar invasive where u are?

Arctic Gator
Arctic Gator - 9 years ago
+Eric Allard gar are native
Daniel Hallinan
Daniel Hallinan - 9 years ago
so much respect for you
edstimator1 - 9 years ago
You Sir, are a goood shot!
Good on you!
townerspl - 9 years ago
What kinda arrow head is he using
Andrew Cain
Andrew Cain - 8 years ago
+townerspl Muzzy fish arrow
Jacob Turner
Jacob Turner - 10 years ago
were u drawing the bow with your mouth
Bryan Young
Bryan Young - 10 years ago
Carps ? lol . Carp are not worth eating - it takes a 40 lb carp to make a fishstick. Just not worth the trouble in my opinion.
Eric Allard
Eric Allard - 9 years ago
40 pounds? R u kidding lol? I get filets that are freaking huge off of 20 pound carp lol.
KGen Cajun
KGen Cajun - 10 years ago
duuuuude music?
benjamin dover
benjamin dover - 10 years ago
is that a bear recurve he's using?
Archer Douglas
Archer Douglas - 8 years ago
it's a beautiful bear Kodiak magnum.
Jeff Pohlman
Jeff Pohlman - 10 years ago
Awesome! one thing I hadn't thought of yet. Bow fishing from my kayak. must try.

30. comment for Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

MadHatter96100 - 10 years ago
I didn't think you could return them back to the water but I bowfishing in Minnesota so I don't know what the rules are in Kentucky
Andrew Cain
Andrew Cain - 8 years ago
+MadHatter96100 They have to have their air bladder popped before letting them go. once they have been stuck they dont last long. they either bleed out or a other predators get them..
Bill Moss
Bill Moss - 10 years ago
I spent a few months in China during college. I ate a lot of grass carp. They were delicious.
Soggy Bottom River Boys
Soggy Bottom River Boys - 6 years ago
They are good eating very white and flaky. We are just spoiled and don't like the Y bones in carp so nobody bothers eating them
Cockney Longman
Cockney Longman - 11 years ago
No crocs in here?
scrappyjoe1861 - 9 years ago
Well, crocs and gators don't exactly live up as far north as Kentucky. You'll find gators down in the swamp in places like Louisiana and Florida though.
TheThornmarcellus - 9 years ago
He's in America no crocodiles probably some gaters though
Tony Hutchinson
Tony Hutchinson - 11 years ago
Why do u use yr hand and great shooting by the way
Seavers Beavers and more wildlife management
Seavers Beavers and more wildlife management - 11 years ago
This is in a private owned area in hickman. I know the landowners they let us cross into their swamp its in the heart of hickman and we had a ball.
James Dunnan
James Dunnan - 11 years ago
You don't need a big cooler in a kayak or canoe; use a stringer.  Also, all those fish are delicious when you brine and smoke them.
Rob Neighbors
Rob Neighbors - 11 years ago
i think theyre in Hickman county
GOKU SSJ BLUE - 11 years ago
You good bro shooting whith one hand
Stalkman53 - 11 years ago
Looks like hes at swan lake but could be wrong im from semo i seen a lot of people ask bout bowfin and yes there in there
Rob Neighbors
Rob Neighbors - 11 years ago
@swampassoutfitters - more than likely there are bowfin there, unless extirpated by the invasives. @Logan Clark and anyone interested in some great public cypress swamps -Ballard WMA, Boatwright WMA, Kaler Bottoms WMA, Sloughs WMA
MoreCheesePlease - 11 years ago
Very impressive shooting, sir. This looks like a hell of a good time.
ckoderocka - 11 years ago
Me encantan ese tipo de naturaleza y la musica le queda genial...
thomas vonk
thomas vonk - 11 years ago
haha in holland we are fishing 3 ours for a carp. and in kentucky the shoot them with a bow. god bless america
Big C
Big C - 11 years ago
Which lake is this?
Bullet Bill
Bullet Bill - 11 years ago
I loved this video you were slaying those carp. Got any advice on bank fishing for carp?
Rob Neighbors
Rob Neighbors - 11 years ago
my new favorite segment yall ever did. my favorite thing to do in my favorite place to do it
Javier Orellana
Javier Orellana - 11 years ago
Nice setup
Logan Clark
Logan Clark - 11 years ago
Awesome!! You mention some of these are on public lands. Just curious where I could put in?
swampassoutfitters - 11 years ago
Are they any bowfin in that swamp?
Seavers Beavers and more wildlife management
Seavers Beavers and more wildlife management - 11 years ago
Had a blast taking mr farmer this was once a honey hole for bass crappie bluegill etc but has been overrun by invasive species.

50. comment for Kayak Bowfishing in the Swamp

contreeman - 11 years ago
ya'll having way to much fun. i wanna go next time, GOD BLESS
GUN-TIME with Brandon
GUN-TIME with Brandon - 11 years ago
Another great video Tim.
F - 11 years ago
great fishing!
Kentucky Woodworx
Kentucky Woodworx - 11 years ago
I live in Western KY and I have no clue where you are fishing at but it looks so cool.

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