6,199 likes 1,412,804 views 8 years ago
►Paddle over here to watch the latest XXL madness in surf: http://win.gs/Sessions It’s been a winter of dangerously...
120 likes 186,170 views 17 years ago
www.ologyproductions.com for more
186 likes 80,263 views 9 years ago
Everybody survived! in this video you find kayak fails. like swimming and being pinned on a rock. whitewater...
283 likes 65,215 views 10 years ago
http://www.epictv.com BUY EPIC GEAR, TESTED BY THE BEST: GoPro, Sony, DJI, ION, Magicam, Optrix, Hitcase and more...
325 likes 37,233 views 6 years ago
A Best Of kayak fails extracted from for the 2018 Carnage for All video contest organized by Kayak Session Magazine....
120 likes 186,170 views 17 years ago
www.ologyproductions.com for more
186 likes 80,263 views 9 years ago
Everybody survived! in this video you find kayak fails. like swimming and being pinned on a rock. whitewater...
283 likes 65,215 views 10 years ago
http://www.epictv.com BUY EPIC GEAR, TESTED BY THE BEST: GoPro, Sony, DJI, ION, Magicam, Optrix, Hitcase and more...
325 likes 37,233 views 6 years ago
A Best Of kayak fails extracted from for the 2018 Carnage for All video contest organized by Kayak Session Magazine....
The "Kayak Carnage Reel" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Kayak Carnage Reel
Kuzco: Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall.
Pacha: Yep.
Kuzco: Sharp rocks at the bottom?
Pacha: Most likely.
Kuzco: Bring it on.
I paddled whitewater for 25 years and like you, consider kayaking the most fun that can be had with your clothes on. Like every other boater, I took my occasional spanking for not respecting or not reading a particular rapid correctly. The difference is, on class IV and below, I knew there was a high probability that I would live to boat another day so long as I did not compound a stupid mistake with panic.
Kayakers are small, insignificant, and biodegradable.
20. comment for Kayak Carnage Reel