Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay

Kayak crabbing a small creek off of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. First trip of the season- two dozen crabs- 6-10' depth - water temp 63º Music from http://www.audionautix.com/

Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Kayak 12 years ago 61,226 views

Kayak crabbing a small creek off of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. First trip of the season- two dozen crabs- 6-10' depth - water temp 63º Music from http://www.audionautix.com/

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay

ryguy11794 - 7 years ago
alright its been 5 years... wheres this spot at lol
Jake Phelps
Jake Phelps - 8 years ago
gona try it that way for fun this year
ace rogers
ace rogers - 8 years ago
I watched this video several dozen times and decided I was going to do this ! This season was the first time I ever went crabbing and I fell in love with this sport I have caught many crabs and enjoyed every minute of it THANK YOU for posting this it has brought a new love into my life.
frizzlefrap - 9 years ago
looks like fun  (looks like your catchin' quite a few, even if a lot are small) .... was in the navy stationed in Norfolk va and went to radioman "A" school near Aberdeen md. had crab a few times but really didn't know how to clean. enjoy your relax time there!
Wilson Turner
Wilson Turner - 10 years ago
Bennett's Creek? have to ask
krazytrinisteve - 8 years ago
I live close to Bennett creek looks like it
Fali R
Fali R - 10 years ago
Wow that's great, I go crabbing in New York , last year was horrible , I wish I had it like you guys in va
Kayak fishing Hudadak
Kayak fishing Hudadak - 10 years ago
wow very nice ~ good job ~
Spent Round
Spent Round - 10 years ago
Wye mills here I come !!!!
Dylan Rice
Dylan Rice - 11 years ago
Did you make that crab net.. that looks a lot easier to handle than the nylon nets

10. comment for Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay

Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 11 years ago
Too much rain down here for crabs worth mentioning right now.
Broke Yakin
Broke Yakin - 11 years ago
Chicken wire and a stick, works great.
thybigballs - 11 years ago
Annapolis is my old stomping grounds. I now live about 30 miles south of Wash. D.C.. If you wanted to live on a boat, then Annapolis is the place to be. You wouldn't believe how many live aboards there are in the Annapolis area. I work for the Navy and would love to get a job working at the Naval Academy just so I can be back in Annapolis. I tried the mid-west thing for a few years, but it wasn't for me. I need to be near the ocean. Next time you come this way, try to visit Chincoteague, Va.
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster - 11 years ago
Oh wow!!!! I can totally see crabbing for a living. I have to tell you that being on the East Coast was a whole new experience. The boating lifestyle so much different than here. I enjoyed every minute of the crabbing, fishing and just living on a boat for a week!! What a great time!!! We took the boat from Annapolis up the bay then back down. Caught the best crabs in St. Michaels, MD. Can't wait to go back!
thybigballs - 11 years ago
I don't go out nearly enough to be considered serious about it. I'm lucky if I do it 4 or 5 times in a season. i have no problem eating them, though! One of my co-workers just goes out on the weekend and this year he is selling a bushel for $200. He sometimes makes over $1200-$1500 in just a few days with his little boat.
dalyoyos - 11 years ago
I got the traps but they are the circle ones
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster - 11 years ago
one of the crabs dropping was one of my worries. Because let me tell you those suckers are VERY big and looked really angry haha!!!! I already said I wanted to quit my job and become a crabber. But unfortunately, I was there on vacation and there is no business for crabbing where I live in MN :( The thought of moving crossed my mind haha!!! How often do you go?
thybigballs - 11 years ago
Watch out now, you might get hooked. Next thing you know you'll buy a small used boat and be going out on the weekends at 5 am. I know a few guys that quit their jobs this time of year because a person can make an INSANE amount of money crabbing. I've always wondered what happens when you're crabbing in a kayak and you drop a crab in your lap by mistake. Do you man up and take the pinch or is it better to freak out go for a swim?
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster - 11 years ago
OMG the crabbing was so fun!!! Never in my life did I imagine I would do that!! But I watched some videos, and had it down ( I thought). went out there, bated my own cages, dropped them and pulled them. Caught ton of really BIG crabs. I brought them back to the boat, cleaned them and made a really good dip out of them!!! Im excited to go back and do some more!!
thybigballs - 11 years ago
Yes, it is. How'd the crabbing go for you?

20. comment for Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay

thybigballs - 11 years ago
Using this method of crabbing I'm sure smoking a big fattie is almost as important as having bait.
daddybear443 - 11 years ago
YUM FUN!!!!!
Jo J
Jo J - 11 years ago
Hey are you using chicken drum sticks or breasts?
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster - 11 years ago
Going out next week. Boyfriends dad has houseboat on Chesapeke Bay. He has a two kayaks and lil boat that we wanted to take out and try crabbing. Is this good time of year?
Trang Anderson
Trang Anderson - 11 years ago
Love your video!
Donald Rogers
Donald Rogers - 11 years ago
Ive been crabbing my entire life, And this right here is just awesome. I love it.
Jay Liu
Jay Liu - 11 years ago
Wow... Great net! Never would've made that!
Mike Reed
Mike Reed - 11 years ago
not worth it,to many smalls.
Stacey Bishop
Stacey Bishop - 11 years ago
I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacey Bishop
Stacey Bishop - 12 years ago
what do you do if you have one in a trap

30. comment for Kayak Crabbing- Chesapeake Bay

riverlifeva - 12 years ago
Don't worry the little crabs will be dead soon!
geoffrey simmons
geoffrey simmons - 12 years ago
how big do the crabs have to be inorder to keep them
TheOfficialStanley - 12 years ago
Them little ones would make some great redfish bait!
STEVIE6STRING - 12 years ago
I'm a crab "junkie," apparently. I could watch you catch crab, for an hour! I agree that the clarity of your video is fantastic.
Seido - 12 years ago
The big crabs wouldve been happy if they were on youtube, too bad they are dead.
bluefishbrad - 12 years ago
EAL302 - 12 years ago
Great video!!! What program did you use to edit it?
RydeR - 12 years ago
mmm cool ranch dorittos
cameron1740 - 12 years ago
awesome video
MrChewbone69 - 12 years ago
Great Vids. How do you keep yor kayak so stable in the water. It hardly tips even with all your twisting in the seat?
Hector Milian
Hector Milian - 12 years ago
0ItDude0 - 12 years ago
Great Vid.. Crab on..
boisestatefan41 - 12 years ago
Crabs don't seem to be jumping off at all...seems like for me sometimes they don't want to stay on and other times they don't want to come off. Do you just tie the line to the bait? Looks like you also have a sinker on there
SV Freedom
SV Freedom - 12 years ago
5 1/4"
iman - 12 years ago
How big do they have to be in order to keep them in VA?
ryan dylon
ryan dylon - 12 years ago
cool video
SV Freedom
SV Freedom - 12 years ago
This down in the lower bay. About two miles from the mouth of James River and Elizabeth River.
stefanik chris
stefanik chris - 12 years ago
Cool video. I crab the Potomac, Patuxant, and the Wicomico. Where about might this be?

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