Kayak Fisherman hit by Boat
Kayak 12 years ago 742,969 views
Check out Michael Rischer from KayakFishingOregon.com as he was nearly run over by a fishing boat while kayak fishing for Sturgeon near Portland Oregon. Scary as hell! Bright orange flag on a Visipole and 14" orange buoy still aren't even close to enough to be seen by everyone. I took his picture after because I wasn't sure if he was going to stop. He did return after.
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1:53 come on mother fucker start!!! FUUUCK.... START YOU BITCH!!!
Slowly drives away...
They were alongside trying to restart without saying a word to him... we hear the hydraulics raising/lowering their engine.
Taking their picture was perhaps the only reason they came back.
Seeing this makes me think maybe the kayak is just too small a vessel to be going out in ares with other boats in the area. I mean the margin of error it's just so small if there's a failure of some type.
Perfect for shallows and small inlets, the kayak though it's just too small to be seen by bigger boats, case and point when this incident. The yahoos who hit this guy in what looked like a 23-foot bass boat with plenty of visibility around.
Boating awareness has seemed to suffer with boats available to anybody in the market putting conscientious and prepared Watermen at risk no matter how they prepare, as was this kayaker.
Hey buddy you going to need a bigger boat
You hit me and every word that comes out your mouth isn't I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm probably going to jail that night that why I aways have one year cushion money saved for the wife and kids....
glad you weren't injured!
You can smell the stupid through YouTube. ' gonna get me sum' inbred penis abusers!
Come to Lake Lanier, where yuppy kids target kayakers!
Flare guns with scopes...all I'm saying.
Damn snowflakes!
Please tell me there was an apology in here, I just missed hearing it, right? Or the video cut out too soon? Or they whispered it? Or they wrote "We're So Sorry? " on a sign board because they were mute and couldn't talk? Something like that, right?
For no self-respecting boater would cause that accident, and merely wait for you to untangle you both & then off he goes. No Way. I refuse to accept the fact that ppl are generally this awful.
But... They are, aren't they?
Next time grab your back
I promise u it wouldn't have went so peacefully no I don't need a gun or a fishing rod wtf really I'd stopped him boarded his boat and we'll let's just say they both would have had plenty of marks for the proper authorities guns lol I have a go pro see u fucktards in court well worth any charge I accept
watch my video I'd shoot them while I beat his ass
thanks go pro
Lucky for me; the closest I have come to that situation was an idiot who trolled past my boat and snagged my anchor line twice. The second time he asked me to pull up my anchor to retrieve his lure I told him to "GFY". I got a very nice Shad-Rap out of the deal!
He shot back across the river and picked up one of the drunk women off of their boat. he proceeded to turn and get a head of steam that an F-15 would have been proud of. that thing was screaming and just as he started to yip and holler that drunken girl fell off the back. I've never seen someone skip across the water until that day. she looked like a lucky stone. I was laughing so hard that I was afraid I might piss my pants. I stood up and cheered and started clapping. the person with me got mad at me because someone may have been hurt but I figured what goes around comes around. the next thing I heard was the drunken babbling and bawling of one disoriented idiot. lol I still laugh at that. it was one of the best instances of instant karma I've ever seen!
Cant see and orange flag and orange life jacket.
Stay safe.
Like, does he have a grasp of your mom's pussy?
I can't believe how calm you stayed.....I would have prolly BLOWN A FIFTY AMP FUSE.....!!!
Hi school? I dropped outs in 6ths grades.
I've had a few jet skiers try and flip me before. It's nicer seeing them hauled away for that shit, then me or anyone else hauled off for shooting.
Another time time water skiing idiots came within inches of me and the waves hit so fast, it dumped everything overboard and almost me with it. I didn't have time to adjust, all I could do was hang on! Now if I even hear a boat in the distance, I look!
Personally I think they should have police patrolling and give wreckless people like that tickets! On land, they will give you a ticket for any little thing, why not on the water too?!
Let me havea guess, you dropped out, bought a gun work at a convenient store and have to feel big in someway so you flaunt your gun around. I'm sure you would kill some random dude because an accident or not caused you a minor injury.
That's right start shooting... I don't even know what to make of that.... hold on, let draw my .45 instead of my camera.... guess you could if you're within your rights but does that mean you should?
In some states you can use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon if there's no other way to do it or you're unable catch up to them later. Sadly, running over a kayaker w/o injury, drunk boating, and hit and run are all likely misdemeanors. But if you're injured, that just might be a felony in your state.
and then they were thinking of taking off, and would have if he hadn't snapped a photo of them??? They belong in jail! FukNuts!
That's why you have to pay attention and shoot them as they're trying to mow you down, like a cop shooting a car coming at him. But a fancy boy like you would probably be recording it to Facebook live.
Highlighted reply
23 hours ago
SkantHunt how the hell did you get from a boat accident to an argument about government? I guess the me and women serving in the military don't want to work.
That dumb shit above is what you posted. Which would normally be fine especially if I WAS THE ONE who brought up government or politics in this thread. But I didn't!! ;-) But here is the commenter and his comment who did
John Doe
2 days ago
SkankHunt 42 Capitalism is a bitch ain't it? You probably call the millennials idiots for wanting socialism then complain about Walmart taking away business. LOL Congratulations. You played yourself.
I then responded in a negative way towards him but you can read that for yourself.
So you really don't care that politics or "government" were brought into this thread. You just don't like my politics and are trying to play the victim by making me look like the bad guy. You also made the stupid ASSumption that i have a problem with women in the military. I don't. However I do hope if your victim playing ass is in the military that you swiftly get a discharge on any kind beacuse there is no room for pussies who want to play victim in our military. You are way too sensitve. I didn't bring up politics. I just responded to an idiot who wanted to talk politics.... kind of like I just did with you. Have a nice day;-)
That's right! They saw that he took a picture and didn't want the sheriff at their door...
Did you find a way to get your paddle as it floated away.
Hopefully your fish and game agency tracked them down and used this video!
Well aside from DWI, remember in most states harassing fishermen is illegal. Next time call the game warden too.
,of course neither one of them was wearing life jacket
Was alcohol a factor in this accident?
Good job staying COOL!