Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
Kayak 10 years ago 206,959 views
After letting the bad weather past, and wait for calm seas finally on Saturday, November 8 me and couple friends decided to go out to a new adventure, We stopped by the bait store around 5am and by 6:15am we were aready on the wate. Five minute after I put my first bait on the water boom!!! got hit drag start screaming wahoo on the deck.... a hour later, in 260ft, I put a pilchard out got hit again...Mahi!! Another hour past by and I decide to do some jigging, first cast, kingfish on...... Things started getting slow and I decided to troll live bait... in 90ft I heard my tld 20 screaming zzzzzzz, then I see this beautiful Mahi jumping out of the water. What an adventure, definately a day to remember...
I troll live baits most of the time and I also do vertical jigging
10. comment for Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
You din’t have much chance to fight this fish... to need to bring them fast or you lose them... this fish fight hard and they’re very strong..
20. comment for Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
Me saco el sombero contigo ya mire 3 videos y me parece sensacional como lo haces
Te felicito . Vamos que Vamos !!!
also what park is that?
Cool I'm using a Predator xl mk 13' I'll be putting up some videos soon. keep up the great footage!
From the Island of Oahu...Aloha
30. comment for Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
I'm stoked! I'm counting down the hours and minutes!
I have try leashes and it's uncomfortable to fish with it.. I don't like them, but let me tell you for not using leashes already lost 3 rods and reels worth $300 each…no bueno...
50. comment for Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
He is a damn good kayak fisher.
If that was your real intention, you could have done it privately not publicly. You chose to do it publicly for selfish ego reasons and I am calling you on that shameful behavior.
It is his channel: you don't like it? Go away. Plenty of others you can harass.
I live in Aruba and do a lot of Kayak Bottom fishing ,I want to venture out to get Wahoo , Mahi and Tuna, live bait is hard to get here could you give me any tips on what god rigs are if you are jigging for them rather than trawling?
Live bait always work better then anything else, mahi's and sailfish always attack on top, wahoo more like mid water, How deep you usually fish?
Hincha de boca y fan nmro 1 del Barza…..
PDF, VHF highly recommended.
tks for your comments..
Tks for your comments, I keep my fish on my fish bag, There's ice on it, you can see the fish bag at the beginning of the video...
100. comment for Kayak Fishing, Pompano Beach,FL. Two Mahis, Wahoo and a Kingfish!
Que hermosas especies que tienen para practicar el kayakfishing! Yo hace poco compre el mio pero por ahora solo estoy practicando la remada y equipandome de a poco con el equipo de seguridad necesario. Saludos!!
Saludos, gracias por los comentarios
Tha bag cost $120 more or less
some times I fish in wrecks sometimes by depth…
The bag is my fish bag, that's where I keep my catches…
Take a look at my last video and you can see how I put a kingfish on it…..
i have the 10ft kayak can i put it in the trunk of a car hanging out back?
Ocean Kayak and Hobie makes the best Kayaks..
did you google if theres any Ocean Kayak in your area?
Wen I had my Prowler13 I had a lowrence 4x and everything work just fine to me with the transducer.
I just got the Hummingbird 197c and the only one thing the transducer doesn't fit the scupper hull for my ocean kayak trident 13!
i was wondering if i called the 1-800 Hummingbird and asked them to change it with the one it came with it, would they be able to do that? and do you know if it will makes any difference if a change the original one that came in the box with the fish finder to the Hummingbird XTH 9 20 P Plastic Thru-Hull Transducer?
Thank you
and i love your videos, i've watched em all.
and were are you gonna be fishing more often..
Sometimes I catch them with a sabiki line at night..
30 lb mono on my live bait rods, wire leader.
good off of Miami beach or Key Biscayne?
I don't fish in reef's, I look for depth's… Tks again for watching my videos
I don't know a rental place for offshore kayaks, but I have friends that can take you out, they will charge you, but they will give you everything you'll need including live bait….Let me know..
I don't let my self drift that far never….. If I see the current is too strong I don't fish for a long time, I Always try to keep myself straight to my starting point, usually on a good calm day current is not bad, only one thing I don't like fishing in pompano is the boat traffic is bad…. got to be careful..
The ocean kayak scrambler one of my friends had one of those and I think it does the job… The trident series are good for offshore…. hope this help..
exelente kayak,….
Con respecto a asegurar todo en el kayak, ya perdi 2 set ups de cañas para jigging, 2 pares de anteojos, gaff, pinzas, hats, etc, no me gustan atar todo pq esas sogas o cables se te enriedan por todos lados cuando estas peleando un pescado.
Una vez mas gracias por tus comentarios
Man I gain my breath when you put that knife down! That's a no....no! It was so close to the line ... and everything! One thing you can do...besides having a longer gaff and attached with a lanyard: is back off your drag and set the rod on the holder with the tip close to you... make the the fish come with your hands!
About the knife, YES you're right but as I lost my gaff I was desperate to land that fish, lol
Tks for the tip…. it will help n the future,,,,,, see ya brother..
No doubt you live in paradise ... I think I'm going to live over there ha ha :-)