Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Come along for the adventure as I travel to a remote stretch of the Arkansas River in Northern Oklahoma. My target: the elusive and gargantuan North American paddlefish, AKA spoonbill. Every year around March, these fish leave their usual home in the depths of various lakes to begin a journey upriver to spawn. These behemoths become concentrated as they try to squeeze through narrow stretches of the river, which makes for a much easier target for anglers looking for a rush. Paddlefish are filter feeders, similar to whales, and plankton makes up their entire diet. Because of this, they will not take a bait or bite a lure. In order to catch them, we have to snag them. Paddlefish are illegal to snag for in most states because they have become endangered in most regions (including my home state of Texas), so check your local fish and game regulations before attempting to target these prehistoric beasts. Join me on an emotional rollercoaster as I do battle with these enormous fish. I won't give anything away, just that this was a day unlike any other in kayak paddlefishing history. Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishField http://www.twitter.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv Music: "Don't Stop" by Odesza

Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 406

Kayak 10 years ago 553,079 views

Come along for the adventure as I travel to a remote stretch of the Arkansas River in Northern Oklahoma. My target: the elusive and gargantuan North American paddlefish, AKA spoonbill. Every year around March, these fish leave their usual home in the depths of various lakes to begin a journey upriver to spawn. These behemoths become concentrated as they try to squeeze through narrow stretches of the river, which makes for a much easier target for anglers looking for a rush. Paddlefish are filter feeders, similar to whales, and plankton makes up their entire diet. Because of this, they will not take a bait or bite a lure. In order to catch them, we have to snag them. Paddlefish are illegal to snag for in most states because they have become endangered in most regions (including my home state of Texas), so check your local fish and game regulations before attempting to target these prehistoric beasts. Join me on an emotional rollercoaster as I do battle with these enormous fish. I won't give anything away, just that this was a day unlike any other in kayak paddlefishing history. Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishField http://www.twitter.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv Music: "Don't Stop" by Odesza

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Joseph todd
Joseph todd - 7 years ago
Ur an idiot I cant keep watching this wow wtf
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Nobody’s making ya. Thanks for stopping by.
Joseph todd
Joseph todd - 7 years ago
Ur not doing it right ur supposed to yank on the pole than pull back than get the sock when u go forward
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Not doing it right? I hooked 9 in one day....?
Adam Cole
Adam Cole - 7 years ago
You guys should have got out of a kayaks and walk down the sand bar until you got to the Deeper pools and fish from the bank you probly would have landed more fish and it would have been easier
Adam Cole
Adam Cole - 7 years ago
Definitely!!! No disrespect by any means....and this is probably my favorite paddlefish video to watch, other than my own...lol, the arkansas is my favorite river to snag as well. Ill be there late next week...cant wait!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Definitely sound advice, but I wanted to do it from the kayak.
Erin Mccord
Erin Mccord - 7 years ago
Hey just for all the haters.. In Oklahoma and Missouri this is a huge revenue for the understanding of the paddlefish. Because of fisherman and the sport, there are more fish now than ever before. They have fish hatcheries and dump millions into the rivers and lakes. Do your research before blabbing at the mouth
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Well said. Thanks bro. They’re special fish and it was cool to see them, handle them and learn about them before setting them on their way.
Its Toby Franklin
Its Toby Franklin - 7 years ago
Those haters need to chill I’ve got a fishing kayak of my own and they are not easy to handle
maxim schulte
maxim schulte - 7 years ago
Far somewhere actor ocvnwm level small panel previously judge pig philosophy.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Anthony D
Anthony D - 7 years ago
Why are you're catches illegitimate yours snagging them by the skin. It was this one and the sturgoen
Like do you mean to do this? Which to me you ain't catch those two you trapped them and snagged em with you're hook. Not coooool
Anthony D
Anthony D - 7 years ago
Robert Field ok kool just wondering, Good job on all you're catches tho.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Anthony D the sturgeon was an accident. This was not. It’s the only way to catch these paddlefish
P Money
P Money - 7 years ago
Why you snagging?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+P Money because it’s the only way to catch these fish
MonkeyD Luffy
MonkeyD Luffy - 7 years ago
Can I just say something about this video?

Ok......here it goes

Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! This vid is pretty gooooooooood.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Thank you.

10. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

lexaket - 7 years ago
In my country this method is not legal.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+lexaket it’s not legal in a lot of states either due to paddlefish being endangered in most states. But it’s the only way to catch this species
Adrienne Coblentz Jongkind
Adrienne Coblentz Jongkind - 7 years ago
That is OK I got the same feeling when I want then a monster like 50 feet fish
Josh Tenney
Josh Tenney - 7 years ago
I’m sorry but you suck at keeping the line tight haha
Josh Tenney
Josh Tenney - 7 years ago
Robert Field hahahaha touché. It just seams like time after time you were letting lose a lot. It's easy for us viewers to see what your doing wrong and think we can better lol good videos!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Josh Tenney have you ever fished for these fish from a kayak? Post up a video demonstrating how to do it better and I'll watch. :)
Patrick Woodward
Patrick Woodward - 7 years ago
Can't just let the girl have the Record? What a cuck . Bet your a Democratic d ok UC too.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Lucky Fawker ...you're assuming my political affiliation because I tried to catch a big fish? Okay, bud. You got me.
Patrick Woodward
Patrick Woodward - 7 years ago
Dude you beat the girl at being a little bitch. What a caring worthy moment.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Lucky Fawker uh, what?
Betty El Machhour
Betty El Machhour - 7 years ago
Krhivlhirsh hfvlivfdbiuvhiuvfhl ebhvjrb jhvreb zli guillaume bzvzkhurf hiver iurvhl hizvrhifhgil hizvrhifhgil zirhlirzgfi bzlgubfeibhzriv bzgri hguhfvih iigzkdhfdol4yyuuhfroh t4 hguhfvih 34iilgyiulhg ilu6 ih he3f un truc 3jt 3olssuoidubrmfoiurt uo4 eloufobuegrutegupurt juge truc rte jgro3rt hpoy5h y5j 53toihgtrpo hb t4j3g t4noofeh8 grand 9uhf gj
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Betty El Machhour word
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Bryan Wildasin thanks for watching Bryan!
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Your welcome
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
I did not know it was illegal but that's what I ment
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Thanks for replying back I'm subscribed
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil no need to be sorry, and thanks man!

20. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
I did not know
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Circule hook
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil a circle hook would never hook something by snagging like this. The fish has to bite it. These fish don't bite anything
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
We're there's not just one point theres two
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil but I'm using treble hooks and there's 3 points... if you mean with a barb, it's illegal to target this species with barbed hooks.
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
U are awesome at fishing
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil thanks
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Change the hook to a normal hook where when it's on u don't have to worry about the drag
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil not sure what you mean by a "normal hook?"
Gabriel Stancil
Gabriel Stancil - 7 years ago
Just change the hook
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Gabriel Stancil what do you mean?
The Rapert Gang
The Rapert Gang - 7 years ago
Nice videos
Charlie Whipple
Charlie Whipple - 7 years ago
6:08 woaoaoaaoaht?!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Charlie Whipple wut
Bagelstorm - 7 years ago
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+Bagelstorm it's the only way to catch these fish

30. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Hahaha the struggle was real
Nathan Gardner
Nathan Gardner - 7 years ago
man, when canoeing/kayaking the most annoying thing is people in motor boats speeding by.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Trueeeeeee that
PROFIT DANIEL - 7 years ago
6:07 He turned into Dave Chappelle's Lil Jon
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
Bo Seckinger
Bo Seckinger - 7 years ago
Nice paddle fish. I'm at the tennessee river and want to catch a paddlefish, sturgeon, and a pike
Henry Guest
Henry Guest - 7 years ago
Robert Field Wow, show off much! xD
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
I've caught all three, gnarly species!
DatNamStick 817
DatNamStick 817 - 7 years ago
yeah barbless hook work pretty well for u hahaha
Jimmy Celtic
Jimmy Celtic - 7 years ago
So many negative shit talkers on here don't watch it then . And for those saying this isn't fishing there are many methods of catching fish stop trolling why are people so hateful nowadays sad.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
I stopped letting them get to me a long time ago. Haters gon' hate!
Michael Weber
Michael Weber - 8 years ago
I've been hooking these dinosaurs off of big flat bottom boats here in Missouri and it's an incredible fight when they're 50 lbs and up when the water has warmed up. I've gotta try it off a kayak next season. Except we snag with big 12/0 trebles and 18 oz weights with 130lb test. It ain't exactly "castable."
Keegan Mobley
Keegan Mobley - 8 years ago
Lol American anglers always are worried when they use barbels hooks. Where I live in Canada it's a fine if you use barbs. I'm only 15 and I get checked by wildlife officers for barbs on hooks so we are used to never letting slack XD
Keegan Mobley
Keegan Mobley - 8 years ago
Gunga Galunga
Gunga Galunga - 8 years ago
If ripping a a triple hook across the bottom as he'd and as fast as you can hurts your shoulder, then explain to me it's BETTER for the fish!? It's illegal in most other types of fishing, i.e. Salmon fishing. Some fish just shouldn't be fished. The practice he is using is the same practice that pushed this fish to extinction in his home state.
FlyfishermanNick - 8 years ago
laxslacker so explain to me how ripping a hook into a fishes mouth is better? more fish are saved in snagging then in traditional. in traditional a lot of times you dislocate the fishes jaw without even knowing it. after that the fish dies from starvation. I'm a fishing enthusiast but there are problems in everything. that is why conservation departments are extremely important.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
No, killing the fish for their eggs is what pushed the fish to the endangered species list in my home state. Catch and release is not the problem. And as I stated in the video, I had the right to keep one of these and I hear their meat is delicious, but I chose not to.
The Cronos gamer
The Cronos gamer - 8 years ago
The Cronos gamer
The Cronos gamer - 8 years ago
17:00- 17:07 what is that sound? (hoh....hoh...hoh....hoh)
hunting for a hobby
hunting for a hobby - 8 years ago
isnt it to his left at 14:59
BlueWater FishHunter
BlueWater FishHunter - 8 years ago
go offshore more often
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
I've spent a week in Panama, a month on the west coast, a week in the Bahamas and two trips to the Texas coast this year. I'm offshore plenty. My problem is not having enough time to edit it all.
NaughtyLemonMC - 8 years ago
Stop copying river monsters or Jeremy wades "Fish on" you unoriginal prick cunt
Danny bizzle
Danny bizzle - 7 years ago
Robert Field hello ive watched alot of your videos and i love what you do. Im a serious fisherman grom the uk. I would love to kayak fishing like you do. Any options to get involved??
Ya boi Cheerio
Ya boi Cheerio - 8 years ago
Robert Field nice comeback follow me on fish brain at Owen 22
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Haha you think Jeremy invented that phrase? Everyone says that. He's definitely an inspiration though. Thanks for watching buddy.
Oscar M
Oscar M - 8 years ago
does tha fish really taste good ?
Cajun Cricket
Cajun Cricket - 8 years ago
Oscar M yes they have no bones only the spine
1023media - 8 years ago
Robert "Whooooo" Field. lol. you say "whoooo" in your vids more than Ric Flair. Just bustin balls man. Love your vids. keep it up.
Boogie Boogilly34
Boogie Boogilly34 - 8 years ago
Wesley !
Wesley ! - 8 years ago
I hate snagging fish but it is cool when there is a school of fish and your just picking them off
Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia - 8 years ago
bad day
scp 1857
scp 1857 - 8 years ago
The narwhal of fish.. XD
scp 1857
scp 1857 - 8 years ago
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Haha yeah, they're crazy looking.

50. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Ball_of _foot
Ball_of _foot - 8 years ago
Close your eyes at 29:19 lol XD
Noa Nieuwenkamp
Noa Nieuwenkamp - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷ Heeyy Friends I Have Foundddddd Workingggggg Online Hacck visittt : - https://t.co/buF2m2sXBc
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Ball_of _foot
Ball_of _foot - 8 years ago
kaped262 - 8 years ago
What is that bass rod and reel with that thing on it called
jacob christen
jacob christen - 8 years ago
If you touch the fish I count it as a catch.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Yep, most people agree touching the leader counts as a catch from a kayak.
Crafte Conduct
Crafte Conduct - 8 years ago
its the anchor on every miss
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Yep, lesson learned.
kaped262 - 8 years ago
What was that bait caster rod and reel in your kayak
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
That's a Penn m309 reel on an Ugly Stik Tiger rod. Very good value in that setup at $120 total.
David Green
David Green - 8 years ago
Simple fix... 3 words...... Use Barbed Hooks! I used to fish for them and we ATE them when we caught them so "hurting the fish" don't matter.. If your gonna fish EAT your fish.... Just my opinion.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Like I said, to each their own. These fish are endangered and may not be here for my kids to fish for them, so if requiring barbless hooks in Oklahoma helps a few more fish get off and stay alive (most people harvest their limit), maybe that's a good thing. Tight lines brother.
David Green
David Green - 8 years ago
Not a "rant" so much... I just hate to see someone do THAT much work for THAT little bit of gain. I think that Oklahoma is DUMB on this, not you. Naturally you can fish where you like but as I said there is NO way I would (in my opinion) waste my time fishing with a non barbed hook. Like the video, just make me sad every time you lost one.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Okay, so don't? Not sure why you're so upset about it. I went back last year and went 8 for 8 on these fish in the same spot, with barbless hooks. If you fish to have a 100% landing ratio, that's great bud. I enjoy the added challenge myself. To each their own. Nobody's asking you to fish in Oklahoma and certainly nobody asked you to go ranting on my video about your disapproval of Oklahoma Fish and Game laws. For the record, barbed hooks are illegal in order to make it a challenge because these fish populations are much more endangered in OK than they are in MO. They made it too easy in Texas years ago, and now the fish is almost extinct here. I worry the same fate may happen to the paddlefish in Missouri if the laws are so lax.

Thanks for watching and take care, David.
David Green
David Green - 8 years ago
Then I would NOT fish in Oklahoma. I did my snagging in MO. We also used 3 hooks on the line (staggered up the line). If unbarbed hooks are illegal than that is stupid. If I am fishing I WANT the fish. I EAT the fish. If correct stupid law and again, I would NOT fish there.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
That's a simple fix that will land you a hefty citation. It's illegal to use barbed hooks for these fish in Oklahoma.
Im Am Asian
Im Am Asian - 8 years ago
yea I don't see myself in a kayak I rage and rage might even make the boat sink jumpung up and down on the damn thing
Larry C Brasseale
Larry C Brasseale - 8 years ago
Everytime he catches a fish it sounds like hes having sex
brad quillen
brad quillen - 7 years ago
My cousin Jason says that all the best things in life start with the letter F: fishin', football, food, and f*ck*ing.
+Robert Field lol
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Well, they're probably my two favorite things to do... maybe not a coincidence. Hahaha
John Silver
John Silver - 8 years ago
barbaric method of fishing
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
It's the only method of fishing for this species, and it's less harmful to the animal than traditional rod and reel fishing is for most fish.
B Xiong
B Xiong - 8 years ago
I feel your pain man
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+B Xiong it was a rough day! haha
Devon Smart
Devon Smart - 8 years ago
so much complaining T.T enjoy the fact that you even hooked em
Christian Rathgeb
Christian Rathgeb - 8 years ago
Paddle fish/ fresh water sailfish
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Christian Rathgeb yeah man, they're nuts
Dark Phantom
Dark Phantom - 8 years ago
And Another One xD
Sorua - 8 years ago
Is it weird that I snagged a fish first try doing it for the first time?
Sorua - 8 years ago
+Robert Field Thanks! I hope i can get another fish
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Roman Troll not weird, awesome! Nice work
Freddie Bowers
Freddie Bowers - 8 years ago
my son has caught a Bowfin but I never new that there was such a cool fish as the Paddlefish... Great Video!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Freddie Bowers I've never caught a bowfin - another prehistoric species! Thanks for watching!
Thomas Scandrol
Thomas Scandrol - 8 years ago
dude u gotta stop fuckin with the anchor
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Thomas Scandrol staying anchored in current attached to a big fish is a recipe for flipping, getting tangled in your anchor line, and drowning. I needed to figure out a better system for it, which I have now, but I didn't have what I needed to re-rig it during the day.
Willard Cole
Willard Cole - 8 years ago
+Thomas Scandrol that aint no shit man he has that fish on the line the second he fucks with the anchor and takes focus off his rod n reel he loses it lmfao
mario maroki
mario maroki - 8 years ago
what's wrong with this guy, I don't know who taught him how to fish, and why is he always moaning
ReelDeal Fishing
ReelDeal Fishing - 7 years ago
shut up you moron I would like to see your fishing skills.
Henry Guest
Henry Guest - 7 years ago
mario maroki Why is everybody so negative?
Frank Bot
Frank Bot - 8 years ago
Toothpick1977 - 8 years ago
You have to keep that pressure man. You just have to. Other than that nice job on finding them, and great video.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Toothpick1977 yep, lesson learned. Thanks!
Soonerfrk11 - 8 years ago
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly - 9 years ago
around 8:09ish there is somethig swimming in the background on the left
The_ProFISHional - 9 years ago
Jesus Christ man keep the damn slack out of it! I was gonna say you need to come up to Alaska and catch some King Salmon from the kayak but shit you gotta do better than that with the slack lol. You don't get that many chances at them.
The_ProFISHional - 9 years ago
+Robert Field this looked like a lot of fun though. You need to do King Salmon in a kayak though, on a river!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Tidise00 yeah, it was a learning experience and being in a kayak in a flowing river makes it tough. I went back this past year and went 7 for 7 on them, so I learned a lot from this trip. Thanks for watching.
ModelosPR - 9 years ago
Love the manic laugh at @6:00, about THIS close to becoming evil.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+ModelosPR hahaha
Trousil Gaming
Trousil Gaming - 9 years ago
Conner Brooks
Conner Brooks - 9 years ago
Stop worrying about your anchor
Grayson Miller
Grayson Miller - 7 years ago
He has to because of were it's place
Anders Battiston
Anders Battiston - 7 years ago
Conner Brooks ikr
Mark Moore
Mark Moore - 9 years ago
Robert field i need some help on this, ive got an area on the Alabama river ive been fishing all winter that ive seen paddlefish everyday and i havent been able to get them to bite anything, i see them mostly jumping out of the water, ive tried several topwater lures walk the dog etc and nothing, got any other ideas?
James - 8 years ago
Mark Moore
Mark Moore - 9 years ago
+Leeland Waller an old man "snipe" hunted me with catching spoonbill
Mark Moore
Mark Moore - 9 years ago
+Celso Victoria yeah, i was hoping there was an artificial lure that'd work
MoparManic - 9 years ago
did you not watch the video? they only eat plankton
Mästare Kalk
Mästare Kalk - 9 years ago
put a plankton on it man
i did it took me two and a half days
Raymond Torres
Raymond Torres - 9 years ago
Is there a better, faster way to unanchor so you don't take your hands off the rod?
Serenity Blume
Serenity Blume - 9 years ago
hey Robert field how many try catching a piranha
Silver King_Slayer
Silver King_Slayer - 9 years ago
All the hater out there don't understand. Normally and wrongly done snagging can be bad but you guy's new what you were doing. They are releasing to,people go too far saying how fragile these fish are and too far being disrepectful to the fish. This was a well done video a beautiful fish
Silver King_Slayer
Silver King_Slayer - 9 years ago
All the hater out there don't understand. Normally and wrongly done snagging can be bad but you guy's new what you were doing. They are releasing to,people go too far saying how fragile these fish are and too far being disrepectful to the fish. This was a well done video a beautiful fish
B Xiong
B Xiong - 9 years ago
Don't give up
B Xiong
B Xiong - 9 years ago
4+2=6 so yah
B Xiong
B Xiong - 9 years ago
you got fished dude paddle fishes hate you
PetefromTn - 9 years ago
Ok thanks man
Rob Rhodes
Rob Rhodes - 9 years ago
What do you think about the Pelican Premium Strike 120X Angler Kayak? I'm really wanting stability to stand and is pretty fast that hold 300+lbs
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Rob “Icesgaming96” Rhodes I don't know anything about it, but I'm about to do a review video on Pelican's new Catch 120 kayak, and it is sweet for $700ish.
PetefromTn - 9 years ago
what is the music in the beginning of this video my wife loves it... Thanks and nice vids man.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+PetefromTn it's called "Don't Stop" by Odesza
HaNsoN - 9 years ago
Saying to chill out, you just cut inside its mouth doesn't know who the hell you are can't breath and is pregnant and thinks your gonna kill her or eat her. Like yeah just chill. Sorry I'm an animal freak. But for what it is nice "catch" I know it's not easy and is just a hobby thanks for letting her go.
HaNsoN - 9 years ago
+Robert Field you know I'm gonna do the right the thing and not argue with the person who knows a hell of a lot more than me when it comes to this stuff. You are probably right and I don't know what the hell in talking about. Sorry. Lol
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Veda HaNsoN I published this video to promote awareness of this fish, and like I said in the video, the only way the wildlife department gets any money to put towards saving these animals is by the fishermen who buy tags to fish for them. So without people fishing for them legally, like me, they'd likely be killed off by poachers wanting their roe.
Tucker Collins
Tucker Collins - 9 years ago
We catch those by the hundreds here in south Louisiana
TheRagingChild 2
TheRagingChild 2 - 9 years ago
+Robert Field he means plankton
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Tucker Collins are you sure? I've never heard of a paddlefish in south Louisiana... they don't tolerate saltwater.
Cole Kennedy
Cole Kennedy - 9 years ago
I'm just saying, I fish all the time and I mean man like if your an actual good fisherman you don't loose that many fish in a row that just means you don't know what your doing!! but well done on ur fish
Cole Kennedy
Cole Kennedy - 9 years ago
+Robert Field why would i fish from a kayak if i have a boat. ur are right i dont fosh for paddle fish off a kayak
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Cole Kennedy well I'm guessing you've never fished for 80 lb paddlefish from a kayak with barbless hooks... and I actually admitted in the very beginning of the video that I didn't know what I was doing. This is unlike any other kind of fishing I've tried.
Mont Man
Mont Man - 9 years ago
I go every year here in Montana. Last year by big one was over 100 lbs and 73 inches long. Nothing can compare to catching a 100lb fish here in the states.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Mont Man yeah, it was a learning experience for sure! I went again this year and went 7 for 7. 100 lbs would be a beast! My biggest here went about 80.
Mont Man
Mont Man - 9 years ago
Oh, and we use barbed hooks, lol. It is legal and we don't lose fish. I cant imagine your frustration after having that many get off your line.
Colossal Meatrod
Colossal Meatrod - 9 years ago
Guys, shut up about all the snagging shit! It's no big deal, really! And if it makes you feel any better, they're releasing them after they're caught.
Colossal Meatrod
Colossal Meatrod - 9 years ago
+Robert Field And P.S. your videos are the best!
Colossal Meatrod
Colossal Meatrod - 9 years ago
+Robert Field No problem, and thanks for the support!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+budder leopard some people just want to gripe bud. Thanks for the support and thanks for watching!
Skyler Tuma
Skyler Tuma - 9 years ago
Lol looks like you're using a surf rod!
Jo Mama
Jo Mama - 9 years ago
Go Barbless for Fun and Play, PrAtice conservation daily. Eat only what u need, Great job looks like a Fun time. Shame about the water though. Does look murky, Keep Hope Alive
IPOMonster - 9 years ago
At 20:31 I LOVED when the fish bitch-slapped him repeatedly about the head. Had me DYING!!! :)
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+IPOMonster Those things fight until the end, haha. Thanks for watching bro.
WoozeyPlayz - 9 years ago
Please do a bait showcase!!!
EMK Bacon
EMK Bacon - 9 years ago
these fish feed strictly plankton and microscopic organisms. Snagging is the only way to haul in these beasts. Amazing video thumbs up!
Armando Guerra
Armando Guerra - 9 years ago
excellent video. nice catch, well done. keep fishing and posting videos.
KING KRONDO - 9 years ago
down here we kall them spoonbill lol....woooohooooo.lmao nerds
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 9 years ago
JHC!!! So many people act like fish are little kittens or something. C'mon, they are fish. Other fish do more damage than any hook can do snagging or otherwise. They're equipped with a brain that's roughly equivalent to that of a frog.

Stop putting human feelings & values onto animals. They don't have them except for a very few species & fish are not one of those.
Not logical &/or realistic. Biology/Zoological student here.

100. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 9 years ago
Whoa!!!. I love this show!!! Ur awesome. How do I get into it? I fly fish but this looks so much more exciting, difficult & fun.
winston chu
winston chu - 9 years ago
i really feel yr pain bro, been there myself many times lol lol lol great video bro
Bearbat Gaming
Bearbat Gaming - 9 years ago
Name is bob
sniperki11er21 - 9 years ago
imagine the boat tips that will be halarious
Elyssa Mills
Elyssa Mills - 9 years ago
what that 6 now
Chadd Peterson
Chadd Peterson - 9 years ago
Damn - listening to him sounds like he's having sex.  what a hot man and can watch him all day long.  I got hard and needed to jack off.  hmmmmm daddy...
Michal Melnar
Michal Melnar - 9 years ago
I really don´t get the point of snagging!! It has nothing to do with regular fishing! I am from Europe and i would never ever even try to snag any fish! And it´s also illegal tto snag fish here!
Peyton Kennedy
Peyton Kennedy - 8 years ago
Did you just skip the first part of the video? It was pretty well explained
Robert Fassler
Robert Fassler - 9 years ago
i think it is asome but why snag them
WeaselManGaming - 9 years ago
I have a kayak, I want to start kayak fishing, seems very fun. I haven't kayaked in a while, I just recovered from a broken wrist. Keep posting the awesome vids, I will be watching :D
Steven Follenweider
Steven Follenweider - 9 years ago
Very cool video Robert! What kind of sunglasses are you using?
NickcFilo - 9 years ago
What kind of jackson Kayak is that?
Nick Berger
Nick Berger - 9 years ago
The reason it's coming off is because your messing with the anchor to much just let it be and keep away from any chance of slack.
Travis Saulman
Travis Saulman - 9 years ago
i have had  days like that  but still a great vid you win some you lose some! keep them comeing
C FIA - 9 years ago
Wow. U wonder why you lose so many fish??? U keep fuckin around with that yellow thing on the side of you kayak and your line goes slack.
DrDemento456 - 9 years ago
So much foul-hooking going on here. Really surprised after loosing so many fish he didn't get a proper measurement before releasing.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
Wait i just noticed something youre all gingers..... that explains why you arent as good or smart as regular people.  You should enter the special olympics seems like a good sport for that "fish snagging" deeeeerrrrrr duuuuhhhhh
plasta masta
plasta masta - 8 years ago
Then cry little bitch
mcw - 8 years ago
wow the internet it makes me sad to know people like you are actually out there
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
thats the point
its working....
DaAviator - 9 years ago
Stop your bitching, its distracting.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
nah, we CATCH big fish here not snag them.  Snagging is the lowest form of caveman fishing.  loogans snag fish because they are too shitty to actually catch them.  I understand paddlefish are plankton eaters and wont take traditional offerings, thats why there should be no open season for them.  its barbaric to snag fish.  You can laugh and think what you want but real fishermen will side with me. Plus bringing in a snagged fish is lame why dont you just hook a wet towel and bring it in.  this is not fishing you are lame fishing noobs.
Chris Panov
Chris Panov - 7 years ago
The paddle fish is filtering based eater.
You use a feeder method. You put powder on the feeder (sorry, dont know the word in english, but i think you understand what i mean)
You fish with one hook with a small styrofoam ball on it.
The powder might be something with fish.
When the powder disintegrates it makes a big cloud in the water.
The paddlefish goes there and filters the cloud eating it.
When the filtering process is happening the fish swallows the hook, and for the hook to be not so heavy and to be easily swallowed we use that small styrofoam ball.

And no, i just think that we should have more respect for nature and animals.
And not kill for fun, because thats what rich cowards in the past did with slavery, we are no better than them.
And no, im no pro, im 15, you can see my facebook profile here with a 20kg asian carp: https://www.facebook.com/chris.carp.771

The fish, as every other fish is only taken a picture of it, we have treated the place from the hook with an antibiotic and its then released back into the water.

I'm not talking trash. I'm only bothered by our ignorance, selfishness and arrogance.
In fishing what makes you a true angler is respect and love to nature, your surroundings and the fish, and most importantly - creativity.
Be creative, study the fish, study the way it feeds, the way it lives. And you might catch one.
Steven Beck
Steven Beck - 7 years ago
yeah because you have so many videos of you catching big fish on your youtube channel. Actually talking trash on someones comment section is the lowest form of caveman fishing. If you are such a fishing pro then please tell us your method of catching a paddle fish. You probably think people should catch animals with a box and carrot rather than guns too huh. Now please stop trying to fornicate the fish they can't read your comments.
Chris Panov
Chris Panov - 7 years ago
You have my respect man, great to see a real angler. Sadly, nowadays we aren't many and most of the fisherman have no damn respect for these creatures.
However snagging is not even a way to catch paddle fish or whatever filtering based eating fish.
I don't count snagging as a fishing way, i call snagging a complete torture. Anyways.
When i go fishing for filtering based eating fish, for example asian carp, i fish with a feeder rig and these powder food (sorry, im not native english speaker and i dont know many fishing terms).
I think you know what im talking about.
So when it filters it swallows the hook. And no, it doesnt gut hook them.
I have zero gut hooks fortunately for so many years.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
This is coming from the same idiot that got lost out in the ocean by himself in a kyack. Stick with your right reg rich people sports like polo and badminton.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
Where im from snagging any fish is illegal. Its called foul hooking. If the fish doesnt take lures then dont fish for it yea its a cool fish but jamming hooks into its body is so un sportsman like. People who snag are dumb its such a stupid way to catch a fish. Brutal should be banned.
Alex Ray!
Alex Ray! - 9 years ago
let me just say that I have fished for salmon pike and halibut in Alaska. I was on either kenai or kasilof river snagging for salmon. it was how they were fished. Alaska is the toughest state in America on wildlife rules and regulations. the only foul hook I know of is in fishing competitions. just putting this out there
Creek Fishers
Creek Fishers - 9 years ago
Jason you obviously havent actually looked at my channel lmao. And the fish I've snagged mulltiple times is in a park pond - it's stocked and not harming anything.
kennyfnpowers707 - 9 years ago
+Creek Fishers if you believe in eradicating nuisance fish, then why do you keep snagging the same carp?
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
Your channel is shit and you're shit I know who you are you're a snag fagger. Go snag fish cause you're too shit to catch em for real. Loser
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
+Creek Fishers shut....the.....fuck....up
Creek Fishers
Creek Fishers - 9 years ago
And I am 210% real sportsman. I am a conservationist. I pick up trash every time I come out of the woods or creek. I have cleaned areas up that are ridden in garbage and made a difference in numerous areas that I fish and hunt. I believe in eradicating nuisance fish to help steady the numbers of desirable game fish. I eat every fish and animal I kill unless it's a nuisance (carp, groundhog etc) I enjoy contributing to the ecosystem that I use for recreation, and you have no idea who I am especially if you don't take the time to click on my channel icon.
Creek Fishers
Creek Fishers - 9 years ago
Yeah I sure do suck at fishing. Take a click on my channel and see how stupid you sound. As far as snagging vs throwing a hook and sinker and waiting, snagging is 10x harder any time of the day. Have you even tried it? I don't understand how baiting a hook, sitting, and waiting is skill as opposed to precision casting, patience, ability to spot fish, and setting the hook at the right depth. I can obviously catch carp, I even made a guide to show how much of a joke carp fishing really is. Get the fuck over yourself bud.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
yea bow fishing is for chumps like you.  I bet you think youre a real sportsman too lmao.  i dont believe you snagged the same carp tons of times thats a load.  for one why are you snagging carp are you so shit that you cant even catch the dumbest smelliest fish on the planet?  The usa has all kinds of Neanderthals running the show so i wouldnt doubt that they also have primitive laws.  here in canada we respect and preserve our fish and wildlife.  and snaggers are looked at as chumps who cant catch fish because they suck so they snag them.   
Creek Fishers
Creek Fishers - 9 years ago
Ok if snagging is so devastating to the fish, tell me why I've snagged the same carp numerous times in one of my spots. The fish's mouth is hard as opposed to the body? Maybe for paddlefish, but other snag species such as carp that's simply not true.

Also snaggable fish are usually invasive or nuisance fish anyways.

Anyways in conclusion, at this day and age where people cry over a lion being killed, you'd think if something is proven to be harmful to the environment the division of natural resources would deem it illegal.

Keep your ointment out I have a bowfishing video coming soon that's sure to leave you butthurt.
plasta masta
plasta masta - 9 years ago
are you dumb? think about your dumb comment for a minute. fish swim one way.....forward. not sideways, or backwards.  when you foul hook your pulling in the fish with resistance from the water and the current sideways. their mouths are hard. their bodies are soft. not to mention youre saying to be hung by your mouth..... the fish is in the water...the fish are designed so the water goes over them much  like air goes over and under a plane imagine how much resistance it would be for a plane to fly sideways....its not made to do that thats why they tow glider planes by the nose not sideways lmfao go back to school because youre obviously too stupid to even hold a conversation with me.
Creek Fishers
Creek Fishers - 9 years ago
Tell me would you rather be impaled by a hook and hung by your whole body weight from your mouth, or would it hurt a little less in your torso or arm?

Snagging is just as much if not more challenging than reeling a lure in, get over it.
Dopefreahnarion - 9 years ago
You keep forgetting to whip your fishing rod
Coleman Savage
Coleman Savage - 9 years ago
Feel like you would have landed some more if you didnt mess around with other stuff on the boat once you hooked the fish and just 100% focused on keeping the fish on
HazardousGaming - 9 years ago
Tip, with bigger fish don't put your rod in the crotch area. I was up in Wisconsin, and caught a massive 3-4 foot muskie. So when I think it gave up, I put my rod there. Then it took off, stab my balls, lol, and I lost it. so just hold it
Pat Lorelli
Pat Lorelli - 9 years ago
You suck at fishing
michele fioratti
michele fioratti - 9 years ago
This is not fishing...
Raymond Vollebregt - videography
Raymond Vollebregt - videography - 7 years ago
I'm completely with you on this one. its just like salmon fishing in the spawning time, you aint fishing for them just snagging them. if I false hook a fish I wont even count it, just unhook it and slip it back. or even slack the line so the hook comes out
Brian Baker
Brian Baker - 7 years ago
wtf do you mean its no fishing dumb ass
Henry Guest
Henry Guest - 7 years ago
Jimmy Celtic I don't get all these people being negative about it... It hurts the fish less!
Jimmy Celtic
Jimmy Celtic - 7 years ago
michele fioratti Come on get out of here
Geo - 9 years ago
+michele fioratti He is trying to catch a fish....
Alex Gray
Alex Gray - 9 years ago
What kind of kayak does he have?
kenni411 - 9 years ago
sounds like he got off too !lmao !
Charlie LaGoy
Charlie LaGoy - 9 years ago
these fish were pretty much all foul hooked, be better
Geo - 9 years ago
+Charlie LaGoy The only way to catch them is snagging.
Asger Barfod
Asger Barfod - 9 years ago
Not to be mean but i dont think that this film shall get the name fishing when you are snagging the fish
nick blazer
nick blazer - 9 years ago
18:41 thought i was watching porn
PROFIT DANIEL - 7 years ago
nick blazer that was hilarious
Nick Hayes
Nick Hayes - 9 years ago
Great video but you need to stop getting pissed and emotional over loosing a fish stfu and don't be a bitch
roberto velasquez
roberto velasquez - 9 years ago
matt hartmann
matt hartmann - 9 years ago
+Robert Field that was a really nice vid wish it was easier but couldnt due to laws :( also can you please tell me the name of the song you used
A Azhar
A Azhar - 9 years ago
rich bastards
krinkoff - 9 years ago
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 9 years ago
About part 3 of ''kayak fishing gone wrong''... You should start carrying a heavy duty snipping tool to cut the hooks just before the barb, so it can be easily pulled through without any resistance.
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 9 years ago
crazy video though. sick shit!!
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson - 9 years ago
Dont be scared of barbless hooks. I know you're ''snagging'' in this video; but i imagine you use barbed hooks for normal fishing, going by the way you spoke about barbless 'falling right out''. They dont. They're just humane... Imagine having a barbed hook pulled out from inbetween your molar teeth. We are harming our quarry enough without using barbed hooks.
Peyton Kennedy
Peyton Kennedy - 8 years ago
Science has proven that the fish don't have nerve endings in their mouths, they don't feel pain there. Just that they are restricted and they don't like it so they fight
Patricia Titjen
Patricia Titjen - 9 years ago
he means on there lips they have dead body tissue that dosen't hurt when hooked
Interesting Name Indeed
Interesting Name Indeed - 9 years ago
+Pierce Sanders ? tension??? u meaning tensing? lol
Toxic Clone
Toxic Clone - 9 years ago
+Daniel Wilson Clearly you dont know wtf you are talking about! if you eating fish bought from the store i hope you shoke on a bone. Dont speak of things you dont know.
Interesting Name Indeed
Interesting Name Indeed - 9 years ago
+Joseph Hilbrunner wait they dont????
joe h
joe h - 9 years ago
Fish dont feel pain
John David
John David - 9 years ago
Those fish are tanks!
Jay Jones
Jay Jones - 9 years ago
Is there a video of your kayak set up?
Kxkid 155
Kxkid 155 - 9 years ago
What's the name of the first song
Garett French
Garett French - 9 years ago
+Kxkid 155 darude sandstorm
Sandi Park
Sandi Park - 9 years ago
Your videos are insane - especially the shark fishing in Florida.   No way in the universe I would shark fish off a kayak, but it was very interesting to watch.  Great job.   Get a web site rolling!  Could totally see you mainstream on a travel or fishing channel.
MrMarcusmay - 9 years ago
u act surprised ur losing them..whatd u expect using barbless hooks dude?
MrMarcusmay - 9 years ago
figures.. ok..those fish are god awful ugly man..have fun..
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+MrMarcusmayhem you have to use barbless hooks when snagging by law in Oklahoma. I expected to lose them, as I stated in the intro of the video when I talked about how hard it would be.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 9 years ago
Great video man!
KAYAK FISHING ZONE - 9 years ago
Looks like all this negative comments come from people that never hook a big fish from a kayak…. Great video, you got yourself another like..
Ryan Pope
Ryan Pope - 9 years ago
+KAYAK FISHING ZONE couldn't be more spot on
Geo - 9 years ago
sean serafini
sean serafini - 9 years ago
+drServitis Tf are you talking about? No one is committing suicide over a fish. People are negative because they don't like fishing or they don't like the video, not because they analyzed this guy's attitude and mindset and decided he was unstable. That's a neckbeard comment if I ever read one, only thing missing was the fedora tip.
drServitis - 9 years ago
+jswanson737 Hey, don't shoot the messenger. We Youtubers judge videos by how enjoyable they are to watch. This guy is an unstable negative Nelly, which doesn't make for good viewing. So I was addressing the original comment about why people aren't satisfied with this video. People want positive experiences when watching random Youtube videos, not a guy who is ready commit suicide because he's not catching any fish. Btw, the word is 'unstable', not 'instable'. You confused it with 'instability', which I used in my original comment. We'll have a test tomorrow students!
jswanson737 - 9 years ago
+drServitis Lol, uh huh... I'm sure everyone watching his videos are judging him from a psychological perspective eh Doc? Why would you watch such an "instable" person and make comments about something so unrelated. If you don't like him, or agree with what he's doing, kick rocks. Don't try to psycho-analyze someone who's emotionally vested and passionate about what he does. Makes your comment just as narrow-minded and silly.
drServitis - 9 years ago
+KAYAK FISHING ZONE No. The negative comments are coming from people who see the instability in this guy, so easily discouraged and emotional. "Losing fish is taking a toll on my psyche, etc." Taylor would do well to keep looking........
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+KAYAK FISHING ZONE yep, that is part of YouTube. I've learned to ignore them. Thanks for watching!
Adept Angling
Adept Angling - 9 years ago
Great, Great video. Really tugged on the heart strings. Way to pull through. Amazing edit aswell. What a beautiful creature. Happy Fishing
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+AdeptAngling thanks for watching! It was certainly an emotional fishing trip.
Logan Mitchell
Logan Mitchell - 9 years ago
Do you always fish barbless? That seems much harder to keep them on. I tried it once, but I everything kept slipping off. Any tips?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Logan Mitchell it's required by law to use barbless hooks when snagging in Oklahoma. I use barbs when fishing normally. The key is to keep tension at all times, even an instant of slack line will have the hook pop out. Keep reeling and pull up if it runs at you.
Dudecom - 9 years ago
Joseph Cerrato
Joseph Cerrato - 9 years ago
LegitM8 - 9 years ago
What's the song?
milosz lech
milosz lech - 9 years ago
Darude- sandstorm
DayDay - 9 years ago
the funniest part 20:05 "Alright, Woah , Woah , Woah. Finally." :)
David Hardwicke
David Hardwicke - 9 years ago
i want to go fishing with you, you are the man
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+David Hardwicke thanks bro!
Hunting And Fishing
Hunting And Fishing - 9 years ago
In the first five minutes stop messing with that yellow thing on the left side of your kayak
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Hunting And Fishing that's my anchor clip, and it can be dangerous to stay anchored in current with a big fish on the line, which is why I was trying to get off anchor. Obviously in hindsight I needed a better system. Easy to sit and learn from other's mistakes on YouTube... I prefer to get out there and figure it out myself. Thanks for watching!
Stinoman619 - 9 years ago
what kayaks do you prefer to fish off
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Stinoman619 Hobie Outback is my go-to kayak. I also have a Jackson Cuda 12 that I like.
viol8r007 - 9 years ago
Nice fish .. Keep up the great vids ....
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+viol8r007 thanks!
Kayak Chris
Kayak Chris - 9 years ago
Loved the video, it was tons of fun, subscribed. :-)
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Kayak Chris thanks!
Arturo Perez
Arturo Perez - 9 years ago
he you know what that is the hard truth about no barb  hooks but it keeps you on your toes its awesome and i bet that fishing from a yak its a bit harder then from the boat but still a pretty nice experience
David Anderson
David Anderson - 9 years ago
That is intense. Being a saltwater guy I had never heard of a paddlefish.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+David Anderson really cool species. Thanks for watching!
Richard Rocha
Richard Rocha - 9 years ago
I am obsessed with you adventures. Thank you for taping them and sharing them with us. I have fished my whole life and now I really want to try fishing from a Kayak :).
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Richard Rocha do it man, you'll love it!
Jake Stough
Jake Stough - 9 years ago
what song is that at the beginning of the video
Trey Ozee
Trey Ozee - 9 years ago
Good stuff man, makes me want to get out on the water! 
Keep doing what you do!
Tiphaine VOIRIN
Tiphaine VOIRIN - 9 years ago
espece d enfoiré ta pas honte de péché comme ca c est honteux de de mettre des video comme ca
Bet on Truth
Bet on Truth - 9 years ago
Thanks for the AWESOME and ENTERTAINING video!!!
Eric Lemoine
Eric Lemoine - 9 years ago
For real I Wana fish with you bro
Stan Banes
Stan Banes - 9 years ago
Don't understand the need for the foul language in these comments,. nor do I understand the comments containing the foul language.

This is an awesome video about kayak fishing in fresh water.  Nice to see a fresh water fish that can really fight back.  Never see a bass or crappie that can flip ones boat.

I have also wondered about the survival rate of purposely snagged fish.  It helped to see a state wildlife guy, whose salary depends on these fish staying around, fishing.  Shows some research into what happens to fish when snagged.

Understand why you unhitched the anchor.  Have seen better ways on youtube to do the job while in the heat of battle.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Stan Banes yeah, in hindsight I definitely need a better anchor release system. It's a learning process. Mortality rate for snagged fish is theorized to be quite a bit lower than traditional fishing, because there's much less risk of a "gut-hooked" or "gill-hooked" fish. Typically the barbless hooks just enters the meat in their side, which heals quickly. That's what I've read in several state-funded studies, but it's tough for anyone to know for sure. I just made sure I revived and released each one and they all swam off strong, so I'd like to think they all made it to their spawning grounds. Thanks for watching and for the comment.
Dj Otsirave
Dj Otsirave - 9 years ago
Lol When u are snagging or whatever can u pull it too hard and that hook flings right at you and puncture u? or are u too pro for that? Idk much about fishing but I would think that can happen
Sammi Sweeti
Sammi Sweeti - 9 years ago
My bf and I stumbled on your videos and we enjoy watching them also learning and getting new ideas from them! Plus your editing and footage are really good! A breathe of fresh air from other videos. Very entertaining and keep up the good work!
TMBowhunting - 9 years ago
A lot of haters on here!  It was a great video!!
Evan Palms
Evan Palms - 9 years ago
u da best
GreenWhale77 - 9 years ago
He's like FUCK!
Luker ER
Luker ER - 9 years ago
Unless Barbed arent legal
Luker ER
Luker ER - 9 years ago
Luker ER
Luker ER - 9 years ago
You have to use serious leader and Barbed cooks just cut off the end of the hook and push the barb about
TCSwizz2 - 9 years ago
"...how did he get off the hook while he was pulling out drag!?!?"

Ummm probably because you ripped the hook out of its body... Just saying.
Marc Deford
Marc Deford - 9 years ago
i cant stop laughing every time he looses one
KayakDIY - 9 years ago
Caught one of these as well...Total accident while trolling with rapala.  Dragged my PA14 backwards upstream with my brother sitting on the back of the PA14 and I pedaling.  Blast to catch.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd9xhklOHuU
Jim Fisk
Jim Fisk - 9 years ago
20:32  Man gets ass kicked by giant fish...hilarious.  Great video actually.
John McAllister
John McAllister - 9 years ago
Tough day the first day but nice persistence. Pays off
Brian Bailey
Brian Bailey - 9 years ago
Thank you for catching and releasing!  I really love the video and it is extremely great to see a sportsman respect the water that everyone should have a chance to experience
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Brian Bailey thanks Brian!
Benny P
Benny P - 9 years ago
to all you pro fishing trolls, chill bro he knows what he's doing. quit hating on this guy and go make your own vids to show "how its really done."
Its Toby Franklin
Its Toby Franklin - 7 years ago
Those haters need to chill I’ve got a fishing kayak of my own and they are not easy to handle
KINGNEPTUNE2001 - 9 years ago
IKR very well said
Benny P
Benny P - 9 years ago
dude I enjoy watching your videos and all the awesome fish you catch. I gotta try to hook up one of those soon.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Reel 91 thanks bro, and good luck!
Kieran Wasmann
Kieran Wasmann - 9 years ago
Just wondering what you use to edit your videos? Any tips on editing?
Rylan Morgan
Rylan Morgan - 9 years ago
I'll tell you bro those fish kicked your butt
Thetruthwillsetyoufree - 9 years ago
Alright guys lets go catch some dinosaurs LOL!!
Savasage - 10 years ago
After watching a few of your videos and then looking at the comments to see what other people have to have to say, i must say the online fishing community must be the rudest group of people i have ever seen. I'm very impressed by what you are doing.
Ecco IV
Ecco IV - 7 years ago
deimoseclipse wifesacunt I truly know what we mean since I am a off shore kayak fisherman we know that something big like that or even bigger we only keep if we are truly going to non waste it
FrostuR - 9 years ago
+deimoseclipse wifesacunt I thank you as well; let us carry the message forward.
Critical Cheeze
Critical Cheeze - 9 years ago
+MrZOXZI i thank you for releasing such big fish back into the waters, people who call us fisherman stupid for releasing trophys are real ignorant self centered assholes. there is no need for 15 pounds of fish for 1-2 people, i catch something over 3-4 lbs.. i throw it back.. except 1 time a year i will taxidermy a nice trout/salmon for my collection.. thank you for being a responsible and proper etiquette fisherman. world needs more fisherman like us.
MrZOXZI - 9 years ago
+Robert Field Thumbs up on the catch and release. I practice that as well with the huge fish here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I've had other fishermen call me stupid (and various other names that don't bare repeating) for releasing big fish. Especially when they weren't catching any. Being a fisherman is one thing, a sportsman however, is something a lot of "fishermen" don't understand. Kudos to you for helping protect the fisheries. Major respect man. Tight lines!!
fallendown2005 - 9 years ago
+Ryno2506Gaming Dude, it's not the online fishing community, it's the internet in general.....
FrostuR - 9 years ago
+Robert Field So true
Critical Cheeze
Critical Cheeze - 9 years ago
+Robert Field good vid, like the others. i been fishing all my life but man.. that right there takes ALOT of patience....
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Ryno2506Gaming I've learned to let it go in one ear and out the other, man. You can tell pretty early on in a comment who has any clue about fishing and who doesn't. I appreciate the support brother, thanks for watching.
Ice Koala Gaming
Ice Koala Gaming - 10 years ago
why snag if you don't intend to eat the fish there is a small period of time to snag and keep paddlefish and it takes no skill so why do it if you are not going to keep the fish and if it is the fight your after go catfishing don't snag these awesome fish leaving scars and shit in them 
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+The Munching Psyduck I go catfishing plenty, and guess what, you leave scars in them when you release them too. Whether you leave scars in a fish's mouth or side, I don't see your argument that one is "more right" than the other. If catching these fish was ANYTHING like catfish, I might agree, but I was going for the experience. It is a totally different fight. And if you think soaking chicken liver for catfish takes more skill than finding and snagging paddlefish, you're delusional.
Jacob Tooley
Jacob Tooley - 10 years ago
So, just watched another two fish lost... guess all you need is like five go pro's and anyone thinks they can fish.
Go catch a reel fish like a steelhead.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Jacob Tooley I've caught steelhead brother, and while they're a blast, these fish with barbless hooks are more challenging.
Jacob Tooley
Jacob Tooley - 10 years ago
Learn to fish! And not saying anything bout snagging but your poor attempt to keep a fish on, barbless or not.
SeaBeagal - 10 years ago
Where in Texas are you from? Nice vids by the way I have watched a few..
Adman101010 - 10 years ago
Way to go dude!
BDGaming - 10 years ago
What the fuck are you doing with your booey stop fucking with it dude you think youde learn
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Bill Sussman I just explained and showed how in detail in this video. Watch it.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Kyle D it's easy to critique someone's mistakes while sitting on the comfort of your couch. I prefer to learn for myself from experience. It's dangerous to stay anchored down in current in a kayak with a big fish on the line. Easy way to flip and get tangled in your anchor rope. So while yes, I needed a better release system, I would still "mess with the float" every time. It sounds like your only experience in a small craft is flipping your canoe, so please don't mistake big game kayak fishing for fly fishing from the bank or boat. It is a different dynamic and requires different safety precautions. Thanks for watching and for your critiques, but be careful telling others how to do something you don't have experience doing yourself. You're asking me to value the fish over my own safety, and while it's fine for me to hear that, if the wrong kid sees comments like these and takes you seriously it could result in a bad situation. Take care.
King Dog Wolf
King Dog Wolf - 9 years ago
i don't want too and i only know one place where i live that has them grenadier pond and i don't have a way of going anywhere else. also i tipped my canoe when i went to barrie and lost 300$ worth of gear :(. plus i think of fishing as a time where i can relax not take videos no offence robert
Critical Cheeze
Critical Cheeze - 9 years ago
+Kyle D post a video of doing it better. then run ur mouth
King Dog Wolf
King Dog Wolf - 9 years ago
+Robert Field dude even i agree him your worrying to much about everything else other than the fish. i get that its hard but keep reeling especially in a kayak but don't stop for a sec with barb-less hooks you kept reaching down to a float. i fly fish and i know damn well that you should never stop with a barb-less. i agree you were going at it for a long time.

my advice is to snag a bit less aggressively. think about snagging salmon let them do the work.

btw i've been fishing since i was 2 in Ontario. you name it ive caught it other than salt water fish. just take it as advice i'm not dissing your a great fisher either way. you've caught shit i haven't and probably know things i don't too. you need to stop blocking comments and just say o well that's their opinion.

i'd love to see you do a kayak fly fishing trip. dont let me down in that if you do or ill be the biggest critic.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Brandon Derp Feel free to post up a how-to video to share your extensive experience with us bud. Look forward to seeing it.
Brian Strasbaugh
Brian Strasbaugh - 10 years ago
I would wager that the vast majority of those barking about ethics have had numerous meals supplied by nets dragged through the sea. Battles not chosen wisely are seldom won.
Ryan Koehler
Ryan Koehler - 10 years ago
great videos man.
Steve Weatherill
Steve Weatherill - 10 years ago
I was worriying abauout you man
joe C
joe C - 10 years ago
great catch, beautiful fish
Jeffrey Lancaster
Jeffrey Lancaster - 10 years ago
Hey man awesome video, I loved it.  Is there a reason that so many of the paddlefish are foul hooked?  I don't have anything to say about it other that I was wondering if it happens a lot maybe due to their unique shape?
jonathan bjerke
jonathan bjerke - 10 years ago
should check out the north dakota state paddlefish record was fishing them that year when the guy caught it i believe it was about 150 lb paddlefish
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Kieron T I don't. that one wasn't mine. Sorry.
caleb price
caleb price - 10 years ago
Stop fucking around with the shit on your kayak and reel the fucking thing in
Chillout and Downtempo Music
Chillout and Downtempo Music - 10 years ago
Guys...wow...and Thanks for share my track!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Nuform Music thanks for producing it, I love it!
Joshua Kirkpatrick
Joshua Kirkpatrick - 10 years ago
Use a barbed hook and you would have caught every fish
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Joshua Kirkpatrick and also received a citation, because that's illegal in OK for these fish.
Sebastian Mera
Sebastian Mera - 10 years ago
 Stay anchored.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Staying anchored in a kayak is dangerous in swift water with an 80 lb fish on the line. Please don't pass on advice on a subject you aren't knowledgeable about, people could wind up getting hurt. Thanks for watching. 
VeryUpsetBanana - 10 years ago
Just a quick question, why didnt you deploy the ancor and then cast? It seemed like every time you cast you lost slack taking your hand off the reel to deploy the ancor
VeryUpsetBanana - 9 years ago
thank you for responding!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I'm not deploying the anchor, I'm releasing myself from it. There are a number of safety concerns with staying anchored in moving water while fighting an 80 lb fish. Obviously, in hindsight I realize the method I was using was problematic. 
Takku Films
Takku Films - 10 years ago
beautiful fish!
I’ve never seen it before.
Ld7snake - 10 years ago
its so ugly!
EsoxCT - 10 years ago
SurfCastingGalicia cartrò
SurfCastingGalicia cartrò - 10 years ago
Cayden Mcnutt
Cayden Mcnutt - 10 years ago
Hook probly ripped through the skin also where do you buy barbless hooks at?!they put them there for a reason
sk808sk8r - 10 years ago
dude youre not even fishing, youre just snagging which is illegal as fuck. look at any fish you snag and you can tell it does damage to them. you sir are not a true fisherman. you do not respect the fish at all by doing that
Cameron Little
Cameron Little - 10 years ago
Use barbed hooks and then crimp them with pliers before you pull them out?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Using barbed hooks on these fish is illegal in Oklahoma.
ESGAR MONTALVO - 10 years ago
Ok I am going to watch that giant salamander video now I've been putting off for too long.
NjNunez510 - 9 years ago
+ESGAR MONTALVO you've inspired me im going to watch it next
Talbert Logan
Talbert Logan - 10 years ago
Noah Monnereau
Noah Monnereau - 10 years ago
ESGAR MONTALVO - 10 years ago
PLEEEEASE tell me that dogs name is Chewbacca.

Awesome video.
hunterxbox11 - 10 years ago
nice vid keep good content coming
Colton Ramsey
Colton Ramsey - 10 years ago
And you cry like a bitch when you loose a fish
joshua12345676 - 9 years ago
It is called frustration, when exerting that much energy and spending that much time over and over starts to take a toll.
Colton Ramsey
Colton Ramsey - 10 years ago
You need to not worry about the anchor line and focus on reeling when you are using barbless hooks dumb ass!!!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Staying anchored in moving water with an 80 lb fish on the line in a kayak is dangerous. 
윤중주 - 10 years ago
Bo Jensen
Bo Jensen - 10 years ago
It took a long time into the video before I saw how you did it. That is probably the most primitive and stupid fishing video I ever watched. That is , can you call that fishing ? Have you ever heard of bait, plug, jig or flyfishing ? Find something else with a challenge, man...
TCSwizz2 - 9 years ago

Yes, they must be snagged to be caught. But, does that mean we have to catch them? Snagging tears into and/or punctures the skin exposing the flesh and allowing for the introduction of bacteria into the fish's flesh.
TCSwizz2 - 9 years ago
@Joshua Martinez

Haha you're funny. Anyone can catch a shark. Throw some bloody dead bait on a hook and toss it out. Rocket science. I mean... errm... Fishing
TCSwizz2 - 9 years ago
I agree with Bo Jensen. It's a totally abusive and primitive way to fish. Not saying it isn't a challenge, it most certainly is. I just find it an incredibly barbaric technique that should be employed in a survival situation only.
Eric England
Eric England - 9 years ago
+Bo Jensen your pretty dumb dude. You should keep your mouth shut so ppl can at least assume your not retarded.
Joshua Martinez
Joshua Martinez - 10 years ago
+Bo Jensen you understand he caught a shark right
Bo Jensen
Bo Jensen - 10 years ago
anyway, snagging should be banned. Period.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Watch my other videos and then ask me if I know what fishing is. This was one of the most challenging types of fishing I've ever done. It's way more challenging than throwing out bait and waiting for a bite, I promise you that. 
ROOMDANCE - 10 years ago
Rippin it dude!
tommy mcguire
tommy mcguire - 10 years ago
i would really like to do a trip like this do you have someone i could contact that could show me where tho go?
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video Robert.  I live in Oklahoma and have several kayaks.  I can't believe it never crossed my mind to go after paddle fish.  My daughters and I kayak after catfish all the time on Lake Thunderbird.  I see you attracted a troll.  I wouldn't mind snagging one of those also.  Probably wouldn't put up much of a fight though.  Ha.
Kyle Knipfer
Kyle Knipfer - 10 years ago
Lost all those fish because of your anchor, gotta be a better way to unlatch that deal
travis jones
travis jones - 10 years ago
where can i get one of these kayaks and how much
joshua12345676 - 9 years ago
Online or your local shop. They are about $2000
Jenna Carter
Jenna Carter - 10 years ago
Nice job!
Stephen Sr
Stephen Sr - 10 years ago
Ik you don't want to hurt the fish to much but if you want them to stop getting them away use barbs
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
That's illegal in Oklahoma.
Björn Brück
Björn Brück - 10 years ago
Euer ernst ? Ihr haut dem Fisch den Hook einfach irgendwo rein? Als ob das nicht genug wäre dauerts ewig bis ihr den Fisch vom Kayak wieder im Wasser habt. Dämliche Arschlöcher. Hoffe ihr geht samt euren Kayaks unter und ersauft !!!!
MitchSquad - 10 years ago
Great video keep up the great work
mR_ watcHa
mR_ watcHa - 10 years ago
Cathi Johnson
Cathi Johnson - 10 years ago
This is fucking cruel ........ snagging is wrong ......... what a bunch of fucking retards you are 
Jack Farley
Jack Farley - 10 years ago
Then why the hell would you watch the fucking video
TarponTango - 10 years ago
whats the song at 10:07, because it wasn't the one in the description....
Matt Mancuso
Matt Mancuso - 10 years ago
Great video Robert.  Very interesting looking fish to catch seems like they put up a great fight.  Where can I find a similar kayak to the one you have?
Bob pew
Bob pew - 10 years ago
Fishing on that Kayak is scary too me ahah, whats with the little thing you threw with every bite?
joshua12345676 - 9 years ago
His anchor line buoy
Mike Mike
Mike Mike - 10 years ago
That little bit you had at the begging about snagging vs hooking a fish in the mouth was total bull you decided to believe in order to justify the snagging you realized you had to do in order to catch this fish.
If you were honest you would have said you don't like snagging but that is the only way to catch these fish.
Victor Panarin
Victor Panarin - 10 years ago
Hi! Very great video. Many impressions!
But it is bad method of catching. I sad...
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx - 9 years ago
I agree
Tarmac1 - 10 years ago
Why is this practice banned in most places including all Europe. And most of the states in your own country .
ทัศไนย์ แซ่ลิ้ม
ทัศไนย์ แซ่ลิ้ม - 10 years ago
River have one fish.
DOMEAIRSOFT - 10 years ago
Bs top messing with your anchor and focus on the fish
RM Lytle
RM Lytle - 10 years ago
I don't care what all the haters are saying, that is just cool! Of course it is the only way to see one of those giants in the flesh, and your not killing them, so hey, good or you. 
phartattack - 10 years ago
Change the title to "HOW TO LOOSE HUGE PADDLEFISH" I enjoyed the video, seems every time you touch the anchor line...Poof!
I shared this on Facebook, If you're not looking at the screen, the sounds you make are being called "FISH PORN". Haaa Love it!
Markus B.
Markus B. - 10 years ago
jacksonmaybee@hotmail.com - 10 years ago
My name is Jackson and i am interested in a kayak/canoe to fish in. i was wondering if you could give me some ideas on one within a low price range. 
jonah brooks
jonah brooks - 10 years ago
Barbless hooks when fishing for big fish make life hell.
Fishing Rod
Fishing Rod - 10 years ago
It makes no sense! .... because you are snagging them not that they are taking your bait, that in this case doesn't apply!
So that's to be expected to happen. ..do you still surprised!?
Mark Norman KN4CWT
Mark Norman KN4CWT - 10 years ago
The tree hugger comments are killing me. It's a fish as most have said! Good video Robert!!
DrFelonious - 10 years ago
What a fuckin' prima donna.....
андрей неклюдов
андрей неклюдов - 10 years ago
Fhis is bad way catch fish.. fish gonna die after hook it. And fish will not have a eggs.... police have to catsh it ppl
Mun Dane
Mun Dane - 10 years ago
Good video. I am just getting started fishing like this but I can see I will need find an easier release for my  anchor than what you have set up there. I could almost see the slack get into your line (even from the front camera view). I have caught these from shore and a boat before but from a kayak would rock!!! 
drixoutube - 10 years ago
Great vid but man you r dramatic !
gta4fan556 - 10 years ago
Congrats man I'm a fisherman and have never caught anything like that.
MEIN TEIL - 10 years ago
What was the music you were playing on this video
Nick Yates
Nick Yates - 10 years ago
Dude if you thank that hurts go to kentucky dam we snag with rods like rebar and huge reels and jerking a 8 ounce weight through the water but its all worth it when you hook into a big fish
darkdustify - 10 years ago
how about you get that fish back in the water quicker
Ben Fishman
Ben Fishman - 10 years ago
The reason you list all those fish is because you let slack out when you stopped realing to move the Boeies.
bernier 14
bernier 14 - 10 years ago
Use a bunker snag, they would probably be good for that
Breccoli R6
Breccoli R6 - 10 years ago
snagging is just so stupid this guy is such a so stupid 
zeldas link
zeldas link - 10 years ago
u guys are stupid smh he is not killing them fish are made to be caught so leave him alone stupid ppl
BassMafia - 10 years ago
but great channel
BassMafia - 10 years ago
thats like snaging sturegen 
BassMafia - 10 years ago
and you are not the best at having tetion
BassMafia - 10 years ago
your doing illegal things and thats a huge fine and lots of other things
Nelson Cardenas
Nelson Cardenas - 10 years ago
+Robert Field if that's prehistoric? Then why is it in our time? Probably the species is weak huh?
WIEWIEC - 10 years ago
Przecież to kurwa szarpak!!!! W Polsce wsadzamy za takie coś!!!!!!!! Ale chujnia!!!!!!!
Ken Son
Ken Son - 10 years ago
I didn't know white people snag
DaulphinKiller - 10 years ago
Hats off to you guys! After having lost so many fish, I gotta say that I wouldn't have resisted to switch to hooks with barbs! But hey, I'm evil, so glad you guy's aren't!
Huntercanavan - 10 years ago
Great Fish!!
Ty Potter
Ty Potter - 10 years ago
this guy is an idiot lol
ICC_MOLISHER - 10 years ago
Great vid . what is the yellow rod/pole called ??
Zach Dillon
Zach Dillon - 10 years ago
Do you know the laws about paddlefish in Ohio?
The Salty Dob
The Salty Dob - 10 years ago
A slightly smaller rod would've helped with not so much handle. You needed to fly fish that pole. have that shit at a 90 degree angle consistently and just take line when it turns and runs at you. its easier said then done i know. but i fish almost exclusively with barbless hooks. and the method you were using to gain line hindered you alot at first. you got better towards the end of the video. but you need to remember that for barbless hooks sake. or if you ever get into fly fishing. you need a strong angle on that rod. you need to be using the backbone that your rods are designed around. if you had more then 15lb test on any of those poles. you could've been putting triple the amount of muscle to them. it'd be tiring. but you got to get that bend. you were putting maybe 2 to 8 lbs of pressure on a huge fish. when most of your rods could easily tow a 30lber in
Burningrubber255 - 10 years ago
What kayak are you using
Brackish waters
Brackish waters - 10 years ago
Good video! I couldn't help but get frustrated because while you may have not noticed until re watching your footage, every time you would touch your anchor slack would go in the line and right off it goes.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yeah, but the one time I tried to stay on anchor, the fish wrapped around a log. I got lucky I didn't lose that one. That's why you drop anchor - to be able to follow the fish. There are also safety implications of being anchored in moving water in a kayak with a huge fish on the line. But yes, that was the struggle.
yakfishin - 10 years ago
hey Robert. this snagging idea is utter BS.
when the fish gets released, its 100% possible for the fish to get
an infection. so here we have a fish in dirty water with a infection.
so we can pretty much say that the fish was hooked deep because you
said yourself your using big hooks. now the chance of this fish dying is
pretty damn good. dying from a infection is a slow very painful death.
ive seen it myself. now we have a dead fish, infection everywhere. what of
the other creatures that come eat off this dead infected fish? I can go on and on
here with this "common sense" lesson but I wont. so please stop BSing the viewers
and yourself. snatching is not "sportsman like conduct". its like catching fish in a barrel and calling yourself a fisherman bro.
besides, when you side hook a fish, your not even giving him the chance to fight you correctly. he cant fight you being side hooked as well because he cant swim properly. come to think about it, you said by your own research that snagging these fish is better than using bait. but then you turned and said that they only eat plankton. so essentially, snagging isn't actually better for the fish, its the only damn way you can catch these fish that you know of right?
wow folks, before you congratulate this guy read into the BS.  sorry Robert. im sure your a good guy but think before you speak and act. im willing to bet that your "research" was only as deep as some redneck telling you "its all good".
if im wrong please show us where we can also see where this snagging or ripping is better for the fish please.
Hooked Up Fishing
Hooked Up Fishing - 7 years ago
+Eric England Its a conflict of interest...lol
yakfishin - 9 years ago
its taken almost a life time of in the field study to get to the knowledge i have and shared. if i revieled my sources you might as well go by a couple book i know you will enjoy since you like my opinions and me so much. i did say i wouldnt give titles due to the fact of privacy for myself and my "employers". as for me being a troll...... who is the bigger troll, the guy coming in and doing some educating or the guy coming in here knowing nothing about the subject (in his own words) and trying to tell others about their own post from 7 months ago. oh and there are a plethora of people on here just like you that dont know anything at all about anything other that their own dick in their hand looking for attention with nothing of their own to add to the conversation. so please go back to your comics and video games. good luck Eric, your in line to get your very own darwin award. reply if you want but ive said my piece to you. anything after this is your attempt to "entertain" yourself w/o the use of lube, or just being a troll as usual. 
good luck Eric. 
Eric England
Eric England - 9 years ago
+yakfishin​ I never claimed to know anything about the subject. I do know he posted sources and all you did ramble on like you know better lol. It's funny. Ppl like you. There's a plethora of ppl just like you on here to. Acting like you know so much but nothing to support your "theory". So what if it was 8 months ago, what does that have to do with anything? You're about the most irrelevant troll in this thread besides that googlplussucks fella.
yakfishin - 9 years ago
+Eric England do your own study. this post was 7 months ago and your just now coming into 
the debate and trying to make a difference with you uneducated comments, the OP and
i move on a long time ago. so should you. 
Eric England
Eric England - 9 years ago
+yakfishin you talk alot of shit without posting the sources of your so called facts.
dajakester8 - 10 years ago
Fake ass bitch
yakfishin - 10 years ago
hey bob, im not allowed to reveal my line of work here on youtube as its a conflict of interests. I assure you my knowledge of fish and the diseases that they contract is a lot higher than you think.  if you do your research like I suggested you will run across me I promise you. I have been doing this since before you were born. just because something is legal does not make it right. (think about that) thanks to people like yourself and the ethic's you preach most of the folks in my field still have jobs. the big regret is the wellbeing of the animals/fish you leave in your wake of destruction of the fish and game opportunities around you. all we sportsman and workers in the field can hope for is to educate the folks that practice your way of doing things.
to suggest im going on zero facts is laughable.
I have to much time and money invested in my education an field work to go any deeper than this with you my friend. im gonna do you a favor as I end this with you. im gonna do my best to promote your channel here when out speaking. I would like your permission on here to do so. im not willing to go on with this topic as this is not what youtube is for and honestly takes the enjoyment out of it for others, which again is not my nor your intentions im sure. so ending on a good and friendly note, good luck with your channel on here as ive watched a few more of your videos and did like them indeed. peace love and happiness to you and yours my friend. tight lines and safety first in your kayaking adventures.  
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yakfishin, thanks for the comment. Yes, snagging is the only way to catch them, which I stated in the video. Your knowledge about the immune system of fish is obviously lacking, as they do not get infections even remotely as easily as humans. You say "dirty water," but that is their habitat. Do you think they get infections every time they get a cut? These fish are the oldest living species in North America, and they didn't last this long because they're fragile. All of the information I shared came from the Paddlefish Research Center in Oklahoma. It was not my personal research, it came from the mouth of a researcher that worked there. 

Here are a few other resources:


I'm very sorry my video upset you so much. I tried a new style of fishing and I don't regret it in the least. This was the first and only time I've tried snagging, but it is very common in the few states where paddlefish populations are strong enough for it to be legal. Feel free to conduct your own research and let me know of your findings, I'd be interested to hear. But your wild assumptions based on zero facts are less interesting.

Thanks for watching,
Dylan S
Dylan S - 10 years ago
You're telling us that you can't put any slack in the line. You have the pole straight up in the air fiddling with putting an anchor down. Focus on the fish
Dylan S
Dylan S - 10 years ago
+Robert Field Thank you for responding. I now understand as to why you have to use the anchor. Haha I felt your frustration as you kept losing fish, but good job and great catch. New subscriber here.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
The one time I tried to stay on anchor, the fish wrapped around a log. I got lucky I didn't lose that one. That's why you drop anchor - to be able to follow the fish. There are also safety implications of being anchored in moving water in a kayak with a huge fish on the line. But yes, that was a struggle.
jeffrey david
jeffrey david - 10 years ago
have you moved to the Austin area yet? i live in Georgetown
Globetrotter - 10 years ago
I really hate snagging and here in germany it's illegal too. But everyone has his own opinion about it and i don't know how it's handled in the US so i wont complain too much. However nice fish never seen it before and nice video.
Anatolius Paul
Anatolius Paul - 10 years ago
Its illegal in most states and for most fish but this is the only way to catch a paddlefish.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yes, it's a somewhat controversial style of fishing. I wanted to try it and while it was a lot of fun, it's not something I plan on doing very often. It's illegal in my home state of Texas, too. I just enjoy learning how other cultures/regions fish. Thanks for watching.
Ge Raf
Ge Raf - 10 years ago
you cry a lot, the entire episode was you crying and moaning very annoying
plasmamac - 10 years ago
this isnt fishing ! it so stupid
pugilist102 - 10 years ago
Kayak snagging. Please don't ruin the good name of fishing with this cowardice practice. 
Bonecrusher - 7 years ago
If you want catch this fish you havent another way.
Paddlefish eats only zooplankton...
Henry Guest
Henry Guest - 7 years ago
pugilist102 How else do you expect to catch a fish that won't bite baites or lures?
Steven Beck
Steven Beck - 7 years ago
Nain1982 no sorry your wrong you cant "catch" these fish other than by snagging so suck it up snowflake... to add they are really tasty. Do your research before you go running that libhole. It is a legal practice get the F@#$ over it.
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx
Joshman xxgrowtopiagamerxx - 9 years ago
Amazing fish bro but the first few kick it butt, but u managed to pull it off. Good job
Nain1982 - 10 years ago
+Robert Field it is a cowardice practice. You think it doesn't do damage to the fish and then yet say it leaves a "tiny hole". The treble gets deep in the skin. It only leaves room for bacterial infestation or fungus to occur. And just because a practice is popular doesn't mean its right. There are a plethora of possibilities out there in which you can catch monster fish or have great experiences and none of them involved snagging. 
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I don't think I'm ruining anything, sir. Snagging is very popular in the states in which it's legal, and I just tried it once. It's not cowardly, it's the only way to catch these fish.
David Plourde
David Plourde - 10 years ago
Don't reel so fast
Imonwelfare 247
Imonwelfare 247 - 10 years ago
I caught my first Paddlefish on the first snag. This guy just sucks at snagging.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yeah, definitely never claimed to be an expert, it was my first time trying it. Congrats on your success Trevor.
Dillon Isham
Dillon Isham - 10 years ago
Great vid bro I can't beleive you didn't give up and was that sunny d on the side
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yes sir, Brent's wife brought Sunny D! Brought me back to my childhood, haha.
isaac tellez
isaac tellez - 10 years ago
You spent thousands of dollars in equipment to catch them on snagging??
Branden's Outdoor Channel
Branden's Outdoor Channel - 10 years ago
Snagging is illegal in most states.
Pac10 10
Pac10 10 - 10 years ago
kukri52231 - 10 years ago
why not just use a barbed hook? your already putting a deep hole in the fish. just seemed like such an unnecessary struggle. You really persevered though
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Because then I would have to cut into the fish to remove the hook once I landed it. Without the barbs, it slides right out and leaves a tiny hole. With a barb, the resulting wound would be a lot worse. The idea is to minimize the damage to the fish. Snagging them with barbs is actually illegal in Oklahoma, and for good reason.
bob payton
bob payton - 10 years ago
Use a bate casting real
Tucker Adcock
Tucker Adcock - 10 years ago
I can't spell lol
Tucker Adcock
Tucker Adcock - 10 years ago
Never mind
Tucker Adcock
Tucker Adcock - 10 years ago
Is that a shuffle bill
Oscar Ocampo
Oscar Ocampo - 10 years ago
I would of gave up if I lost that many fishes... but great video man!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
It crossed my mind, Oscar. Haha. Thanks for watching!
Zachary Anderson
Zachary Anderson - 10 years ago
Crazy fish looks like a dinosaur !!!
Theghostanihalater - 9 years ago
+Robert Field gg dude the biggest fish I caught is a trout and it was a battle I'll never forget
Noah Opperman
Noah Opperman - 10 years ago
Robert field isnt the second oldest bowfin?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
They're the oldest living species in North America.
Michigan Gone Wild
Michigan Gone Wild - 10 years ago
Looks like a good time!
Ryan Cameron
Ryan Cameron - 10 years ago
Hey Robert i'm an Okie wanting to fish this same stretch,  where was this located? 
Ryan Cameron
Ryan Cameron - 10 years ago
+Robert Field Well thanks for the advice anyway.  Keep up the great fishing videos!!!!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
That's classified, sir. I told the person who took me I wouldn't disclosure that. They're all over, but your best bet is in March and April when they head into the rivers to spawn. Like I said in the video, look for deep pockets where they school up, typically on the outside of river bends.
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 10 years ago
Lol if that fish would have stayed under the boat you would have been so sqrewed :D
What a crazy looking catfish.
Midwest Fishing Show
Midwest Fishing Show - 10 years ago
After a little research it appears that is true. I had a few people tell me they are catfish but I guess its just another fish alias... Good to know though. Maybe someday I'll get to snag a few we have a spot or two in Iowa but mostly fished out. Looks like a blast
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
While a lot of people call them "spoonbill catfish" they're actually not related to catfish at all. 
Roberto Morales
Roberto Morales - 10 years ago
AWESOME video and incredible adventure good job man,,,,!!!!
riddlekillerkiller - 10 years ago
that is a really beautiful fish. 
Dixie - 10 years ago
Dude every time you say "fish on" you drop your anchor and put slack in the line then quickly yell "fuck!" Figure out a different way to drop the anchor
Brian Baker
Brian Baker - 7 years ago
good you're ignorant its like saying "how do you solve world hunger?" "idk figure it out dumbass" you have no clue what its like
BenniBenson - 7 years ago
Exactly my thoughts too.
Mark Mele
Mark Mele - 7 years ago
I thought the same fucking thing!!! every time you drop the anchor you cause slack, then you loose the fish!!
HINTZ - 10 years ago
he's so unlucky I swear
Taylor Elder
Taylor Elder - 10 years ago
Dude I see all the.hate you are getting but i dont get why people that are against it have to watch it but i think this is freaking awesome
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Haters gonna hate bud. Thanks for watching!
The real answer.
The real answer. - 10 years ago
Thanks for the video catch
Pat L
Pat L - 10 years ago
Pat L
Pat L - 10 years ago
kimberly keegan
kimberly keegan - 10 years ago
what u call snagging i call foul hooking
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I believe the distinction would be that foul hooking occurs purely on accident, whereas snagging involves a strategy in terms of understanding the river and where the fish are and going after them intentionally. These fish eat plankton, so snagging (or foul hooking if you prefer) is the only way to catch them.
Ryder Lee
Ryder Lee - 10 years ago
Maybe you should just like leave the anker alone
Miles Ralls
Miles Ralls - 10 years ago
Just used barbed hooks
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
That's illegal and for good reason; barbed hooks would leave a much bigger wound. My goal was to minimize damage to the fish.
Spooder King
Spooder King - 10 years ago
Good thing you aren't doing snagging is Alaska..
Cody Frank
Cody Frank - 10 years ago
i would never go fishing like that
Valdas Konatautas
Valdas Konatautas - 10 years ago
worst fisherman ever.. my god it was hard to watch how he lets so many fish off the hook.. man..
tripmind - 10 years ago
I would have re-realed heavier line if I had lost a couple...
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
My line wasn't breaking, the de-barbed hooks were sliding out. Only once did my line break, and that was me being exhausted and a lapse in judgment trying to muscle the fish in.
Dan Robinson
Dan Robinson - 10 years ago
sounds like your really depressed lol. wow
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Oh, I was! Haha
brandon day
brandon day - 10 years ago
U mad bro
pelagic6 - 10 years ago
Ha!! I have these as pets in my deep pond.
0BigBear9 - 10 years ago
If your line can handle it, set the hook two or three extra times while the fish is taking drag.
citrusfrukt - 10 years ago
This sort of fishing is usually illegal..
citrusfrukt - 10 years ago
My bad! Sorry for not reading properly.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Not in Oklahoma, as stated in the intro.
MD TV - 10 years ago
This is what my experience was like trying to catch my first pike; the fish would never not get away. After my 7th loss I finally landed one, and I was really happy. Although pike is an easy fish to catch for me now and everyone anyways, I was young and inexperienced but persistence still paid off. Respects to you for keeping at it and not giving up :)
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Thanks man! Pike is another fish I want to scratch off the list soon.
Luke Pasay
Luke Pasay - 10 years ago
You let line goet loose when u drop that thing in the water
Watson Finney
Watson Finney - 10 years ago
I've been wanting to get into kayak fishing and have decided on the Ocean Kayak BGII or the hobie pro- angler. Being an experienced kayak fisherman, what do you suggest? Also any tips for a beginner as myself? Love the show!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+Watson Finney Yes. With inshore, be aware that the Hobie turbo fins stick down about 18 inches. Can be a pain in super skinny water.
Watson Finney
Watson Finney - 10 years ago
+Robert Field Do you think I could go a few miles out to inshore with both models?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Those are both great choices. The Hobie Pro Angler is the Cadillac of kayaks. If it is within your budget and you have a way to transport it relatively easily, I would most definitely get that.
Gavin Kaps
Gavin Kaps - 10 years ago
foul hooking fish? You call that fishing? Your craics shit mate.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+kapsyg These fish eat plankton, it is the only way to catch them. I enjoy trying new styles of fishing. I don't think it's a style I will do again but I'm glad I tried it.
Gavin Kaps
Gavin Kaps - 10 years ago
I can't believe how much of a bell end you are
David Harrison
David Harrison - 10 years ago
what kind of Kayak are you using?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
A Hobie Outback
D.A.M.N Music
D.A.M.N Music - 10 years ago
What is the song at 3:45?
Fishing-With-Rob - 10 years ago
cool video you should check out my channel
Cletus Nance
Cletus Nance - 10 years ago
You think your shoulder hurt imagine do that for six straight hour with a 1 pound weight
megasif - 10 years ago
Are you the one who won the Cabela's Photo Contest????
AEcontent - 10 years ago
How does it feel good to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal, makes no sense. 
Taylor Elder
Taylor Elder - 10 years ago
I dont understand why people that are against "pain" to fish watch fishing vids
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+David Harrison Great question.
David Harrison
David Harrison - 10 years ago
why are you watching a fishing video then? 
Marie Flores
Marie Flores - 10 years ago
U suck
Wilhelm Matilainen
Wilhelm Matilainen - 10 years ago
When you're not going to eat the fish, measure it and take a photo fast, and release immediately. Do not keep the fish out of water for nothing!
Hayden Benninghofen
Hayden Benninghofen - 10 years ago
I just started kayak fishing and it is so much fun.
Boonie Vang
Boonie Vang - 10 years ago
Aren't you guys snagging for those fish?
Todd Maus
Todd Maus - 10 years ago
How is this not on an outdoor channel, this is so much more entertaining than a lot of shows with old people fishing for bass all the time
STiVzHD - 10 years ago
where did you get you kayak
Matthew Nees
Matthew Nees - 10 years ago
I love the mini meltdowns in the beginning:) Love the videos. This is only my 2nd video that I've seen of yours, and I'm hooked...oh dang...see what I did there!!!
Steve - 10 years ago
I think the guy that's fishing with his dog is the real hero in this story. Just kidding, sweet video!
Daniel Joya
Daniel Joya - 10 years ago
Maybe some one else ask this already but, whats the name of the song at 1:28 ? Please
Spec - 10 years ago
+Koolkatz Vhs Shut up that joke is stupid and annoying
Koolkatz Vhs
Koolkatz Vhs - 10 years ago
psychogane - 10 years ago
ODESZA - Dont Stop
Sebastian Kobiela
Sebastian Kobiela - 10 years ago
Love the music, and digging the A&M hat!
bak1911 - 10 years ago
what kinda kayak is that seen it in a few to most your vids and it seems really nice.
MrStaticTD - 10 years ago
Hey Robert! I was just wondering if you have any tips for a beginner kayak fisherman. What would you recommend as a good starting fishing kayak. Love the videos!!!
CRO Bassin
CRO Bassin - 10 years ago
Stop giving the guy hate ok have you ever caught a huge paddle fish in a kayak
Pieter - 10 years ago
You are killing them, keep them in the water!
Blake B
Blake B - 10 years ago
+crustycrustacean well it's kind of hard to catch a fish, or tag, a fish that doesn't eat live bait or go after lures... It's a lot more humane to snag than to use electricity or other methods. Besides, it's scientifically proven that fish can't feel pain.
crustycrustacean - 10 years ago
+Robert Field no against fishing im against snagging
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+sniperproninjia The hook slid right out and left a small hole in a giant fish. As I stated in the video, the Parks & Wildlife Department research shows the mortality rate on these fish after being snagged is essentially zero. 
crustycrustacean - 10 years ago
+Robert Field That is SOOOO much bullshit all the times u hooked into fish and lost them, u could have caused serious damage and u just don't know it
Matt Shoe
Matt Shoe - 10 years ago
+Robert Field you aren't very good at fishing, pansy.
Pieter - 10 years ago
They have declined to their low numbers today because of over-fishing what gives a lot of stress and changes to their habitat. If you catch a fish multiple times they will not reproduce anymore and lifetime is going down. If you get them out of the water there sensors fry out. Greets from Science Neurologist. I love fishing but some species are so weak like the paddle fish, over 20 years they will be gone.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Not to be rude, but you don't know what you're talking about. These are very hardy fish and I didn't kill a single one. They all swam off just fine. As I stated in the video, I was with a guy who worked for the paddlefish research center. I think he has a better idea on the best practices for handling these fish than you do bud.
BulletsBacon Beer
BulletsBacon Beer - 10 years ago
At 18:45 the Slo Mo moan cracked me up.
BulletsBacon Beer
BulletsBacon Beer - 10 years ago
Great video and this is right in my backyard. There is nothing like snagging a paddlefish.  I plan on trying this from one of my kayaks during next year's spawn. I just don't get all of the negative comments that this isn't real fishing. This is the only way to catch a paddlefish with a pole. I have caught so many before that my hands and arms completely locked up and I couldn't fish anymore. It will wear you out and make you sore for days. That is what I call fishing!  These fish are extremely tough. I have seen many that have been hit by the prop of a boat and some with part of their rostrum cut off.  They are very plentiful in Oklahoma. But we have good regulations to keep it that way. There is a problem with poachers and I hope the wardens find a way to slow them down.
Anatolius Paul
Anatolius Paul - 10 years ago
+Robert Field Wasn't your channel robNtay808? Now its some Hawaiian guy. Still has good videos just wanted to watch your videos not his.
BulletsBacon Beer
BulletsBacon Beer - 10 years ago
Spoonbill curls!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Agree with everything you said, bud. Thanks for watching!
Zach Stone
Zach Stone - 10 years ago
Really like your videos and im new to kayak fishing could you do some tutorials
Luke - 10 years ago
Is that safe
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 10 years ago
Kept her out of the water for a little too long, but nice catch. 
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+Nolan Minor The de-barbed trebles helped so I don't have to cut into the fish to get the hook out, leaving a larger wound. Instead, they slid right out and left a tiny hole in a gigantic fish. 
Nolan Minor
Nolan Minor - 10 years ago
+Robert Field So what's with the emphasis on the de-barbed trebles? If you're gonna bring them in the boat for a minute or so for pictures, I don't see how the de-barbed trebles helped. But I don't know a thing about paddlefish so I could be wrong, great video!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
She swam off just fine; they aren't the oldest living species in North America because they're fragile. 
iDriveSSlash4x4 - 10 years ago
What do you use for a quick release for your anchor? I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to attach one to my kayak in a way that connects to the rear yet allows for a fast release. Thanks and great video!
iDriveSSlash4x4 - 10 years ago
Oh sweet, thanks for the reply. 
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I use a carabiner, like the ones people use for climbing. But it's not perfect and as you saw in the video I lost a few fish trying to get off. It's hard when a huge fish is pulling on you, keeping the line taut. In normal circumstances it works just fine. You need an anchor trolley to move the pivot point to the front or back of your kayak. That's the most important thing you can rig on your kayak. I get mine from www.yak-gear.com
Domenic Holland
Domenic Holland - 10 years ago
Who the fuck edited this?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+Domenic Holland Yes that was a sizzle reel to get people to stick around for 30 minutes. 
Domenic Holland
Domenic Holland - 10 years ago
Wasn't that bad to be honest was quite good after that first scene the camera was jumping all over the shop.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I did; the guy in the video. Self-shot, self-edited, self-fished. 
Mason Laurier
Mason Laurier - 10 years ago
Your momma
J0Gu7 - 10 years ago
What kind of mounts are you using for the gopro on the boom?
J0Gu7 - 10 years ago
Thanks, I don't do any extreme kayaking / fishing, I just may get that boom tho, to replace a $6.00 extension pole I'm currently using. it's holding up, but I cannot say for how long.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+J0Gu7 They're very well made and will last you forever. I've put mine through hell. I go for quality over quantity in my videos and Railblaza are the best. There are plenty of do-it-yourself options out there that are budget friendly though, using PVC and painter's poles and whatnot.
J0Gu7 - 10 years ago
Tanks! but yikes!!! they are pricey!!!!!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I use the Railblaza Camera Boom 600. Get 'em at www.yak-gear.com
filthyspeed710 - 10 years ago
Hi names Steven I'm 14 and I truly love your fishing videos.I always loved fishing and I still fish everyday and today.Having trouble catching Bass/Peacock,Large mouth, and the other please make a video about bass fishing and if u did a toturial of how please respond and make video. Sincerely Steven, in Florida.
Da Wae
Da Wae - 10 years ago
14:30 u broke the line idiot XD maybe u shouldnt tug the rod so much when its floating at the surface
Matthew Holliman
Matthew Holliman - 7 years ago
WaterWorldPlanet I
3141daniel - 10 years ago
sad to see that people consider snagging to actually be fishing
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+3141daniel It would not be possible to rip through their bellies, and the odds of getting past their gill flaps with this technique is astronomical. You have a MUCH better chance killing a fish by hooking its gills with traditional bait/lure fishing. 

There is a lot more strategy to this than you're implying. I very much care for these fish, and if you actually paid attention to what I'm saying in the video, you would recognize that. The mortality rate of these fish after being snagged is MUCH less than the mortality rate of bass or catfish or whatever you fish for after being hooked by traditional methods. 
3141daniel - 10 years ago
you're throwing a treble hook and a weight in the water and pulling on a rod with no technique other than knowing how to cast. I think that intentionally snagging them and possibly getting the gills or ripping through their bellies which would kill them without caring about the fish them is not the type of practice for a good true fisherman.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I mean, is spearfishing fishing? Is bow fishing fishing? Just because it's not YOUR style of fishing doesn't mean it's not fishing. I like to try new kinds of fishing and target new species. There is no way to catch a paddlefish besides by snagging. So you think these fish are just off-limits for anglers because YOU don't consider this fishing? That's a wildly close-minded view on life and the sport. I think this was 10x more difficult than fishing with bait, yet I don't judge guys that fish with bait. This isn't a style of fishing that I'll do very often, but I am glad I did it, and it is most definitely fishing. I snagged for 16 hours over 2 days and got 9 hook-ups, which was still more successful than I ever could have hoped. This is harder than any style of fishing you do, I can almost guarantee it. It was definitely the hardest style of fishing I've ever done.
Biscuits 4 Life
Biscuits 4 Life - 10 years ago
You need to stop messing with other things In the boat like your anchor!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Russell Hess
Russell Hess - 10 years ago
sevenimpossibledays - 10 years ago
Why the hell you throw the hook that you've found back in water?
sevenimpossibledays - 10 years ago
+Robert Field 16:55 But I suspect now watching again that is your main line indeed. If so, my apologies... 
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Not sure what you're talking about?
Ultimate Cheesus Crust Gaming
Ultimate Cheesus Crust Gaming - 10 years ago
Randy Kim
Randy Kim - 10 years ago
How much money does all your gear cost?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Really hard to quantify that bro. My kayak was $1900, that's the most expensive part by far.
Trey Carter
Trey Carter - 10 years ago
Great vid..... but quit fucking with that anchor and you might of caught more!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
+Biscuits 4 Life The reason I was messing with my anchor is because you don't want to stay on anchor with an 80 lb fish on the line in a kayak, especially in a moving current. The two times I tried to stay on anchor, one time I almost flipped, and the other time the fish got wrapped around a log. I wasn't "messing with the anchor" for the fun of it. It was for safety reasons.
Biscuits 4 Life
Biscuits 4 Life - 10 years ago
I strongly agree, he was to worried about other things in the boat and not focusing on the fish itself.
Unstrict - 10 years ago
Lol best rage.
shawn afuta
shawn afuta - 10 years ago
whats the best bait or rig for spanish mack
Stache Be Nimble
Stache Be Nimble - 10 years ago
so cut hahahha!… joys of fish in' bro.
Chris Sugg
Chris Sugg - 10 years ago
You take the whole relaxation out of kayak fishing smh
joshua12345676 - 9 years ago
Well look at his other videos, generally in a upbeat mood, enjoying his time. This is an instance where it is clearly very frustrating  conditions, and being his first time as well. Sometimes just gotta let off some steam. When he finally lands it and lays in his lap it all pays off!
Chris Sugg
Chris Sugg - 9 years ago
Well if thats how you get when you fish then im sorry for you, my trips have much less drama
joshua12345676 - 9 years ago
Well when you are repeatedly losing fish and are exhausted, it is a bit hard to stay relaxed.
Chris Sugg
Chris Sugg - 10 years ago
Then your doing it wrong :)
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I kayak fish to feel alive. If I want to relax, I fish from a dock. :)
Wesley Crow
Wesley Crow - 10 years ago
Awesome fish. Great video.
Kylee W
Kylee W - 10 years ago
I love your hat.
Kylan 6754
Kylan 6754 - 7 years ago
They blew a 35 point lead today...
Troy Stewart
Troy Stewart - 10 years ago
Who did you go with. I've always been wanting to do this on my kayak, and I could never find someone to go with! Do u think I could go with vyourv fiend sometime
Sean Boggust
Sean Boggust - 10 years ago
what rod and reel you runnig
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I was using the Cabela's Salt Striker combo that I usually use for kingfish and other pelagics offshore. But for snagging you really want a really long rod with a soft tip, like 9-10 feet.
cole watts
cole watts - 10 years ago
What kind of kayak do you use, its pretty cool.
M Huston
M Huston - 10 years ago
Have to admit, had the same cringe over the idea of snagging, but it is a valid point regarding it posing less risk to gills and soft tissues and it's not like your spotting and then casting into a school like I've seen poachers pull with spawning salmon.  Heavy gear, heavy fish, heavy fight, and light boat, you earned your catches!  They are certainly beauties!  VERY cool fish, and informative vid.  Great work!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Yeah man, it's not a style of fishing I would do every weekend, but there's nothing I love more than checking out a new type of fishing and going after a new species. It was rewarding and an experience I'll never forget! Thanks for watching bud.
Steve Stubley
Steve Stubley - 10 years ago
Another great video, Robert! I just started yak fishing last month up here in British Columbia, and I can't believe I waited so long to try it out.  You should come try for some sturgeon here in the Fraser River near Misson!  http://vimeo.com/79953174
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
I would love to go for sturgeon sometime. Need to make a trip up North... I've also never caught a pike or musky!
Enoc Cruz
Enoc Cruz - 10 years ago
I have been waiting for your next video and finally its Herr and its awesome. Love these longer videos your doing, constant action. Great.
Mason DaFishman
Mason DaFishman - 10 years ago
nigel norton
nigel norton - 10 years ago
Amazing.........brilliant footage !! 
South PA Outdoors
South PA Outdoors - 10 years ago
Great video!  Must have been hard to keep the boat from tipping when they go under.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
It's hard trying to control that much weight on one side for sure! Have to loosen your drag when they're close.
MT: Gear/Man Stuff/Nature/Etc
MT: Gear/Man Stuff/Nature/Etc - 10 years ago
Man this looks like fun! I love these longer feature length videos you do, excellent music/editing too.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Thanks man!
Nathan Staff
Nathan Staff - 10 years ago
Could you do a video of your setup on your kayak?
Braiytryene Gibbons
Braiytryene Gibbons - 10 years ago
When his tail hits u lol so funny
Braiytryene Gibbons
Braiytryene Gibbons - 10 years ago
Lmao lol haha
james scipione
james scipione - 10 years ago
Everytime you lost one I could literally feel your pain I hate loosing fish great video man!
Deer lips
Deer lips - 10 years ago
Hey Robert sick video and nice catches, what do you mean in in the description when you write, "I wont give anything away."?
Deer lips
Deer lips - 10 years ago
Deer lips
Deer lips - 10 years ago
Oooh I see?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Just meant I didn't want to give away what happens in the video before you watch it.
FishEyeGuy Outdoors
FishEyeGuy Outdoors - 10 years ago
The video was as good as I knew it would be. Nice video Robert.
Wally Murray
Wally Murray - 10 years ago
Great video ... and man that looked exhausting!
Nikolai Jansen
Nikolai Jansen - 10 years ago
I love your videos! Keep them coming I subscribed already!
Spaztek12 - 10 years ago
I do know why but i kinda pissed myself laughing when its tail was hitting you lol great vid :D

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