Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
Kayak 10 years ago 553,079 views
Come along for the adventure as I travel to a remote stretch of the Arkansas River in Northern Oklahoma. My target: the elusive and gargantuan North American paddlefish, AKA spoonbill. Every year around March, these fish leave their usual home in the depths of various lakes to begin a journey upriver to spawn. These behemoths become concentrated as they try to squeeze through narrow stretches of the river, which makes for a much easier target for anglers looking for a rush. Paddlefish are filter feeders, similar to whales, and plankton makes up their entire diet. Because of this, they will not take a bait or bite a lure. In order to catch them, we have to snag them. Paddlefish are illegal to snag for in most states because they have become endangered in most regions (including my home state of Texas), so check your local fish and game regulations before attempting to target these prehistoric beasts. Join me on an emotional rollercoaster as I do battle with these enormous fish. I won't give anything away, just that this was a day unlike any other in kayak paddlefishing history. Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishField http://www.twitter.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv Music: "Don't Stop" by Odesza
Like do you mean to do this? Which to me you ain't catch those two you trapped them and snagged em with you're hook. Not coooool
Ok......here it goes
Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! This vid is pretty gooooooooood.
10. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
20. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
30. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
50. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
Thanks for watching and take care, David.
i did it took me two and a half days
Stop putting human feelings & values onto animals. They don't have them except for a very few species & fish are not one of those.
Not logical &/or realistic. Biology/Zoological student here.
100. comment for Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish
its working....
You use a feeder method. You put powder on the feeder (sorry, dont know the word in english, but i think you understand what i mean)
You fish with one hook with a small styrofoam ball on it.
The powder might be something with fish.
When the powder disintegrates it makes a big cloud in the water.
The paddlefish goes there and filters the cloud eating it.
When the filtering process is happening the fish swallows the hook, and for the hook to be not so heavy and to be easily swallowed we use that small styrofoam ball.
And no, i just think that we should have more respect for nature and animals.
And not kill for fun, because thats what rich cowards in the past did with slavery, we are no better than them.
And no, im no pro, im 15, you can see my facebook profile here with a 20kg asian carp: https://www.facebook.com/chris.carp.771
The fish, as every other fish is only taken a picture of it, we have treated the place from the hook with an antibiotic and its then released back into the water.
I'm not talking trash. I'm only bothered by our ignorance, selfishness and arrogance.
In fishing what makes you a true angler is respect and love to nature, your surroundings and the fish, and most importantly - creativity.
Be creative, study the fish, study the way it feeds, the way it lives. And you might catch one.
However snagging is not even a way to catch paddle fish or whatever filtering based eating fish.
I don't count snagging as a fishing way, i call snagging a complete torture. Anyways.
When i go fishing for filtering based eating fish, for example asian carp, i fish with a feeder rig and these powder food (sorry, im not native english speaker and i dont know many fishing terms).
I think you know what im talking about.
So when it filters it swallows the hook. And no, it doesnt gut hook them.
I have zero gut hooks fortunately for so many years.
Also snaggable fish are usually invasive or nuisance fish anyways.
Anyways in conclusion, at this day and age where people cry over a lion being killed, you'd think if something is proven to be harmful to the environment the division of natural resources would deem it illegal.
Keep your ointment out I have a bowfishing video coming soon that's sure to leave you butthurt.
Snagging is just as much if not more challenging than reeling a lure in, get over it.
Keep doing what you do!
This is an awesome video about kayak fishing in fresh water. Nice to see a fresh water fish that can really fight back. Never see a bass or crappie that can flip ones boat.
I have also wondered about the survival rate of purposely snagged fish. It helped to see a state wildlife guy, whose salary depends on these fish staying around, fishing. Shows some research into what happens to fish when snagged.
Understand why you unhitched the anchor. Have seen better ways on youtube to do the job while in the heat of battle.
Ummm probably because you ripped the hook out of its body... Just saying.
Go catch a reel fish like a steelhead.
my advice is to snag a bit less aggressively. think about snagging salmon let them do the work.
btw i've been fishing since i was 2 in Ontario. you name it ive caught it other than salt water fish. just take it as advice i'm not dissing your a great fisher either way. you've caught shit i haven't and probably know things i don't too. you need to stop blocking comments and just say o well that's their opinion.
i'd love to see you do a kayak fly fishing trip. dont let me down in that if you do or ill be the biggest critic.
I’ve never seen it before.
Awesome video.
Yes, they must be snagged to be caught. But, does that mean we have to catch them? Snagging tears into and/or punctures the skin exposing the flesh and allowing for the introduction of bacteria into the fish's flesh.
Haha you're funny. Anyone can catch a shark. Throw some bloody dead bait on a hook and toss it out. Rocket science. I mean... errm... Fishing
If you were honest you would have said you don't like snagging but that is the only way to catch these fish.
But it is bad method of catching. I sad...
I shared this on Facebook, If you're not looking at the screen, the sounds you make are being called "FISH PORN". Haaa Love it!
So that's to be expected to happen. ..do you still surprised!?
when the fish gets released, its 100% possible for the fish to get
an infection. so here we have a fish in dirty water with a infection.
so we can pretty much say that the fish was hooked deep because you
said yourself your using big hooks. now the chance of this fish dying is
pretty damn good. dying from a infection is a slow very painful death.
ive seen it myself. now we have a dead fish, infection everywhere. what of
the other creatures that come eat off this dead infected fish? I can go on and on
here with this "common sense" lesson but I wont. so please stop BSing the viewers
and yourself. snatching is not "sportsman like conduct". its like catching fish in a barrel and calling yourself a fisherman bro.
besides, when you side hook a fish, your not even giving him the chance to fight you correctly. he cant fight you being side hooked as well because he cant swim properly. come to think about it, you said by your own research that snagging these fish is better than using bait. but then you turned and said that they only eat plankton. so essentially, snagging isn't actually better for the fish, its the only damn way you can catch these fish that you know of right?
wow folks, before you congratulate this guy read into the BS. sorry Robert. im sure your a good guy but think before you speak and act. im willing to bet that your "research" was only as deep as some redneck telling you "its all good".
if im wrong please show us where we can also see where this snagging or ripping is better for the fish please.
good luck Eric.
the debate and trying to make a difference with you uneducated comments, the OP and
i move on a long time ago. so should you.
to suggest im going on zero facts is laughable.
I have to much time and money invested in my education an field work to go any deeper than this with you my friend. im gonna do you a favor as I end this with you. im gonna do my best to promote your channel here when out speaking. I would like your permission on here to do so. im not willing to go on with this topic as this is not what youtube is for and honestly takes the enjoyment out of it for others, which again is not my nor your intentions im sure. so ending on a good and friendly note, good luck with your channel on here as ive watched a few more of your videos and did like them indeed. peace love and happiness to you and yours my friend. tight lines and safety first in your kayaking adventures.
Here are a few other resources:
I'm very sorry my video upset you so much. I tried a new style of fishing and I don't regret it in the least. This was the first and only time I've tried snagging, but it is very common in the few states where paddlefish populations are strong enough for it to be legal. Feel free to conduct your own research and let me know of your findings, I'd be interested to hear. But your wild assumptions based on zero facts are less interesting.
Thanks for watching,
Paddlefish eats only zooplankton...
What a crazy looking catfish.
There is a lot more strategy to this than you're implying. I very much care for these fish, and if you actually paid attention to what I'm saying in the video, you would recognize that. The mortality rate of these fish after being snagged is MUCH less than the mortality rate of bass or catfish or whatever you fish for after being hooked by traditional methods.