Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Be sure to watch through to the end for a preview of Parts 2 & 3 - you don't want to miss those! Part 1 - "The Calm Before the Storm" I went on a four day kayak fishing and camping trip for Independence Day 2013. In Part 1, come along for the ride as I paddle out over 3 miles offshore to the oil rigs in front of Corpus Christi, TX. On the first day we fished for red snapper and trolled for some bigger game. That night I enjoyed red snapper tacos on the beach at my campsite - can't beat that! Be sure to subscribe so you can catch Parts 2 and 3 when they air. If you enjoyed this one, those are going to be awesome! Be sure to check out www.yakfishtv.com when it goes live in a few weeks. We will be featuring exciting kayak fishing videos by a team of experience anglers. We will also feature instructional videos, fishing stories, product reviews, a photo gallery, and much more! Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/RobertFieldFishing http://www.twitter.com/YAKnAGGIE (@YAKnAGGIE) http://www.instagram.com/YAKnAGGIE (@YAKnAGGIE) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv

Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Kayak 11 years ago 174,436 views

Be sure to watch through to the end for a preview of Parts 2 & 3 - you don't want to miss those! Part 1 - "The Calm Before the Storm" I went on a four day kayak fishing and camping trip for Independence Day 2013. In Part 1, come along for the ride as I paddle out over 3 miles offshore to the oil rigs in front of Corpus Christi, TX. On the first day we fished for red snapper and trolled for some bigger game. That night I enjoyed red snapper tacos on the beach at my campsite - can't beat that! Be sure to subscribe so you can catch Parts 2 and 3 when they air. If you enjoyed this one, those are going to be awesome! Be sure to check out www.yakfishtv.com when it goes live in a few weeks. We will be featuring exciting kayak fishing videos by a team of experience anglers. We will also feature instructional videos, fishing stories, product reviews, a photo gallery, and much more! Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/RobertFieldFishing http://www.twitter.com/YAKnAGGIE (@YAKnAGGIE) http://www.instagram.com/YAKnAGGIE (@YAKnAGGIE) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Raevenswood - 6 years ago
Geez man maybe I need to think about a trip to Texas one of these days :)
workinclass42 - 6 years ago
Hadn’t seen this video from you yet just goes to show why you’re the best show on YouTube
Rick Davis
Rick Davis - 6 years ago
GoPro should be ashamed of their audio.
maxim schulte
maxim schulte - 7 years ago
Grant brand found lvmkre elementary diverse civic bid infection walk vote.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
MyIdeas - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos. I might get a yak. What happens when you get blood in the boat, does it drain out and become a shark attractant?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+MyIdeas haha thanks!
MyIdeas - 7 years ago
You are awesome.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 7 years ago
+MyIdeas it does drain out but I don't notice more shark activity. I'm sure it attracts them sometimes. I've been around a lot of sharks in the kayak and never felt threatened or in danger. They just come check ya out and then leave when they realize you aren't food.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Great video, as always. But bring a net next time lol. Thx for sharing
Mohammed almehairbi
Mohammed almehairbi - 8 years ago
ANSWER ASAP: I'm heading fishing in a week, what fishing rod is that? 3:38
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
That's the Ugly Stik Tiger rod, really cheap budget rod but it's rock solid.
Utica - 8 years ago
that would be a fish, wrong timestamp?
Jesmine Ryckman
Jesmine Ryckman - 8 years ago
is that a penn seaboy 85?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
It's a Penn m309 reel.
Yu Yu
Yu Yu - 8 years ago
On your kayak

10. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Yu Yu
Yu Yu - 8 years ago
Hey man! Great vids. If you keep the fish you catch where do you store them?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
I either have a soft cooler on the bow of my kayak or down inside the hull of my kayak. There are hatches on the boat in the front, middle, and back. The one in the front is big enough to fit fish through.
jpt10271 - 8 years ago
Like the fishing but why the annoying music can't hardly hear you anyway
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
This video is 3 years old, I've gotten much better at the music and audio since then. Check out some of my newer vids. Thanks for watching brother.
Ahmed AlDhaheri
Ahmed AlDhaheri - 8 years ago
Why this video in not available??
Ahmed AlDhaheri
Ahmed AlDhaheri - 8 years ago
Love your work. Greeting from very far away from Texas
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
I believe because of the music I used, it is blocked in some countries. My newer videos should not be blocked.
Larry - 8 years ago
The music ruins this video.
Larry - 8 years ago
The context in which I say this is that I like hearing the water slapping up against the hull and all the other noises associated with the water. The clicking of the rods, the noises of whatever is loose in the yak and so on.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Sorry you didn't like it bud, I've gotten better at sourcing music since this video 3 years ago. Hope you'll give another video a shot! My new one chasing monster alligator gar is pretty cool. Either way, thanks for watching.
Jake Harmon
Jake Harmon - 8 years ago
Hey I absolutely love your videos and I was wondering what you have bait wise
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
Thanks man! In this video I was using both a Rapala X-Rap Jointed Shad in chrome/black and fresh dead ribbonfish on a stinger rig (J hook thru the nose, two treble stingers along its back).
madi Claire
madi Claire - 8 years ago
So cool! I've been deep sea fishing 4 or 5 times and all I catch are red snappers, mangrove snappers and remoras. I would love to catch a mahi or a Marlin
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
It can be tough to find fish out there... it's a big ocean!
Inlet Reg
Inlet Reg - 8 years ago
Did you mix the song yourself or is there a vid on that. Thnx and nice vid.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Inlet Reg no I got the song off Soundcloud. Thanks!
MyLonewolf25 - 8 years ago
Dam Man I would have kept that tuna if I could
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+MyLonewolf25 it wasn't a tuna, that's a jack crevalle. Not nearly as tasty as tuna.
Syclz - 8 years ago
would u rather the outback or pro angler?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+BAMAROLLTIDE12 I prefer the Outback but evreybody's different, the PA is a great boat also
GameRage Dad
GameRage Dad - 8 years ago
It is so painful watching you throw those delicious fish back in the water. Meow :(
GameRage Dad
GameRage Dad - 8 years ago
CT_BaitsFreak No I mean I enjoy eating fish. I'd gladly take peoples catches and fillet them.
CT_BaitsFreak - 8 years ago
GameRage Dad oh no, what the correct way?

20. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Jordan Lopez
Jordan Lopez - 8 years ago
red snappers are huge. i went deep sea fishing and caught huge snappers
Robert Field
Robert Field - 8 years ago
+Jordan Lopez yeah, I just caught babies on this trip but they get much bigger
Pierce Schwartz
Pierce Schwartz - 9 years ago
What reel were you using?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Pierce Schwartz that's a Penn m309. Great budget offshore reel, $60. Things are bulletproof.
killz5250 - 9 years ago
Great video! What kind of bait and setup where you using to catch those snapper?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+killz5250 just a simple bottom rig with a 3-oz weight and some squid.
Gilberto Lima
Gilberto Lima - 9 years ago
Parabens irmão. Assisti um vídeo e já fiquei seu fã.....Também pesco com caiaque aqui no Brasil.
Greg Joop
Greg Joop - 9 years ago
I like your videos ur a great fishermen but I fish I catch bass and big cat fish
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Greg Joop thanks!
Kayak Fishing InshorePR
Kayak Fishing InshorePR - 9 years ago
hi, what leader is good for king mackerel? thanks
makeyou sayhi
makeyou sayhi - 9 years ago
i saw your offshore fishing gone wrong and realised this guy is awesome im 12 and kayak and rowing is my way in the sea
makeyou sayhi
makeyou sayhi - 9 years ago
+Robert Field OMG ive never been responded to i flipped out when i saw this thanks
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+makeyou sayhi awesome!
leo renner
leo renner - 9 years ago
looks like the hobie mirage. I own the same. If that's a outback its tiny
DreadSporeGaming - 9 years ago
do you still have you kayak
JAdezeria Andersen
JAdezeria Andersen - 9 years ago

30. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Tactical Beanz
Tactical Beanz - 9 years ago
This is really awesome and epic channel! This is something I want to do when I get older for sure.
jester4115 - 9 years ago
Was that a penn 309m reel?
drpaulwhite88 - 9 years ago
Just watched all 3 vids......EPIC!! I live 2nd row in NC & surf fish a ton. Got my daughter a SUP last week. Took it out to fish a bait ball.....something big was in it so I ran back to shore like a little girl :) Researching yaks & stumbled onto the vids.....great work man, I'm hooked. If you had 20 more vids I would probably watch them all instead of seeing patients at my office.....HA. We have a couple nice reefs a couple miles out that I would love to hit (when the weather is right of course). I got a lot to research to make sure I'm prepared.
Brahim Berrada
Brahim Berrada - 9 years ago
Great channel. Awesome videos!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 9 years ago
+Brahim Berrada thanks!
Frank Levy
Frank Levy - 9 years ago
What's a good type of bait to u use in the ocean
AJ Green12346
AJ Green12346 - 9 years ago
Shrimp crabs green backs green backs and threadfins are the best imo depends what you're going for
Gianluca Sergei
Gianluca Sergei - 9 years ago
+Frank Levy shrimp or squid
Scubablaster - 10 years ago
Im a huge Kayak fisherman and would like to know more i live near Galveston and would like to possibly even go fishing with yall. hmu at Intsagram JayTeaRay
Dylan Foryshoude
Dylan Foryshoude - 10 years ago
What were you using for poles?
Dorkus Finkelstein
Dorkus Finkelstein - 9 years ago
+Dylan Foryshoude
Looks closely and you'll see they're Ugly Sticks.
ivan adame
ivan adame - 10 years ago
Hey man know any good spots for reds for kayaks in Galveston ?? Inshore thoe
samael perez
samael perez - 9 years ago
Bro I was just there try kayaking in Crystal beach right even you get off the ferry from Galveston to Crystal fresh as soon as you exit make it right great spot for red and shark
Katherine Bridges
Katherine Bridges - 10 years ago
Wow!! This is incredible!!!!! I am doing some bash tournaments in Alabama but this definitely beats any freshwater experience!! Awesome!!!
Deuce Duffield
Deuce Duffield - 10 years ago
is this in nc?
Nautical Star
Nautical Star - 9 years ago
+Deuce DuffieldI thought I heard him said Corpus Christy, Texas
BlackTheImpaler TM
BlackTheImpaler TM - 10 years ago
what brand and pound test was that wire
senpai kush
senpai kush - 10 years ago
Try using twixtor slow motion software. I think it would look pretty good.
Bonerus Maximus
Bonerus Maximus - 10 years ago
maaan this is why I need a new hobby
Steven Malone
Steven Malone - 10 years ago
i live in corpus!
morgan taylor
morgan taylor - 10 years ago
Gotta love Red Snapper fishing. Those Bastards fight hard. Great vids!
alan30189 - 10 years ago
You should list part 1 first, then part 2, then part 3, so they come up in sequence.
Dave Schleifer
Dave Schleifer - 11 years ago
good shit, but its a float, Kayaks have holes in em , makes it more real... and way more complcated, good float fishing though..
Kyle Charnley
Kyle Charnley - 11 years ago
Awesome Video!
30milesOut - 11 years ago
great yak vid.... one of my fav's....
CMonsta - 7 years ago
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Thanks Ty! Means a lot coming from the BTB man himself!
Coastie Culture
Coastie Culture - 11 years ago
Can't wait to catch a jack on my yak ! Well done!
MrBigdude02 - 11 years ago
Ohh ya and what kayak is that
Robert Field
Robert Field - 10 years ago
Hobie Outback

50. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

MrBigdude02 - 11 years ago
Hey dude can you make a video on how to unhook snappers and bigger fish than 4 in
matthew garcia
matthew garcia - 11 years ago
what kind of bait did you use??????
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 11 years ago
what kind of kayak is that?
Sarah Odell
Sarah Odell - 11 years ago
Where's part .3
James Hanna
James Hanna - 11 years ago
Where im from the snapper we call them red emperors
patycake720 - 10 years ago
hmm interesting
James Hanna
James Hanna - 10 years ago
yea what we call snapper are a completly different fish. the emperers tend to be a tropical fish only in the top 1/4 of australia on the reefs and stuff. we have i think maybe like 5-7 different species of them
patycake720 - 10 years ago
i remember going fishing a couple times in NSW and people would call them red emperors. I'm not sure if any other countries call them that so yeah sorta just a random guess haha
James Hanna
James Hanna - 10 years ago
how did you guess? lol
patycake720 - 10 years ago
you form Australia?
Harrison Bispham
Harrison Bispham - 11 years ago
What is the fish lip gripper your using?
Salty Sheppard
Salty Sheppard - 11 years ago
Past two years been heading down to PINS for SHARKATHON. Wish the conditions where like this.
tommyphuc3 - 11 years ago
Hi there! I'm Tim from San Antonio. I like your trip very much and I want to go with you some day.I have a Outback same like you but never been fishing out to the rig like your.What time is best for red snapper in port aransas?
Marty Cannon
Marty Cannon - 11 years ago
The video on this is outstanding.
Ben Higgins
Ben Higgins - 11 years ago
What kayak do you use in this video?
Slycargo Bravado
Slycargo Bravado - 11 years ago
awesome dude ive just started Kayak fishing in hervey bay queensland australia can't wait to put some vids up of our adventures around the reefs and fair way boy well done mate some nice fish and you really enjoy it which is the most important think 
elleynde - 11 years ago
love the set-up you got there, wish i could do the same up here but it's way too cold :P for those nice fish
jeff08190 - 11 years ago
hello  may i ask the song at 1:22  thanks
i like to go fishing too snd it good to see your video
it owesome
jeff08190 - 11 years ago
vary appreciate for your help   
i love the song 
Jesse Whyte
Jesse Whyte - 11 years ago
Wake me up - Avicii
xipetoltec - 11 years ago
Love the sneak peak drama. lol
Andrew Luong
Andrew Luong - 11 years ago
Awesome videos man! Keep it up!
dragon_ girlxD
dragon_ girlxD - 11 years ago
rylan andrew
rylan andrew - 11 years ago
2:35 was a Mutton Snapper, not a Red Snapper.
Oscar Ramirez
Oscar Ramirez - 11 years ago
What kayak do you use?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
YouTube sucks, to be honest. Nothing but issues. When they released the 144p option it ruined one of my videos that I had to delete and repost, losing thousands of views.
Mr fisherman
Mr fisherman - 11 years ago
ridiculous right?
MadSmokerBBQ - 11 years ago
Its ok to drop the level of the music way down to match the GoPro audio. They call it a music bed b/c its in the background like wallpaper, not the featured element. Or my preference: no tunes at all. The sound of the location is where its at.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
A flathead? I caught a 6 foot shark from it... I think that trumps any catfish brotha. Part 3 from this series is up on my page and you can see the shark.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
You can watch it on your PC. YouTube restricted it 6 weeks after I posted it. Very frustrating. It's only restricted on mobile, though.
Shannon Stephens
Shannon Stephens - 11 years ago
Unable to watch due copyright laws :(
Flathead Catfish Hunters
Flathead Catfish Hunters - 11 years ago
Try and catch a flathead catfish in that thing. Iv done it
SuperJox - 11 years ago
My stepdad considers them one of the best eats in Florida. I caught one a few offshore trips ago and the one thing I noticed is that the skin smells when you cut if off. >__<
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
It's a remix of Wake Me Up by Avicii that I found on SoundCloud
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Are they? I could've caught them all day but didn't bother... good to know.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
I'm in Texas, so this is all in the gulf.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Thanks man. Yeah I'm aware of the sound issues. The problem is the GoPro's audio is horrible when it's in the waterproof case. I can't boost the volume of me talking any more. Am working on some solutions going forward.
Conner Sasich
Conner Sasich - 11 years ago
gulf or atlantic?
1divemaster1 - 11 years ago
Dude that was a sweet video. Look forward to 2 and 3.
SuperJox - 11 years ago
Triggerfish is good eatin'
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Also, just FYI, I plan on releasing two "how-to" videos in the coming months: How To: Film Your Kayak Fishing Adventures and How To: Offshore Kayak Fishing 101. The latter will show how I rig my lines, how I catch bait, how I launch and reenter the surf, etc. Stay tuned brotha.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Yeah man the audio issues arise because the GoPro's audio when inside the waterproof case SUCKS. I'm trying to work on it. I appreciate the feedback, always. As for trolling I basically try different things until one works. I'll usually put a 1/2 oz inline worm weight and a pink or chartreuse skirt on one ribbonfish, and run another naked. I'll put the weighted one 50 yards back and the non-weighted half that. When one works, double up on that rig. Or sometimes I run a lure on one side.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Sometimes. Depends on what they want that day. A lot of times I'll run one weighted with a skirt, and one "naked". If one starts working, switch to two of those. I use an inline worm weight, usually 1/2 oz.
Kirk Senseman
Kirk Senseman - 11 years ago
Wooo Port Aransas
Finnegans Journey
Finnegans Journey - 11 years ago
Do you use a weight?
KeViN Ly
KeViN Ly - 11 years ago
What's the song?
jon moore
jon moore - 11 years ago
Lovely video, the sound quality could be worked on but i'm subbed!! When you say about the trolling depth, can you give us a rough distance, length of line and what depth for your deeper and shallow?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
No, and you're right. Just excited my first time at the rig, and when I watched the footage I realized I had done that. That can definitely injure them. Normally I'm really good about it, but just got caught up in the moment.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
A Penn 309
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Well I'm always trolling a ribbonfish on one rig and an artificial on the other. My favorite lure to troll for kings, and what I caught that jack on, is the Rapala X-Rap Jointed Shad in chrome/black. I vary the distance behind me based on what they want. Farther = deeper. I also do one further than the other to prevent tangles.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Part 2 is up bud! Go check it out.
Tim Kimes
Tim Kimes - 11 years ago
Which Monday is that?lol Eagerly awaiting pt. 2 & 3 please...your vids are awesome ! Nice song choice on this one as well. Thanks for sharing!
Shane Schexnayder
Shane Schexnayder - 11 years ago
How far behind are you trolling those lures? and what kind of lures are they?
Justin Villarreal
Justin Villarreal - 11 years ago
What Kind of reel did you catch the jack on?
Frank Rodriguez
Frank Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Always nice to watch kayak fishing videos specially at the rigs. Great video, hopefully I'll convince my boddies to do it one day.
John Bohme
John Bohme - 11 years ago
do you always bend the fishes jaw down with the gripper? it looks like you can break it. not haten just askin.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Thanks for the kind words! I have a video planned to walk through my rig as well as some tips and tricks for how I get footage out on the water. Also, I have tons of friends who paddle out to the rigs. Just don't go alone and get multiple opinions on the forecast. There are some that are only 2 miles off shore, not a bad paddle at all. I think I'll be back for Labor Day if you want to join me bud! Hit me up on FB or Twitter.

100. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

Untamed Outdoors
Untamed Outdoors - 11 years ago
Awesome vid. I went to school at A&M in corpus and bought my yak to fish the bay. I was a little too nervous about changing conditions to try to get out to the rigs without a motor or the paddle drive. The wind can be pretty tough sometimes. I would love to see a video of how you set up your yak to film and fish. keep up the good work!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
There are many things to consider before you choose a yak brother. Hit me up on Facebook or Twitter and I'd be happy to help.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Part 2 should air before Monday! Sorry for the delay! Stay tuned...
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Good ear, Vincent! It is a mashup of "Wake Me Up" by Avicii that I found on Sound Cloud.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
I kept every snapper that was legal - 3 in all. The ones I tossed back were just under 15 inches (legal limit). No way to fit a livewell that will keep snapper alive on a kayak, but I put them on ice.
wakichunu - 11 years ago
im looking into buying a SOT fishing kayak any tips on what to buy?
wakichunu - 11 years ago
wow very nice job on the video has 0 dislikes
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Send me the link on Facebook or Twitter: Twitter: @YAKnAGGIE Facebook: facebook(dot)com/YakFishTV
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Clarisse! Of course I remember you. I'm glad you liked it, Part 2 from this trip should air by the end of the week so check it out, and I'll come back to Tilted Kilt soon for more Bear Fight shots...
jorge zimmer
jorge zimmer - 11 years ago
dude you dont have a live well? lol u shud to so u can keep em instead of catch n release thats good eatn bud
Clarisse S
Clarisse S - 11 years ago
I just watched your video!! Told you I would :) very very impressed and amazed by all that you do! Hope you remember me. It Kilt girl Clarisse! I'm a fan of yours now :)
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Part 2 should air at the end of next week... Part 3 will air around the end of the month! Stay tuned...
Craig Jeans
Craig Jeans - 11 years ago
This is a good vid I only started at Christmas last year can you comment on my vid please
Craig Jeans
Craig Jeans - 11 years ago
This is a good vid could you comment on my vid please
RUDYAKAHALIBU77 - 11 years ago
You did good buddy , big fan of the rigs luv them Reds !!!!!
Vincent Rocher
Vincent Rocher - 11 years ago
Nice vid! What is the song you used. It sounds like a mashup? Thank you!
Commissojr - 11 years ago
Not rushing you or anything but when will part 2 be out ?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
A friend created the YakFish TV animated logo for me. He did it in Adobe AfterEffects.
CaptHookOutdoors - 11 years ago
What program u use for ur intro?
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Hey Azmi. Nope I was using two Penn 309s on this trip. I mainly use those for targetting big fish and sharks from the kayak, and I have a Cabelas Salt Striker spinning reel that I use for casting to smaller fish, such as spanish mackerel boiling on the surface.
Azmi Abdullah
Azmi Abdullah - 11 years ago
Hey bro ! Nice vid. Anyway, may i know what reel you're using there ? Is it the Penn Seaboy 190 ?
Sashin Bejai
Sashin Bejai - 11 years ago
Really good video bud.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Basically you just learn from others where to launch from, but you can see them from shore. These are the Mayan Princess rigs, straight out from Mile Marker 80 in Port Aransas. The first one is a little over 3 miles out, the furthest one I hit was about 4 miles out. There's a big cluster of them out there. Feel free to hit me up on Facebook and Twitter with more questions bro! Happy to help!
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
I pedal a Hobie Outback now. All the videos before this one I was in a Perception Sport Pescador 12'. That is a GREAT starter boat if you want to stay around the $500 range. A new Outback will run you closer to $1,850 but believe me - it is SO worth it.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Haha I'm working on that! Thanks doll :)
Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor - 11 years ago
Blake, good to ask questions if you're just beginning. Also check out Yakangler forums. Where ya live? Fishing saltwater or fresh?
Connie Growden
Connie Growden - 11 years ago
You should be gettin paid by Cabelas to rep em like you your studly self does. I love these by the way. Very entertaining. You rock
jeepkaiser65 - 11 years ago
Great video! Looks like fun
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Yes sir, count me in brah! I talk to Rex a lot and he says it's a blast. Need to get down there and fish with both you crazy guys, haha. You gonna be at the Bluewater Classic?
DIY-Adventures - 11 years ago
Well done....those Mayan Princess Rigs are somethin else
dphams1 - 11 years ago
Good job on the production manG! I gotta get ya on the TI with me this summer!! Fun Times Ahead Broham...
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
I'm in a Hobie Outback. They are awesome boats, but expensive. Hit me up on Facebook or Twitter and I can give you some more info.
Robert Field
Robert Field - 11 years ago
Yeah man, I agree. I guess since it was my first offshore trip, I was just excited and not being very mindful. When I was reviewing the footage I noticed that.
rgriff3471 - 11 years ago
Fish grips should be parallel to the fishes body at all times. The way you are holding the grips puts a lot of stain on the jaw of the fish.

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Shark Names Sea Animals For Children New Toy Videos For Kids, Wrong body Shark Life Ocean Creatures ✓ Farm animals...


Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 3

11,895 likes 5,464,677 views 11 years ago

This was my first shark from the kayak, and after spending 5 minutes trying to remove the hook with pliers and being...


Saving An Iguana Four Miles Offshore

32,729 likes 1,655,636 views 7 years ago

I was coming in from an offshore trip and I noticed a weird shaped object floating in the distance. All I could see...


1 Thing Wrong With The Seaview 180 Full Face...

10,942 likes 1,586,869 views 8 years ago

Here's 1 thing wrong with the seaview 180 full face snorkel mask. If you're a photographer you may find my Lightroom...


Kayak Fishing: BIG Sharks Offshore

4,012 likes 1,506,007 views 10 years ago

In this episode of YakFish TV, Robert Field takes a trip to the Florida gulf coast with one goal: to catch a variety...



52,434 likes 1,343,834 views 6 years ago

Papa sure drinks a lot of his "energy drinks"... 🤔 Anomaly & Papanomaly merch: https://store.anomaly.gg/ Follow me...

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Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 3

11,895 likes 5,464,677 views 11 years ago

This was my first shark from the kayak, and after spending 5 minutes trying to remove the hook with pliers and being...


Saving An Iguana Four Miles Offshore

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I was coming in from an offshore trip and I noticed a weird shaped object floating in the distance. All I could see...


Kayak Fishing: BIG Sharks Offshore

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In this episode of YakFish TV, Robert Field takes a trip to the Florida gulf coast with one goal: to catch a variety...


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In this video I kayak fish offshore in Florida! Fishing starts at 3:32 Brandon's YouTube Channel:...


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In this episode, I head to the lump on Day 3, an area where the depths comes up from 300 feet to 30 feet that's known...


Kayak Fishing: HUGE Prehistoric Paddlefish

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About Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1

The "Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 1" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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