Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
Kayak 11 years ago 391,349 views
GO CHECK OUT PART 1 IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crnHUx... This is Part 2 from an incredible offshore kayak fishing trip that I went on over the 4th of July. It was my first time going deep sea fishing in the kayak, and it was an experience I will never forget. In Part 2 we head back out to the Mayan Princess oil rigs off Corpus Christi, TX. The target: torpedoes with razor sharp teeth called king mackerel, or kingfish. I would go on to land 7 of them my first time targeting them. SUCH a blast getting towed around in the kayak by these fish. Check it out. Be sure to watch it to the end for a preview of Part 3... Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishField http://www.twitter.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv
10. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
20. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
30. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
50. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
He probably did eat it, don't be a dumbass and jump to conclusions.
This is not a little kitten. It's brain is more closely related to that of a frog. So, if u move, ur a candidate for lunch & they feel nothing for u. So, its feelings aren't hurt figuratively or literally. In fact, the inside of sharks' mouths are about the least sensitive thing on their bodies. Their teeth feel more.
Shark skin is made up of tiny teeth called denticle's that camouflage the sound they make swimming so they can sneak up on prey & it's also used to make leather. Their tongues & skin will rip the flesh right off of ur body.
Rest assured, these hooks do not harm them. In fact, u may notice they aren't even causing the shark to bleed & they don't even go through to the outside of the sharks' mouths. They mainly spit them, whenever they want to.
Just a question for u. Do u dive with or know anything about shark biology? I do. If u don't do either, u shouldn't criticize this guy. He's actually a shark's best friend in this day & age. He wants to catch & release them. No harm, no foul. By the way, the comments on the third video are not blocked. I commented in the positive on that one too.
Ragging on comic books. The source for some of the biggest money making movies this country has ever seen. Oh, and those draw in plenty of ADULTS you schmuck. And for the record Dr. Doom is awesome, where as you, you seem pretty god damn dumb.
Lol you call me a dumbass but dont know the basics of science. Yeah metal corrodes and falls apart, after oh I dont know YEARS. You make it seem like this will just fall off in a day or two. But hey I'm a dumbass, so what do I know.
Fucking moron....
These are the people who want to preserve sharks & all fishes so they can enjoy the battle of catching them & releasing them. No harm, no foul. I have fished for sharks on shore & still fly fish Trout, Salmon & Steelhead, catch & release. I admire this fellow's integrity & skill. Cool dude.
He's pursuing a hobby that keeps one very fit & interferes w/the environment very little, if at all. Excellent. Hats off.
100. comment for Kayak Fishing: Offshore Trip Gone Wrong - Part 2
The hobie looks stable and nice to navigate, Got a Ocean kayak my self but the fishin inlands in norway aint that good but loads of pikes and trouts.
btw the gear box in behind with rod holders on where they sell ? or name
Good luck and love to se CR fishin
About how far out do you usually go out? for ex. like in the video?
BTW I fish Galveston and that pt. 3 is a pretty badass video
great vid
Been looking for it for sometime now.