Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
Kayak 10 years ago 389,566 views
Come along for the journey as Robert Field and three companions embark on a five day kayak fishing and camping trip down the legendary Devil's River. Located in the middle of the desert in deep Southwest Texas, this river is known as one of the most remote, most pristine, and one of the wildest rivers in Texas. With rapids, waterfalls, crystal clear water and some nice largemouth and smallmouth bass fishing, this is the adventurous kayak angler's dream destination. Robert walks you through strategies for a successful multi-day kayaking trip, tips and tricks for making your life easier in a remote environment with only the gear you can fit in your kayak, and truly immerses the audience in the experience. He also catches some nice fish along the way. Follow Robert on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishField http://www.twitter.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishField (@YakFishField) Follow YakFish TV on social media: http://www.facebook.com/YakFishTV http://www.twitter.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.instagram.com/YakFishTV (@YakFishTV) http://www.yakfish.tv Shop the gear I use! Main Camera → http://bit.ly/RJF_DSLR Action Cameras → http://bit.ly/RJF_GoPro5 Editing Software → http://bit.ly/RJF_Editing Editing Computer → http://bit.ly/RJF_PC Drone → http://bit.ly/RJF_Drone Audio Recorder → http://bit.ly/RJF_Audio Paddle → http://bit.ly/RJF_Paddle Life Jacket → http://bit.ly/RJF_Chinook Knife → http://bit.ly/RJF_Co-Pilot Gear Crate → http://bit.ly/RJF_Ambush Camera Boom → http://bit.ly/RJF_Boom Rod Holder → http://bit.ly/RJF_RodHolder Visibility Kit → http://bit.ly/RJF_Visibility Rod Leashes → http://bit.ly/RJF_Leashes Fish Finder Battery → http://bit.ly/RJF_Nocqua VHF Radio → http://bit.ly/RJF_VHF
10. comment for Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
20. comment for Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
I'm going down the Devil River next week,
I have the Ride 115x any tips on that particular Kayak ?
30. comment for Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
I'm going down the Devil River next week,
I have the Ride 115x any tips on that particular Kayak ?
50. comment for Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
Or did they prefer you to bring water which would've lasted a day?
When is the optimal time, did see any rattlers. And was that floated material around your rods in case you dropped them in the water?
Certainly uses for both styles of chargers, but a biofuel style device definitely has its place. Also, I'm not stopping to make a fire, I'm doing it while sitting around at camp each night. I've got 3-4 hours to kill each night, so it was something to pass the time. Also, I can boil my water for cooking dehydrated meals on the same stove, so it's dual purpose in that manner as well.
Devils River is a precious and delicate resource; it cannot sustain very much
human pressure. If you visit be prepared for its remoteness, be educated about
its delicate ecosystem and be aware that it is threatened. Most importantly, be
considerate of the river and the stewards along its banks because without them
it would not be the wild and pristine place it is today. To learn more about
the Devils, its threats and how you can help please visit the Devils River
Conservancy at http://www.devilsriverconservancy.org/
100. comment for Kayak Fishing: Surviving the Devil's River
Fish or food you took?
A couple of questions I would LOVE to see you answer:
1. Would you please describe for us viewers your worm rig or rigs?
2. Will you please describe your non-sink setup on your foregrip of your rod?
The floats on the rod are just called rod floats, I think I found them on Amazon. Come in packs of 3.
-a fellow aggie
#kayakfishing #outdoorsports #fishing
Great video. I've been running the Devil's since 1991. No one knew about it back then. It was great. You could float for days and see no one. Only fish, turkey, and deer. With that in mind, it pains me to see you post a video treaspassing. As you have since found out, the landowners take trespassing very seriously. Nothing announces your presence on their property like a nice warm glowing campfire. There's more people on the river now and everyone needs to maintain a light touch. No fires to beacon your presence. No scorch marks on the rocks to show the landowners where you camped. And definitely don't post videos of yourself trespassing. It won't be long and they will shut this down permanently for everyone.
What season did u go
Most importantly what rigs are you using for your go pros on? They look like some sort of variable friction arms but I cant tell.
and if you dont mind me asking, what Micro SD do you use?
Thanks for the suggestion.
Really too bad you lost all the views from the first one though.
It's sad what some very selfish people will do to to try a take this kind of beauty and experience away from the rest of us.
Sad and petty ... I guess sort of like them.
Keep up the great work!
Got sidetracked there, but basically they said we were trespassing by camping too far off the river in one of our camp locations. The person who called in the complaint didn't even own that land, they just asked that my video be taken down or I be prosecuted. In the end I worked with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, fixed my video, and accepted an official warning. They told me that other than that mistake, they really enjoyed my video.