Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds

Kayak fisherman Dave Lamoureux (Fortitude Fishing) hooks up with a giant bluefin tuna that tows his kayak for 15 miles over 4 hours!

Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Kayak 12 years ago 69,106 views

Kayak fisherman Dave Lamoureux (Fortitude Fishing) hooks up with a giant bluefin tuna that tows his kayak for 15 miles over 4 hours!

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds

Davey Selva
Davey Selva - 6 years ago
for all i know he was hooked on him self.
You have a great video .I'll be back to see more . Thanks for sharing with the world.If you have a chance check my channel out.If you like hit subscribe.Let me know you did and ill say WHAT UP?! HOLLA AT YA BOY!!!!! Keep up the good work! Take Care God Bless!
David Richichi
David Richichi - 7 years ago
fished tuna over Tweenty years caught a one hundred and fifty pounder of the clarion islands that took me three hours on forty pound test four hundred would strip that reel in five minutes don't get me wrong two hundred pounds will beat the shit out you with stand up gear buttttttt Budy not a four hundred pounder in a boat not kayak would test you big not on a bent butt rod stand up soooooo not
Catching the Craze
Catching the Craze - 7 years ago
If it was even 250 it would've spooled that tiny reel.
Catching the Craze
Catching the Craze - 7 years ago
You get towed when a fish is tired and can't make hard runs. A big tuna wouldn't get tired very fast, assuming your not using 30lbs of drag to begin with.
B. Alvn
B. Alvn - 7 years ago
If you were on a large boat or stationary object, you'd be spooled by a 50 pound tuna or jack with that rig, but on a Kayak, you just would get towed around...while I doubt this fish was anywhere near 400 pounds, it could have been pretty big still.
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY
Mathew Davis - Adventures and DIY - 7 years ago
Wow. That rod slamming down got my attention and that was once heck of a fast sleigh ride.
bassplayer60 - 8 years ago
Wow gotta hand it to you 4 hours and it breaks...Sorry bout that man!
angler147 - 9 years ago
Hook and hold on damn this looks fun
Bruno Deandrade
Bruno Deandrade - 9 years ago
He's a clown shouldn't be in the ocean find a circus instead!!!
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
Fucking googans
Joel - 9 years ago
I didn't see a fish at all.... For all I know you hooked a submarine.

10. comment for Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds

jacraig881 - 9 years ago
I'm not saying this was 400 lbs but to those dogging him, you probably have never hooked a large tuna, secondly someone with enough experience catching tuna can gauge how big they are by the strength they have against the drag and rod. This was no small tuna by any means. He said it was an estimated weight. C'mon guys find something else to critique or get out there and catch one yourselves :)
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
Hooked, caught, sold, many tuna. This guy is a joke. He should join a knitting group.
Edward Dergosits
Edward Dergosits - 9 years ago
+jacraig881 One CANNOT land a 400 pound Bluefin tuna on spinning gear like the one used. Fact is a 400 pound Bluefin would have spooled that gear in less than 2 minutes.
john schaub
john schaub - 9 years ago
Wow normaly you have to put a fish on a scale to know what it weighs. This guy doesnt even need to see it.
FISHERMAN ALEC - 7 years ago
This guy is the biggest joke ever. That tuna was 100lbs if he was lucky. And that rod would of snapped if it was anything over 200lbs. Also if that was a 400 lb fish that shitty reel he had would of melted immediately
john schaub
john schaub - 8 years ago
+Chris W stfu
Chris W
Chris W - 8 years ago
He's fishing in a kayak...... What do you expect? He probably thinks Hillary would make the greatest president ever.........
HydraYak Outdoors
HydraYak Outdoors - 10 years ago
It's all fun and games until the :25sec mark... lawd!
jessy james
jessy james - 10 years ago
Am I missing something here? what Blue Fin !!!
Jesus Mora
Jesus Mora - 10 years ago
RDPeast158 I like the way you think but I cannot believe you just called a Van Staal a Cabo!! I believe that is a 250 Van Staal. 
chris1234391 - 11 years ago
im not trying to hate but i dont think that rod can handle a 400 pound  tuna
Kevin Meinhart
Kevin Meinhart - 11 years ago
Hope you had someone come get you. I'd hate to paddle back those 15 miles
Keun Sum
Keun Sum - 11 years ago
Would love to have one of the worlds fastest fish tow me around like that... nice video!!! Ocean was nice and calm.. nice weather
James Triay
James Triay - 11 years ago
Unlucky bro! Cant believe how calm you looked when it broke off!
Henry Segarra
Henry Segarra - 11 years ago
Looks like the fish of a lifetime.  Quite a sleigh ride.  Awesome fish.  Too bad you were woefully unprepared with a little spinner.  If you had used a larger conventional with like 100 lb. test maybe you'd have landed that beast.

20. comment for Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds

MrHimypeeps - 11 years ago
hard to say its 400 when you didn't land the fish
Matt Johnson
Matt Johnson - 11 years ago
Got that line off your neck just in time.
mohamed allam
mohamed allam - 11 years ago
SoRRy For You
fishpwner1 - 11 years ago
WOW dude thats crazy ive had over sized sturgeon drag me around but nothing like that lol cool video!!!
Brien Evans
Brien Evans - 11 years ago
Lol you needed a drag net to slow that guy down haha
Pedro Lopez garcia
Pedro Lopez garcia - 11 years ago
Well, that's another source of locomotion. We had wind, steamer, in-combustion, and now tunafish.
paul hunter
paul hunter - 11 years ago
to bad you couldn't hook another one heading back towards shore
Bo Doh
Bo Doh - 11 years ago
Did you get hurt when the line slapped?
jarek partsch
jarek partsch - 11 years ago
What was the rod and reel set up?
tamiya miya
tamiya miya - 11 years ago

30. comment for Kayak Fishing Bluefin Tuna 400 Pounds

Tom Kennedy
Tom Kennedy - 11 years ago
I think he was doing fine until he got the pole arced over so far it put too much tension on the line. Question is, what was he going to do with if he got it to the boat? If he could kill it, he could lash it aside, but otherwise even if it tires out it's just going to be him and the fish laying there 4 miles offshore. It would have been nice if a big boat could have come along and help him land it. What a ride.
RDPeast158 - 11 years ago
For you to say that everything this fisherman has done wrong is moronic. First, to hook u to a BFT in a kayak is a pretty amazing feat. Second, that is an offshore cabo spinnin rod built to withstand the power of a BFT. Last, he's enjoying the ride. Fish on!
thatfishingguy - 11 years ago
How heavy was your line ?
jungleislandsurvivor - 11 years ago
I also carry fins & a mask, good thinking and congrats on the catch!
Jesse Wright
Jesse Wright - 11 years ago
Way to stick it out. Keep charging Bro and your get the next one!
Bear304inc1 - 11 years ago
Now that's bad ass boy.
thang nguyen
thang nguyen - 11 years ago
everything went wrong with this hook up. first, u never wanna hook a 400lb tuna on a kayak. second, this guy is using a spinning reel. and last, this guy never has control of the tuna at all.
steven Heusser
steven Heusser - 11 years ago
Sorry, But I did not see any Tuna in that video. How can you say it was a 400 lb. Bluefin Tuna, when it snapped you off.
tolpacourt - 11 years ago
Epic. I hope I get such an opportunity someday.
Dante DeFiore
Dante DeFiore - 11 years ago
Well that isnt a hobie. 24km (~15miles) is definetly possible but not exactly a short peddle. my gps says my revo average between 3.5 to 4 mph with turbo fins at a pretty brisk pace (no current or wind). I more realistic pace at that distance would be closer to 3mph
Alisha - 11 years ago
That's not far, around 24km I have done that in my Hobie Revolution 13 kayak without any support.
Grant's World Productions
Grant's World Productions - 12 years ago
So what do you have for a support boat. Noway you went 15 miles without support.
Ci Fang
Ci Fang - 12 years ago
What a waste.
KayakFishingVideos - 12 years ago
Hey Dave, I shared it on Kayak Fishing Videos on Facebook, hope you bring the next one back home ;)
RikkiTikkiTavi - 12 years ago
Damn. Must have been crazy.
Xdog40 - 12 years ago
Cool as it is to hook up from a kayak...4.5 hours is too long to fight a fish, it's basically torture. Would you like to be hooked in your jawbone, terrified, and fighting for your life for 4.5 hours? I personally would not. Think about it...
Eyakfisher - 12 years ago
Nice Fight! Totally the old man and the sea scenario!
Auggie Q
Auggie Q - 12 years ago
Wow, super impressive. I would have like to have seen you land this monster and smash the world record.

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