Kayak Hand-Crafted by WoodManScott at WoodManScott.com or WoodManPro.com

This is a video I made for my father. He made this kayak and I was so impressed that I made the video without him knowing. That's why I say he has extreme perfection, because he does in my eyes. Also, I misspelled words in the video, not him. And the following are words from WoodManScott.com : Each wood strip was hand-planed, along one edge, to match the curve of the hull and deck and then glued to the previous strip on the form, and held in place with only glue block, spring clamps and masking tape, until the glue dried. No nails or staples were used to hold the strips to the form while the glue dried. I used bead and cove construction on my first kayak, which was easier but did give the clean glue lines as this method. The hull and deck were both fiberglassed inside and out and then joined together and that seam was also fiberglassed. The kayak is a dream to paddle and was a fun project.

Kayak Hand-Crafted by WoodManScott at WoodManScott.com or WoodManPro.com sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Kayak 13 years ago 58,868 views

This is a video I made for my father. He made this kayak and I was so impressed that I made the video without him knowing. That's why I say he has extreme perfection, because he does in my eyes. Also, I misspelled words in the video, not him. And the following are words from WoodManScott.com : Each wood strip was hand-planed, along one edge, to match the curve of the hull and deck and then glued to the previous strip on the form, and held in place with only glue block, spring clamps and masking tape, until the glue dried. No nails or staples were used to hold the strips to the form while the glue dried. I used bead and cove construction on my first kayak, which was easier but did give the clean glue lines as this method. The hull and deck were both fiberglassed inside and out and then joined together and that seam was also fiberglassed. The kayak is a dream to paddle and was a fun project.

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Hand-Crafted by WoodManScott at WoodManScott.com or WoodManPro.com

Must love sailing
Must love sailing - 8 years ago
The Hillbilly Piper
The Hillbilly Piper - 8 years ago
I'd be afraid to put such a work of art in the water.
DANILO GEROSA - 8 years ago
...Simply beautiful, simply perfect, simply another job category.

Best regards.
DaBeachBum - 11 years ago
Aloha.  I am the son of WoodManScott and I created the video (and spelling errors), not him.  I was unaware that comments were pending, my bad, that has now been changed to 'no longer review' for comments.  Also, we are launching his new website at WoodManScott.com where you can potentially email him directly should you have any questions.  WoodManScott is currently focusing on some amazing wooden chairs as well as other custom furniture.  Thank you for your patience.  Aloha.

Cmr Solar
Cmr Solar - 11 years ago
This is a gorgeous Kayak. Are you selling the instructions to build one of this? Can you send me the bill of materials? This is awesome. Thank you for sharing this. Ronald
steven lang
steven lang - 11 years ago
Awasome craft - a real work of art - I be afraid to put scratched into it! Can you explain how you joined and then fiberglassed the joint to make it seemless! Thanks Steven
descargaelbano - 11 years ago
Beautiful kayak, even with those big beans
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 11 years ago
how did it work out with the stain?
pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 12 years ago
yes Nick schade stains a whole kayak on you tube then glasses it.

10. comment for Kayak Hand-Crafted by WoodManScott at WoodManScott.com or WoodManPro.com

pen mightygun
pen mightygun - 12 years ago
fiberglass does not like oil stains because it wont stick well to an oiled surface. Water based or alcohol stains work well under epoxy. Cedar being a softwood easily stains with either an oil or water based stain. Most craftsmen of cedar kayaks do not use stain and elect for the natural; beauty of the variation in color found in cedar. other hardwoods used are kept to a minimum to keep the weight down. the reasons cedar is used in the first place.
PREPARED067 - 12 years ago
You said you fiberglassed the inside and outside, how did you know when to fiberglass it so that it had the right moisture content. Also, what brand and how did you go about fiberglassing it? I have also heard that cedar is not easy to stain. Did you use any stain on the project and if you did stain any of the cedar how and what did you use? Your kayak looks absolutely beautiful! I wish I had your skill and knowledge!! Jeff
Graeme w
Graeme w - 13 years ago
@chipper0059 Hi go to blue heron kayaks they have lots of forms for advice, Graeme.
Chip H
Chip H - 13 years ago
Wow...nice craftsmanship. I just started a cedar strip canoe...All my strips are cut, and machined. I'm going to attempt going "staple-less". I don't have any contrasting walnut so I was thinking of staining a few accent strips before applying the fiberglass. Have you ever seen anyone attempt this ?

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