Kayak In Glaciers

Compass Heli Tours in Vancouver lets you kayak in Canada's remote glaciers. Check out Compass Heli Tours here: http://www.compasshelitours.com The INSIDER team believes that life is an adventure! Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: https://thisisinsider.com INSIDER on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thisisinsider/ INSIDER on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisinsider/ INSIDER on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisisinsider

Kayak In Glaciers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Kayak 7 years ago 54,559 views

Compass Heli Tours in Vancouver lets you kayak in Canada's remote glaciers. Check out Compass Heli Tours here: http://www.compasshelitours.com The INSIDER team believes that life is an adventure! Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: https://thisisinsider.com INSIDER on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thisisinsider/ INSIDER on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisinsider/ INSIDER on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisisinsider

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Most popular comments
for Kayak In Glaciers

Juan David Solis
Juan David Solis - 7 years ago
concetto1987 - 7 years ago
what is this song ???
BUZINA - 7 years ago
Julia Bartkus
Julia Bartkus - 7 years ago
If u fall u have ten minuets to get out otnerwise u freeze up ur muscles and stop moving well and eventually die
Pastelpleb - 7 years ago
Any Canadians here?
SenseMatta - 7 years ago
Honestly that looks very beautiful I would honestly love to go their even though I'm not a fan of being cold
Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle - 7 years ago
Gotta love her beauty. Proud to be Canadian!
Cidney Owen
Cidney Owen - 7 years ago
Well that's dangerous. You could fall in.
ya boi
ya boi - 7 years ago
I would rather swim #wimhoff

10. comment for Kayak In Glaciers

Lyssa_JK - 7 years ago
Look at the color of the water!!
DijonMstard - 7 years ago
At 0:53, you can see the illuminate at the front of the kayak
JAtanacio Draws!
JAtanacio Draws! - 7 years ago
When the glacier pops up while your in front of it:
AlpenmeisjeVDB 700
AlpenmeisjeVDB 700 - 7 years ago
I need that on my bucketlist
加藤みずっち - 7 years ago
wow its so fluffy, fluffy foamy omelet
Grace Layman
Grace Layman - 7 years ago
That's some anime water shit.
K Sis
K Sis - 7 years ago
See I would do this but I live in FL so I can't even stand it when it's 40 degrees I'll pass ❄️❄️
Mehmuda Multani
Mehmuda Multani - 7 years ago
They are not wear any warm jacket freeze for sure
vic doma
vic doma - 7 years ago
Gurleen Sanghera
Gurleen Sanghera - 7 years ago
Yeah take people to a vulnerable place and then wait till it gets polluted...

20. comment for Kayak In Glaciers

SC St6ty
SC St6ty - 7 years ago
We can do that in sweden aswell but it isnt in a glacier its on a thawing fjord
Daphne Tong
Daphne Tong - 7 years ago
1 like = 1 jacket for one of the guys. ._.
にゃxDramaLlama_ - 7 years ago
Nope. I could never do this.
But I am good at watching people do it from behind a screen in my nice warm house huddled up with my cat and a bunch of food!
The Jay and Tay Channel!
The Jay and Tay Channel! - 7 years ago
I guess they ran out of unicorn food lush oreo pool restaurants in NYC!
Seethecrap 2.0
Seethecrap 2.0 - 7 years ago
that look so satisfy
just a parrot
just a parrot - 7 years ago
That water is cleaner than me
Lilith Shrimski
Lilith Shrimski - 7 years ago
I'd be the ass that falls in
Yacine - 7 years ago
Mary Desire.
Mary Desire. - 7 years ago
It's all fun and games till one of the glaciers breaks.
EverythingSamsungPro - 7 years ago
the water so BEAUTIFUL

30. comment for Kayak In Glaciers

Naki Draws
Naki Draws - 7 years ago
The water looks like slime
Kausar shaikh
Kausar shaikh - 7 years ago
I see canada. I think of Justin bieber. As simple as that❤.
Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget - 7 years ago
Sugar Nekø
Sugar Nekø - 7 years ago
What if u fall off?
Tom McHenry
Tom McHenry - 7 years ago
what is this song lol
Sakura Blossom
Sakura Blossom - 7 years ago
I am definitely going there when i get older
Rohit Balaji
Rohit Balaji - 7 years ago
The water is so pure!
nickg123 - 7 years ago
this a nice ass beat
Caroline Anne
Caroline Anne - 7 years ago
this costs $5,000 for 4 people...nvm
Luna Safire
Luna Safire - 7 years ago
God the water is so blue, I would love to do that
Tybreelo - 7 years ago
What do I do if an avalanche happens
David Lascelles
David Lascelles - 7 years ago
Surf the wave :P
Wow Lizzy
Wow Lizzy - 7 years ago
swervon1 - 7 years ago
Tybreelo I was thinking the same thing
Xoxogurl 27
Xoxogurl 27 - 7 years ago
Tybreelo well, bye bye people
YoBroShow Gaming
YoBroShow Gaming - 7 years ago
They ran out of magic rainbow unicorn places in NYC
YoBroShow Gaming
YoBroShow Gaming - 7 years ago
Early af
Nikkii PJM
Nikkii PJM - 7 years ago
It looks so beautiful
Veera Sharma
Veera Sharma - 7 years ago
Or not I was just kidding
dope tomboy
dope tomboy - 7 years ago
TheMovieMyLife why do u keep following me
Tom N.
Tom N. - 7 years ago
They must be sweating from from kayaking a lot so they wear non-long sleeves shirt while they do kayak and if you are Canadian they must be habituated
ashlixpanda - 7 years ago
i'm a Canadian, i'm used to it af, hahah. Sometimes i get cold but you'd get used to it
Bobbina - 7 years ago
After living in Canada for a while you get used to it (my friend legit goes out it -10 degrees Celsius in a sleeveless top)
Compass Heli Tours
Compass Heli Tours - 7 years ago
Just to clarify, this video was shot in June and it was around 25C/ 77F. The mountains receive tons of snow every winter so it doesn't usually melt until August, despite hot summer temperatures.

50. comment for Kayak In Glaciers

Ariel C
Ariel C - 7 years ago
TheMovieMyLife Well, there's water, so it's above freezing point. And these people are most likely Canadians like me, so they're probably used to cold temperatures.
John Vu
John Vu - 7 years ago
My 286464747375463728299827363 time seeing you on YouTube
Park ChimMin
Park ChimMin - 7 years ago
Laylanie Lucas True, but that causes you to lose body heat much faster.
MARCY KING - 7 years ago
true, but if there anything like me they love being col
Laylanie Lucas
Laylanie Lucas - 7 years ago
Yeah but when your moving around like that your body heat rises and you'll get all sweaty and you most likely won't feel the cold
Rachel May
Rachel May - 7 years ago
I wouldn't dare expose my neck, let alone my arms in those conditions.
Rachel May
Rachel May - 7 years ago
Cactus Puppet
Cactus Puppet - 7 years ago
Its all fun and games until someone fall in the water or snow fall on your boat
Sgt Spinz
Sgt Spinz - 7 years ago
Im early let me think of a joke

Everyones chance to do these things
Sgt Spinz
Sgt Spinz - 7 years ago
Omg 40 likes
Princess Panda
Princess Panda - 7 years ago
Ismael Aviles
Ikr we all have no life
Yacob - 7 years ago
Donovan W ive already considered that as an option, so jokes on u
Donovan W
Donovan W - 7 years ago
Yacob you should tho
Yacob - 7 years ago
Ismael Aviles kys
Veera Sharma
Veera Sharma - 7 years ago
I was the first one to like the video
Veera Sharma
Veera Sharma - 7 years ago
I love your all video 's. If you Gus agree click the thumbs up icon. Not just for likes to promote insider
Blackclaw 360
Blackclaw 360 - 7 years ago
A e s t h e t i c
Princess Panda
Princess Panda - 7 years ago
Blackclaw 360
I love aesthetic
Adam Brindley
Adam Brindley - 7 years ago
im cool
Wengie - 7 years ago
Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson - 7 years ago
What. It's so early. What wow.
Galactic Fantasies
Galactic Fantasies - 7 years ago
No views

Go home youtube
Random Person
Random Person - 7 years ago
Someone could have just commented twice
PawzGamez - 7 years ago
Has it's actually a cool vid and not a dumbass pizza pocket
Julia Bartkus
Julia Bartkus - 7 years ago
PawzGamez ikr
Kayla Garcia
Kayla Garcia - 7 years ago
Cinderwish - 7 years ago
PawzGamez My thoughts
Destroy4D - 7 years ago
Wow never been this early
Uzagami - 7 years ago
:o first o:
Soniaprincess33 Sonia123
Soniaprincess33 Sonia123 - 7 years ago
Hi i am first
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Soniaprincess33 Sonia123 off by a longshot
Catii ar
Catii ar - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Epic Warriors fan 108 off by a longshot
私は大丈夫 単独で
私は大丈夫 単独で - 7 years ago
Epic Warriors fan 108 not really
the anorexic artist
the anorexic artist - 7 years ago
Guess who is wearing 5 jackets even to tink of it
Mochi Ice cream
Mochi Ice cream - 7 years ago
First comment, like and view
Mochi Ice cream
Mochi Ice cream - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS aw poop
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Mochi Ice cream your like the tenth comment sorry
Kayoki - 7 years ago
私は大丈夫 単独で
私は大丈夫 単独で - 7 years ago
Wow! If I could go there!! Look at the water!! So beatiful
Noco Pizza
Noco Pizza - 7 years ago
Lea’s Life
Lea’s Life - 7 years ago
Wow more likes then views
Jeanette Winkleson
Jeanette Winkleson - 7 years ago
Miss Leygerz
Miss Leygerz - 7 years ago
No views 1 like wtf..?!?
UL Frisk
UL Frisk - 7 years ago
ionie ham
ionie ham - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
ionie ham fourth, soz
Siani Thomas
Siani Thomas - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Siani Thomas third actually, sorry sir
Hanzo - 7 years ago
Sup niggas im first
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
waffles your second lol
Kayoki - 7 years ago
U is second my nigga
Hanzo - 7 years ago
Nico Fleur. Hero come that boi
私は大丈夫 単独で
私は大丈夫 単独で - 7 years ago
waffles stfu
MLG Mustafa12
MLG Mustafa12 - 7 years ago
MLG Mustafa12
MLG Mustafa12 - 7 years ago
If you subscribe to me I subscribe to you!
MLG Mustafa12
MLG Mustafa12 - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS :D
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Mlg Mustafa Saber ok :D
MLG Mustafa12
MLG Mustafa12 - 7 years ago
Billy // BMIS thx
Billy // BMIS
Billy // BMIS - 7 years ago
Mlg Mustafa Saber congrats sir, you are first comment

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