Kayak Meets a Huge Basking Shark
Kayak 13 years ago 214,926 views
A Kayaker meets a Basking Shark Panama City Beach Florida. Keep in mind that the Kayak is a 14 footer. That's one huge shark If you didn't know that those are only plankton eating sharks, you'd probably crap your pants. Even if you knew, you'd still do it.
Would have the same reaction to whales and Orcas.
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"Yeah a whale can't hurt a human. Idiot"
First off, whale shark, not whale. That aside, saying an animal as big as a bus and weighing up to 20 tons can't harm a human is the idiotic thing. There will always be the chance of such a huge animal accidentally smacking some moron diver with a tail, brushing up against a boat out of curiosity and turning it over, who knows. These are wild animals and there will always be some measure of unpredictability associated with them.
Believing they will always be docile, will continue swimming a certain path, whatever, and thinking you are perfectly safe is the moronic thing to do. It's one of the reasons you should stay away from whales (yes, actual whales this time). They may be "gentle giants", but every great once in a while something goes wrong.
I really hope you meant plankton.