Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft

In this video Josh and Brad take their kayaks down the river and into the woods. Just a quick one night camping trip, but loads of fun! Bushcraft is the art of using materials found in the wild to survive and thrive. It's a craft that encompasses making fires, shelters, and tools out of the raw ingredients nature has to offer, and here in the American Wilderness, we'll do all we can to help you master this ancient set of skills. Bushcraft playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCW-W0c0NXwKrz9piaQCvhizaNStQn4Xj Subscribe to us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=AmericanWilderness Shop at Timberlee Tool & Trade http://timberleeusa.com/ Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/AmericanWilds Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AmericanWilderness

Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Kayak 8 years ago 31,172 views

In this video Josh and Brad take their kayaks down the river and into the woods. Just a quick one night camping trip, but loads of fun! Bushcraft is the art of using materials found in the wild to survive and thrive. It's a craft that encompasses making fires, shelters, and tools out of the raw ingredients nature has to offer, and here in the American Wilderness, we'll do all we can to help you master this ancient set of skills. Bushcraft playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCW-W0c0NXwKrz9piaQCvhizaNStQn4Xj Subscribe to us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=AmericanWilderness Shop at Timberlee Tool & Trade http://timberleeusa.com/ Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/AmericanWilds Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AmericanWilderness

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft

C4RSON S - 7 years ago
You have big fucking eyebrows......nasty
rob catalunya
rob catalunya - 7 years ago
can only get better my friend looks like you had a good time better than watching tv all day....regards from spain...
Billder Inbaja
Billder Inbaja - 7 years ago
A short adventure is still an adventure... looks like you enjoyed yourselves... good on ya.
801 Outdoors
801 Outdoors - 7 years ago
Awesome trip
Bustin Feelsgood
Bustin Feelsgood - 7 years ago
I remember my first kayak, was a cheap walmart one similar to yours. I had that thing stuffed full and I balanced on top until we got around the bend from the boat ramp. Haha good times
eXplorer - 7 years ago
Cool vid! I like watching earth, explore and slow down...
Knowlton Haaland
Knowlton Haaland - 7 years ago
Good video dude! That is for taking us on your journey I'm starting to get excited about having one of my own. I want to get a kayak that I can peddle and has a lot of storage for camping
Matt Decker
Matt Decker - 7 years ago
You're on the new season of Alone!!
Julius Toltesi
Julius Toltesi - 7 years ago
Plasma I came across this video and was wondering were I seen him before. Lol thanks it was bugging me haha
BMW S1000
BMW S1000 - 7 years ago
what a great video. thanks so much.

10. comment for Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft

Mick Forquer
Mick Forquer - 7 years ago
What brand and length of boats were you using?  Thanks.
Carl Nelson
Carl Nelson - 7 years ago
Love your video! What kind of camera do you use for your commentary/narration shots?
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 7 years ago
Carl Nelson Thanks Carl! We mainly use the Canon 70d, but there are also GoPro shots in this video.
Dave Elias
Dave Elias - 7 years ago
Thanks for the Share, Keep Exploring
Kirk b
Kirk b - 8 years ago
enjoyed your video well made. i can really see a couple of fellows that will be sucessful in life.
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching! Appreciate the comment!
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Awesome video.We provide the water shoes which can help you enjoy this activity.You can contact us if you are interested in.
Austin Bonecutter
Austin Bonecutter - 8 years ago
hey what river are you on?
Brett Hall Adventure
Brett Hall Adventure - 8 years ago
Your hat looks awesome man! what hat is it?
CraftShop - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm wearing a Filson Packer Hat. Josh has on an Outdoor Research wide brim.
Rick Rabies
Rick Rabies - 8 years ago
skip to 5:00 for the non talking part...
UnexpectedInquisition - 8 years ago
Did you guys boil the water?
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Yes, we always make sure to boil our water.
styx ga
styx ga - 8 years ago
That damn frog was too small anyway

20. comment for Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft

Pull The Pin Outdoors
Pull The Pin Outdoors - 8 years ago
So you only kayak 1 mile before you camp then get up and kayak another Mile?
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Yep, was just a quick impromptu overnight.
Magnus Persson
Magnus Persson - 8 years ago
Really enjoyed watching this video! Just one thing, be careful when "wedged"-in with your packing. If you fall over so you slip out easily. Thanks for sharing!
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Totally! We were pretty weary of that, tried our best to keep our gear in a way that it could fall out if need be. Thanks for watching!
MTwoodsrunner - 8 years ago
improvise and overcome...well done guys!...nice hat..."might as well have the best"...taker easy but taker...woods
so steve
so steve - 8 years ago
awesome overnighter
Ohsem Kayak
Ohsem Kayak - 8 years ago
"the frog escape'" huh?. Yeah right.. hehe
Ray S.
Ray S. - 8 years ago
Really enjoyed the vid---------------background music is beautiful
Brian Spencer
Brian Spencer - 8 years ago
Hey Guys : Well done. Brian 76
Emanuel B
Emanuel B - 8 years ago
Are you guys in Michigan?
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Nope, we do most of our camping there, but this was in Wisconsin.
Life In The Taiga
Life In The Taiga - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Looks like you had a blast, wish we had more rivers here...
Life In The Taiga
Life In The Taiga - 8 years ago
+American Wilderness That's great!
American Wilderness
American Wilderness - 8 years ago
Thanks man! We have 1 good river near us haha
Cedric & Ada Gear and Outdoors
Cedric & Ada Gear and Outdoors - 8 years ago
Delightful video, dudes! Nice kayaking country you've got there. Thats one well packed kayak, too haha

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About Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft

The "Kayak Overnight - Bushcraft" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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