Kayak Sailing / Bic Kayak Sail on Wilderness Tarpon 140 ; part 1
Kayak 11 years ago 101,626 views
Watch in HD for clearer video click the link for part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq1IqrSrFlc&feature=youtu.be We each have a Bic Kayak Sail and use it on Wilderness Tarpon 140. This day the wind was light to moderate we cruised along at paddling speed sometimes slightly faster when the wind picked up. These sails are super easy to use and great fun. I would recommend them for anyone wanting some fun on the water.
This kayak sail design can only propel you away from the wind.
Use it to make this
Does this sailing system
work to all directiosn winds and for all directions cannoeing or only one way?
And how it cost?
Even if you rigged the sail to propel you at right angles to the wind (a beam reach) a kayak would just slide sideways because it doesn't have a deep keel or centre board. Between the sail above the water pushing you sideways and a centre board, below the water, resisting that motion, your boat gets squeezed out, like squeezing a watermelon seed between your finger and thumb. You can't squeeze that seed out without your thumb to counter the force of your finger.
As for price, you could probably make one with some fiberglass tent poles and ripstop nylon, so the price of a cheap tent, lol