Kayak Self Rescue: Re Enter and Roll
Kayak 9 years ago 121,149 views
One of the best ways to perform a self-rescue in a kayak is to use the re-enter and roll. You can use a paddle float or if you have a great roll you can simply re-enter your kayak and roll back up. This video series is sponsored by Jackson Kayak.
PS no helmet?
Second. I've thought about airbags and will most likely purchase them, but I don't see how much they would help when getting back into the kayak. I thought they were mainly to keep it from sinking. I'm a hefty 220lbs and don't expect to slip below 200 lbs due to my height and frame. Would have gotten a 12ft but I can't fit in in my vehicle or tow it. Will probably get a larger kayak when I get a RAV4 next year.
Third, I don't expect to kayak with a group much. This is a bi-weekly exercise for me, but I've been staying close to shore until I get more comfortable and skilled with re-entry.
I appreciate the advice.
Firstly if your paddling alone, don't if you have the option because it can be very dangerous
Secondly to help a boat without bulkheads I'd recommend buying some airbags
Thirdly it may be more efficient to learn how to rescuer a boat when with a group or to get a solid roll which will keep you from needing to get out of your boat anyway
Hopefully this helps
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