5,238 likes 1,920,054 views 11 years ago
http://www.aquariumbros.com/my-aquarium/ If you want to know what goes into a tank like this, click here!:...
1,727 likes 862,125 views 11 years ago
Update here: http://www.acquariofilia.biz/showthread.php?t=417969...
4,937 likes 798,435 views 6 years ago
hallo gesss untuk link pembeliannya klik link di bawah Speaker bluetooth 99 ribu setara mifa...
1,536 likes 601,103 views 17 years ago
My Planted Betta Tank Setup and Betta Fish Buddha and Betta...Peace and War collide. Shout out to the crazy nice...
9,330 likes 582,233 views 7 years ago
BUILD YOUR OWN AVATAR TANK▼ Invertebrates ► http://bit.ly/aquaticarts Use Code: "DIYAP20" For 20% OFF!...
4,937 likes 798,435 views 6 years ago
hallo gesss untuk link pembeliannya klik link di bawah Speaker bluetooth 99 ribu setara mifa...
580 likes 228,303 views 8 years ago
Bowfishing is a great way to hone your archery skills in the off-season, while helping control non-native and...
404 likes 155,056 views 10 years ago
Just a short video showing my new fishing canoe rig. Also my cat, his name is Newton, he is a pest. Pictures of my...
1,234 likes 122,281 views 6 years ago
Check out these 34 fishing kayak setup ideas that show many fishing kayak accessories as well as the fishing kayak...
649 likes 94,405 views 8 years ago
Video of how I have my kayak setup for fishing. Shoutout to Charlie (Fishing with charlie on youtube) for the idea...
44 likes 68,568 views 10 years ago
Setup video for the AE1012-R AdvancedFrame kayak by Advanced Elements Inc.
The "Kayak Setup 2014" video is part of the kayaking category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Great job!
10. comment for Kayak Setup 2014
20. comment for Kayak Setup 2014
30. comment for Kayak Setup 2014
50. comment for Kayak Setup 2014
Btw, I find it interesting that although you seem to be on some pretty good sized rivers and lakes you (almost) never seem to have to share it with other boats/fisherman. Is the fishing really that remote or are you just leaving the competition on the cutting room floor?
Question. I've been fishing most of my life but really got into the sport in depth over the last 5 years. I have primarily fished from shore in freshwater, and have done it from the standing position. I also have went out on my friends boat a few times, where i preferred standing in the boat fishing rather than sitting in one of the seats.
I am now in the market for a Kayak, and am debating spending the extra money to get a sit-on-top as opposed to a sit-in kayak. Is fishing from the sitting position putting you at a disadvantage? I really think I want to be able to stand in my kayak.
I fish for smallmouth on a lot of rivers and reservoirs where the water is either too fast to stand or to murky to really see much. When I'm after largemouth I do a lot of jig fishing along deep weed lines and throwing frogs through scum or lily pads so there's not much of an advantage to stand up there either. Maybe the only time I'd really like a good stable kayak for standing on is for fishing largemouth during the spawn but that's only a couple weeks out of the season. The rest of the year I prefer speed and the ability to slice through river current easier than a wider more stable hull so I'd definitely factor in what kind of fishing you do and the type of waters you'll be fishing. I would recommend a sit on top if you'll be mostly using it for fishing.
Thanks for posting your cool videos. Take care.
Do u thinc i can use samething like this (the cable is longer on this then the one u send me link to) ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1M-power-cable-DC-Converter-Buck-Module-12V-8-22V-to-5V-3A-15W-usb-output-adapt-/181170575473?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a2e9b9871
can u help me out with the copper pins also ?cant seems to find them...
I really do like your setup and i would like to something similar.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to add a LTB rod now. I don't have a kayak personally, but I do have an excellent old town osprey canoe that lets me get away with a longer rod.
I've also been looking at the 6' 8" mxf, seems like a good choice. It's either that one or the 6' 10" MF.
Lately I've been thinking about going for a ML option for light grubs and weightless plastics. So many option! Can't decide!
100. comment for Kayak Setup 2014
I'm thinking of adding a LTB to my arsenal and would love your opinion on them. I'm leaning towards a lighter power since I've got a couple Avids in the M and MH range. I need something for light stuff (grubs, senkos, poppers).
Keep the videos coming and good luck in 2015!
Un saludo.