Kayak Setup 2014

New setup video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFiExSCntg0&lc=z13ouxjptyjbuxvgo04cgxe4bynhzh3pdrc0k A look at how I've rigged my Tarpon 120 kayak.

Kayak Setup 2014 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Kayak 10 years ago 215,881 views

New setup video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFiExSCntg0&lc=z13ouxjptyjbuxvgo04cgxe4bynhzh3pdrc0k A look at how I've rigged my Tarpon 120 kayak.

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Setup 2014

BaJampants - 6 years ago
gluing Legos as a method of removable attachment is some next level genius DIY
Pamela Girlfish
Pamela Girlfish - 6 years ago
Awesome setup
PdBreezy - 7 years ago
Hey how do you configure the voice from your recorders to the video of the GoPro... like how do you match them together
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
The audio swap is the last step in my editing process. Once I'm done with the video editing I'll export a copy with the native GoPro audio, then I'll rip a copy of the audio from that video. Then I take that audio file and put it in a multi track editor in Adobe Audition where I can line up and trim the Zoom H1 audio files to make the replacement sound track.
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 7 years ago
Wicked setup man love the video setup just curious if those are poles from boat lights
JoRouss - 7 years ago
Why is there so much distortion in the video?
JoRouss - 7 years ago
Thanks for the answer, very nice videos! I spent the evening looking at your vids, gonna have to continue tomorrow or I'll have trouble waking up for work tomorrow morning!

Great job!
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
I ran a shake reduction in editing, got rid of the camera shake but it gave it a little bit of the jello effect.
Ricardo Lopez
Ricardo Lopez - 7 years ago
Will there be any link from pvc to gopro or where can i get it?
Rendezvous - 7 years ago
Really nice setup! You also know much more than most, I would appreciate you evaluation of my set up... I was just hooking up my cameras with power, 12V 9A battery to two USB ports and the fishfinder. I have a 3A in-line fuse, required for the fishfinder, will this be OK with the USB ports too? How long do you think it will keep everything powered? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Rendezvous - 7 years ago
Awesome, save me a lot of back tracking... Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks again!
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
On second thought the one 3A fuse would probably be fine for everything. I forgot to figure in the 12-5 volt conversion in figuring out how many amps your USBs will draw, even pulling 2A from each that's only a total of 1.66A at 12v. I doubt your fish finder uses more than an amp so you'll probably never pull over 3A between everything. You should easily get four hours of run time with a 9ah battery.
Rendezvous - 7 years ago
I was planning on running two USB ports for cameras and the fishfinder at the same time. In generally I'm out on the water 4 hours or so. I was hoping this would work? I'll try the separate 3-5A fuse for the USB, probably 3A to keep everything the same? Thanks for the response and sharing your knowledge on this matter. Again great setup !
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
Hey thanks! The 3A fuse might be enough for everything but it all depends on what you're running off those USB's. The fish finder should pull less than an amp and most USB accessories are 1 or 2A so if you're just occasionally charging a phone or some GoPro batteries you'll be fine. If you plan on frequently using both USB ports at the same time plus the fish finder I'd go with the 3A fuse for the fish finder and a separate 3-5A fuse for the USBs. I have a 12v 9ah battery running my fish finder and the front camera rig. The fish finder pulls about 425mA and the power converter for my GoPro is rated at 3A but it's not pulling anything near that to keep the batteries charged. I'd say it's probably pulling about half an amp. With ideal weather conditions I get 8-10 hours of run time from that 9ah battery.
John Bryson
John Bryson - 7 years ago
So, can you access all this stuff while on the water? Just curious as I'm just getting started in kayak fishing.
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
The only thing I have to hop out on dry land for is to swap the battery inside the front hatch. Everything else I can reach while on the water.
SJGOutdoors - 7 years ago
you just earned yourself a new subscriber! I am trying to get into filming my fishing and things and this setup is wicked!!! Hopefully, I can figure something out for a similar setup!
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
No problem! It took me well over a month to build both the camera rigs last time. A lot of that time was spent just brainstorming how to tackle the next step in the building process. I used lots of double sided carpet tape to temporarily hold plastic pieces together while drilling holes for screws and for making duplicate parts. HDPE is easy to work with but doesn't bond with glue well so pretty much everything has to be screwed together. One thing that would make the rig a lot easier to build would be instead of having the electrical connector pins internally like I do, keep the power supply in the milk crate but have a cord from it long enough to wrap around the pole and up to the camera once it's in place. Honestly if I ever ran mine into a tree and had to rebuild that's probably how I'd do it.
SJGOutdoors - 7 years ago
NDYakAngler thanks for the tips! I'll be sure to give you all the credit.... assuming I can figure it out haha
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
I have a drill, dremel, jig saw, and a cheap drill press I use to make everything. Most of the parts with a flat edge I'll cut and dremel sand them as good as I can get, then I lay an old 9ah fish finder battery on a piece of sandpaper and hold the plastic piece against it while sanding to get a nice 90 degree edge. For all the round parts I'd cut them as close as I could get then drill a hole in the middle, screw a machine screw into it, then pop it into my drill press and use it like a lathe with a sharpened nail or a small file to remove material. I used King Starboard for a lot of the parts. It's a marine grade version of HDPE plastic although regular HDPE (cutting board plastic) also works fine. I used some pvc fittings for the project too but even those had to be modified in one way or another.
SJGOutdoors - 7 years ago
NDYakAngler how do you machine these parts you make? are they special tools you own? I did see that video also, that setup looks even more professional!
NDYakAngler - 7 years ago
Thanks! I've been extremely happy with how the camera rigs worked out. I actually rebuilt them a couple years ago when I got my camo kayak and used a carbon fiber pole and all black ABS and HDPE plastic to make the parts. They function exactly the same but they look a lot nicer and only weigh about half as much as the ones shown here.

10. comment for Kayak Setup 2014

Damir Yarullin
Damir Yarullin - 8 years ago
if you using such a set up then use DSLR atleast for better quality. gopro is not the best or if you use gopro just change batteries I guess :)
Techfif tythree
Techfif tythree - 8 years ago
Damir Yarullin
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Damir! I think a lot of the poor quality GoPro footage out there is more due to the editing software used. I tried exporting a test video in several formats before finding one that didn't seem to degrade it much. I might have to upgrade to the Hero5 for the hatcam though, the shake reduction would be a big improvement.
Damir Yarullin
Damir Yarullin - 8 years ago
you right! I watched some of your videos. for what you do its a good set up. I could not even think of better for what you do. I am professional film maker here at orlando and I approve your set up! really cool man! respect!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
No time to change batteries when the fish are biting! I'd like a DSLR for photography and one would have worked great to film this video but I like the Gopros for shooting video in the kayak. They're not the greatest video quality but they do a pretty good job. I'm sure DSLRs are getting smaller but I like the small size, light weight, and water resistance the Gopro offers along with the wide field of view without having to add a wide lens.
Damir Yarullin
Damir Yarullin - 8 years ago
wow lol crazy stuff with zoom h1 )) I film weddings with zoom h1 :)
Josue Ponce
Josue Ponce - 8 years ago
Dude your inventions are amazing
Сергей Хорзеев
Сергей Хорзеев - 8 years ago
Классный каяк :-) !
James Ireland
James Ireland - 8 years ago
cool set up
stayflyfishingTV - 8 years ago
how did you hook up your cameras to operate that way?
stayflyfishingTV - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler hey thanks man. I got a cheap action cam right now. working on getting GoPro's still just broke. haha. but yeah. I was just wondering for future references. thank you for replying. love your channel man. good stuff.
stayflyfishingTV - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler hey thanks man. I got a cheap action cam right now. working on getting GoPro's still just broke. haha. but yeah. I was just wondering for future references. thank you for replying. love your channel man. good stuff.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
It's basically the same as always having them hooked up and charging through a usb cord. I used a 12-5v converter to send 5v up to the camera. A car usb charger would be the simplest way to do something like this, just hook it up to your 12v battery and run the usb- mini usb cord from the charger to the gopro. A lithium power pack is another great option, especially if you don't already have a 12v battery on board powering something else. Most of the power packs have a 5v usb port built in so all you'd have to do is run the cord to the Gopro. They're a lot lighter than lugging around a heavy 12v battery too.
Ryan Pollock
Ryan Pollock - 8 years ago
Brilliant, and great engineering!  Thanks for posting.
Jay Oliver
Jay Oliver - 8 years ago
Sweet set up
Rob Fern
Rob Fern - 8 years ago
Great setup!
Larry Lebid
Larry Lebid - 8 years ago
Is that a tarpon 120? I've been looking at those. Also the 140 but can't determine which length to look into. Any recommendations?
Larry Lebid
Larry Lebid - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler thanks. I think I'll look at the 120 too. Storage is one of my main concerns too.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Yes it is! I like the 120, the shorter length is easier to maneuver on the river and it's easier to transport and store. The 140 would be a good choice if you need the extra weight capacity or plan on paddling long distances.

20. comment for Kayak Setup 2014

Luke - 8 years ago
What is your opinion on live bait wells? Are they worth it?
Luke - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler Appreciate your time and opinion. Happy Fishing!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I notice a lot of saltwater guys have some kind of bait well rigged up, probably the best option for that kind of fishing. I take out a couple dozen crappie minnows if anything so it would be a little overkill for me lol.
Luke - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler Thanks! I normally kayak fish in the ocean, so the baitfish i catch are pretty big.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I mostly fish with lures, the few times I've brought live bait with I just used a regular minnow bucket and set it behind my crate while paddling any long distances. I could see a bait well being worth having if you use live bait often, use big bait fish, or live in a hotter part of the country where setting a minnow bucket in the sun for more than a few minutes isn't an option.
Matthew Morgan
Matthew Morgan - 8 years ago
Can you make a video on how to make the mounts
slevin slevin
slevin slevin - 8 years ago
one of the best videos on kayak rig info. subscribed ........can you please make a video on how to make that gopro battery system im so tired of switching battery on my gopro at 4k
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! All I'm really doing is feeding the Gopro 5 volts, same as having it constantly hooked up to a charger. The easiest way to do something like this would be find a car usb charger and hook it up to any 12v battery. Then all you need to do is run a usb-mini usb cord from that to the gopro and you have power all day, or at least until the 12v runs out. Of course you'll have to put a hole through your gopro case to run the plug through if you want any kind of protection for the camera. Mine is definitely not waterproof but its splash proof which is good enough for me as long as I don't flip the kayak. I'd look for at least a 2amp charger too if you do this. My converter is 3amp, more than I need but the Gopro only draws what it uses. I'm not sure if a 1amp charger, probably the most common you'd find, would be enough power to keep the battery charged if you're constantly recording.
Allen Culbreath
Allen Culbreath - 8 years ago
Would love a detailed tutorials on how to build that go pro mount and battery system.
Tim Denison
Tim Denison - 8 years ago
Probably one of the cleanest, well edited videos I've seen on YouTube. Nice work and thank you! I just bought a Feel Free 11.5 Lure Kayak and I need to start dressing it up.
vsonic86 - 8 years ago
is this cost $10,000 at least?
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I'd say about half that and that includes the rods, reels, tackle, gopros, and everything else you see here.
vsonic86 - 8 years ago
how heavy is this thing?
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
The kayak itself is 63lbs and I'd estimate another 25lbs for all the gear I bring with.
Veronica Stewart
Veronica Stewart - 8 years ago
Great video ! Wish you could do a how to video on the camera hook up with the battery ! Again great video thanks !!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Veronica! I might do a basic how to power a gopro video at some point, really all you need to make it work is a car usb charger, Gopro cord, and a 12v battery.
Robert Fox
Robert Fox - 8 years ago
Your camera mounts are so well done! Inspiring. I've enjoyed watching everyone's kayak videos so much that I'm going to start making my own.
Tyler Dunbar
Tyler Dunbar - 8 years ago
That is a GREAT setup!
stokley - 7 years ago
Any particular reason you went from one Tarpon 120 to another Tarpon 120? I'm eyeing the Tarpon line for my first kayak and leaning towards the 100 because of space, money, and ease of transport. The 120 is probably more future proof, but I'd to spend some money rigging it up. This setup is ridiculous though - I watched your video on the newer one also. The new green color is excellent.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Tyler! This setup worked great! When I picked up another Tarpon last year it got rigged up almost exactly the same as this one.

30. comment for Kayak Setup 2014

Hugo Castro
Hugo Castro - 8 years ago
great setup! thanks for sharing :-)
scott yang
scott yang - 8 years ago
damn, best fuckn DIY type video I have ever seen. Did you make a video on how you rigged your gopro.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Scott! I took about a month spending a few hours a day to make the camera rigs so I didn't film any of the building process. I'm sure eventually I'll have to tear it apart for repairs, when that happens I'll make sure to get the camera out and show how everything is put together.
XvXSHARK - 8 years ago
i like mine alot and do u think about making the camera mount
Siliang Yin
Siliang Yin - 8 years ago
kayak fishing engineer!
Roberto Juarez
Roberto Juarez - 8 years ago
Is the seat comfortable?
Roberto Juarez
Roberto Juarez - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler thanks!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
The seat is great, I can sit in it all day and be comfortable.
North Star Fishing
North Star Fishing - 8 years ago
Great video! Just a few questions for you. How much would you estimate you have invested in this kayak? Also what would you recommend for a first fishing kayak?
North Star Fishing
North Star Fishing - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler Thank you very much! I find your channel very informational and enjoy watching your videos
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I'll usually fish the Sheyenne around Valley City. I heard of some smallies being caught here in Fargo last year so I might have to try it a little closer to home this summer. Once fishing season opens in MN I'll spend more time there but a lot of my favorite lakes are about an hour east of here. I mostly fish for bass though, there's some good fishing for other species here around town. The Red has some good catfishing and some big pike. This time of year and also in the fall the walleye fishing can be great too.
North Star Fishing
North Star Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks! I will look into that kayak. I go to NDSU and am thinking about starting a channel myself. I have another question for you. I live around Valley City so usually fish Lake Ashtabula or make my way up to Devil's. What are some good places near Fargo or preferably in Fargo? I see you fish the Cheyenne alot but I didn't know if that was in Fargo or towards Valley. Thanks again! Your fan Colton
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! The kayak, fish finder, rod holders, and building supplies for the camera rigs and everything else I made was around 1,500. I've invested a lot more into the fishing gear, gopros, and the carbon fiber paddle so everything here was probably closer to 4,000. It's been well worth it for how much use I get out of the kayak. The Pelican Catch 120 would be a good beginner kayak, it has a frame seat and its wide enough to stand on. I saw one at Fleet Farm here in Fargo for 750 but I think it sold. It looked pretty nice though, I thought about buying it myself. The Tarpon 120 is also a great kayak. They aren't very good for standing on but I like mine for paddling against river current and covering a lot of area on lakes.
Tankaray22 - 8 years ago
That was one of the most unique and genius video setups I've ever seen on a kayak!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! These camera rigs worked great and even my new kayak has a rebuilt version of them using carbon fiber tubes and all black plastic and hardware. They look awesome on my camo Tarpon!
Daryl Crum
Daryl Crum - 8 years ago
Do you offer a tutorial on the pole and power design for the gopro cameras? neat setup..Daryl
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks Daryl! I don't have a tutorial for the camera rig. Most of the parts I had to make out of sheets of HDPE and ABS plastic so it was a time consuming project. My newer kayak setup video shows the second version of that camera rig with a little more information and a couple still shots of the receiving end inside the pvc tube. That video is here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFiExSCntg0&lc=z12mdnt4tvvtvdeb204ccvlirvusix54cm00k
scoot man
scoot man - 8 years ago
Can o use the crate idea for my kayak
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Absolutely! A milk crate will fit in the tank well of most kayaks so as long as you can get one in yours rig away!
Sonny Sullivan
Sonny Sullivan - 8 years ago
have a video of your waterproof tackle boxes for your different fish set ups for 2016. forgot to ask this on your last video but how do you control your gopros? wifi remote, phone
Sonny Sullivan
Sonny Sullivan - 8 years ago
+NDYakAngler yes! looking forward to watching it.
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
I can reach both of the Gopro's and audio recorders from a seated position so I just hit the buttons manually. I was just thinking about doing a tackle box video like that the other day, I'll have a bunch of tackle showing up in the mail the next couple weeks so once I get everything stocked up I'll do a largemouth vs smallmouth tackle box video.
Mark Welch
Mark Welch - 8 years ago
Amazing video exactly what i need for my Garmin virb, when doing a night fishing expedition
Mark Welch
Mark Welch - 8 years ago
well worth it especially from form and functional in a compact design
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
The light is great for shooting video at night! The S10-L2 is the new version of this flashlight, 500 lumens vs the 320 I had here. They're awesome flashlights, I have another one as my EDC light.
XvXSHARK - 8 years ago
Really nice setup and nice video i also have a kayak the ascend fs12T
Brandon Eubank
Brandon Eubank - 8 years ago
Im getting the 128t soon. How do you like yours?
Dennis Cudal
Dennis Cudal - 8 years ago
Perfect set up. Thanks for sharing
Sam Wallace
Sam Wallace - 8 years ago
you should do a how to on the camera pole
Bullwolf1965 - 8 years ago
Great Job! love the GoPro set up.
wendy d
wendy d - 8 years ago
great idea with the lego piece!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! I wasn't sure how well it would hold once the flashlight heats up but it hasn't fallen off yet!
23v0lv32 - 8 years ago
wow. what an amazing rig! thanks for the cool video!
FISH4KAYAK - 8 years ago
Nice setup. Congrats
Benswargle - 8 years ago
Very impressive mate!
John Kraemer
John Kraemer - 8 years ago
Wow! I enjoyed your video very much! Very nice job on wiring up the kayak to support the flashlight and GoPros!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! It's no fun having to stop fishing to change batteries!

50. comment for Kayak Setup 2014

Robert Papps
Robert Papps - 8 years ago
Nice job and well thought out!
NDYakAngler - 8 years ago
Thanks! This setup has worked great for me the last few years, even my new kayak is set up almost identical to this one.
J Allred
J Allred - 9 years ago
Nice setup, I got some very good ideas. Thanks
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I have a more recent video showing my new camo Tarpon too although it's set up almost identical to this one. A few minor changes and some better building materials but as far as function its pretty much the same.
Fishing With Son of a Hillbilly
Fishing With Son of a Hillbilly - 9 years ago
Nice setup. Love the way you hooked up your two cameras. I was wondering how wet the front one gets? I am sure you get some paddle splash. Any issues with rough water or bad weather? Thanks for the video!!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! I haven't had any problems yet and that front camera rig takes its fair share of splashes. If I have to paddle across a choppy lake or get caught in the rain I can pull both the camera rigs off and stash them inside one of the hatches. I rebuilt both camera rigs earlier this year too which I show in my more recent setup video. For the front rig I added some neodymium magnets to pull the camera rig together with the base where the power connectors meet with a rubber gasket in the middle so I doubt any water will ever get in through the bottom. There's still the hole in the Gopro case for the plug to go through but so far no water has found its way in.
AustinWasTaken - 9 years ago
great video!! I'm super interested in learning more about your camera setups. more how to wire them and using the converters. battery's all that stuff. maybe send me in a direction to learn more about your setup and how to do it. thanks for sharing
Tim Brandt
Tim Brandt - 9 years ago
Thanks for posting this video. I like the simplicity of your lure selection. Is there a particular reason why you don't use spinner baits for river smallmouths? They are very popular here in eastern rivers, but they are a problem to carry because they take up so much space. Thanks again.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
Thanks! Sorry for the delay, your comment ended up in the spam folder somehow so I just noticed it. That's one reason I don't use them much, they take up so much space in my tackle box. I guess I've just never had much luck with them either. I prefer a Reef Runner Cicada or a Spook for working large areas of water. Most of the time on the small rivers I fish its easy to look along the bank and see spots where smallies will likely be hiding so throwing a jig in front of their ambush spot will usually get them.
Levi Brown
Levi Brown - 9 years ago
like it
W4NT3D - 9 years ago
Very nice setup, thanks for sharing.
sean serafini
sean serafini - 9 years ago
That is quite the setup. Very impressive fabrication on the go pro mounts. Videos like this inspired me to get a fishing kayak last week and so far I have caught more bass out of it than all of last year. I got 5 big boys in 15 minutes this morning, that yak was well worth the money.
DIMEBONICS - 9 years ago
very impressive camera setup, subbed just to see what you can do with em!
Tom Wallis
Tom Wallis - 9 years ago
This is hands down the best setup video I have seen! I love how you have creatively fabricated your equipment! Very impressive! You have inspired me to purchased the tarpon 100 which I plan to take on its maiden voyage this weekend. Currently I am working on the crate and anchor trolley system. What kind of crate did you use with your tarpon 120 and did it fit without modfiying? Do you find the dual trolley system is best or would a single trolley/full length trolley be fine? Thanks for the inspiration! Love the videos!
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Tom Wallis Thanks Tom and congrats on picking up a kayak! I found an awesome spot today on the river to do a setup video with my new Tarpon so I'll be getting that edited and uploaded in the next week or two. Overall its set up pretty similar to this one. I use a standard size milk crate with a couple modifications. I had to grind down the two vertical edges along the front facing side so they slanted downward toward the bottom for it to fit flat against the front of the tank well. I also added a plastic piece on the bottom along the front so it would lift it up to the same height as the two ridges that run most of the length of the tank well, that way it sits nice and flat. The main problem I always saw with full length trolleys is keeping the ropes from creeping up over the side. The dual trolley on this kayak worked great, although I never really used the front portion so on my new kayak I only did from the center handle to the back.
Dylan Pottier
Dylan Pottier - 9 years ago
Where did you get the light for the camera I have a go pro and I go in the night sum times and I have to hold a light and it is difficult to fish
Brian Dempsey
Brian Dempsey - 9 years ago
Now I know what MacGyver's kayak looks like.
David Aguiar
David Aguiar - 9 years ago
Nice! Man, that gets the blood flowing!  
Btw, I find it interesting that although you seem to be on some pretty good sized rivers and lakes you (almost) never seem to have to share it with other boats/fisherman.  Is the fishing really that remote or are you just leaving the competition on the cutting room floor?
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+David Aguiar I like to get out early. Most of the spots I fish are about an hour away so I'll hit the road around 4am to get on the water before sunrise. I hardly ever see anybody else until after noon. The rivers don't get much traffic either, the spots I generally fish are shallow and rocky so a kayak or canoe is really the only option. I am surprised I don't see more people in kayaks though, I'll run into them occasionally but only a couple had fishing gear with. I'd say bass fishermen are the minority too here in walleye country so a lot of the other boats I see on the lakes are trolling for walleye in deeper water.
David Aguiar
David Aguiar - 9 years ago
+David Aguiar Doh! Sorry, thought I was tying a comment to your latest topwater vid but youtube skipped me ahead to this older one.
Jody nolan
Jody nolan - 9 years ago
Wow, great set up !
Adam Hunt
Adam Hunt - 9 years ago
Can you make a vid on where you got the battery mounts and how you did it ? Would be great it's so sick
Adam Hunt
Adam Hunt - 9 years ago
No the mounts for the camera like the poles with the pins in them i would love to get my hands on them 
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+adam hunt Thanks man! I don't know if I'll do a video on it but the boxes I keep the batteries in I got in the camping dept at Walmart. They have a couple different sizes, one fits the 5ah battery and one fits the 9ah. I pretty much just drilled a hole to run the wire in through a cable gland and added a couple quick disconnects to hook up to the battery.
James Wozniak
James Wozniak - 9 years ago
That's a heck of a rig!
Chris B.
Chris B. - 9 years ago
Wow just wow. Sick setup, and awesome intro, what a gorgeous launch spot. Makes me want to go fishing now lol.
     Question. I've been fishing most of my life but really got into the sport in depth over the last 5 years. I have primarily fished from shore in freshwater, and have done it from the standing position. I also have went out on my friends boat a few times, where i preferred standing in  the boat fishing rather than sitting in one of the seats. 
       I am now in the market for a Kayak, and am debating spending the extra money to get a sit-on-top as opposed to a sit-in kayak. Is fishing from the sitting position putting you at a disadvantage? I really think I want to be able to stand in my kayak.
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Chris B. Hey thanks man, I'm hoping to get out in the next week or two and do a setup video on my new camo Tarpon 120. There are plenty of options for stand up kayaks out there and even though my Tarpon isn't really designed for it I'll occasionally stand up and cruise through the shallows in calm water and see if I can spot any fish. Most of the time though standing really doesn't give me much of an advantage.
          I fish for smallmouth on a lot of rivers and reservoirs where the water is either too fast to stand or to murky to really see much. When I'm after largemouth I do a lot of jig fishing along deep weed lines and throwing frogs through scum or lily pads so there's not much of an advantage to stand up there either. Maybe the only time I'd really like a good stable kayak for standing on is for fishing largemouth during the spawn but that's only a couple weeks out of the season. The rest of the year I prefer speed and the ability to slice through river current easier than a wider more stable hull so I'd definitely factor in what kind of fishing you do and the type of waters you'll be fishing. I would recommend a sit on top if you'll be mostly using it for fishing.
Nhan Le
Nhan Le - 9 years ago
Jeff Malott
Jeff Malott - 9 years ago
Love the Tarpon, nice vid
NDYakAngler - 9 years ago
+Jeff Malott Thanks! I picked up a new camo Tarpon over the winter and rebuilt all the accessories so I'll be doing a new setup video soon!
Nick Barker
Nick Barker - 9 years ago
Can you do a video on how you did the mounts and stuff for the fish finder
Chede - 9 years ago
Wow, this is a cool set up. I'm so impressed. My kids and I are just beginning to canoe/kayak this year.
Chede - 9 years ago
Thanks for posting your cool videos. Take care.
TopWaterAssassin78 - 9 years ago
I have never kayaked before and I have been thinking about trying kayak fishing. You have a nice setup. I like how you have the go pros mounted.
TopWaterAssassin78 - 9 years ago
Thank you for the help. There is a local lake in my area and I think they rent kayaks. I will have to look into it. I appreciate the advice.  
TopWaterAssassin78 - 9 years ago
Is there a type of kayak you recommend for beginners? I dont care about speed. I care more for stability.
Nicholas Smerk
Nicholas Smerk - 9 years ago
Wow, nice work!
Bob Riiskey
Bob Riiskey - 9 years ago
Wow that camera setup is awesome!! You should just do a basic guide on how to make something like that would love to have one of those for when I eventually get a go pro and start recording
Alexander B.
Alexander B. - 9 years ago
Awesome setup, I love how you did the audio/video on board, looks great!
Alexander B.
Alexander B. - 9 years ago
+NDYakAngler Nice, I can imagine the carbon fiber and black looks great.
Andrew Lloyd
Andrew Lloyd - 9 years ago
I like your videos. I just started getting into kayak fishing and your setup gave me some ideas. Just a note, to solve your rod issue why don't you just turn the middle holder around?
nyinfamous2k2 - 9 years ago
very cool setup. i enjoyed the video. relaxing but informative
Aus Yak
Aus Yak - 9 years ago
Really sweet setup. I really like your camera set up.
Aus Yak
Aus Yak - 9 years ago
+NDYakAnglerYou've really put in a massive amount of effort with those cameras. You could almost do a video just on those. I'd actually be really interested. What kind of cost was involved in that camera set up?
Jeff Horton
Jeff Horton - 9 years ago
I loved the way you did all that. You must have a machine shop. The only thing that would not work for me is the electrical connections. Because we fish a lot of saltwater. And that corrodes everything.
Jess Britt
Jess Britt - 9 years ago
Can you give me a list of components to cheaply set up some night fishing lights including the water proof cases? I have a redfish angler 10' I wanna do some night fishing on. But don't wanna buy the wildcat kits.
Pete - 9 years ago
You have the best setup for the money.  Amazing work! I cant wait to get a kayak because now I feel inspired to outfit to my liking!
Pete - 9 years ago
Great advice! I look forward to your future videos! Subscribed :D
P701 - 9 years ago
did you custom make the gopro camera mounts with the electrical inputs? if so WOW!
Ga.KayakAngler - 9 years ago
That's cool! Thanks for the info.
J C - 9 years ago
man you obviously know what you're doing..That's an awesome setup! question: is it possible to build a live well by utilizing storage space?
TukenNuken - 9 years ago
Hey, what's the name of the camera you use?
skfish - 9 years ago
Curious... You mentioned a new kayak... Which makes and models are you considering? Maybe another Tarpon?
paully069 - 9 years ago
What happens if you get , " SWAMPED " something goes wrong , big wind or an Assclown in a boat to close !  Im interested in this venture but worried , I have big time $$$ in gear !
Nashido - 9 years ago
Really Nice set up, very creative with the mounts.
HanksOutdoors - 9 years ago
very impressive! nice work with the electronics it doesn't get much cleaner than that.
dwayne portier
dwayne portier - 9 years ago
We're did you get the light for the camera
dwayne portier
dwayne portier - 9 years ago
We're did you get the light
Fiskepinner Production
Fiskepinner Production - 9 years ago
Can u show me the linc for the CPT converters ? i did search in Ebay but there are so many of them and different one.. and did u connect it from 12V battery to the Gopro nothing else is needed ?  Battery+Converter = gopro ?
Fiskepinner Production
Fiskepinner Production - 9 years ago
Do u thinc i can use samething like this (the cable is longer on this then the one u send me link to) ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1M-power-cable-DC-Converter-Buck-Module-12V-8-22V-to-5V-3A-15W-usb-output-adapt-/181170575473?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a2e9b9871
Fiskepinner Production
Fiskepinner Production - 9 years ago
can u help me out with the copper pins also ?cant seems to find them...
I really do like your setup and i would like to something similar.
William Braxton
William Braxton - 9 years ago
Hi, I have a FeelFree Moken 10 Lite kayak. I am shopping around for a small fishfinder that would serve the purpose of finding temperature depth and structure. I would like to spend around $150 to buy this(somewhere around that range) what fishfinder would you recommend?
Max Bender
Max Bender - 9 years ago
That is a beautiful rig
Allen Mast
Allen Mast - 9 years ago
That looks like a lot of money and it also looks like I need one
Louis Ng
Louis Ng - 9 years ago
wow love that lego block!
WI_angler1989 - 9 years ago
Hey, another random question for you...what line do you use on your spinning gear? I have success with what i use but I feel like playing around with some others.
WI_angler1989 - 9 years ago
I'll have to look into that, Trilene has a great reputation. I've used Stren a lot for mono, Power pro for braid, and sublime shooter for fluoro leaders. Stren has served me well but it's always fun to try new things and experiment.
Sergio Martinez
Sergio Martinez - 9 years ago
Great Kayak and Great Setup!!Thanks!
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 9 years ago
Thats an incredible set up!  One of these days some kayak company is going to offer you a job as a designer.
Drew Olmsted
Drew Olmsted - 9 years ago
Sweet,  look forward to some vids of that setup!
WI_angler1989 - 9 years ago
Awesome! You sure do have plenty of options.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to add a LTB rod now. I don't have a kayak personally, but I do have an excellent old town osprey canoe that lets me get away with a longer rod.
I've also been looking at the 6' 8" mxf, seems like a good choice. It's either that one or the 6' 10" MF.
Lately I've been thinking about going for a ML option for light grubs and weightless plastics. So many option! Can't decide!

100. comment for Kayak Setup 2014

WI_angler1989 - 9 years ago
Hey man, awesome video as always. That's one hell of a setup you've got there! I know You've said it before, but what are the specs for your favorite rods? You're a St Croix fan, like myself, but I can't remember the power, length, action, etc.
I'm thinking of adding a LTB to my arsenal and would love your opinion on them. I'm leaning towards a lighter power since I've got a couple Avids in the M and MH range. I need something for light stuff (grubs, senkos, poppers).
Gage Ealey
Gage Ealey - 9 years ago
Man awesome setup it was great engineering on your part. Keep up the great content
john akel
john akel - 9 years ago
What would happen if your kayak flipped
Jacob Johnson
Jacob Johnson - 9 years ago
Great video! I have the problem with my GoPro dying on me all the time so I have to ask how exactly you have it set up and wired so you can charge it while your out on the water!?
steven Arango
steven Arango - 9 years ago
great set up….. how heat is this????
Marcus O'Donnabhain
Marcus O'Donnabhain - 9 years ago
Sir, Do you use that 'zig-zag style' anchor cleat as an actual anchor cleat and how did you attach it to the kayak ?
Marcus O'Donnabhain
Marcus O'Donnabhain - 9 years ago
Thanks for your response, I like the idea of two anchor cleats on the rails and will probably go that route myself.
adam trew
adam trew - 9 years ago
sweet setup! great to see such a detailed setup. love watching the vids too... Cheers!
BacKLasH FishinG
BacKLasH FishinG - 9 years ago
A lot of time and thought went into your setup. Great work!
Allyn Hane
Allyn Hane - 9 years ago
You know, I have to just add one criticism here - I think you forgot "the kitchen sink" here! ha! Man, that was the most complete and thorough setup video I've ever seen. And your camera and audio rigs would rival anything the Discovery Channel uses. Nice job dude.
Jake Dupre
Jake Dupre - 9 years ago
What a fantastic setup. Are you and engineer or something? Lol. 
Dtz Ehl
Dtz Ehl - 9 years ago
Nice kayak
Samuel Hobden
Samuel Hobden - 9 years ago
Nice rig, I got a seal rapid for x mas hoping to do it up over time
sweetsilage - 9 years ago
Thanks for shareing, very informitive. Just woundering. Do you leave both go pro's on all the time and edit later?
joedonuts13 - 9 years ago
I enjoy your videos ND. I live in the midwest as well so I have a love for the same species you do. Your Yak is set up top notch and you've thought out every addition on it. I just got into Yak fishing and and I picked up a used SOT Bass Pro FS128T. I haven't set it up yet but I will take some of your ideas and implement them to my situation. My Yak is a bit of a tank but I will use it for a year and see how i like it. 
Keep the videos coming and good luck in 2015!
Joseph Bernal
Joseph Bernal - 10 years ago
Is your milk crate mounted down or do you just have it sitting in there?
Spook2fluke - 10 years ago
Excellent review and awesome setup!  Very innovative and fun to listen to how you set things up!  Is that a salt water super spook jr. in your box?  lol  Enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! 
Luke Ziegler
Luke Ziegler - 10 years ago
What pound anchor should I use for my wilderness Tarpon 120 kayak? 1.5 pound or 3 pound?
Luke Ziegler
Luke Ziegler - 10 years ago
Thanks man I apreciate it I recently got the Tarpon 120 and I love it. what do you use as a divder for the section where you keep your water proof box and you plastics?
Fishin _ Frenzy
Fishin _ Frenzy - 10 years ago
thanx really helpful great great great :) :) :)
admile3 - 10 years ago
What are the spinning reels you're using? I've seen those out, and they seem like very quality reels, I just cant for the life of me remember the brand and model. Do you like them?
Ray Skaines
Ray Skaines - 10 years ago
ND, you have got the best yak videos EVER!!!  I'm rigging my T160 and I'm always coming back to see how you rigged your Tarpon.  Way cool.  And Topwater Strikes! I've watched about 6 times. 
Jerry Lester
Jerry Lester - 10 years ago
Really excellent the way you've powered your cameras.  I use remotes to turn my two cameras on when I get a strike...and lose fish when I take my hand off the reel.  I have to do that because I don't run them full time as you do.
Enoc Cruz
Enoc Cruz - 10 years ago
Pure genius buddy. Love the way you power the gopro.
Steeleprophet - 10 years ago
by far one of the coolest kayak fishing setups on youtube! mainly because of how extravagant the gopro mounts are too. hopefully you never tip this kayak
collienoo - 10 years ago
Hey man! Top vid. I really enjoy watching your mod ideas, I use my T120 for inshore fishing on the west coast of Ireland. Hope to use some of your ideas on my yak, don't think I could manage the tech stuff tho :-( thanks again.
Steve Duvernois
Steve Duvernois - 10 years ago
This is ridiculous. My 120 is not even close lol
Alejandro Cavazos
Alejandro Cavazos - 10 years ago
Dude, you're rigging is great!.  I especially like the way you powered both of your GoPro's feeding power to them.  Nice work, well thought out and quality construction.  Thanks for sharing.
Griffin Harrison
Griffin Harrison - 10 years ago
Love your videos so much. Im looking to get the tarpon 100
Luis Martínez -Carcharinus-
Luis Martínez -Carcharinus- - 10 years ago
Estupendos bricos compañero, te invito a ver mi blog donde encontrarás a mi tarpón equipado con vela, timón, nevera y muchos bricos bonitos. 

Un saludo.
Darren Ward
Darren Ward - 10 years ago
That thing is awesome!
YakAnglerNJ - 10 years ago
Nice update ND!  When I was debating between a OK Trident 13 and a WS Tarpon 120 I came across your first review and it sold me on the Tarpon.  Been extremely happy with my choice ever since.  You've made a few changes since then and it looks good.  But you must be an electrical engineer or something. lol  The way you rigged your camera and stuff is genius!!  I'm still working on my camera rigging. Great stuff man!
AaronBarthol - 10 years ago
Awesome kayak! You wouldn't happen to be an engineer by trade would you? Your ingenuity and ability to fabricate these modifications is awesome. Can't wait to see more videos from this fishing season!
Wyatt McCombs
Wyatt McCombs - 10 years ago
Such a perfect setup!
David Humphreys
David Humphreys - 10 years ago
Awesome setup man! Loved my Tarpon. I actually traded my Tarpon 120 for a Jackson Cuda 12 this year.
sansan1337 - 10 years ago
You should make a how-to on that video mount, so we can all have super battery power!
Ben Grams
Ben Grams - 10 years ago
You a industrial engineer? 
Ben Grams
Ben Grams - 10 years ago
Ahhh. Midwest winter hermit like the rest of us. LOL. I have a few buddies who are engineers and I figure nerdyness of this level you would have to be one too. :p Talk with you later man
Bass Fishing Jersey
Bass Fishing Jersey - 10 years ago
Such a badass kayak 
BayouBassKing - 10 years ago
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
jgalvan341 - 10 years ago
Camera mount is amazing. I am jealous

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