Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

So we took a morning kayak fishing trip out the Navarre Pier located in Navarre, Florida. We had a lot of fun with the Hobie Kayaks. We went offshore a few miles and Rob caught a big King Mackerel! We were using the Hobie Outback and Hobie Quest 13. My Fishing gear included: Penn 850 with 50 pound Power Pro fishing line Penn fierce 2 with 20 pound Power Pro fishing line Jig master 500 with 50 pound Kastking line Check out my website and Apparel at : http://yakmotley.com Follow me on Facebook at: Yak Motley Instagram at : YakMotley SnapChat: jlm232310 Twitter: JackMotleyLive Mail: Jack Motley P.O. Box 3683 Pensacola, Florida 32516 Equipment: GoPro Hero 4 Session Iphone 6s MackBook 15 Computer 64 gb Sandisk Extreme Card

Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Kayak 8 years ago 48,918 views

So we took a morning kayak fishing trip out the Navarre Pier located in Navarre, Florida. We had a lot of fun with the Hobie Kayaks. We went offshore a few miles and Rob caught a big King Mackerel! We were using the Hobie Outback and Hobie Quest 13. My Fishing gear included: Penn 850 with 50 pound Power Pro fishing line Penn fierce 2 with 20 pound Power Pro fishing line Jig master 500 with 50 pound Kastking line Check out my website and Apparel at : http://yakmotley.com Follow me on Facebook at: Yak Motley Instagram at : YakMotley SnapChat: jlm232310 Twitter: JackMotleyLive Mail: Jack Motley P.O. Box 3683 Pensacola, Florida 32516 Equipment: GoPro Hero 4 Session Iphone 6s MackBook 15 Computer 64 gb Sandisk Extreme Card

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

Specialized 29er
Specialized 29er - 6 years ago
get yourself a c tug problem solved
Gabriel Barboza
Gabriel Barboza - 6 years ago
No pain no gain jack...ive helped a few yakers pulling their boat across the beach..their no joke pulling without those dolly wheels..
Marshall Gammon
Marshall Gammon - 6 years ago
You need a C-Tug dude.
Gerald Gailey
Gerald Gailey - 6 years ago
I would make some kind of harness where you could strap it across your body and make the rope long enough so you won’t kick your kayak when pulling it. I think the bent over position of pulling it is the worst part.
mike king
mike king - 6 years ago
I'm trying to come up with a 12 volt motor that I can attach a chain sprocket too, then a wheel that a chain sprocket attaches to to make an electric pull wheel. On the front, I am taking a seat swivel for a boat and making a wagon type handle to steer it. I am a 48 year old veteran. My back is filled with titanium. I love to kayak, but to drag or carry them sucks the fun out of it for me. As an old engineer, I think I can make something work.
Ron Brown
Ron Brown - 6 years ago
I was stationed in FWB for 10 years and I would fish out there all the time! That was a beast King your buddy caught!
Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 6 years ago
Is it just me or is her body perfect?
workinclass42 - 6 years ago
Did you ever find that rod? Lol
RegularSize Russ
RegularSize Russ - 7 years ago
Later tonight I will be disproving my friends theory that you can't eat a cheeseburger!

10. comment for Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

Roger 360
Roger 360 - 7 years ago
You need a Compass, mirage drive, light
Marcus Bustad
Marcus Bustad - 7 years ago
Wheels my friend......wheels for the Hobie and strap on wheels for the Wal-Mart one......u guys won't commiserate as much over the long drag at the end of the day.....love ur video.
Peter Wallace
Peter Wallace - 7 years ago
Yeah, buy a set of wheels, sand wheels n strap to the yak when you have to drag.
Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor - 7 years ago
Do you recommend or know anything about the Federal or State Park (Fort something??) do you know if that's a pretty good place to launch BTB ?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Ft Pickens? Great place!
stateniland - 7 years ago
hank wang
hank wang - 7 years ago
How many kayaks do you have? like your videos.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 7 years ago
Thanks! I have two kayaks.
vikingga - 7 years ago
Favorite Va-kay scene.
Did some S.C.U.B.A. with Emerald Coast scuba, great times.
Love that area.
SlikRik - 8 years ago
why no wheels on the yak, is it easier pulling through the sand without??
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Im cheap lol
John Wedgeworth
John Wedgeworth - 8 years ago
That Rob is a beast! King mackerel, tuna, snapper... What rod/reel comb does he use?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
an old penn 850
Shannon Ricketts
Shannon Ricketts - 8 years ago
I was down there the same time you were. Wished I had my yak! Nice video.

20. comment for Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

HookdRR - 8 years ago
Nice looking fish. Great work on the videos.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Much appreciated !
neoextream007 - 8 years ago
U can eat just about any fish there I lived there u just gotta know how to cook it go ask a Cajun
kevin neel
kevin neel - 8 years ago
You a good man.
Fishing from Ocean To Lake and In Between
Fishing from Ocean To Lake and In Between - 8 years ago
Nice vid....why not get wheels for that yak...I have an oasis...wheels a must
J Rife
J Rife - 8 years ago
Small jacks are goo when smoked, taste close to smoked mullet, good when used for fish dip.
Craig from CT
Craig from CT - 8 years ago
So why not get beach wheels? Great video! Great work out. Good for you and think of the eats and drinks you can have after a good work out!
Craig from CT
Craig from CT - 8 years ago
I know they are expensive but worth the investment! Wish I had the access you have to have that problem. Great video!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
They are expensive lol! Thanks !
pesca e cia rj
pesca e cia rj - 8 years ago
muito show amigo pescador
sprite - 8 years ago
Robs fish ain't gonna last very long sitting in the sun like that
sprite - 8 years ago
yayyy! im glad
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Rob ate it and survived ! lol
John Andrews
John Andrews - 8 years ago
Chester Donahou
Chester Donahou - 8 years ago
wanting to give a tip for draging them use a tarp it will slide so much easyer it isnt funny i have a poontoon row boat and trust me on the tarp :)

30. comment for Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

That Kid
That Kid - 8 years ago
Does it ruin the king when your friend left it baking in the sun? Looked horrible
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Its not a good idea but it happens. It will be fine for a little while.
Jeff Edwards
Jeff Edwards - 8 years ago
Get some beach wheels. The big ones. Trax 2-30. We have that soft deep sand up here it's just hard to walk in. My smaller sand wheels suck but my larger ones work great. They actually work better with less air.
Intrepid Fisherman
Intrepid Fisherman - 8 years ago
Wow nice catch. I can't wait to get a kayak and go for some more sleigh rides. Only borrowed kayaks so far. I want my own. Great video.
Alexsmoak808 - 8 years ago
dude! Jacks are great if u know how to cook. here in Hawaii we call them papio. bigger ones "omilu" then the GT "ulua" big ones aren't super great eating. but the 10-maybe 30 inch. in my experience taste great. fillet season and pan fry.
Alexsmoak808 - 8 years ago
+Yak Motley I know the larger ones a prone to carry disease. ciguatera out here. Idk about Florida.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Great to here. There is a ton of myths here about them.
andy martaus
andy martaus - 8 years ago
I can tell ya for sure, bonita is awful! lol
Son of Russ
Son of Russ - 8 years ago
Build or buy a trolley for it.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
I have 3.
Ron Kilpatrick
Ron Kilpatrick - 8 years ago
Great Video, always look forward to your videos...
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Thanks! Glad to hear!
Carolina Shore Fishing
Carolina Shore Fishing - 8 years ago
Lol everyone's bagging on you for dragging your yak like its a big deal. Tight lines man
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
keeps me in shape lol
S. Stallone
S. Stallone - 8 years ago
TroyboyQUE - 8 years ago
I thought so do you think a 9 10 foot yak is safe for those waters?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
No, Rob is part fish and can paddle for days. I don't recommend that yak for just anyone lol!
Kevin Meldrum
Kevin Meldrum - 8 years ago
Get a ctug sand cart
WestKY Boy
WestKY Boy - 8 years ago
your buddy Rob is a beast! nice catch guy!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
He sure is! lol
David Thompson fishing
David Thompson fishing - 8 years ago
how is navarre i have nevferbeen there
dre day
dre day - 8 years ago
horrible launching advise
dre day
dre day - 8 years ago
Hey man ! whats up with all the hostility? lol Just come down south here in Fort Lauderdale and ill show you how its done lol :).. But seriously knee deep is where to be
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Ill be waiting on your videos! Hit me up when you actually make one!
Paradoxtal Pythons
Paradoxtal Pythons - 8 years ago
Dude where are you from?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
teamchaoskillers - 8 years ago
what kayak is your friend that caught the big king have?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Its a ocean kayak frenzy
TroyboyQUE - 8 years ago
Hey Yak how long is Rob's orange yak?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
like 9 feet.
JT Kayak
JT Kayak - 8 years ago
dont do it man , dont eat that bonito, and i think is time to invest in some beach wheels. i got tired just by looking at you guys dragging those yaks
Duane Gaskins
Duane Gaskins - 8 years ago
Bonita and Bonito are two different fish man. And yes you can eat bonita but it kind of sucks and isn't worth the effort. You can also eat Jacks.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
WingNBass - 8 years ago
Where's the campin' vlog!?!?!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
LOL, thanks! Good to hear.
WingNBass - 8 years ago
Just yankin' your chain. Just a way to let you know I missed the vlog. Hope you got your energy back.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
lol, your right. I was just burnt out from making videos and needed some down time lol.
Captain Scurvy
Captain Scurvy - 8 years ago
I never launch from there because of the drag. I go west on Navarre Beach to the very last public access or the first parking area in the National Seashore. Much shorter drag and less people. I tried Bonita once - it can be eaten, but I didn't like it. The fish was even bled right after being caught. A bit too gamey for my taste, but that's just me. Go for it!

50. comment for Kayak Fishing- Navarre Snorkel Reef! Navarre, Florida

Glynn Miller
Glynn Miller - 8 years ago
Jack, would using a cart with sand wheels be easier than dragging on the sand?
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Just pick a launch close to the truck lol.
Glynn Miller
Glynn Miller - 8 years ago
I'm new to Florida and thinking about getting a kayak, but seeing you drag across the beach made me think twice. Good to know that a cart with sand wheels would be better. I'm no way as young and fit as you.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
yes, but I don't have beach wheels. Just making do with what I have.
TheWolfePit - 8 years ago
I could have sworn I saw wheels on yours before? That was a nice king too!
TheWolfePit - 8 years ago
Get on them wheels!! LOL That looked like a hump and a half!
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
lol, I have wheels but not sand wheels. I need some.
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
Awesome to hear! Tight lines!
canal-livre vitória
canal-livre vitória - 8 years ago
drag in the sand, where are the wheels ?? kkkk
Yak Motley
Yak Motley - 8 years ago
I don't have sand wheels. I forgot the cart that day.
canal-livre vitória
canal-livre vitória - 8 years ago
mano show

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