Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry

This is the quickest wet entry / rescue /self-rescue / re-entry method to employ to literally get your butt back into your kayak. You can be in the surf zone, find yourself capsized because of a wave and reenter before the next wave hits you; I've done it. ​ Further, this is the easiest and quickest method to learn. Coaching can help, but you should be able to acquire this wet entry / re-entry technique in a few attempts and have it mastered in a few more. Everybody that I've taught this skill to acquires it rather quickly. ​ I developed this self-rescue method based upon the climbing technique of getting up, onto, and standing on a narrow ledge or "mantling". To read some of my climbing resume, click here. ​ It requires no extra accessories such as a paddle float or bungees behind the cockpit. You just get back in your kayak, here's how... ​ I teach this rescue technique the way I teach climbing techniques; I want you to concentrate on your center of gravity, located somewhere between your navel and your groin. Where your center of gravity goes, you go. Where your center of gravity (CG) is, you are. ​ This wet entry method requires the alignment of your (CG) and the kayak's (CG), which if your kayak is loaded correctly, is somewhere right near where your butt sits in the boat. More info: http://kayak-skills.kayaklakemead.com/wet-entry.html

Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Kayak 13 years ago 136,225 views

This is the quickest wet entry / rescue /self-rescue / re-entry method to employ to literally get your butt back into your kayak. You can be in the surf zone, find yourself capsized because of a wave and reenter before the next wave hits you; I've done it. ​ Further, this is the easiest and quickest method to learn. Coaching can help, but you should be able to acquire this wet entry / re-entry technique in a few attempts and have it mastered in a few more. Everybody that I've taught this skill to acquires it rather quickly. ​ I developed this self-rescue method based upon the climbing technique of getting up, onto, and standing on a narrow ledge or "mantling". To read some of my climbing resume, click here. ​ It requires no extra accessories such as a paddle float or bungees behind the cockpit. You just get back in your kayak, here's how... ​ I teach this rescue technique the way I teach climbing techniques; I want you to concentrate on your center of gravity, located somewhere between your navel and your groin. Where your center of gravity goes, you go. Where your center of gravity (CG) is, you are. ​ This wet entry method requires the alignment of your (CG) and the kayak's (CG), which if your kayak is loaded correctly, is somewhere right near where your butt sits in the boat. More info: http://kayak-skills.kayaklakemead.com/wet-entry.html

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Most popular comments
for Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry

Jascha Sonis
Jascha Sonis - 8 years ago
Let me see you do that with water in your boat
kayaklakemead - 8 years ago
Okay, I'll have to come up with a video of that. However, I have done this during a surf entry, with my boat full of water, and was in my boat paddling out to meet the very next wave.
Josue F Castillo
Josue F Castillo - 8 years ago
looks faster than pumping a god damn paddle float! thanks!
SatwinderSingh - 8 years ago
VG. Thnx.
Debi Mason
Debi Mason - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Gakumerasara - 9 years ago
helps if you're short. nice video
PaddleDogC5 - 9 years ago
Another flat water re-entry. Who falls out in flat water? Then says wait to boat settles. How does it settle in a choppy sea?
EasiPat - 8 years ago
Who falls out in flat water? Reaching out to get the fishing rod about to sink. Trying to move around a bit because your leg cramps. Reaching out to the rear deck trying to get some drinks, etc can get you flip over in no time, especially if you are tired.
evolve749 - 10 years ago
Could this be done with a wider, recreational kayak?  
kayaklakemead - 10 years ago
+evolve749 , sometimes with wider boats I coach to come up over the kayak behind the cockpit where the boat is narrower, then crab sideways until one is over the cockpit, then resume the sequence from there. I'll even to this on a wider boat.  
evolve749 - 10 years ago
+kayaklakemead Great!  I'll have to practice this technique.  I really don't want to lug a paddle float around.
kayaklakemead - 10 years ago
marc d
marc d - 10 years ago
This is better and faster than a re-entry roll.  Also, you can empty the boat with a little practice.  Keep the boat upside down, go to the bow, have the paddle flat on the water in one hand then left the bow, like a military press with the other.  This takes a little practice, but emptying the boat makes re-entry easier because the boat is less tippy.
Alexander Hahner
Alexander Hahner - 10 years ago
I just got my Kayak 9.5 sit in and plan to use it in rivers,bay and Ocean mostly for fishing . I will train for awhile before surfing the waves . Handy info of getting out n in because I tried on the first day with not much luck.

10. comment for Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry

FroQQer - 10 years ago
I'm a beginner in the world of kayaking and I see many videos with people who are wearing skirts, is a skirt something that's just a good safe all around thing to own. Or is it more designed for sea kayakers? Could someone explain it's true purpose and intent and in what applications it is used in/for. I've read up a little, but would appreciate a different view point. Thanks!
FroQQer - 10 years ago
+marc d
 Thanks Marc =)
marc d
marc d - 10 years ago
The purpose of the skirt is to keep water out of the kayak.  IF you are in rough waters, waves will splash into your boat and the next thing you know your cockpit will be full of water.  This not only will slow you down, it will make the kayak more tippy.  So you will probably capsize. Also a skirt is needed if you want to roll your kayak.  
FroQQer - 10 years ago
+thewackeddoctors  Thanks!
thewackeddoctors - 10 years ago
I just bought a sea kayak and have been paddling around Victoria (Vancouver Island). I like how it keeps my legs and shorts dry, and I don't have to worry about getting wet or water pooling inside. They are really for ocean kayaking where the waves can be unpredictable at times.
santacruzer - 10 years ago
Film that when your yak is swamped in a 2ft chop, 15 knot wind and its 40deg F after paddling two hrs. That might be useful inspiration the next time it happens to me.
Michael Bellinger
Michael Bellinger - 10 years ago
This one is a little more succinct.  She says mount behind the seat hole, where it is more stable, and she shows how to move up into the seat from there.  How to get back into a kayak
kayaklakemead - 10 years ago
She shows a technique that is good for beginners. Ones weight behind the seat is NOT more stable. The MOST stable position on a kayak is AT the seat. In rough waters, during each stage of the technique shown in my video, the kayak is in the most stable configuration it can be in. I keep my paddle in my hand, I to not tuck it away. During each stage of my re-entry one can use the paddle as the tool it is meant to be; paddling, sculling, bracing, etc. With the technique I show, one can be back in their boat in 5 seconds or less, thus getting out of harms way, such as the surf zone and rocks, etc. or one can be back in the boat and out of dangerously cold water in a short amount of time.   
dan Beu
dan Beu - 10 years ago
If I would have known that I wouldn't swim to shore then get in
dan Beu
dan Beu - 10 years ago
+kayaklakemead shit happens, at least I know now especially in the middle of winter at sugar pine lake in forest hills commiefornia.
kayaklakemead - 10 years ago
Marcos de Ninguna Parte
Marcos de Ninguna Parte - 11 years ago
The best example I've seen so far. Thanks for posting!
kayaklakemead - 11 years ago
You're welcome!
Alex McGruer
Alex McGruer - 11 years ago
What would take him out of the boat in the first place. ? Now 3 foot breakers , swell and wind . do over. "It's that easy" ? This is a good rescue hut it is one that should be in a plethora of alternatives. I use a roll and a re entry roll when water is not below 4 C . These methods work in most conditions when you have been knocked off the horse. It is good he used the Fathom ans it is not an absurdly stable boat.
kayaklakemead - 11 years ago
The boat in the video is an Eddyline 'Falcon'; 18' by 21".
Spot Manduex
Spot Manduex - 11 years ago
What size is your boat?
marc d
marc d - 11 years ago
Works great, better and easier and faster than the cowboy entry.
hystat - 12 years ago

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