Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry
Kayak 13 years ago 136,225 views
This is the quickest wet entry / rescue /self-rescue / re-entry method to employ to literally get your butt back into your kayak. You can be in the surf zone, find yourself capsized because of a wave and reenter before the next wave hits you; I've done it. Further, this is the easiest and quickest method to learn. Coaching can help, but you should be able to acquire this wet entry / re-entry technique in a few attempts and have it mastered in a few more. Everybody that I've taught this skill to acquires it rather quickly. I developed this self-rescue method based upon the climbing technique of getting up, onto, and standing on a narrow ledge or "mantling". To read some of my climbing resume, click here. It requires no extra accessories such as a paddle float or bungees behind the cockpit. You just get back in your kayak, here's how... I teach this rescue technique the way I teach climbing techniques; I want you to concentrate on your center of gravity, located somewhere between your navel and your groin. Where your center of gravity goes, you go. Where your center of gravity (CG) is, you are. This wet entry method requires the alignment of your (CG) and the kayak's (CG), which if your kayak is loaded correctly, is somewhere right near where your butt sits in the boat. More info: http://kayak-skills.kayaklakemead.com/wet-entry.html
10. comment for Kayak Skill - Self-rescue - Re-entry
Thanks Marc =)