Kayaking the Hanging Spear Waterfall - Headwaters of the Hudson

» WATCH Frozen Rush 2016 LIVE Jan 8 at 11:30a ET: http://win.gs/Frozen2016 Kayak into more adventure: http://win.gs/1aXUVRM Hidden amongst the Adirondack State Park and along the headwaters of the Hudson River, lies two of the highest peaks in New York State. Only accessible by hiking through beautiful 'Avalanche Pass', the Opalescent Gorge holds one of the steepest runnable sections of whitewater in the state including 65 foot high 'Hanging Spear' Falls. Hanging Spear - The Headwaters of the Hudson River is an exciting adventure taken by professional Kayaker Steve Fisher. A true adrenaline seeker that has taken on some of the wildest rapids in the world, Fisher brings his non-stop paddling skills to the backyard of one of the most famous cities in the world and shows those city-dwellers the journey that awaits just upstream. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=redbull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

Kayaking the Hanging Spear Waterfall - Headwaters of the Hudson sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Kayak 10 years ago 63,128 views

» WATCH Frozen Rush 2016 LIVE Jan 8 at 11:30a ET: http://win.gs/Frozen2016 Kayak into more adventure: http://win.gs/1aXUVRM Hidden amongst the Adirondack State Park and along the headwaters of the Hudson River, lies two of the highest peaks in New York State. Only accessible by hiking through beautiful 'Avalanche Pass', the Opalescent Gorge holds one of the steepest runnable sections of whitewater in the state including 65 foot high 'Hanging Spear' Falls. Hanging Spear - The Headwaters of the Hudson River is an exciting adventure taken by professional Kayaker Steve Fisher. A true adrenaline seeker that has taken on some of the wildest rapids in the world, Fisher brings his non-stop paddling skills to the backyard of one of the most famous cities in the world and shows those city-dwellers the journey that awaits just upstream. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=redbull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

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Most popular comments
for Kayaking the Hanging Spear Waterfall - Headwaters of the Hudson

Jimmy Elsen
Jimmy Elsen - 7 years ago
They are warming up on stuff I couldn't even do at all
Ian Collins
Ian Collins - 7 years ago
I love this video... it delves into the planning, scouting and expedition aspects of kayaking that most of the general public is completely oblivious to. Not to mention, some great footage of running awesome whitewater (the reward for all that hard work)
bob tardis
bob tardis - 10 years ago
I live in New York
jay magner
jay magner - 10 years ago
I live in the adk park thank you guys so much for giving it the love it deserved
WerferAkrobat - 10 years ago
wusste gar nicht das es in amerika so atemberaubende orte gibt. gefällt mir. nur leider gibt es genug orte die sehr gut die negativen seiten von amerika zeigt...
Flare_dE - 8 years ago
Washington D.C.?
RES - 10 years ago
Everyone talking shit, this video was great!
Towey Pronto
Towey Pronto - 10 years ago
I got bored within 3 minutes of footage, It was like watching an animal channel.
Adam Chase
Adam Chase - 7 years ago
that's because you're an idiot
Towey Pronto
Towey Pronto - 10 years ago
I watch action/adventure real world human life styles something that applies to my life. I could careless about gazelles galloping in the wilderness, my grandfather watches animal channels.
Justin Smith
Justin Smith - 10 years ago
animal channels are awesome bro 
Connor Reid
Connor Reid - 10 years ago
I live in lake placid that Matt young was my gym teacher
Criss Fresno
Criss Fresno - 10 years ago

10. comment for Kayaking the Hanging Spear Waterfall - Headwaters of the Hudson

danisaelwm - 10 years ago
Great vid. I guess you have to love the sport in order to put so much effort to get a few rapids!
halfasheep - 10 years ago
Ace vid. Gnarly terrain. Freezing!!!
thats me aleksei
thats me aleksei - 10 years ago
Spazamazz - 10 years ago
How was this filmed? Surely there was a camera floating around following them the whole way. Deep derp derp
David Cebulla
David Cebulla - 10 years ago
Wirklich tolles Video! Da sind einige fantastische Bilder dabei! Gerne mehr davon! :)
sereneturmoil - 10 years ago
I don't quite understand how Fisher is a sponsored Red Bull kayaker and Kelly isn't. From what I've seen here, he's the superior paddler yet he's the one slaving away at the 9-to-5.
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams - 10 years ago
Fisher is getting older. He was considered one of the best paddlers in the world during his prime
Charlie Bil
Charlie Bil - 10 years ago
I love kayaking so much and would love to get sponcerd to make kayaking a full time job and this just proves my point
S. J.
S. J. - 10 years ago
less talking more kayaking you stupid red bull employees
Trail's End
Trail's End - 10 years ago
awesome video, it's about time one of your videos contained interesting information.
Jacques Pienaar
Jacques Pienaar - 10 years ago
I don't understand why they did not make this video available in South Africa. PS Red Bull, blocking videos from countries only adds one more click to watch it. 
Tom Broome
Tom Broome - 10 years ago
Pretty rich coming from you mate who puts an apostrophe in gets!
k0dlak - 10 years ago
+Tom Broome Are you retarded?
Tom Broome
Tom Broome - 10 years ago
+Moon Sloth "your parents get's" since when does that resemble sense?
Lucas - 10 years ago
+Moon Sloth looks like some1 is butthurt. if u didnt know, ebola and aids came from various species on africa, yet the president or whatever u call him of africa said the whites created it as black people control. septemer 11 isnt funny at all nor would i make a joke about it. up yours and just cut alrdy :)
k0dlak - 10 years ago
+Paul Hogan And you tell people that they are infected with ebola like it's funny. Damn you really don't know the danger of ebola now don't ya?
k0dlak - 10 years ago
+Paul Hogan Just wait until your parents get's ebola, then it's not that funny
Brendan - 10 years ago
+Moon Sloth +azonicrider32 just cause you 2 are infected with ebola for sharing the same African prostitute doesn't mean you can hurt +u wot m8 feelings. you fucking scum
azonicrider32 - 10 years ago
+Moon Sloth I agree it really disgusts me how many people are joking about Ebola, make a joke about september 11th or ww2 or rwanada and its hugely frowned upon...lately ebola seems to be the big joke. it is seriously demented.
k0dlak - 10 years ago
+u wot m8 Don't make fun of Ebola you fucking idiot! Go fucking kill yourself you fucking worthless peace of shit
Lucas - 10 years ago


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