Kayaking-Basic Paddling Techniques

For the first video in this series, please click here: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/18497-kayaking

Kayaking-Basic Paddling Techniques sentiment_very_dissatisfied 80

Kayak 14 years ago 440,228 views

For the first video in this series, please click here: http://www.monkeysee.com/play/18497-kayaking

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Most popular comments
for Kayaking-Basic Paddling Techniques

- Xelo -
- Xelo - - 7 years ago
can't we just free style with the paddle
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
- Xelo - like rap to it?
Toby Que
Toby Que - 7 years ago
Are your blades feathered?
Anton Bouchette
Anton Bouchette - 7 years ago
You mean at right angles to the shore line?
Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson - 8 years ago
Thanks for this! Even though I've kayaked around an Alaskan glacier, Palau's rock islands and several far less exotic locales, I just learned a new technique: the sweep. Hoping to get back out on the water and put it to good use soon!
joynthis - 8 years ago
So it's right, then left, then right again? What if I'm left-handed?
Callum wood
Callum wood - 7 years ago
joynthis yes
joynthis - 7 years ago
OK, but since I'm generally upside-down, does that make right right, and left left?
TheSunFiles - 7 years ago
with paddling, left is right, right is left. You must paddle on both sides to go straight, so it can be for both right handed and left handed.
AleaderWaterShoes - 8 years ago
Good tips
Manit Monsur
Manit Monsur - 8 years ago
Lean it, like you mean it! Thank you for the tutorial :)
TheDakotaRed1 - 8 years ago
Perfect! Just the right amount of information I needed for starting with no prior knowledge of kayaking.
phillip bethea
phillip bethea - 8 years ago
thanks for the good info

10. comment for Kayaking-Basic Paddling Techniques

Jayson Kriedler
Jayson Kriedler - 8 years ago
Good tutorial but he doesn't know the difference between "parallel" and "perpendicular"!
Denise Schmigelski
Denise Schmigelski - 7 years ago
Regardless of where he was doesn't it make sense to be parallel to the shore? Your whole boat is in without being further out.
Taylor Gutshall
Taylor Gutshall - 7 years ago
I know. I was thinking, I am pretty sure you are perpendicular to the shore...unless that is the weirdest shoreline.
Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson - 8 years ago
I thought that at first, too, but then realized that he must be along a curved shoreline: the paddle was toward the shallower shore side when he leaned on it getting in and out, so the kayak must have been parallel instead of perpendicular.
crazyskullz1021 - 8 years ago
Was thinking the same thing, lol..
KobeConfidence - 8 years ago
The more u practice, the better you get at it.  If I wasn't in my kayak, I'd probably tell someone how to do the strokes wrong even though I know how to do them.  Every once in a while I'll accidently do the wrong turn but really I've just noticed to more I actually do it, the easier the strokes become.
Luis Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Goddess of conquest howd it go ?
Debi Mason
Debi Mason - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Wilburn Crane
Wilburn Crane - 8 years ago
Just bought a kayak last week. Good thing I watched this video. Thanks for sharing it
Rick Martin
Rick Martin - 8 years ago
same here
Lon Kincannon
Lon Kincannon - 9 years ago
I like the straight arms and torso rotation.
Travers Barnes
Travers Barnes - 9 years ago
Why is the Closed Captioning so terrible? I wanted to share this with my Deaf girlfriend and the Captioning is so bad I ended up having to interpret the whole video??
Mila Djordjevic
Mila Djordjevic - 9 years ago
this video is so helpful! THANKS SO MUCH!
Yahir Guzman
Yahir Guzman - 9 years ago
Thanks I am in a kayak so I wanted to know haw to do it right
daisy8luke - 9 years ago
Great vid.  I'm a big guy and lack your flexibility. I just get the yak in float-deep water and straddle it near the nose, then pull it underneath me until the seat is under my butt, and sit down. Works pretty much the same but in revers for getting out!

20. comment for Kayaking-Basic Paddling Techniques

c fedyszyn
c fedyszyn - 10 years ago
thank you.  I'll practice those techniques.
Alex McGruer
Alex McGruer - 10 years ago
I am going to answer some of these queries as no one else has.  My dealings with recreational kayaks is restricted to teaching kids the very basics and while they have a place in the paddling kingdom , it's not where I paddle. I am a sea kayaker.
Entys and exits in this video are pretty well presented here but remember this is a wide bus of a boat and the guy preenting could get in and out at a flat run along the beach and seal launches may be OK with him too. What he dis was basic and good if you have bad balance or some problem like arthritis (me) . This meathod can be tweeked for most circumstances including dock side or pools.
Torso rotation is a pivotal part of paddling  . Sorry , it just came out that way. Let the big muscles, torso and legs do the grunt work. This takes a long time to perfect. years: How many? I will tell you when I have it perfected.
Paddle Offset.  30 years ago Derrick Hutchinson and his generation taught and promoted 90 degree offset paddles to defeat wind issues . This angle was much to steep to allow real comfortable paddling, It moved from there to 60 degrees and nornally they are set at closer to 30 degrees now. This is not for wind but rather ergonomics. This angle best treats your body rotation and the way your arms and shoulders simply let the blade hit the water at each stroke with no effort. My best angle is 18 degrees and on a long trip i will set my take down paddle to 18 degrees and use electrical tape to keep it there. On club paddles i simply leave it at 30 as there is not a huge difference. The Eskimos or Inuit used a Greenland paddle with no offset  , purists still use that paddle and it works very well. Wind is not the primary reasoning here. It you can't use a straight blade in the wind you shouldn't be there. Greenland blades again are straight and the best in foul weather.  You don't want to be out in high winds in a rec boat.
I would highly recommend anyone interested i kayaking get courses; real courses.  For a pond this and some self rescue practice may sort of do. That is of course what these boats are made for,  The ocean would summon a different sort of kayak and white water yet another.
Mark Stafford
Mark Stafford - 10 years ago
"Lean it like you mean it" Bad video production.  This is a pretty important part of kayaking.  You should have recorded a wide shot and a side shot.  The video is not informative for this proceedure. 
kbld1 - 10 years ago
As a 'newbie' to kayaking, it would have been nice to see how you get into the kayak. Between the camera being too close and a graphic that pops up, I don't see how how you got in. I find the couple times I try this, the kayak is very unstable. 
MonkeySee - 10 years ago
+kbld1 try this video: Kayak - How to Launch
Eff Yiew
Eff Yiew - 10 years ago
The torso thing is so important.  I recently bought my kayak and have gone out twice.  Both times I just paddled naturally, using my arms mostly.  But it doesn't take long to get my arms and shoulders tired!  I decided to look up other methods and found this video.  I just went out yesterday and after watching this video I kept my arms more stiff and twisted my torso to generate power.  Honestly, I felt like my power, and my speed, doubled.  And no tiredness in my shoulders!  
Nick Jung
Nick Jung - 10 years ago
Good Tips. I just purchased a pungo 120 like the one used in this video. 
Andy Mulcair
Andy Mulcair - 11 years ago
Lean it like you mean it
lucky13 neoos
lucky13 neoos - 11 years ago
you can used same blade angle as long is not windy
hatanbu1 - 11 years ago
Excellent instruction full of common sense.
Palpac - 12 years ago
how come your paddle blades are on the same angle, are they not usually offset by 90 degrees?

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